Manage Parameters On Pages?

May 25, 2010

I've 2 pages and I've to send some ID from first to second page

I don't like to use sessione variables and cookies, now I've:

<asp:TemplateField ShowHeader="False" ItemStyle-Width="30">
<asp:Button ID="btnDetail" OnClick="btnDetail_Click" id1='<%# Eval("id1") %>' id2='<%# Eval("id2") %>' runat="Server" CausesValidation="False" Text="Dettaglio" Width="60px" />


Is there a solution for don't show parameters un browser URL and don't allow users to changes the ID and view other records?

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Configuration :: How To Manage A Site With Lot Of Pages

Mar 25, 2011

looking for a better way to manage a web site project with a hundreds pages and controls. ¿Is it possible to put pages in separate .dll's? ¿Subdivide the project somehow? ¿Can IIS help in this purpose? ¿Is it possible to update part of the project without install the whole package?

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Manage Pages Text And Images?

Jan 29, 2011

any code or control used to allow clients to manage their own articles/news (text + images) on their websites? I mean only text and images with exact structure, not modifying the whole layout.

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State Management :: Best Way To Manage Session In An Application Which Has 100 Pages?

Aug 11, 2010

We have used Session heavily in our application, we have created core classes (which have many properties) and store objects of core class in the session.

1) What could be the best solution for reflector activity?

2) What could be the best way to manage session in an application which has 100 pages?

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Web Forms :: How To Use Same Number Of Parameters For Two Pages In URL Routing

May 7, 2015

I have some routes defined in global.asax according to which the page is redirected.

void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) {
} void RegisterRoute(RouteCollection routes) {
routes.MapPageRoute("MainCategory", "{state}/{mcat}", "~/MainCategory.aspx");
routes.MapPageRoute("carriers", "{state}/{mcat}/{dcat}", "~/carriers.aspx");
routes.MapPageRoute("carrierdevices", "{state}/{mcat}/{dcat}/{carrier}", "~/carrieritems.aspx");
routes.MapPageRoute("cellphone", "{state}/{mcat}/{dcat}/{carrier}/{device}/{id}", "~/Catalog.aspx");
//New Rout with same parameters
routes.MapPageRoute("iphones", "{state}/{mcat}/{dcat}", "~/iphones.aspx");

i mean to say how to decide the destination page depending on URL Eg:1.routes.MapPageRoute("carriers", "{state}/{mcat}/{dcat}", "~/carriers.aspx"); 2.routes.MapPageRoute("iphones", "{state}/{mcat}/{dcat}", "~/iphones.aspx");

if value in URL second parameter i.e mcat=cellphone then it must redirect to carriers.aspx. and if mcat=iphone then it must redirect to iphones.aspx page.

Problem:currently if in URL there are 3 parameters then it always goes to carriers.aspx as it searches in route table for 3 parameters it redirects to carriers.aspx which need to be conditionally redirected depending on mcat valuehow to do?

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NET WebForms - Processing String Parameters Across All Pages On Site

Jun 25, 2010

Working on an ecommerce site which will be integrated with a 3rd party vendor--that vendor uses different identifiers for stores than we use internally (i.e. their store ABC123 is our 001-321). I'm researching the best approach to inspect incoming requests for reserved query-string parameters that indicate the request is using their identifiers and map the identifiers back to our identifiers (so if the request is I want to transform the request to To do this mapping I need to inspect the provided ID, execute a lookup against the database or cache, and forward the request to the specified page--limiting the modifications to just the query-string parameters (other parameters will need to be maintained, as with the details of the HTTPHeader, etc). So far I'm researching a few different approaches: Implementing it in a base Page (which already does too much, but has the benefit of our Logging infrastructure and some other injected dependencies) Implementing it in an IHttpModule Using URL RewritingUsing URL Routing (looks like routing isn't what I want, feel free to offer insight if you think it still fits) Performance cost is a consideration: the actual number of times this translation will occur will be very small compared to the number of requests not requiring it--perhaps 1%. However for another integrated site we will perform this mapping on nearly every request--would a different approach be better suited to this scenario from the previous?

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C# - Opening Gridview In New Window - Passing Parameters Between Pages?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a number of drop downs that the client can select a range of criteria. From this, they will press a button, the query will be generated and low and behold, a gridview will be produced in a new window (or at least give that impression) bound by an object datasource. I would also like the user to be able to amend the search numerous times so they can generate a number of new windows/gridviews.

Now then..what would be the best approach for achieving this result?

My initial thinking was to create a querystring generated by the client criteria selections (in the drop down lists), a new page would then take the querystring and populate the gridview here. My concern with this approach is that the query string could be a whopper...are there any disadvantages to creating a ridiculously long query string?

