Run IISWeb.vbs Command In An Application?
Mar 22, 2011
executing the IISWeb.vbs commands from the c# code which I am trying to use for starting and stopping the websites on remote IIS servers (IIS 6.0).
I have tried other options like using DirectorServises with SyytemManagement or with WMI but in all cases code works fine for the local IIS server but displays error for the remote servers. I get 'Access denied' error for remote servers
I have got the all the servers in the same domian and network area and trying with a user account with administrative priviledge but nothing works for remote machine so giving it a try using IISWeb.vbs.
note that from my dev machine I am able to stop and start the websites on remote machines using this IISWeb.vbs commands without any problem when I run it from command prompt. So definitely there is no permission issues.
Code I am using:
Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo.FileName = "cscript.exe";
p.StartInfo.Arguments = "iisweb.vbs /stop w3svc/87257621 test /s servername /u userid /p password";
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
int i= p.ExitCode;
Surprisingly I am not getting any error and i get return code '0' but nothing but website is not getting stopped.
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OdbcConnection conObj;
OdbcCommand cmdObj;
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DeleteCommand="UPDATE ACCOUNT_MAINTENANCE SET am_status = 'INACTIVE' WHERE (accmain_no = @accmain_no)"
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Mar 21, 2011
My program is doing good when I suddenly bumped into this problem. I dont know how to do the next functionality that I need to accomplish. I am done with inserting values, showing the gridview etc and it works great. Now my problem is the update command.
I have 2 tables
table: tblDest
Now, when I run my update command in sql server, it works great! I just right click the database, click new query and i run this command:
update tblDest set DestEmail =(Select SourceEmail from tblSource where tblSource.SourceFname = tblDest.DestFname and tblSource.SourceLastname = tblDest.DestLastname)
what the query does, is it updates the table tbldest email where lastname and firstname exists in both tables that are equal,
the question is, I want to automate this, I am done with inserting values, the problem is, I dont know how to run the update command,
I tried doing this:
Dim sqlds As New SqlDataSource
sqlds.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("sqlconnect").ConnectionString
sqlds.ProviderName = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("sqlconnect").ProviderName
sqlds.UpdateCommand = "update tblDest set DestEmail =(Select SourceEmail from tblSource where tblSource.SourceFname = tblDest.DestFname and tblSource.SourceLastname = tblDest.DestLastname)"
DestGrid.DataSource = sqlds
but nothing happened.
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Jan 28, 2011
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Mar 28, 2011
I've been trying to use the same SqlConnection and SqlCommand objects to execute to different commands.
the first one checks for duplicate and the second one inserts the data if the data the user entered is not a duplicate.
Here's a sample of my code:
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnStr))
string Command = "SELECT CountryName FROM [Countries] WHERE CountryName = @Name";
using (SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(Command, conn))
comm.Parameters.Add("@Name", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20);
comm.Parameters["@Name"].Value = Name;
comm.Parameters.Add("@IsVisible", System.Data.SqlDbType.Bit);
comm.Parameters["@IsVisible"].Value = IsVisible;
if (comm.ExecuteScalar() == null)
Command = "INSERT INTO [Countries] (CountryName, IsVisible) VALUES (@Name, @IsVisible);";
I was trying to save a trip to the database by using one connection.
The Problem is:
The first command runs okay but the second command which inserts into the database won't work (it doesn't add any records to the db) and when I tried to display the rows affected it gave me -1 !!
The Question is:
Is this is the ideal way to check for a duplicate records to constraint a unique country ? and why the second command is not executing ?
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Jan 1, 2011
i'm tryng to pass a parameter with command argument with a link button but the result i get is always "".
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LinkButton1.CommandArgument = "abcdef";
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" OnCommand= "LinkButton1_Click">
and in my aspx.cs i have:
protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender,CommandEventArgs ee)
String id = ee.CommandName.ToString();
the id is always "" after i press the linkbutton.
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Mar 11, 2011
I have the following sql command:
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE ID = 'john' ", con);
How can i output the results of the following command in C# to my webpage?
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Jan 31, 2010
How do you add command to a button programmticaly ??
I tryed this..its wrong:
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Sep 6, 2010
How can i connect add all the below in one SQL command SEP + WPP ...
SFP.Category + SFP.Purpose + SFP.Question + SFP.Resources
WPP.InvestigativeQuestion + WPP.Hypothesis + WPP.StatementOnHypothesis + WPP.Procedures + WPP.IdentifyTheControl + WPP.IdentifyTheVariable + WPP.SampleData + WPP.BrainstormIdeas
SUM(NoteBook.OnTime + NoteBook.Organization + NoteBook.QuestionPurposeStatementHypothesis + NoteBook.MaterialsMethodSketchesCompleteness + NoteBook.DailyLogCompleteness + NoteBook.DataChartsCompleteness + NoteBook.Graphs + NoteBook.ValueOfResearch + NoteBook.OriginalityOfIdea + NoteBook.Conclusions) * 15 / 100
SUM(ScientificPaper.OnTime + ScientificPaper.TableOfContents + ScientificPaper.InvestigativeQuestion + ScientificPaper.CompletenessOfMaterials + ScientificPaper.ResultsTablesGraphs + ScientificPaper.DataChartsCompleteness + ScientificPaper.ConclusionsSummary + ScientificPaper.OriginalityOfIdea + ScientificPaper.Acknowledgements) * 30 / 100
SUM(DisplayGrade.Judge1 + DisplayGrade.Judge2 + DisplayGrade.Judge3 + DisplayGrade.Judge4 + DisplayGrade.Judge5 + DisplayGrade.Judge6) / 6 * 0.25
SUM(RubricPerJudge.Judge1 + RubricPerJudge.Judge2 + RubricPerJudge.Judge3 + RubricPerJudge.Judge4 + RubricPerJudge.Judge5 + RubricPerJudge.Judge6) / 6
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Sep 7, 2010
SqlCommand MyCommand1 = new SqlCommand("Insert into incoming_inventory(division_code,inv_date) select '"+dd_district.SelectedValue+"','+'" + DropDownList3.SelectedValue + "'+'/'+dayno+'/'+'2010' from month_day where month_name=datename(month,dateadd(month," + DropDownList3.SelectedValue +",0)-1)'", MyConnection1);
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Jun 23, 2010
Is there a way to set the command timeout for everything generated by subsonic?
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Feb 19, 2010
I'm trying to send an HTTP command using VB.NET and I'm not quite sure how to do it. I don't want to actually navigate to the page, just execute the command.http://xbmc.local/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=ExecBuiltIn¶meter=XBMC.updatelibrary%28video%29hat I'm doing is building an integrated interface for my XBMC home theater, and my home automation.
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Mar 9, 2011
Is there a Panel or any container with CommandName, CommandArguments instead of using Buttons (LinkButton, ImageButton, ...)?
I want to add a column in a GridView to make selection for the row, the whole cell's rectangle instead of a Select link.
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