Remove 'name' Attribute From Server Controls?

Dec 12, 2010

The following side code of control:

<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="LimitTextBox" Text="20" ClientIDMode="Static" />

Generates such HTML-code:

<input name="ctl11$ctl00$ctl02$TeamPlayerSelector$LimitTextBox"
type="text" value="20" id="LimitTextBox">

ID attribute - as is required, but how can I remove 'name' attribute? It is not required for me and is also too long to transfer it to user browser.

How can I prevent 'name' attribute generation?

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Attribute 'onchange' Is Not A Valid Attribute Of Element 'TextBox'

Mar 31, 2011

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" onchange="calculate()" runat="server" Text="0"></asp:TextBox>

I'm getting this error on the above markup: Message 1 Validation (ASP.Net): Attribute 'onchange' is not a valid attribute of element 'TextBox'.

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Custom Server Controls :: Table-Layout Attribute And MSDN Claims Re Capabilities?

Aug 30, 2010

I am developing a CompositeDataBoundControl that is basically a 'table' inside a 'div', in order to limit the size of the Control and use the scrolling capabilities of the 'div' tag ('RenderBeginTag("div").

So essentially the control is;
<div style="overflow:auto;width:400px;height:300px;">
<table style="table-layout:fixed;">


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Forms Data Controls :: ListItem Error Message Validation(ASP .Net):Attribute CssClass Is Not A Valid Attribute Of Element ListItem

Sep 17, 2010

I have a tag:


and I am getting the error message

Validation(ASP .Net):Attribute CssClass is not a valid attribute of element ListItem.

What attribute would I use for Css with ListItem?

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Custom Server Controls :: Category Attribute Of User Control Property Does Not Work Correctly In Categories Tab

Aug 19, 2010

I have a User Control (ascx) and a property which a want to display in my categories tab in Visual Studio in the category named "Styles".


And here is the problem: Actually I do not need a get, because I only have to set the property (write only property). But when I omit the get, the property is displayed in the "Misc" category in the categories tab in Visual Studio. Only when I code the get as well, then the property is displayed correctly in the "Styles" category in the categories tab in Visual Studio.

Does anybody know why? How can I display the category correctly only with set?

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Remove Span On Rendering

Mar 10, 2011

I am rendering custom control. After rendered the control it dynamically creates one span. how to remove that span. I explained it below

<span id ="CustomControl">

<div id ="CustomControl_CC" runat ="server">

rendering part



The bold part only i am rendering how it creating span

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Remove The Border From Gridview Header

Sep 24, 2010

I have created a custom gridview that show "Select All | Clear All" hyper links in header to select the checkboxes in the gridview. That means that I have added these two hyperlink controls to the gridview header and am not showing the actual column headers.


Now, I want to remove the border that is displayed on the header row. How can I remove it? I tried th.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; but it didn't work. I need gridlines in the data rows but the header row should not have any border.

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Custom Server Controls :: Remove The Border From Gridview Header?

Oct 21, 2010

I have created a custom gridview that show "Select All | Clear All" hyper links in header to select the checkboxes in the gridview. That means that I have added these two hyperlink controls to the gridview header and am not showing the actual column headers.


Now, I want to remove the border that is displayed on the header row. How can I remove it? I tried th.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; but it didn't work. I need gridlines in the data rows but the header row should not have any border.

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Access The Remove Button Event Of The Collection Editor Dialogue Box

Mar 25, 2010

how we can access the Remove button event of the Collection Editor dialogue box?

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AJAX :: Runat="server" Attribute Is Required For Ajaxcontroltoolkit Controls?

Aug 27, 2010

1)we are calling them as client side controls,then what is the need for runat server attribute?

2)<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />
<asp:ConfirmButtonExtender ID="Button1_ConfirmButtonExtender" runat="server"
ConfirmText="Really?" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="Button1">

when i execute the above code,i observed that in status bar message as "connecting to localhost",if they are client side controls what is the need of going to local server,why it is happening?

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Data Controls :: Change Value Of HTML5 Data Attribute From Server Side

May 7, 2015

I am using a link in href for example: URL....I want that to be dislayed dynamically from database my PID should be fetched from database.

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Visual Studio :: Automatically Adds The ID Attribute To Controls That Are Runat="server"

Nov 25, 2010

When I copy/paste a control, Visual Studio automatically adds the ID attribute to controls that are runat="server".

Is there a way to disable this?

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Web Forms :: Getting Error / Unrecognized Attribute 'targetFramework'. Note That Attribute Names Are Case-sensitive

Mar 17, 2011

I have a problem with my web site I have made no changes to the site but I now get the following error message:

Parser Error Message:

Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive.

Source Error:


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Web Forms :: Attribute 'Master' Not Valid Attribute Of Element 'Control'

Feb 1, 2011

I created a simple Master Page in Visual Studio 2008:

Inherits="MasterPage" %>
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

and got green underlined 'Master' with two warning messages: 1.Validation (ASP.NET): This attribute name must be followed byan equal (=) sign and a value. If the value is in quotation marks, the quotation marks must match. 2. Validation (ASP.NET): Attribute 'Master' is not a valid attribute of element 'Control'.How I can get rid of the messages?

