Mvc 3 Json Values Not Receiving At Controller?

Mar 22, 2011

the problem is that i am not able to recieve any value in the controller . what could be wrong? the code is here.


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MVC Controller Factory Receiving Request For 'favicon.ico'?

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Receiving 404 "Missing Resource" Error For Controller In MVC?

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I'm using ASP.Net MVC Design pattern and when adding a controller to my application I'm receiving the below error. I added the controller called EmailMeController.cs in the Controllers folder and everything builds correctly. I created a link to /EmailMe/ but that doesn't work. I've added another controller previously to the same site with no problems. Here's a link to my controller: [URL]

Server Error in '/' Application.

The resource cannot be found. Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /EmailMe

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.4927; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.4927

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I have a filter on my MVC web site. I display some records in a few different controller actions but when moving from one action to another I want to apply those filter values.

How can I persist values from controller to controller?

Should I use Session? TempData?

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Maybe I could have a class that contains a Property for each Session Value that I use in my application and inject it on the controllers that need session?

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How To Pass JSON To Controller Action

Mar 6, 2011

I have some textboxes and a table of data created client side that I want pass to a controller as JSON.

I want to use Jquery to enumerate the table.

Assume I have 2 textboxes called name and age. Assume a table with 2 columns. one column with class called phonetype and one column class called phonenumber.

So how do construct the JSON from this?

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MVC :: Cannot Get JSON Result Back From Controller

Feb 12, 2010

I have been at this for hours and am pretty stuck. I am using MVC2 with VS2010 Beta 2.

Here is my javascript from the view:


Here is my controller code:


I can set a breakpoint in the GetMember method and it does receive the Member_ID parameter correctly. It also correctly returns a member object from my repository (dpR). The function in $.getJSON call that is supposed to receive this result does nothing however. There are no exceptions or javascript errors. It is just silently dying.

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MVC :: Accepting A Json In A Controller Method?

Oct 10, 2010

I have a JSON object in javascript

it is a collection of Object

How can I pass this object to a controller if i am submitting the form like


what object type should i give for the parameter to accept this Json

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Jquery - Get Json Data In Controller Action?

Feb 9, 2011

I have mvc application. i want to configure the object in jquery and want to pass it to the the action of controller . where as in my script i am using this for configure data for the ajax call:


it does not calls to action in controller. i think here :

var json = $.toJSON(peform);

is not working as expect. is it need to add any js file to reference ? or mistake in syntax?

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Return A Partial View In JSON From A Controller In MVC?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a list of items(surveys) displayed on my home page. When I click the edit button for a particular item I have a modal pop up with the items details to edit. When the user clicks Save I submit the form via ajax. Depending on whether ModelState.IsValid == true I want to update the modal with validation information or close the modal and update the list of items with the new information.

This is how I am submitting the form:


My Questions

The only thing I can think to do is return JSON from my controller with a flag indicating the state of the ModelState.IsValid and the corresponding partial that I should show.

1) How would I do this?

2) Is there a better way?


I found this: [URL]

but it seems more likely that I am going about the whole thing incorrectly.

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Javascript - Passing JSON To Controller Action

Mar 7, 2011

I have the following javascript. Problem is if I enter one row in the table "ingredients" but I am getting 2 rows in the resulting pass to controller action after seralising into my C# object. But the second object is null? I checked the javascript and the variable "cnt" is 1 not 2. Why would that be?


$("#Save").click(function () {
var title = $("#recipetitle").val();
var category = $("#category").val();
var preptime = $("#prepTime").val();
var preptimeperiod = $("#lstPrepTime").val();
var cooktime = $("#cookTime").val();
var cooktimeperiod = $("#lstCookTime").val();
var rating = $("#rating").val();
var method = $("#method").val();
var jsontext = '{ "RecipeTitle": "' + title + '",';
jsontext += '"CategoryID":' + category + ',';
jsontext += '"PrepTime":' + preptime + ',';
jsontext += '"PrepTimePeriod":"' + preptimeperiod + '",';
jsontext += '"CookTime":' + cooktime + ',';
jsontext += '"CookTimePeriod":"' + cooktimeperiod + '",';
jsontext += '"Rating":' + rating + ',';
jsontext += '"Method":"' + method + '",';....................

