Is It Necessary To Do Select Command Before Update Command In OracleDataClient

Aug 19, 2010

I've recently started working in ASP.NET and RDBMS.I'm making a test form where I can do basic add,update,delete operations.I'm using OracleDataClient to do the DB operations.I was able to populate a listbox using OracleDataAdapter.

Now after clicking on update button,I intend to Update in DB.I've Dataadapter with it's update property.But the update query is not happening.The examples I saw over net all have Select command before Update.Is it actually like that or am I missing some point.

How does Oracle DataClient work with Insert,Update,Delete Commands.

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SqlDataSource sq = new SqlDataSource();
sq.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CustomerDatabaseConnectionString1"].ToString();
sq.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text;
sq.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM CustomerTable where customerID = 1";
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Web Forms :: Impact Of Command Timeout Property While Working With Command Class

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I am working with odbcCommand class, in one case I got error that QueryTimeout Expired. Even though this SP is taking only 3-4 secs in DB to execute these specific values, When I set the CommandTimeout=0, then it worked fine.

1)Is it necessary to always use this property while working with Command Class.

2)If it is not suggested to use, but still if I use it then how it will impact the performance.

Below is my code sample.

OdbcConnection conObj;
OdbcCommand cmdObj;
OdbcDataAdapter daObj = new OdbcDataAdapter();
public DataTable GetIFAContractNoteData(string RecipientIDIFACN, DateTime BatchDateIFACN, int TransmittalReportIDIFACN) {
conObj = new OdbcConnection(GlobalVariables.strDsnName + ";" + GlobalVariables.strDsnDataBase + ";" + GlobalVariables.strDsnUserID + ";" + GlobalVariables.strDsnPassword);


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How To Select All Text With Command Testbox.SelectAll()

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Image1 is a varchar(50) and stroes the picture name. Image1Approved is a tinyint (0 = Pending, 1 = Declined & 2 = Approved) I am using the following to query the SQL database.

SelectCommand="SELECT Image1, Image1Approved, Image2, Image2Approved, Image3, Image3Approved FROM UserProfiles WHERE (UserId = @UserId)"

The part that I am stuck on is only returning the images that have there associated approved condition set. I know how to do this with a seperate select command for each image but can this be done for all image files in one statement.

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</title><script src=></script>

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DetailsView Update Command Doesn't Update Unless All Of The Fields Are Present?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a page that binds data from DB to a DetailsView.I want to use the auto-generated Update command.

Everything went OK, and also updating was successful, but if I remove any field that I don't want to have chance to update, then the Update command doesn't update! the old values retain!

I mean: if all of the fields are present in the detailsView, the update will be OK, otherwise, the update will NOT update any thing.I've tried to mark the fields that I don't want to view as "Visible = 'false'" but with no good results!

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Update Command In

Mar 21, 2011

My program is doing good when I suddenly bumped into this problem. I dont know how to do the next functionality that I need to accomplish. I am done with inserting values, showing the gridview etc and it works great. Now my problem is the update command.

I have 2 tables
table: tblDest

Now, when I run my update command in sql server, it works great! I just right click the database, click new query and i run this command:


update tblDest set DestEmail =(Select SourceEmail from tblSource where tblSource.SourceFname = tblDest.DestFname and tblSource.SourceLastname = tblDest.DestLastname)
what the query does, is it updates the table tbldest email where lastname and firstname exists in both tables that are equal,
the question is, I want to automate this, I am done with inserting values, the problem is, I dont know how to run the update command,
I tried doing this:


Dim sqlds As New SqlDataSource
sqlds.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("sqlconnect").ConnectionString
sqlds.ProviderName = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("sqlconnect").ProviderName
sqlds.UpdateCommand = "update tblDest set DestEmail =(Select SourceEmail from tblSource where tblSource.SourceFname = tblDest.DestFname and tblSource.SourceLastname = tblDest.DestLastname)"
DestGrid.DataSource = sqlds

but nothing happened.

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CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[getColumnNames]
@TableName VarChar(50) AS


The CreateLabels method above correctly shows me the labels. But the CreateDropDownLists method just shows me one dropdownlist with nothing in it. In other words, it is not selectable. So how can I verify that the datareader is returning all 4 columns and inspect their values? I was able to find from datareader "COLUMN_NAME" but I don't know what properties to search to verify the column names.

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"Select ([NumberOfDays]*[TotalPrice]) as MyResult From MyDatabase Order By [MyResult]"

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Aug 20, 2012

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<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
//GridView code
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="Sql1" runat="server" ConnectionString="test"
SelectCommand="SELECT Name
ORDER BY 'Name'">


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Forms Data Controls :: GridView With Template Field With Command Name=Select

Nov 18, 2010


This is my Grid view source basically i want as soon as i click on Select Button , the corrsponding Row Data get's redirected to another Page with the Data I know how to redirect to another page with query string only thing is that where and how i can store the data my .cs source


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State Management :: Use Session (User) In FormView Select Command String?

Jan 1, 2011

Parser Error

Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Server tags cannot contain <% ... %> constructs.

Source Error:


Source File: /Dec-12/myprofile.aspx Line: 101

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SQL Server :: Update Command Not Writing To Table?

Jan 15, 2011

I have a table that is not getting updated. My insert command is working fine. Here is the update code from business logic area and stored prodecure. The SP works fine when I execute it from sql mgmt studio and updates the table:


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DataSource Controls :: Update Command Is Not Working?

Jan 17, 2010

given below is the simple update string am using to update my database...

string q = "update register set fname='" + TextBox1.Text +
"',lname='" + TextBox2.Text +
"',gender='" + gender +
"',edu='" + TextBox3.Text +
"' where username='"+check +"'";
SqlCommand cmd =
SqlCommand(q, cn);

but it is not working...database is not getting updated...why?

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Using GridView Update Command For Specific Fields?

May 4, 2010

How do I use the Update command in GrideView?

I would like to use update command for specific fields in the dataset, but not all fields from database ( or maybe in GridView? )

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VS 2010 - Command Button With Update Panel

Mar 16, 2012

I have a command button in an update panel but when I click the button, it can't fire. How I can fire button in update panel?

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VS 2010 / DataGrid Update Command Runs Twice?

Aug 21, 2013

I have a page that has a datagrid on it and using inline update functionality and when I click the edit link, update text and click update link it updates fine but I put an email function in and I see two emails being sent. why it runs twice?

HTML Code:

<%@ Page Title="Courses" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/themes/admin.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="courses.aspx.vb" Inherits="admin_courses" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="cphHead" Runat="Server">
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="cphHeader" Runat="Server">


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