Mvc C# - Methods To Create A Navigation For Table With Many Entries
Aug 21, 2010
I want to show just a 8 entries pro time, and above the table make some kind of navigation (like 1 2 3 4 5 ..) and if i need to see next 8 entries I#m clicking on the number 2, i see them. I dont know how can i do all this.
i working with mvc, and i want too that this solution is dynamic, that by more entries automaticly will have longer navigation 56 enties = (1 2 3 4 5 6 7).
I'm using SqlMembershipProvider and SqlRoleProvider for user management.
Users are created by
Dim MCS As System.Web.Security.MembershipCreateStatus Dim NewUser As MembershipUser = Membership.CreateUser(TB_UserName.Text, TB_Pw.Text, TB_Email.Text, TB_SecQuestion.Text, TB_SecAnswer.Text, False, MCS) later, after email confirmation, I take the user into a specified role Dim myUser As System.Web.Security.MembershipUser = Nothing myUser = Membership.GetUser(New Guid(Request("RegID")))Catch If myUser IsNot Nothing Then myUser.Comment += " approved " Membership.UpdateUser(myUser) Roles.AddUserToRole(myUser.UserName, "role") End if
After this I have two entries with the same UserName in aspnet_Users table, but with different UserId's. One UserId is referenced in aspnet_Membership table and the other in the aspnet_UsersInRoles table.
An option to add a range of computers based on tag numbers, for instance, user input 800101 and 800110 would add computers SYS800101, SYS800102, SYS800103, SYS 800104, SYS800105, SYS800106, SYS800107, SYS800108, SYS800109, and SYS800110. Currently the app adds a single computer at a time.
Here I am using ASP.NET using C# and my backend in active directory.
I am using the built in database with the tables (i.e. membership, users, etc...). I created my own table (relationships), but when I try to create a row that uses the same email address it says "cannot create duplicate entries". I am not allowing duplicate email addresses in the membership table. That did not work because I couldn't convert System.Guid to long. So, I decided to do it by email address. I changed idRequester to requesteremail and the same for receiver. However, when I try another record with the same email address in either field, it does not accept it.
I'm wondering how to make a column that counts the number of entries like each entry that i made an is given an individual numbern the SQl Server it self
We have developed the Application using Visual Studio 2008, After publish we got the issue like After Submitting the Form the user can able to Move Backward and do the Refresh. This will again triggers the Submit Post Back and the Duplicate Record Created As Well.
This is happening for all the Web Forms. How to Avoid this ? I need a Generic Solution where i can implement that logic in Base Page then the rest of the Pages this functionality will be covered by default.
Moreover, Before Refresh We should also intimate user "Do you Want to Post the Same Data Again ?", if the user clicks Yes then it can allow the same record can be posted again.
How to do this ?? But i cannot disable the Browser Features like back, forward and Others. I have found many solutions in various web sites but it is also happening for the Validation Part Also...
I am working on an update to one of our sites. This version will have unique behaviors based on the host name in the request. In order to test this behavior, I modified my computers host file by adding entries that point back to my computer.
Everything seemed to be working fine, until I started working with the Session object. I discovered that after each request all my session variables were lost. Further investigation revealed that each response from the server contained a new SessionID.Why is that?I was able to hard code some flags to complete my testing using 'localhost' for requests without any problems.
I am currently working on a project where I am trying pull a list of entries from an Oracle database depending on a selection that is made by the user via a Drop Down list. Then I want provide a user with a list of options that they can select that is related to the drop down option that they have selected. For Example:
First Drop Down from database: Honda, BMW, Ford
If user selects:
Honda -- options that are available in the separte table in the database for this entry are -- Type, Engine Size, Colour
BMW -- options that are available in the separte table in the database for this entry are -- Colour, Wheel Trims, Extra's
Ford -- options that are available in the separte table in the database for this entry are -- Extra's
What I wanted to do is have a form displayed to the user where thy can say select a car eg. "BMW" and then on the change of that drop downs index the site will do a call back and retrieve the entries for the BMW options in the seperate tabel, these being Colour, Wheel Trims, Extra's. Then it will put these details in a DataSet and then i wanted to create a new text box or input field for the users to enter details in. I have tried the below code with no success as I get an error on my for loop of looking through the options DataSet.
I would like to Select all entries in the GalleryAlbums table, but Order them (DESC) by date values in a column (upload_date) on the GalleryPhotos table. Both tables have a column "album_id"
A little confused how I might write this statement.
am using c# with for wspproject. I am using spgridview to show the folders and files. When i clicked on folder, the spgridview bind with folder content(files/folders).Now i need to navigate folders based on the folder names like navigation bar in sharepoint.How to create the navigation bar for sharepoint folders?
