WCF / ASMX :: Compression And Decompression String In JavaScript

Feb 26, 2011

i m passing a string from a web method with 1000000 charater so i m using compression in c# befor return it. but i dont know how to decompress it in javascript

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C# - Attempting To Force Gzip Compression On A Page Using GZipStream But Browser Says Using Unsupported Compression

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I'm tring to implement what Steve Souders discusses [URL] about forcing gzip compression

I've got a module that's running this:


CompressionUtils.GzipSupported just checks for the 'accepts-encoding' header while
CompressionUtils.GzipSupportedExplicitly and CompressionUtils.GzipNotSupportedExplicitly check for the cookie saying whether the browser really can read gzip

But when I load a page in Firefox I get this error:

Content Encoding Error

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

and in Fiddler it shows that the content-encoding header has been added but the content hasn't been compressed

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I have tried to use ASPxFormatter but it is an internal class that is not indented to be used in a user project.Using String.Format('{0:' + displayFormat + '}', parseInt(value))); didn't work too , it threw an exception since String.format doesn't accept this format of pattern,Can you provide a way to reformat my string to any pattern I want not only the one I recite since ?

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i work with visual studio 2005 and asp net 2.0 and i must to create a webservice who returns a xml as a string

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ok i can create the asmx and my web method who run a sql command BUT how i can return a xml as a string ?

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Sep 22, 2010

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Apr 3, 2010


Above Web Method compiles but does not work. Originally was using Console.* stuff, but that didn't work either. The string arguments are remote URLs. What's wrong with this code?

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Oct 6, 2010

I am using a third party Web Service. I am passing a string to a function in that service, that string, which i am reading from a UTF-8 text file. The problem it that the string contain some non ASCII characters.

Now if i save that text file to ANSI format, read it in a string and pass that string to Service then it works smoothly but with UTF-8 encoded string the service throw exception [Code]....

NON ASCII characters UTF-8 encoding SOAP

I am using ASP.NET.

Third party sevice is in java. I also tried it by making a web service in .net, but there was issue there too.

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WCF / ASMX :: Max Return Size Of String From Web Service?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a web service that is declared like this.


Function inside the service simply returns string separated by some delimitor. This string is then used by JS function to assign to a jQuery datatable. Is there a maximum limit on size of this string? I have about 2000 rows with 6 columns each. I get an error (failed handle) when I return them all. But if I do only top 500, it works fine.Is there any size limitation?

[WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]

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WCF / ASMX :: Fill A String From A File In A Webservice?

Nov 11, 2010

I have a path to a file, say "~xsdFile.xsd".The content of this file I want to set into a string.

I use the following code:


The problem I get if I use this webservice twice in 10 seconds I get the following error: "Cannot acces files because another process is using it".

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C# - Can A Page Opt Out Of IIS 7 Compression

Apr 20, 2010

My pages are automatically being compressed by IIS7 with GZIP. but, for one particular page, I need to stream it to the user, using Response.Flush() when needed. But when the output is being compressed, the IIS server seems to collect all my output until the page is done before compressing and sending it to the client. That nullifies my attempt to Flush the content out to the user.

Is there a way that I can have this one page opt out of the compression?

One possible option

I've determined that if I manually set the content type to one that does not match the IIS configuration at c:windowssystem32inetsrvconfigapplicationhost.config, then IIS will not compress it. Eg. Response.ContentType = "x-text/html". This works okay with IE8, as it falls back to display the HTML. But Firefox will ask the user what to do with the unknown file type.

This could work, if there was another Mime Type I could use that browsers would accept as HTML, that is not matched in the applicationhost.config. For reference, these are the mime types that will be compressed:


Others options?

Are there other options to opt out of compression?

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WCF / ASMX :: Webservice With Repeating Parameters In Query String

Mar 3, 2011

I am consuming a web service in .aspx with a added web reference that links to http://www.webservicex.net/stockquote.asmx After this, I can get the result from
ebServiceX.StockQuote ws = new WebServiceX.StockQuote();String xmlString = s.GetQuote("XOM"); I am wondering how I can call the web service like GET, http://www.webservicex.net/stockquote.asmx/GetQuote?symbol=XOM+BAC

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Looking For The Best HTML+CSS Compression Methods?

Sep 12, 2010

I have an ASP.NET web application and I'm thinking about the following: before sending any HTML or CSS content to users, I wish to 'compress' them, then cache the result and send that to the clients.I know it is possible to compress these by removing whitespaces, comments and stuff like that, but I'm not really familiar with more advanced solutions for this.

Apart from this, what compression methods are there and what are the advantages of each of them?Does some browsers or the HTTP protocol itself support any kind of compression?

EDIT: I'm interested in doing this to dynamically-generated HTML, too.

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Apr 20, 2010

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Secure A WCF Web Service / Using Traditional "connection String In Web.configâ€

Aug 2, 2010

How do you secure a WCF web service when you are using the traditional "connection string in the web.config"?

I have added a WCF service to an application which uses a JQuery post and returns JSON. The request happens on the client side. The purpose of this service is to return search information while the person is typing text into a textbox.

It works well, but there is a problem because the application will be used by a number of people and I am maintaining a role based security within the applications MS SQL database. The connection string to the database is in the web.config file.

In order to run the JQuery call to the web service the user must have at least read access directly to the database. I want to allow the application to control the access, but removing all security to the WCF service opens the application up for external access by unauthorized users.

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Write A Service To Return The Filenames Starting With A String

Feb 6, 2011

I have number of files stored in a folder.

I want to write a wcf service to ruturn a list of filenames based on the text typed in a text box.

The structure of the method i need is something like this :


The requirments is to return only the filenames that starts with the typed text. Only the file name part is required not the full path.

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VS 2005 What Is Data Compression Or Serialization

May 22, 2010

I had an interview Thursday and one questions that I was asked in the technical interview was a little confusing.

First, he asked me about Viewstate and I explained to him what all that entailed.

He then asked me what happens if the data you are putting into the Viewstate gets to big.

I told him you could then use Sessions or start storing things in the Database.

He said, what about Data Compression? I immediately responded by saying, yes you can use Serialization/Deserialization to store/retrieve the data (i'm using that in my open source project).

When he says "Data Compression", is he talking about "Serialization" or is this something different?

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IIS 6.0 Gzip Compression In Aspx Page?

Oct 25, 2010

I am not good at IIS management.I enabled gzip compression for my web site but In IIS Temporary Compressed Files folder,i dont see any aspx type file.I just see js,text,css and some html files.Is that normal?Why dont i see aspx pages as compressed.Thats my metabase.xml and i think that my settings are true.

IIsCompressionScheme Location ="/LM/W3SVC/Filters/Compression/deflate"


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Configuration ::how To Enable Gzip Compression In IIS 6.0 And IIS 7.0

Jul 1, 2010

how to enable gzip compression in IIS 6.0 and IIS 7.0

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