Pass A Delegate In Server Control Parameter?
Jan 14, 2011
I have a server control that performs some logic. I'd love to provide a default implementation of this logic in the code of the control, but allow a developer to pass an alternate implementation of this logic in as a delegate, if they wish.
<prefix:MyControl FooLogicMethod="MyUtilityClass.MyFooLogicMethod" runat="server"/>
If they don't specify this, I'll use my default method. If they do specify it, I'll use the method they passed in.
Can I do this as a delegate, or do I need to reflect it?
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<uc1:MyControl Id="01" runat="server" OtherControl="ddl1" />
Where "ddl1" is a DropDownList defined in the same page my control resides. How to create this kind of property?
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User Control code:[Code]....
Main page that has the user control: [Code]....
This is the error I get back and I've tried everything I know, but cannot sort it. Probably something stupid but I just cannot see it.
System.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at bookings_roomadmin.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
in \serverd$InetpubwwwrootNETDevelopNewAppNewAppookings
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Jan 26, 2010
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How can I pass the Membership.GetUser.UserName variable (or any variable) through a user control parameter at load time?
The only thing that I was able to do was to create the User Control object in the code behind and then add it to the page. Although that works, it doesn't seem like the correct way to program.
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Can we access a column like that?
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I followed below article [URL] .....
But I want to pass the value which i stored in my "int ID" instead of dropdown selected, I am getting this error "Newline in constant"
function SetContextKey()
$find('<%=AutoCompleteExtender1.ClientID>%').set_contextKey($get("<%=ID.ClientID %>").value);
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Nov 30, 2010
I have a class constructor which accepts a Listbox.
I need to be able to pass another control type and execute the exact same logic in one of the methods... Seems like a use for Generics... I'm not so sure about the syntax... The type of control that I will pass is a rad combo box which has many of the same properties of the listBox control. However, RadComboBox does not inherit from listBox or dropDown so I am unable to cast. When changing the signature of the constructor to As RadComboBox as well as the property and field the method works as expected. I am trying to avoid duplicating code here.
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May 7, 2015
protected void btn_showReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
try {
ReportParameter Comp_Name = new ReportParameter();
Comp_Name.Name = "Comp_Name";
ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Remote;
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new Uri("http://dell-pc/ReportServer");
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportPath = "/Companies Report/Companies";
the above code is in "reportpage.aspx" when I click on it the company report is shown according to the parameter "Comp_Name"
I want to show report in "reportpage.aspx" according to parameter name passed from another .aspx page, how to do that?
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Jul 23, 2012
I have an ASP.NET VB website in which I am using the Membership functionality to authenticate users. I am doing this through the Login control on the HTML page. I have working that it will authenticate the user and then opens a welcome screen in which I have a button they can push to open a Reports.aspx page. On that page I have a dropdown box that is being populated from a datasource connection query to my SQL Server database table. It is a hard coded query but want it to query the table off the username text value that the user provided on the login (i.e. select <something> from inventory where username = <username>). I have not behind code but only HTML at this point. Here it is ...
<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Login.aspx.vb" Inherits="Login" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
[Code] .....
Here is the Reports form that has the dropdown on it:
<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Report.aspx.vb" Inherits="Report" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
[Code] .....
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How to bind object datasource with my parameter ?
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Mar 2, 2011
I have got a query regarding the usage of delegate in usercontrols. The scenario is I have got a user control which acts as a footer
on all the pages, It has the following place holders : Email, Print, Logout.
What I want to acheive here is when the customer logged in he/she has certain feauture's on the website for instance his/her personal diary,
dieting charts, birthday calender etc. I have figured out a way to create pdf's of each summary , what I am looking for is how to use the usercontrol
for instance when the customer clicks on the email place holder on certain page which is in the footer usercontrol, the following place holder should send
an email with the pdf file of that particular page attached to the customer. I came to know that delegate is the best way of doing it, but I cant find any specific tutorial on it.
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May 14, 2010
I was able to get a user control to use a method on the parent page. The problem is, the delegate causes the page to do two postbacks. Is there a way to fix this?