Alternatively, are there any other methods or ideas people have used to produce a similar desired effect?

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SQL Server :: What If Multiple Output Parameters And Input Parameters And Also Want A Select Table

Feb 16, 2011


When I want to get the output values its okay but I also want returning a table as a result data.But Datareader has no it possible if I want a returning query result and multiple output values togather ?I wrote a test above.I can get output values as sqlparameters. But Datareader attached to a Gridview is empty.can you detect whats wrong here and it doesnt return a query result.So stored procedure is not standart or ı am doing something wrong.this doesnt raise any exception.but not returning any data.


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How To Define A Route That Have 2 Optional Parameters In The Middle Of The URL The Start An End Parameters Are Digits

Jun 7, 2010

I want to define a route that have 2 optional parameters in the middle of the URL the start an end parameters are digits


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MVC :: MVC3 RC2 Bug Binding From Request Parameters To Method Parameters?

Dec 10, 2010

Since ASP.NET MVC3 RC2 I encounter a bug when posting values to a controller method of which one of the parameter is a nullable int. Steps to reproduce:

I've created a test method


In MVC3 RC1 this was working without any problems with the nullable int

I don't seem to have the problem with a newly created MVC3 website. What could I have in my project that influence model binding to nullable int's? And why would there be a difference between RC1 and RC2?

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How To Get The Individual Parameters From The List Of Dynamic Parameters In A Webmethod

May 12, 2010

I am using jquery ajax method on my aspx page,which will invoke the webmethod in the code behind.Currently the webmethod takes a couple of parameters like firstname,lastname,address etc which I am passing from jquery ajax method using


now my requirement has been changed such that,the number and type of parameters that are going to be passed is not fixed for ex.parameter combination can be something like fname,city or fname,city or city,lname or fname,lname,city or something else.So the webmethod should be such that it should accept any number parameters.I thought of using arrays to do so, as described here.

But I do not understand how can I identify which and how many parameters have been passedto the webmethod to insert/update the data to the DB.

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Way To Manage DLL In Applications

Oct 6, 2010

HiMy web site uses 2 unmanaged DLLs (gsl.dll, cblas.dll). I put these dll's in the bin folder along with some other managed dll's. On my development system everything is fine when using the built-in dev server in Visual Studio 2010. However, when I run the site through my dev system's IIS instead of the Visual Studio server I get the following error:'C:<absolute path to bin folder>ingsl.dll': Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

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How To Manage Threads In A C# Web App

Jan 6, 2011

I built a little web application that displays charts. I was thinking that it might be useful for the superuser of the app to do a complete data refresh, however this process takes around 10 minutes to complete. I was thinking perhaps the user could click a button that would start off a new thread to do a data refresh and subsequent clicks would kill the thread and restart the data population process. The user would then be free to browse about the site and view the charts as their data is populated.

Is there a simple method of accomplishing something like this?

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How To Manage One Session Per Tab

Feb 3, 2011

I will like to imitate the behaviour of the site, for example:Open the site, and login, if i open a tab with the same site, it ask me again to login.It makes me wonder how to manage one session per tab.Just to clarify, i don't loose control on the first tab if i log on in the new tab. They are separate sessions.

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C# - Programmatically Manage IIS?

Mar 10, 2010

I am currently moving into the web-hosting league. I have to far been adding sites manually in the IIS Manager. But I wonder if there exists an interface, framework or something similair to manage the IIS over the internet - eg. an ASP.NET web-application? I've read something with WMI, but I am unsure if this is the right path to go? I need to add, edit and delete sites in the IIS Manager on a Windows 2008 server running IIS 7.0 programmatically.

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How To Manage Load Balancing

Feb 16, 2011

I am making a project for the university. When admission Starts, suddenly a lot of traffic comes at my site around 50000 to 100000 users. Site goes down therefore.

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Manage Records - Keep History Of Changes

Aug 5, 2010

I am wanting to develop an application where there is a business requirement to keep a track of all changes made, so every time a record is edited, it is saved as a new record. So far, I have a Search form to list my Entities in a GridView. When I have identified the Entity I want to edit, I click on that record, and it takes me to a DetailsView form, with all fields of the record. Every record is identified as having an Entity key (ent_key), Sequence (seq_key) and Current key (cur_key). When I edit and save the Entity with say, ent_key =1000, seq_key =3, cur_key =1 and make any changes, then two things should happen:

1. the existing record (without edits) should be amended to be: ent_key =1000, seq_key =3, cur_key =0 (this 0 indicates that it is no longer current)

2. a new record including edits should be inserted to the database as having: ent_key =1000, seq_key =4, cur_key =1

The problems: In my DetailsView form, in Update mode I cannot update the seq_key, and when I use Insert mode, all the fields are blank so this is not helpful to the end user. (FYI - The data is stored in a SQL Server database, and I have set up a table adapter to retrieve the records. Am developing in C#)I would like to utilize stored procs where possible to resolve this issue. Would you experts please help me with some ideas (incl coding and examples if poss) to resolve this issue? Am reasonably new to this development, and I don't know what I don't know.

