Sending Extra Parameter (key / Value) To A Page Using Swfupload?

Jun 17, 2010

we are using swfupload for the sake of uploading process in our project but we need add some extra parameter and send them via swfupload to page

how can I do this? is it possible at all to passing extra parameters to a server-side page by using swfupload?

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C# - Add Extra UserId Parameter To ReportViewer?

Apr 4, 2011

Using the Report Viewer in VS2010 in Remote mode we need to allow the user to use the default controls on the report viewer for entering in the parameters before running the report.

As permissions need to be set on the data we have a UserId hidden parameter on all the reports and the plan was to allow the user to enter in the parameters as normal and then we would add [programmatically] the userId parameter before the report is run.

The data in the report would then return the data that the user had permission to view. [We use the SSRS web service to populate a treeview with a list of available reports for the user to select.]

I guess I'm having trouble with whats the best approach for this. I need to pass the userId parameter value to the ReportViewer and not to the server report. I'm aware that you can use the web service to manage the parameters completely outside of the control but its not an option for us at the minute.

So in summary:

User Selects Parameters in the Report Viewer. Code behind adds the UserId parameter value either as the report is run or initially when its loaded and the viewer passes all the parameters to the server.

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Custom Route With More Than One Parameter In Url (customer - Extra Info)

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Web Forms :: ReportViewer / Sending Error The 'OrderID' Parameter Is Missing A Value?

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The 'OrderID' parameter is missing a value

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Swfupload Won't Allow To Upload From A Server To Another One?

Sep 8, 2010

we have two webserver and we have dedicated the task between these two servers. we've decided to put all the asp/aspx page into one server and put an upload.aspx + sql server into another one:

and here is name of the servers :

[URL] this is where all the pages reside + swfupload [URL]this is where upload.aspx and sql server resides and here is the code inside add_item.asp where swfupload gonna call upload.aspx from server2


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SWFUpload - How To Implement An Upload Handler

Jan 15, 2010

i'm a novice-to-intermediate .NET developer and I don't quite understand how an upload handler for SWFUpload is supposed to work. Am I supposed to read it from the http stream?

I haven't been able to find any examples or explanation of this in the documentation nor from extensive googling.

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Multiple Upload With Progressbar Using Swfupload Control?

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here is my view page:


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How To Upload - SWFUpload Uppload Error 500 Website

Jul 7, 2010

I have a website where I am using the Flash SWFUpload [URL] upload component.

The same code is hosted on two servers - on server A I can upload images without any problems. On server B I get Error 500 when I try to upload - no other error message. I am unable to find what server settings are different between those two servers. I cant find any solution on SWFUpload forum.

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SWFUpload Multiple Files Server-side Handling?

Mar 18, 2010

I need the user to be able to upload multiple files to my server, thus I am using the SWFUpload utility. SWFUpload sends the files one by one, and I need to store them all in the same temporary directory. My ASP.NET handler recieves the files one by one and I can store the file appropriately.

My problem is: How do I know which files belong to the same upload? Rephrased, how do I connect the files in my handler?

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Web Forms :: After Build Extra Page Directives Creating?

Mar 18, 2011

I am finding an issue with build release of project. The code files page attributes gets changed after build.

The code is <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" ValidateRequest ="false" CodeFile="~/AssociateJob.aspx.cs" Inherits="XXXXXX.AssociateJob" %>
And build is: <%@ page language="C#" autoeventwireup="true" validaterequest="false" inherits=" XXXXXX.AssociateJob, XXXXXX_deploy" enableviewstatemac="false" enableEventValidation="false" viewStateEncryptionMode="Never" %>

After build, we expect only highlighted portion should be different, rest all should be the same. Three attributes (enableviewstatemac, enableEventValidation, viewStateEncryptionMode) are coming extra in the deployment. We use FinalBuilder to build the project, which uses MSBuild internally.

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Paging Creates Extra Page / Unable To Stop It

Nov 29, 2010

I am performing "semi"-custom paging for my dynamic LINQ query. However, if the number of results returned exactly fill the page, then I wind up with one extra page that's empty and I can't figure out why. i.e. if I have a page size of 15 and 14, 21, 101, etc. items then everything is fine. However, if I have 15, 30, 45, 60, etc. then I get one extra blank page and I've been unable to make it stop. Anyone have some ideas except to add a new record when I see we're sitting on a multiple of the page size?

I write out the paging control like this and it loops through one time too many if the last page is full...


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Extra Blank Page When Converting HTML To PDF Using AbcPDF?

Mar 4, 2010

I have an HTML report, with each print page contained by a <div class="page">. The page class is defined as

width: 180mm;
height: 250mm;
page-break-after: always;
background-position: centre top;
background-image: url(Images/MainBanner.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding-top: 30mm

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AJAX :: Extra Request To A Default Page On A Callback?

Sep 25, 2010

I have a following issue (it's only happening in Internet Explorer).

I add callback to a page in the old-fashioned way -> Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(...)