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How To Set Name Attribute For HiddenField Control Server-side

Nov 5, 2010

I want to set the "name" attribute for HiddenField control of ASP.NET from code behind, but I cannot find the "Attributes" property. Is it not there for a purpose? How do I add the attribute

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Removing Style Attribute From Server Control?

Apr 13, 2010

Server control code:

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidatorOnlineID" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBoxOnlineID" ErrorMessage="Online ID is required.<br />" ToolTip="User Name is required." SetFocusOnError="True" Display="Dynamic" CssClass="validationerror"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

Rendered Server control code:

<span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderSYLMainMaster_RequiredFieldValidatorOnlineID" title="User Name is required." style="display:none;">Online ID is required.<br />

I have tried the following to remove the style attribute with no luck:




I don't need and want the style attribute, how can I prevent it from being written into my code? It messes up the alignment of the error message with my textbox.

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Why Is The Form Action Attribute Empty On Production Server

Apr 12, 2010

After deploying a ASP.NET WebForms application to a production server some of the ajax calls has stopped working for me. After some debugging I found out that the following statement (in the internal client-method WebForm_DoCallback) was causing the problem:"POST", action, true);

The problem seemed to be that the action-variable was empty so after checking the rendered html I found out that the form-tag rendered on the production server looks like:

<form method="post" action="" id="Form1">

However, on my developer machine I get the following:

<form method="post" action="default.aspx" id="Form1">

So, why would the action-attibute render on my dev.machine but not on the production server? This seems to be the case only for one specific web form, when I look on other pages the action-attribute renders correctly.

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Web Forms :: Add Custom Server Side Attribute To TextBox Control?

Jan 17, 2011

How do I do something like the following:


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Web Forms :: Submitting A Form On Server Side Using The Action Attribute Url?

Mar 7, 2010

I have a webpage with a form below -

<form action='' method='post' name='frm'>

I have a button that does a postback to server then back to client and finally to the action attribute of the form element.When the page post back to the client the onload <script>document.frm.submit()</script> finally submits the form to the action attribute of the form.I would like to eliminate the unnessasay post back to the client.Below is the code the runs on the server.

If Page.IsPostBack =
Then [code]....

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How To Make An Attribute On A Custom User / Server Control Be Mandatory

Feb 24, 2011

If certain attributes on built-in ASP.NET controls aren't specified, then an exception will be thrown.

How do I do this on my custom user/server control?

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Configuration :: Unrecognized Attribute "targetFramework" Note That Attribute Names Are Case - Sensitive While Hosting

Nov 29, 2010

i'm trying to host an .net framework4.0 application in IIS7. i got an error while clicking on the manage module in modules .like ("Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive. ") .I changed my application poll to .net4.0.I am able to browse my application


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Configuration :: Unrecognized Attribute "targetFramework" - Note That Attribute Names Are Case - Sensitive

Oct 20, 2010

I installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Trial and converted existing 2.0 web application and I am getting this error: znrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive. It's coming from this section in the web.config which was auto-generated by VS2010 when I converted the project:

<compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="false" targetFramework="4.0">
<!--<compiler language="c#" type="Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089" extension=".cs" compilerOptions="/d:DEBUG;TRACE" /></compilers> -->
<compiler language="c#" type="Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089" extension=".cs"/></compilers>
<add assembly="Microsoft.JScript, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B03F5F7F11D50A3A"/></assemblies></compilation>

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C# - Retrieve The Name Of The Attribute Dynamically Without Specifying The Name Of The Attribute?

Aug 13, 2010

I am developing mobile application. I am using LINQ to XML to query XML file. I am using the following query to retrieve the name & value of the query dynamically as follows

var TotalManifolds = from MF in FieldRoot.Element("FIELD-DEFINITION").Element("MANIFOLDS").Elements("MANIFOLD")
join SLT in FieldRoot.Element("FIELD-DEFINITION").Element("SLOTS").Elements("SLOT")
on (string)MF.Attribute("MID") equals (string)SLT.Attribute("PARENT")
select new
SlotName = (string)SLT.Attribute("NAME").Value,
SlotValue = (string)SLT.Attribute("NAME").Value

In the following statement of above query I want to retrive the name of the attribure dynamically without explicitly specifying the name of the attribute SlotName = (string)SLT.Attribute("NAME").Value Here I am explicitly specifying the name. I want to code which can dynamically retrieve the name of the attribute. I am new to Linq to xml. how this can be done programatically? or can you provide me the link through which I can resolve the above issue ?

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SQL Server :: Remove The Last Comma?

Mar 14, 2011

I am returning a table row like so:


One, Two, Three,

But i'm not so sure how to remove the last comma, i have looked at the LEFT and CHARINDEX operators but can't quite figure out the syntax.

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SQL Server :: How To Remove Left Prefix

Feb 23, 2011

I Have many entries that have this 'HK' as a kind of prefix. in SQL Server table while i have nothing against HK, the sales person would like this HK removed. the name of this column is categoryname


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