Passing Folder Path String To Web Service Function Via JQuery.ajax?

Apr 24, 2010

I need to perform web-service function call via jQuery and pass application path to it. That's the way I'm trying to do it (code is located within page, e.g. aspx file):


Function call works well, but applicationPath parameter doesn't passed correctly. When I debug it I see that backslashes are removed, function gets "C:ProjectsSamplesmytestwebsite" instead of "'C:ProjectsSamplesmytestwebsite'".

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JQuery AJAX Not Hitting Web Service When Passing Parameters?

Jul 28, 2010



I put a break point inside MyWebMethod. When I invoke this call on the page, the break point never gets hit. It works fine when I remove all parameters from MyWebMethod's signature and pass in '{}' from JS as parameters. Once I try to pass in a string parameter, it stops working.

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JQuery :: Passing A Long String (longer Than 2048) With $.ajax?

Jul 18, 2010

I have a htmlarea (Jquery plugin) where I need to accept longer strings than 2048 which seams to be the limit. I don't have a clue where to look. It's an MVC app and here are the relevant code:


<div id="PageTextDialog" title="Ändra texten på sidan" style="display: none">
<% Using Html.BeginForm %>
<%: Html.TextAreaFor(Function(model) model.PageText, 30, 30, New With {.style = "width:800px;"})%>
<% End Using%>
<button id="SavePageText">Spara</button>


$(function () {
function SaveText(pageID, htmlText) {
var retvalue = false;
async: false,


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Pass A String To A Web Service Using JQuery / JSON / AJAX?

Oct 29, 2010

As it is now I create a JavaScript object and then stringify it, put it in a hidden textbox and my code behind can read this string. I then use JSON.NET to parse the string which works fine. I now try to use ajax to post it to my web service but have some issues with how to send the string. I have tried many ways but gets the common errors like

Invalid JSON primitive: myString.

So I checked this out [URL] and it works with hard coded values but I want to use a variable.

JavaScsript to create the object:

for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
var row = results.rows.item(i);
var customer = new Object(); = row['id'] = row['name']
var customerString = JSON.stringify(customer);
type: "POST",
url: "synchronise.asmx/synchroniseCustomers",
data: "synchroniseCustomers: " + customerString,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
error: function (xhr, status) {
alert("An error occurred: " + status);
success: function (msg) {


public void synchroniseCustomers(string customerString)
JObject o = JObject.Parse(customerString);
string id = (string)o["id"];
string name = (string)o["name"];

If I use data: '{ FirstName: "Dave", LastName: "Ward" }'

in the example above it works but I wish to pass on a string instead.

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Data Controls :: How To Set Path Of Folder In Eval Function Inside GridView

Apr 17, 2014

Use Multiple Eval Fields in ASP.Net GridView ItemTemplate

I have a folder in my website project as "MAINIMAGES",inside that all the image folders that are fetched from database "GALLERY folder" are located

How to locate my image


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Web Forms :: Browse Folder Path Alone Instead Of Selecting Folder Path + File?

Sep 2, 2010

Is there any control which has to browse folder path alone instead of selecting folder path + file ?any server side or client side control ?

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Passing A String Parameter In A JavaScript Function On MVC

Jun 17, 2010

I tried to pass a string value into a JavaScript function like below: <%= "'" + prop.property_description + "'") %>) But it does not seems to be the best option, is there a better way to do the above without concatenate the string values with "'"?

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Passing ID Of Element To A C# Web Service (using JSON) From JQuery?

Mar 9, 2010

I have an containing a list of divs that jQuery turns into progress bars. On .ready, I build a list of all of these progress bars and for each one, call a webservice that gets a value indicating how full the progress bar should be. In order to do this, I need to pass the ID of the div to the web service.

Because the divs are inside a ListView, I manually set the id to be id="completionbar_<%# Eval("MilestoneID") %>"

However, when I pass this id into my web service, it comes up as "undefined" every time. When I view the source, it looks like it's set correctly.

Here's the jQuery that calls my web service:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".MilestoneCompletion").progressbar({ value: 0 });
$.each($(".MilestoneCompletion"), function(index, barDiv) {


I'm thinking maybe the script is executing before the DIV id is set by the ListView databind?

