Looking For The Best HTML+CSS Compression Methods?

Sep 12, 2010

I have an ASP.NET web application and I'm thinking about the following: before sending any HTML or CSS content to users, I wish to 'compress' them, then cache the result and send that to the clients.I know it is possible to compress these by removing whitespaces, comments and stuff like that, but I'm not really familiar with more advanced solutions for this.

Apart from this, what compression methods are there and what are the advantages of each of them?Does some browsers or the HTTP protocol itself support any kind of compression?

EDIT: I'm interested in doing this to dynamically-generated HTML, too.

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CompressionUtils.GzipSupported just checks for the 'accepts-encoding' header while
CompressionUtils.GzipSupportedExplicitly and CompressionUtils.GzipNotSupportedExplicitly check for the cookie saying whether the browser really can read gzip

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Content Encoding Error

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

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namespace MvcLogin_Validation.Helpers
public static class LabelExtensions


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public static class PageExtensions
public static int GetUserId(this Page targetPage)
var user = Membership.GetUser(targetPage.User.Identity.Name);
return (int)user.ProviderUserKey;

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Web Forms :: How To Change This Methods In To Use Dictionary Or Extension Methods

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public class CacheHelper { /// <summary> /// Removes object with the specified key. /// </summary> /// <param name="key">The key.</param> [code]....

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C# - Can A Page Opt Out Of IIS 7 Compression

Apr 20, 2010

My pages are automatically being compressed by IIS7 with GZIP. but, for one particular page, I need to stream it to the user, using Response.Flush() when needed. But when the output is being compressed, the IIS server seems to collect all my output until the page is done before compressing and sending it to the client. That nullifies my attempt to Flush the content out to the user.

Is there a way that I can have this one page opt out of the compression?

One possible option

I've determined that if I manually set the content type to one that does not match the IIS configuration at c:windowssystem32inetsrvconfigapplicationhost.config, then IIS will not compress it. Eg. Response.ContentType = "x-text/html". This works okay with IE8, as it falls back to display the HTML. But Firefox will ask the user what to do with the unknown file type.

This could work, if there was another Mime Type I could use that browsers would accept as HTML, that is not matched in the applicationhost.config. For reference, these are the mime types that will be compressed:


Others options?

Are there other options to opt out of compression?

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Sep 16, 2010

I am beginner in web applications development. I started one little project and host it on source forge "https://homoco.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/homoco". And I started implementing authentication in this application to learn how it works. From my experience people never use out of the box things so I want to implement this stuff alone (like in real world projects). So some questions:

1) Is there any reason to use membership out of the box? To use database table schema, stored procedures etc. that tool generate for developer. I think that this lower control over code and I decided to implement it my self. I don't know if I am right.

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3) Now, this question is a little wired but I have to ask it. If we make custom Membership Provider and do sql queries alone, implement all MembershipProvider class methods ourselves, and in application use Membership.blabla() why is this approach different from not extending MembershipProvider class and putting all this methods in some unique class and call its methods then? I hope that someone understand what I ask here.

I am sorry for three questions, but I really trying to find the best way to implement this feature in my demo project like it is a real world application.

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VS 2005 What Is Data Compression Or Serialization

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I had an interview Thursday and one questions that I was asked in the technical interview was a little confusing.

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IIS 6.0 Gzip Compression In Aspx Page?

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IIsCompressionScheme Location ="/LM/W3SVC/Filters/Compression/deflate"


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Compression - How To Compress Viewstate Content

Mar 4, 2010

What are the latest and greatest ways to compress the ASP.NET ViewState content?

What about the performance of this? Is it worth it to keep the pages quick and minimize data-traffic?

How can I make:

<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE"
FBsYWNlSG9sZGVyX01haW5Db250ZW50JFJhZEJ1dDXz21BS0eJ7991pzjjj4VXbs2fGBw==" />

Into sometning like this:

<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE"
value="/wEPDwUKMTM4Mjc3N==" />

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JSON Webservice Response Compression In IIS 7?

Mar 20, 2010

I have trouble with JSON response compression. I look to response headers after uploading website to production server (Windows 2008, IIS 7) and found uncompressed response. Turning on "Enabled static compression" and ""Enable dynamic compression" in IIS control panel does not effect. ASPX pages was responsed gzipped, but webservice response uncompressed.