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Manage The Timeout

May 25, 2010

How do I increase the allowable time before my WCF request gives up?

My client program executes: -

Recordcount = GDBService.Chartdata1(_ChartType, _FoundIndiid.ToString, Selection, Chartoption, 0, _UserInfo.Userid, _UserInfo.Role)

This invokes an SQL procedure that takes up to 3 minutes to run when invoked from SQL Management Studio with the same argument values.

The default is 30 seconds.

I tried inserting <httpRuntime executionTimeout="300"/>

within the <system.web> section of web.config. This didn't help.

I tried writing this into the client program: -

GDBService.Endpoint.Binding.OpenTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)
Dim start As DateTime = Now
Recordcount = GDBService.Chartdata1(_ChartType, _FoundIndiid.ToString, Selection, Chartoption, 0, _UserInfo.Userid, _UserInfo.Role)
Dim finish As DateTime = Now

I found that Finish was always 30 seconds after Start. Ditto if I set ..."SendTimeout".

View 12 Replies

CMS To Manage User's Content?

Oct 17, 2010

I haven't developed in ASP.NET for a very big while...

I'd like to create a website that will enable members to add content : let's imagine they have items to be sold, and they want to create one web page for each item to be sold. Those pages should be viewable by everybody, but should be editable only by the member who has created it of course. Each item should be stored in a category. In fact it's very similar to what eBay does (except it's not for auction at all), or maybe a site for classified advertisements like is a best example.

The application should be dimensioned to allow potentially millions of members, with few items (around 1-10) for each member.

I imagine to use the ASP.NET Membership Fx to manage security and user account, stored in SQL Server. Is it a good start?

But I don't have any idea about where and how to store the content itself (user's web pages, with optionally few photos)! In SQL Server? In Active Directory, how? Is a CMS framework the right tool to be used?

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MVC :: Manage 2 Different Login Sections?

Aug 10, 2010

I'm creating a site with 2 different sections (main site and admin) and both of them need authentication. they have separate login screens.

the main section is for users to login and manage their personal details. this is already created and it works fine using FormsAuthentication.the admin section is for the administrator to manage the users. now, how do I go about creating the admin section? Can I use FormsAuthentication again? or sessions?

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ADO.NET :: 'ManagerEntities' For Manage More Than 1 Table?

Feb 22, 2011

I have created a ManagerEntities like this:


Due to I want to have only one connectionstring for a few tables.Unfortunatly now I get error like this:"The model backing the 'ProjectManagerEntities' context has changed since the database was created. Either manually delete/update the database, or call Database.SetInitializer with an IDatabaseInitializer instance. For example, the DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges strategy will automatically delete and recreate the database, and optionally seed it with new data."I tried create class:


and add in application_start():


but after that...I lost all data from tables, and other tables are deleting...of course I tried create base manually too...

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Manage Website Design Through Css?

Nov 15, 2010

i want to manage all the design of my website( through my css. my client requirement is he should be able to change all design of website within 4-5 hrs.

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Manage One's Session Variables?

Mar 25, 2010

In my .NET web app, I keep basic user info in a user session object. I also usually keep a director class in the session; which is basically just has info about whatever thing it being worked on on that screen (like a customer id).

I am trying to keep from adding a ton of sessions. I also want to make sure at any given time ONLY the sessions that are necessary are in memory.

This means I need an effective way of managing my session variables.

View 6 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Use Is Null In Query Without Using Parameters For It Or Should Use Parameters For This Field Where Value Is NULL

Jan 21, 2010

here is my code for selectiong some records from db table

string strSql = "select * from mtblNBD where SentTo=@SentTo and InternalStatus Is NULL order by DeadLine desc";
SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(strSql, con);
com.Parameters.Add("@SentTo", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = (string)Session["uname"];

here I am using parameters for SenTo field but not for NULL so it is ok... or should I use parameters for this field where value is NULL , if yes then how can I use parameter for this

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Web Forms :: VS2010 Master Pages / Everything Shows On The New Pages Except The Jpeg Image Logo?

Sep 5, 2010

i'm developing a site using VS2010 and with my windows vista busniness OS. i used the default VS2010 wizard for new web application to create it. included a folder in the root directory and created new aspx pages to derive from the master page in the root directory of my site. everything shows on the new pages except the jpeg image logo in the master page. But other aspx pages i created in the root directory shows every thing fine.

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