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Passing JQuery Object And WebMethod Return Value To OnSuccess Function

Mar 31, 2010

I am calling a WebMethod from this code:

if($(this).attr("checked")) {
MyWebMethod(variable1, variable2, onSuccessFunction);

The MyWebMethod returns an integer, and I want to set $(this).attr("id") of the jQuery object above to the returned integer. Basically, I'm trying to do the equivalent of an MVC Ajax.ActionLink...AjaxOptions {UpdateTargetID =...} However, I can't figure out how to get both a reference to $(this) as well as the returned value. For example, if I do:

MyWebMethod(variable1, variable2, onSuccessFunction($(this)));

I can succesfully manipulate the jQuery object, but obviously it doesn't have the return value from the MyWebMethod. Alternatively, the first code block with a method signature of onSuccessFunction(returnValue) has the correct return value from MyWebMethod, but no concept of the jQuery object I'm looking for. Am I going about this all wrong?

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Calling .NET Web Service Function Via GET Method With JQuery

Apr 26, 2010

I'm trying to call web service function via GET method using jQuery, but having a problem. This is a web service code:

[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [Code]....

And I get an error because of this (error handler is called).

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Modify The Temporary Folder Path Returned By System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() Method?

Jul 21, 2010

Exsits any way to modify the temporary folder path returned by System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() method?

My application run under iis 7.

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AJAX :: Upload / Save Multiple Files In Folder And File Name / Path In DB Using FileUpload Control

May 7, 2015

[URL] .... I am referring to the link given mentioned above, i want to save image details into database of each file, if i select two files i want to save filename in database in each row. ist file in 1 row , second file in next row with file name.

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Jquery - Find A Control By String From Web Service

Jun 9, 2010

Well since it seems relatively difficult to send the object of a WebControl over JSON using jquery.ajax() I've decided to send the name of the control as a string because I know how to do that. Then I promptly realized that, from a web service, I don't actually know how to search for a control by ID name. Since its a service I can't seem to get Control.FindControl() to work. All I'm trying to do is call a databind() on my radcombobox.

For any of you that knows anything about controls - I'm basically updating a database and want the radcombobox to be in sync with that database again after adding something, before I autoselect what was just added. Other than databind do i have to call anything to refresh that list?

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AJAX :: CascadingDropDown - Method Error 500 Only For One DropDown And Service Path Is Correct

May 7, 2015

I have 3 table in database


Id state
2 UK


Id name state
1 Canada USA
2 London UK


Id regionname cityid
1 01 Canada
2 02 London

and I have 3 DropDownList that refer below thread [URL] ...

I use cascadingdropdown for these 3 dropdownlist below are codes:


public CascadingDropDownNameValue[] GetCountries(string knownCategoryValues)
string query = "SELECT state FROM stateTest";
List countries = GetData(query);
return countries.ToArray();

[Code] ....




at first I should select Item from DDLsate then DDlcity and at the end I should select Item from DDLregion

above code work correctly for ddlstate and ddlcity but it doesn't work for ddlregion...

I mean when I select Item from ddlcity in ddlregion shows:[Metod error500]

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AJAX :: Passing Return Value From A Web Service To A Label In A Form View?

Mar 17, 2010

I am using JavaScript to call a web service. The JS is correctly receiving and passing the web service information.

At the moment, the web service returns a country name as a string to a JavaScript alert pop up box as follows:


I want to change this so that web service returns the country name to a label inside an insert item template of a form view.

Is there a way to pass in the label variable to the OnComplete function signature and still account for the variable args?, such as:


View 10 Replies

How To Get Current Page Path In JQuery (while Doing Ajax Call)

Aug 18, 2010

I am doing Ajax call using jQuery and my URL is like


In Demo.aspx page i have a WebMethod, which i wanted to call. While doing jQuery ajax call i am giving the URL as "/DemoWebMethod", where "DemoWebMethod" is the Webmethod present in Demo.aspx page.

But while calling the WebMethod it is calling the URL
http://localhost;3327/DummyAps/DemoWebMethod but i want to call

I know that changing the URL from "/DemoWebMethod" to "Demo.aspx/DemoWebMethod" will solve the problem but can i do it without writing that (because i have some problem with that).

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AJAX :: How To Define Custom Web Service Function For AutoCompleteExtender

Jun 5, 2010

I have defined a web service function for AutoCompleteExtender, but in addition to the two parameters passed "prefixText" and "count" i want to pass another parameter for a label in that function. So, how to define that ?

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AJAX :: Passing Arguments Between Two Forms Using Jquery?

Oct 27, 2010

I tried using Ajax & Jquery for the following need, but not able to do...