I looked to google, but no answer found about this trouble. Also, I try this [URL] way (and adding to web.config this module) - but this source is excellent working at development machine with ASP.NET development server (and have seven times response size reduced) and totally ignored at IIS7.

How I can apply gzip compression to json responses from my webservice?

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Static Compression In IIS Does Not Work For Htm And Js Files

Apr 1, 2011

I'm trying to configure IIS 7.5 to compress static htm and js files. Here is my web.config for the web site:


Compression starts working when I set doDynamicCompression to true. But I can't use this option because it is disabled at my hosting.

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Web Forms :: JPEG Compression And Resizing?

Jun 1, 2010

I have an application with a FileUpload control. The code behind saves the uploaded file (which I've stipulated in the code must have a ".jpeg" extension) to the webserver's hard disk. Details about the image, such as its ID, Title, Description and Upload date are saved in an MS SQL Server database. Nothing difficult here.

What I'd like to do instead... is take the uploaded image (which will be a "large", high-quality image), save this as above but ALSO dynamically resize and resample a copy of this image and store a thumbnail of it on the webserver hard drive as well.

I can't find a post which explains how to do this in this forum group. Can anyone point me in the right direction for an answer. I am using Visual Studio 2008, ASP.NET 3.5 and Visual Basic.NET 2008.

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Web Forms :: Image Size Compression

Apr 27, 2016

i want to compress image size into 40 or 50 kb

string CustomerID = "";
if (Session["RoleID"] != null)
CustomerID = Request.Form["CustomerID"];

//string CustomerID = Request.Form["Customer.CustomerID"];
if (CustomerID != null)


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MVC :: How To Enable Compression In Project Or Site Level

Mar 20, 2011

I need to enable compression to speed up my site.However, I only found way to do it via action filter which requires me to put [compress] action filter to every actions.such as; [URL]aspxThis is quite lots of work and I may miss an aciton which is not desiable.So, is there a way to enable compression site level? I mean, by changing config or put code in request handler to support compression.Also, action fileter approach doesn't compress javascript or css.How do you support compression? Is there a way to support it?I heard that there is a way to do it via IIS, but my hosting site doesn't support this.

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WCF / ASMX :: Compression And Decompression String In JavaScript

Feb 26, 2011

i m passing a string from a web method with 1000000 charater so i m using compression in c# befor return it. but i dont know how to decompress it in javascript

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How To Turn Off HTTP Compression For Downloaded Zip Files

Feb 21, 2011

I have an ASP.NET web application that has HTTP compression enabled (through IIS settings). One of the features of the app involves creating multiple text files and packaging them as a single zip file to be downloaded by the user.

With HTTP compression enabled, the files created by the application are zipped twice - once by the web application and once more by HTTP compression; with the result that when the user downloads the zip file, it has 1 file which is the application generated zip file, and this second zip file has the original contents.

My requirement is to disable HTTP compression only for the zip file. How do I achieve this? The file extension "zip" is not included in the metabase file for compression.

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AJAX :: Disable Dynamic Javascript Compression?

Apr 7, 2010

I'm trying to debug some javascript problems, but the script manager compresses the javascript code making this difficult. I have set ScriptMode=Debug in the ToolkitScriptManager but this still happens. I am also using a Web User Control. Does anybody know how to disable the script compression for debugging purposes?

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Web Forms :: Implement GZip Compression In Web Application

Nov 3, 2012

Using GZIP in asp.net application...

I have tried searching on google... we put some code in global.asax and web.config.. but not working..

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Supporting Custom Compression Algorithm For IIS Served Content?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a bunch of internet devices which communicate with my MVC app on IIS 7.5. I'm currently using the built-in dynamic transparent compression (gzip/deflate).

I'd like to be able to support a different compression algorithm, which does a lot better than gzip (7zip) for the content I'm sending/receiving.

In other words, on the client I will add the header: accepts: gzip, deflate, 7zip (or similar), and the server will recognize this, and apply the best choice when sending the content.

What's the best way to go about hooking this all together? (I know how to implement the actual 7zip encode/decode aspect)

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