Proper Way To Write A File Path To A Link

Apr 7, 2010

I am able to upload a file to the server into a folder structure. but when I try to link to the file, the image path in the code is giving a strange url.

It should be something like

<a id="GridView1_ctl02_HyperLink1"

but instead its coming back as

<a id="GridView1_ctl02_HyperLink1"

I am using this code to link to the button - which I'm sure is causing the problem

NavigateUrl='~/MyFiles/<%# Eval("filename") %>'

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Mar 20, 2010

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mov is a quicktime file, my server has the mimetype: video/quicktime .......... but as I read, this code forces the save as download box which is exactly what i want :) now, here's the catch, i the file I am fetching is NOT on the physical path... it is on a completely different server:Protected Sub LinkButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LinkButton1.Click
Response.ContentType = "x-msdownload"
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", ("attachment;"))
End Sub

Obviously this doesn't work since TransmitFile requires that the file be on your physical path, so how do i do this? Someone said you must use the stream method. Do you have any sample code I could try? I've tried the HTTPStreamReader object but it's giving me issues, so I would love to find out if there is anyway this might work. Now here's some more important information: this are HUGE video files.. we are creating a downloads page... written in -- so you create an account using the .net membership class, then you select the file you want, go through a form where you enter your billing info and then after you pay a certain fee (this is already implemented), you go to your "downlaods" area in your account... there you have access to the files......... the reason i'm doing this is because i want to hide the download link, which will be something like ... (something really crazy)....... we don't want people seeing this on the status bar (Therefore hiding the download link is ESSENTIAL)........ the files are a good 500MB each approximately; so i would love to hear all of your suggestions as to making the streamreader work for me and how long would it take for the streamreader to READ the file........

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Attachment attachFile =

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<pre lang="cs">protected void AsyncVideoUpload_UploadedComplete(object sender, AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUploadEventArgs e)
{//VideoPath is a session variable
VideoPath = string.Empty;
if (AsyncVideoUpload.HasFile)
// string filepath = AsyncVideoUpload.PostedFile.FileName;
string filepath = e.filename;//above two captures only the file name,but I want the total path,like c:/MyDocuments/...
UploadFile(filepath, "","test","Value*12");
VideoPath = AsyncVideoUpload.PostedFile.FileName;

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Jan 22, 2010

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I have Dim folder as String = textbox.text how do I add folder to MapPath("~/Uploads/"

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Dim savePath As String = MapPath("~/Uploads/" + Path.GetFileName(e.filename)) 'Validation for file extension If Path.GetExtension(e.filename).Contains(".xml") Then Return End If

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Controls :: Save PDF File In Folder And File Path In Database

May 7, 2015

I want example upload pdf file and send name, title, filename, filepath to database and retrieve and display pdf from Upload Folder...

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Access :: Write In (mdb) File. Adox Vb Code For Save Textboxs Data In Mdb File?

Dec 21, 2010

there are an access file . >> "test_file.mdb"

there are a table in mdb file .>> "test_table1"

and there are 2 columns in "test_table1" >> "name" and "age"

and i have 2 textbox in my web form . >> "textbox_name" and "textbox_age"

and i have a button for save textbox_name.text and textbox_age.text in mdb file .

i need adox vb code for save textboxs data in mdb file .

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