I have Two Forms StringMain.aspx & Returner.aspx.... I have created 4 Divs at StringMain.aspx and a sample text "ToCheck" at First Div.. In the Returner.aspx form page load, i placed a label like this

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label1.Text = "hello";

I have set StringMain.aspx as default running page. So When i run StringMain.Aspx page,

the text i placed in the First Div "To Check" should concat with the label Text "hello" of Returner.aspx and display it together in the First Div of StringMain.aspx like this

"To Check hello"..

The Technique i used is

$("div#First-Div").load(" Returner.aspx");--But dint work...

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Passing Value From Multiline Textbox Using JQuery Ajax?

Feb 8, 2011

I would like to pass the content from a multiline textbox into an sql database using jQuery .ajax.

function UpdateMemogramContent() {
type: "POST",
url: "MemogramWebServices.asmx/UpdateMemogramContent",
data: "{ 'mId': " + $("#LabelId").text() + ", 'content': " + $("#TextBoxContent").text() + "}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: Success,
error: Error

The problem I am facing is that the content from the multiline textbox is throwing an invalid json primitive exception. Taking a look at the POST:

{ 'mId': 314, 'content': Test

What can I do to pass the text from a multiline textbox into an sql database using .ajax?

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Passing Object To Server With JQuery.Ajax()?

Feb 16, 2010

I am trying to implement the same code that was mentioned in this questionCurrently I have the following code:

var pagePath = window.location.pathname;
var paramList = '';
if (paramArray.length > 0) {


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Access Path Denied - Is There Any Format To Set The Path As String

Feb 13, 2010

I had applied the following code as said by you :

byte[] b = YourByteArrayFromDb;
File.WriteAllBytes(MyFilePath, b);

But I am receiving an exception "Access to the path is denied". How do I solve this using ASP.Net with C#? And is there any format to set the path as string?

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WCF / ASMX :: [WebMethod] Alternative / Use AJAX, Primarily With JQuery .ajax Function?

Feb 22, 2011

HWhen I want to use AJAX, primarily with JQuery .ajax function, I use functions within the .aspx.cs of the same page with [WebMethod].

I dont like this method very much because everyone can tell which function I use, and with no problem they can use it too.

My guess is that theres a better way to do this, Am I right?

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JavaScript - AJAX Enabled WCF Service Function To Redirect To A New Window?

Apr 1, 2011

Scenario : I am going to access external web service [ExternalWS] using AJAX. So obviously, need to create local proxy service [LocalProxyWS] first, which in turn will access the external web service. Now, the external service webmethod [Process] basically redirects the current page on our site to their site, does some work and then return back to our site.

What I want : I want that when the user clicks the button ('Process') on our site, it should open a new window and then starts executing the request on the new window, so that I can have the page on my website to be displayed permanently (which will poll a request every 15 seconds to the external service (via local proxy) for the status).

Local Proxy service which calls external service is as follows..

[ServiceContract(Namespace = "LocalProxy")]
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
public class LocalProxyToExternalService
public void InitiateTransaction(string amount)

Basically, I am opening a new window from the button click and then want to process the new request in that new window, so that I can show the status to the user from the current page on my website So far, it opens the new window, but doesn't transfer the request on to that, but I get an error message in firebug as follows...

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VS 2013 - Call Web Service Function Within (Code Behind) Using AJAX On Page

Dec 4, 2014

I am trying to call a web service function within my own (code behind) using AJAX on the page.

Once i push the button to execute the JS/AJAX/codebehind - I got an error.

POST http://************/admin/Admin.aspx/getDBInformation 500 (Internal Server Error)

This is my code below that I am currently using:

<WebMethod> _
Public Shared Function getDBInformation() As String
Return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dbInfo, System.Xml.Formatting.Indented)
End Function
End Class

The code behind looks like this:

Imports System.DirectoryServices
Imports System.Security.Principal
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports Newtonsoft.Json

[Code] ......

How can I correct this issue so that I am able to call **loadDBData()** without that 500 error?

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Passing Cookies With Jquery Ajax Request From A Different Domain?

Jun 9, 2010

I'm building a greasemonkey script to make posting to craigslist a lot easier for our clients.

Basically the flow is this:

User logs into our system (established authentication cookies with navigates to a section on our site called "CraigsList". If they have the greasemonkey script installed it automatically opens up craigslist in a new tab.

The greasemonkey script then does a request back to our site at [URL] to retrieve a list of available items to be posted to craigslist.

This is where it fails because the request to [URL] is not including any of the authentication cookies. I'm not sure if it doesn't include the cookies because the request originates from [URL] and not [URL] or what. I know it's an authentication issue because looking at it in fiddler it returns a 302 and redirects to the login page.

Here is my request:


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