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MVC :: Using json And Jquery To Send A Form To The Controller?

Nov 21, 2010

i am using json and jquery to send a form to the controller like below, when i click submit validation occers but line is executed even if form is invlid. How can i tell if form validation failed or succeded using javascript?


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JQuery :: Get JSON Call To MVC Controller Not Returning Data

Nov 25, 2010

This is probably something simple. The following JQuery call is executing and calling the controller. The controller is executing correctly. I used the sample data that's commented out to verify that the templates were working also. However, the success function is not executing in the browser. Any thoughts or other ways I can debug this?

<script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready( function(){ alert("Here"); @* var myData = [ {first: "Jane", last: "Doe"}, {first: "John", last: "Doe"} ]; *@ $.getJSON( "/User/Filter",function(myData){ $("#myDataTemplate").tmpl(myData).appendTo("#itemContainer"); } ); alert("there"); }
public ActionResult Filter() { var myData = this.repository.GetAllUsers(); //return Json(myData); return Json(myData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);}

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Passing Data From Controller To View Using JSon Object

Mar 4, 2011

I have the following to get the Json abject passed from the controller and populate the various textboxes in the view. However, nothing is happening even though controller is passing a valid Json object. What is wrong with this code?

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var url = '<%=Url.Action("DropDownChange") %>';
$("#vendorID").change(function() {
var selectedID = $(this).val();
if (selectedID != "New Vendor Id") {
//$.post('Url.Action("DropDownChange","Refunds")', function(result) {
$.post(url, { dropdownValue: selectedID }, function(result) {
This is the code in my controller;
public JsonResult DropDownChange(string dropdownValue)
// This action method gets called via an ajax request
if (dropdownValue != null && Request.IsAjaxRequest() == true)
paymentApplicationRefund =
return Json(paymentApplicationRefund,"application/json");
return null;

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Mobiles :: Created Mobile Application Which Is Receiving Data From Webservice - Data Receiving Error?

Jan 12, 2010

I am working on windows Mobile 6. I have created Mobile Application which is receiving data from webservice. Web service is working on Development End and also in UK on Mobile Device. Same application is tried from Dubai to recieve same data but an error occured to receive data. What could be problem? Application from Dubai is accessing My PC service but server at Germany is not accessible. Is there ant blockage issue from server to specific Global IP. User is accesing using Wi Fi.

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Javascript - How To Pass Json Collection Object To Mvc Controller Action Method

Dec 21, 2010

I am creating one Json array object and trying to pass it in MVC controller action method but i am getting null paramerter; as per my knowledge json only maps .net primitive datatypes.... so it assign null value.

Note: when i have look at request object i found that there are three parameter of created array. But how to get that value as parameter of function?

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Javascript - How To Make Json Child Nodes (JSON Inside JSON)

Aug 11, 2010

I try to use the jquery + json to get all elements in form and build a JSON var to post in a ASP.NET MVC method.


It method get all fields in a form and build a JSON, but it dont put JSON inside JSON.


If i have the follow form:

<input name=""><input name="person.age"><input name="person.address.street">

The serialized string build a JSON like this

{ "": "??", "person.age": "??", "person.address.street": "??" }

I need a plugin or some function to generate like this:

{ "person": { "name" : "??", "age" : "??", "address":{ "street": "??" } } }

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Unable To Get Values From JSON Converted From XML?

Apr 21, 2010

I have passed some JSON to my page via a webservice. I used JSON.NET to convert XML to JSON. The JSON output looks ok to me, but I am unable to access some of the items in the response. I am not sure why it is not working. I am using jQuery to read the response and make the webservice call. Even when I try to read the length of the array it says 'undefined'

function GetFeed(){
document.getElementById("marq").innerHTML = '';
type: "POST",


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MVC :: Extract Values From $.to JSON Object?

Mar 25, 2011

I have the following result in my controller from the $.toJSON method;

"[{"param":"Update Payment","value":"50.00"}]"

How do I extract the values from param: and value: ???