Is there a way to create a navigation bar in aspx using images? I know how to implement images into aspx but not very sure of how to code a drop down navigation in aspx. I just need a head start on this.
I'm trying to create an ASP.NET MVC master page so the site navigation on it will look like this:
Main Menu:Home | About | News Sub Menu: Home_Page1 | Home_Page2
The Sub Menu section should always show sub-menu for the currently selected Main Menu page (on the example above 'Home' page is selected) unless a user hovers the mouse on another Main Menu item (then it shows that item's sub-menu instead).
First off I'm a week into asp so apologies in advance for silly questions! I am looking to connect to a SQL database table and allow the user to filter the table based on a search box on the asp page. I have written a sql query with a parameter in the where clause, a bit like this:
select col1, col2 from table where col1 like @my_parameter
Then I pointed the parameter to a textbox on my asp page, and this seems to work quite well. However, I would now like to add an additional search facility which would be a dropdown list. This would be sourcing all the unique values from the col2 in my table abve (there are only about 10 possible values here). But I don't want users to be able to use both of these searches at the same time.
So the bottom line is I would like to offer two methods of filtering the same data table, which search on different columns of the data table. Then the results should populate the same results table, but the user must only be able to use one search method or the other.
I have done a bit of research but couldn't find anything along these lines (I think it is becuase I don't know the words of the things I should be searching for!). I did find information on a standard postback event or cross page posting - not sure which of these (if any) is the best to use for a beginner?
I wrote some code to connect the application to it's database, then I created some code to use the connection code and retrieve, update or add some values to the database, Also I might have some code to deal with other stuff than to deal with the database
The code is a little complicated, maybe it's simple but it's not short, for example to write a good piece of code to just retrieve a single value so I could set the controller with this value I used this :
SqlConnection sqlconnection= new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefConnectionString"].ConnectionString); SqlCommand sqlcommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT name FROM message WHERE id = 3", sqlconnection); try { sqlconnection.Open(); lbl_name.Text = (string)sqlcommand.ExecuteScalar(); Status.Text = "Done"; } catch (Exception ex) { Status.Text = ex.Message; } finally { sqlconnection.Close(); }
I might even add some code to store some info in the database about any exception is thrown, I think the code is pretty basic, yet it's not small, given that it's the smallest piece I'll need, some huge code is written for adding or editing new items, and also consider that it's not the only code I'll write in the page, the page has more needs.
I've provided a detailed case I hope!...So what do you think will be the best way to make my page fast and easy to read and have an organized code I've started placing every code in an appropriate method, but some methods are common so I create them again in every page that needs them like a ConnectionToDataBase Method, and mean while I think I just organized the page so I could mainly look at Page_Load and see what are the called methods and then scroll down to read the definition but It's still a big page and note the best practice I think
Sorry for all the big question, I just provide details so I could get a reasonable answer for my question, I hope everyone benefits from it as most questions are pretty basic, newbies like me needs some detailed cases and answers to get a better start.
EDIT: I know I'm new, So any comments on my code are more than welcome!
I am trying to create an extension to extend the HtmlTextbox methods to allow our developers to add onkeydown inline javascript to auto click a button with a name they specify.
I am trying to create different search methods using radio buttons. This is a web app. using and
1)Radio Button 1 - search by Account Number - txtAccountNumber 2)Radio Button 2 - search by Customer Last and First Name - txtLastName, txtFirstName 3) Radio Button 3 - search by Customer ZipCode - txtZipcode
One search button - btnSearch
By default, the search button is aligned to the txtAccountNumber (next to txtAccountNumber)
If option 2 is selected, the search has to align to txtLastName, and other txtboxes are visibly disabled If option 3 is selected, the search has to align to txtZipcode. and txtboxes are visibly disabled
I tried the followings, but it did not work.
Protected Sub rbSearchZipcode_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles rbSearchZipcode.CheckedChanged
I want to update a log file(txt) everytime when methods in a an interface class are called? Is there any way to do this other than writing code in every method to create log?
I want to be able to create methods to do stuff like opening the connection to the database.Right now if I want to do that I have to put all the code to open the connection with the database in every class.What I did is create a new class called methods, this class is in the App_code folder.I have researched but don't understand how methods are created and how to call them. If someone can give me an example regarding a database connection method, I might be able to really understand how a method works. Basically, this is the code I have to use everytime I want to open a connection to the database:
I would like to create a webpage which can handle user events like page navigation and page close. And also I would like to handle the event on server-side coding.