Scanner ActiveX In .net?

Jun 28, 2010

I made a proje in which makes scan,resize...I used wia(Windows Image Acquisition).if I,m in local when I press scan button project works.but I published this project on the web it does not work on the web.I heart I need to write a activex control to work client scanner.however I do not have any idea to write it.

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Configuration :: How To Give Full Trust To Activex Control By Programmaticallytrust To Activex

Jul 30, 2010

Currently I have written the Activex Control for RFID USB reader and calling that one in ASP.NET web application. The Activex Control is working fine when I will give the full trust permission for particular IIS URL in

1. Open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration

2. Expand Runtime Security Policy > Machine > Code Groups > All_Code

3. Right Click All_Code and click New...

4. Create a new code group, I named mine MyProject_FullTrust_Zone

5. Choose the URL condition type and specify the path on the network where the apps will be deployed.

6. Choose Use Existing permission set, and set it to Full Trust.

Alternative way of giving permission for an Activex Control is

1. Open Visual Studio Command Prompt

2. Run the command caspol -machine -addgroup 1. -site <ip address> FullTrust Doing this it works fine.

Whenever my web site will open, it will ask the user to give permission for the Activex Control using Allow or Cancel Button in browser. This type of functionality I have seen some web site which takes input from the user to allow the ActiveX Control.

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How To Use Scanner

Jan 23, 2010

how can i use scaaner in

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Use Scanner In Application?

May 21, 2010

I have a barcode scanner(Symbol-ls2208) but i dont know how to read information from it to my application (in C#). Can anyone help me in this problem with sample code? Os: Windows XP.scanner: Symbol LS2208 General Purpose Bar Code Scanner

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Connect Scanner In Web Application (2.0/C#)?

Jan 5, 2010

I want to scan images/documents from client machine scanner and uploaded with thumbnails to server using my
web application (ASP.Net 2.0/C#)

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How To Integrate Bar Code Scanner With Application

Oct 20, 2010

the process of integrating barcode scanner with the application in brief,where i need to generate barcode images and read the barcode and store im my database.....

I am not getting how to start and how to integrate that barcode scanner with appliaction

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C# - How To Integrate Barcode Scanner Into Web Application

Feb 4, 2010

How to integrate barcode scanner into an ASP.NET Web application?Any open source library for doing it?

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Web Forms :: How To Read QR Code Value From Scanner

May 7, 2015

I need to build a webform app that can generate cards for customers. Each card will have a unique QR code or barcode on it so customer can scan it to check-in and check-out when they come into the store. To generate QR code, I found this article on our website and I think it will work with the “generating card” step: [URL] ....

So a new customer come in, we will enter customer’s info and save it to a SQL server DB, get the ID returned after inserted that record and use it to generate the QR code and print out the card.

My question is on the “reading card” step: let’s assume a customer has a card and they come to the store, what happened after they scanned it? I mean how the scanner works? People say that the scanner acts like a keyboard, is that true and how?

Basically I want to make the “scan action” to act like a button click event (or enter key pressed) so I can put my logic code in, something like this:

That’s it, I just want to save check-in and check-out time now. Is it possible and how to archive, what scanner should I buy?

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Web Forms :: Barcode Scanner Not Scanning

Mar 20, 2013

while i am rotating barcode image horizantal to verticle scanner is not reading barcode image.

string barCode = dt.Rows[i]["MemberShipid"].ToString();
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image imgBarCode = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image();
using (Bitmap bitMap = new Bitmap(barCode.Length * 40, 80))
using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitMap))
Font oFont = new Font("IDAutomationHC39M", 20);


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Display The Image In The Screen From The Scanner Directly?

Sep 15, 2010

now i need to develope the application to display the images when ever the files are scanning in the scanner machine. i want to display the images directly from the scanner.

is there any way to do this?

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Controls :: Integrating Barcode Scanner In Website

May 23, 2013

What is the right way to using barcode scanner integrated into existing or new application. 

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Retrieve Data From Barcode Scanner And Display In Page?

Nov 25, 2010

I am creating a web application using c#. I need to access the values available in a barcode scanner and display it in the web page. The user has a Barcode scanner, which contains the Student Id's. The Barcode scanner is connected to the user machine. Is it possible to access the scanner and access the student id available in the scanner and display it in the aspx page. After retrieving the values and displaying it in page, the students id's available in the scanner has to be deleted.

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C# - Fire An Event Automatically After Barcode Scanner Input?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a textbox on an page. I use a barcode scanner to get the barcode number into that textbox. I need to then automaticaly fire an event directly after the text box recieves that input. the only event that is exposed is the TextChanged event which doesnt achieve what i need. I am using c# for the code behind.

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Build Web Scanner - Scan Webpage If Content Has Been Changed And Save It

Jan 20, 2011

this web application must scan any webpage and save result if some data has been changed.

it should to search for key words and seek if their values has been modifyed/changed.

i will create this application with mvc.

what should i use to scan some webpage? if i will insert in my page any url of page which i will to scan, what should happens? are they some robots which looking for it if some content changes?

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Web Forms :: How To Retrieve Data From Barcode Scanner And Display In TextBox

Mar 26, 2011

I have a barcode slider which scan student ID CARD. When students scan their Student ID, the barcode reader generate the following:

BARCODE_NUM,LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME. Below is a dummy example when students scan their Student_ID into barcode reader. I get the following data from the barcode reader.