View 4 Replies

WebMethod Return Values In JSON Format?

Jan 24, 2010

How to return values from Webmethod to the client in JSON format? There are two static int values that i want to return.Do I need to create new object with those 2 properties and return it?The GetStatus() method is called frequently and i don't like the idea of creating a special object each time just for json formatting...

public static int GetStatus()
int statusProcess,statusProcessTotal;
statusProcess=Status.Process; //Static field
statusProcessTotal=Status.ProcessTotal; //Static field
return ...
On client side I catch the return value in :
function OnSucceeded(result, userContext, methodName)
(PageMethods.GetStatus(OnSucceeded, OnFailed);)

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How To Send A Collection And A Few Other Values In Json Form To A Webmethod?

Sep 28, 2010

Upon clicking a button I need to send a collection and a few other variables to server in Json form.For each value in the collection the server code (C# ) wil update those other variables in the DB.

For example there is a ‘classnumber’ collection with values (First, Second, Third, ….),other variables (‘teacher_name’ and ‘subjectname’).For each value in the ‘classnumber’ collection I need to update the ‘teacher_name’ by searching for the ‘subject_name’ in the DB.So I need to pass the ‘classnumber’ collection,’teacher_name’,’subject_name’ values to server in json form. At the moment instead of sending the ‘classnumber’ collection I am sending ‘teacher_name’,’subject_name’,’classnumber’ as variables for each value in the collection ,which requires multiple requests made to the server.

Instead of these individual requests I am wondering if there is a way to send all the data at once to server in json form?

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VS 2010 / Json Replace Null Values With Empty String?

Jun 1, 2012

If I have JSON like this and pass it to the engine I am using to create a PDF file, the word "null" appears on the PDF. This isn't really my example, but I googled "json replace null empty string" and this was a hit, which is a good representation of my data, also:

"relationship": {
"type": "relationship",
"id": null,
"followed_id": null

We use a rendering engine that creates a PDF from a fixed template and variable data in the form of a json string. But our customers don't want to read that the id is "null", they want to read that the id is blank. In my C# program, the json is just a string, so I can easily do something like this:

jsonString = jsonString.Replace("null,", ",");but the issue is I can't replace null-comma with a comma, because then it's invalid json.

how to I make the rendering engine *and* my customer both happy?

View 18 Replies

MVC :: How To Retrieve Checkboxlist Values In The Controller

Apr 23, 2010

I am having a form in a view page that looks as below:


Now when the form is posted, I am trying to retrieve the values submitted in the controller as below:


The string value shows null when I submit the form by checking some checkboxes. Is this the way to retrieve the values or am I doing something wrong? And I cannot use html control because all other controls on the form are server controls and I am not sure if I can only make this control a html control. And I am not sure how can I bind the values to it?

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Get Values Of Hidden Fields In Controller?

Mar 20, 2011

Can I reach the value of hidden fields in controller action ? And how ? Do I put it in the model somehow ?

EDIT: some code example how to store something in hidden field and retrieve it on postback.

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MVC :: Getting Dropdown Selected Values In Controller?

Apr 8, 2010

the code for getting the dropdown selected values (both TextField and ValueField) in MVC Controller class.

This is my case, I have a dropdown filled with Product category. Its having default value as "--Select--". I want validate this dropdown selected any values or not in controller action method. How will i do this stuff?

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Import A Collection Of Values In A Controller Using MEF?

Oct 22, 2010

I have an ASP.NET MVC2 application that supports visualization plug-ins/providers. The IVisualization interface is defined in a common assembly which is referenced by both the ASP.NET MVC2 app, and any visualization providers.

In the Visualization controller, I have a method which returns all the applicable visualizations for a given set of data. In order to scan the available providers, I use the following code in the controller's ActionMethod.

var catalog = new DirectoryCatalog(HttpRuntime.BinDirectory);
var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
var visualizations = container.GetExportedValues<IVisualization>();

However, I feel like if I have the following in the controller

[ImportMany] public IEnumerable<IVisualization> Visualizations { get; set; }

then the import should happen automatically. What am I missing that prevents the automatic imports?

Also, is the code that I am currently using going to kill scaling of website?

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