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Jan 18, 2010
I have created a custom composite control basically with two checkboxes. I have created a subscribable event, and the consumer has subscribes to it. But when I go to excute it, the delegate reference is null. What am I missing and why is it losing its subscribed events?
I am using VS2008 SP1 targeting .Net 2/3.5SP1 web site.
View 2 Replies
Apr 14, 2010
I have a control that handles commenting. In this control, I have set a delegate event handler for sending an email.
I then have various types of controls, e.g. blog, articles etc, each of which may or may not have the commenting control added (which is done dynamically with me not knowing the id's), i.e. the commenting control is added outside this control. Each of these controls handles it's emailing differently(hence the event).
What I'm trying to determine, is how to assign the event in the parent control. At the moment, I'm having to recursively search through all the controls on the page until I find the comment control, and set it that way. Example below explains:
public delegate void Commenting_OnSendEmail();
public partial class Commenting : UserControl
public Commenting_OnSendEmail OnComment_SendEmail();
private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(OnComment_SendEmail != null)
public partial class Blog : UserControl
private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Commenting comControl = (Commenting)this.FindControl<Commenting>(this);
if(comControl != null)
comCtrol.OnComment_SendEmail += new Commenting_OnSendMail(Blog_Comment_OnSendEmail);
The reason I ask is that if I search from this.Page as the initial control, I am worried about time taken to search down the control tree to find it. Each different type of page would be different in how many control it would have. On some testing, it returns back quite quickly the result.
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Sep 2, 2010
I am not sure how to pass a variable from an .aspx page to an .ascx page. I have a Control that puts rotating banners on a page. The control has several public properties. However, only one of those properties changes on the page level. All the other properties are the same for every page site-wide. So, instead of setting all the properties on every page in my sites (many sites), I want to set it up so I only have to setup the sitewide properties once and only the page level properties on each page.
I want to create a control with a property of AdKeyword="somename" and pass it to another control that will grab that page-level property and add it to all the other site-wide properties. I guess what I need could be called a Dynamic Control Property.
My .aspx page has:
Now, how do I pass the "OverrideHeight" parameter to the "uc1:banner" control on the banner1.ascx page?
I tried binding the parameter with a
string in the control. But, that did not work.
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Sep 1, 2010
I UPDATED the code with code behind. I'm doing something dynamic with the label contrtol.
I have the following jQuery code working as it is (passing the value of 'test") but what I want to do is to pass the value of the label control (lblNames). I'm using the label control to collect the uploaded file names. Is there a way?
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#btnUpload").click(function () {
$("#Notes", top.document).val('test'); [code].....
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Feb 9, 2010
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Feb 1, 2011
i have a grid with an image column, i want to change images based on data source. if data field for a row is 2 then image will be *.gif and if it is 3 then will be different so it is not fixed that which type of images we will have so i want to do "if..else" on css because in that case we can easily change images on css. i don't want code on code behind file.
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Apr 3, 2010
'm constructing a url which in itself has a url, and both are parameterised.E.g. string postUrl = "target_page.aspx?url=post_page.aspx?p1=9&p1=9&post_type=1he url and parameters in bold are the inner url so when i refer to querystring parameter 'url' I want it to bring backurl=post_page.aspx?p1=9&p1=9 and not url=post_page.aspx.hat should I encode and to ensure this comes out correctly
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Mar 26, 2011
i want to pass parameter in image tag's src.
i send an image in email, for email tracking but i want to pass parameter in image tag's src.
message.Body = "<img src=' + System.DateTime.Now + &campID='32434'/>";
View 7 Replies
Feb 2, 2011
I am using this plugin [URL] I am using this code:
var uploader = new qq.FileUploader({
// pass the dom node (ex. $(selector)[0] for jQuery users)
element: document.getElementById('file-uploader'),
// path to server-side upload script
action: '/server/upload',
params: {item1:$('#txtName').val() }
Now when the request is made to server always the blank value goes to server instead of what the actual value is (I changed the value of textbox after the page has been loaded). I think the first default value of textbox is passed in this case. My question how can I pass the dynamic value of textbox to server?
View 2 Replies
Mar 20, 2010
I need to pass an url from load_page to flowplayer javascript function here:[URL]
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