" %C9887688767876^Smith/John^5656656556565?;C9887688767876=3434354450000? " When the user scan their Student ID into TextBox1, i want to only display BARCODE_NUM which is C9887688767876 from the example. Also When the user scan their Student ID into TextBox2 , i want to only display LASTNAME which is Smith from the example. When the user scan their Student ID into TextBox3, i want to only display FIRSTNAME which is John from the example.

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Mobiles :: Connect A USB Barcode Scanner To A Windows Mobile Device?

Jan 24, 2010

I have a ASP.Net application, that has barcode scanning functionality built into it.If a user is on regular computer like laptop or desktop, then I can simply connect the USB barcode scanner to the USB port and the barcode functionality works fine.But if a user is accessing the ASP.Net application over a windows mobile device, then how can a barcode scanner be connected to his/her mobile device?

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ScriptResource.axd Vulnerable Script When Test It With Shadow Security Scanner?

Mar 1, 2011

I was performed tests againts my web server using Shadow Security Scanner with the following results:

Web Servers : Vulnerable script
Port : 80
Description: Found vulnerable script on this web site
Risk level :High
Script: http://servername/ScriptResource.axd?d=P4tzN-eCJlchxi30M7K6eGzyH7tdeY4timDGCw0yDS45Ur477KM8CSqJQdqun4VDGbs5xXGPE 7VeqXqRIDyOHxwoopCbgbWmKFLiyKB1Qs5UDJTyZQYe4zURSEshSBwPOm1hORh40237AJZ_EWO2n2-3IwAzTY__px0r6WbIYgWamkVz0&t=/etc/passwd

Why ScriptResource.axd is a vulnerable script?

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How To Access Local Resources (file, Printer,scanner) - Attached To Client PC

Jan 24, 2011

My application creates some images at client machine using client side scripting VBScript. I want to store those images in database, so I need some way to bring those images to server without any interaction with users (means I can not use the file upload control).Along with this, application would also like to use the printer attached to client's machine (it could be her network printer), without showing printer dialog.

Basically I need to create some client piece, dll which will handle the scanning, printing and uploading images from client pc to server and web application will interact with this dll.How could I achieve this? I explored a lot on internet. many articles suggest that use activex control, but how in c#?

I am not asking any spoonfeeding. Please show me correct article or small working sample or example, I would figure out the rest.

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Web Forms :: Access Scanner From Aspx Page And ... Scan Image And Store It In The Database?

Feb 9, 2010

dont know if this is teh correct forum for this q.i want to know how can i get an image from the scanner connected to the computer using and C# code behind

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Add VB6 ActiveX Control In C#?

Jan 21, 2010

i created one ActiveX control in VB6 i need to use this ActiveX cotrol. how to register and how to add to AspX page.

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Cannot Create ActiveX Component

Apr 28, 2010

I have been working on an web application that calls a third party COM application through createObject method. The application works fine (gets initialized) in Win XP but I am having problems getting it to work in WIndows 2003. I get the "Cannot create ActiveX component" error.

The website works fine in visual studio - the application launches fine. The references added were the interop assemblies which were packed inside a tlb file.

I am aware of the change in default user - ASPNET for iis 5 and Network Service for IIS 6.0. Also I have changed the default permission levels in DCOM config for not just this COM application but all the COM applications by changing the default COM security properties of the computer. I gave almost every user the permissionto launch and access remotely including Network service and everyone.

The other thing I have done was to test it out in IIS 5.0 isolation mode but couldn't get the application work - still same error.

The final thing I have tried was to use IIS 6.0 itself but change the application pool to local system and I am just stumped that even this didn't resolve the error.

Another thing to add is that I cannot register the tlb file using regsvr32.exe command as it is not a dll.

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VS 2005 - How To Make A Exe Like ActiveX

Jan 17, 2010

How can I call exe which is made by and then my web site can use it as a link for opening. If user does not install it, the warning window will help u install the exe, just like report builder in reporting service?

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ActiveX Control Coming On Top?

Dec 29, 2010

I have created a windows control and hosted it into my web application. I created that because I need to do some system level tasks through web application. The issue is that I need to show a modalpopup on that form and the activex control is coming on top of modal popup, rest is fine.

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Clarification Regarding ActiveX Cab Version?

Jan 16, 2010

I'm building CAB for ActiveX contol and I need the following clarification:I've control.ocx which have version. When I'm embedding my control I'm putting the following tag:Tommorow, I'm adding new functionality to my ocx and versing it as my tag should look like? Should it content codebase=",0,0,1" attribute? Is it correct?Can I set version for cab file?How can I tell my client to update my ActiveX component?

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Accessing ActiveX Method From C#?

Jul 5, 2010

I have written an activex user control to get an image from a user's clipboard. I have a method to get the byte stream for this image. I want to embed this into a webforms page (C#).

I am not sure how to call this method from the "code behind" portion of the page by using c#. I am not able to access the object from the "code behind" portion.

I am trying to accompish this by using Javascript but I keep getting the error:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'ScreenCapMod1' is undefined

This is the HTML code:

<div id="panelScn" style="height:258px;">
<object id="ScreenCapMod1" name="ScreenCapMod1" height="812" width="689"


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