The scenario is: 1) The default page is being loaded. On Page_OnLoad it assigns a NULL to some session key. Let's call it Control -> Session["Control"] = null;

2) User presses a button and gets redirected to a next page (let's call it NextPage.aspx) using javascript event -> window.location.assign(....) (also tried .href = ... - no help)

3) The NextPage.aspx assigns some value to Session["Control"] on Page_OnLoad

5) User clicks a button on the NextPage.aspx and a callback request is being sent to a server....

TA DA!!! The interesting part:

6) Along with the request to the NextPage.aspx another request is being sent to the default page.

7) The only response is being recieved by a client is a response from the NextPage.aspx BUT since the code on the default page is being executed it puts null to the Session["Control"] which screws all my following scenario. the default page doesn't recognize the request as a callback? so if(IsCallback) {} doesn't help....

I believe it's not a code issue since as I wrote above it works in development environment,but I have no clue what can 'cause it to fail in production and only in IE...

At least what to start to look at... and I have Helicon's ISAPI Rewrite installed on the production server. It doesn't seem to be the cause but who knows....


if I do not assign window.location and just add a link to the NextPage.aspx and click it manualy after callback ended it still sends extra request to the default page. if I click the link before I initialize callback it works fine without extra request.

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Page Not Returning Any Results / No Msgbox When Clicked Extra

Aug 8, 2012

I am trying to get my first app running.If I click a button it just refreshes the page returning nothing.

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Crystal Reports :: Page Setting - Bottom Margin Takes Extra Space?

Mar 31, 2010

I have an web application with crystal report. The report are printing fine. But the problem is

i have applied page margin setting as

Top Margin 0.25 in

Left Margin 0.02 in

Bottom Margin 0.17 in

Right Margin 0.42 in

all are fine without Bottom Margin. Bottom Margin will come with more space without considering 0.17 in. I think that it may be happened that the detail section i have a rectangle box object. Inside this box have data from data base. I want to print this box as 3 times in a page with three records. all are fine.I adjested maxium to fit the box in details section to dispaly three times in a page. But when i wil get the print out the three box will come with 3 times. But after the three rectangle box ,the footer of the page will take some extra space.

I don't want to print pagefooter,page header,report header, report footer at all. i am suppressed these things.

I want to know why it is came with some more space on the footer.?

How to solve the issue?

And tell me the C#.Net code for pageHeader Suppress,report header suppress,report footer suppress,page footer

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Forms Data Controls :: Sending Date From Second Page To Parent Page?

Oct 19, 2010

I am in little confusion to send date from second page that is Calander.aspx to the Page from where it has been called.The confusion is that the following code is in the Calander.aspx:


In Parent page, the textbox is in formview and there is an image when we click it the above code activated and gets the date using above line of code and sends back to the parent page from where it is called.The confusion is that if this calandar is in other pages therefore do I have to add the following line of code in the above MyDateChange() function for each page textbox or there are more then one textbox to take date as input in same page?


So how above function will recognise that from which page the request coming or to which text box it has to send the data?

View 8 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Parameter From Gridview (page 1) To Formview (page 2)

Jan 2, 2011

I am currently able to pass parameter from 1 page to another but I am unable to retrieve it.

<asp:HyperLinkField DataNavigateUrlFields="ID"

View 5 Replies

C# - Sending A String To Another Page?

Apr 2, 2011

on my master page I have an area to do a search but my search code is on another page(content page) called Search.aspx

when I click the button to do a search query of my database I need to send the string from my master page to my search page and redirect.

Search.aspx code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void PopulateWallPosts(string search)


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State Management :: Send A Parameter From Page To Page?

Nov 11, 2010

I have two pages. The first one contains the authors' records and it has a link called REMOVE. If I click on the link that related to a specific author that will be move to the other page that contain the detail view of this author. I already did that but I make a fault but i don't know it. If I click the link that related to author that has au_id=25. the other page has the first record while the url of this page equle to ? au_id=25

here is the codes in the first page


here is the codes in the second page


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Sending Html Page With Email?

Aug 6, 2010

i want to send a newsletter which stored in db(sql server 2005) containing image header,footer and content.i have created one html page which shows this data by using generic handler.when i m running this html page independently it is showing images properly.but when i m sending it with mail it doesn't show images.

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Sending Data From Script To .cs Page?

Sep 13, 2010

am getting values from .cs to script but i want to send data from script to .cs pagei have tried this,but it is not working.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("hfServerValue").val("From ClientSide!");


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Sending Data On A Page By E-mail?

Apr 19, 2010


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Sending VB Data To Another Page In Javascript?

May 28, 2010

I'm creating a search form using an asp:button control with the urlpostback set to a results page. The problem is, the asp:button uses Visual Basic and the search results from Google require Javascript.

Is there a way to take the data from an asp: textbox in VB and then send it to another page that uses Javascript and use the data?

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C# - Twitterizer 2.2 Sending / Stuck When It Gets To Sending The Tweet?

Jul 22, 2010

I am working on sending twitter updates from my website. I have the authorization down but I am stuck when it gets to sending the tweet here is my code behind:

protected void btnAuth_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// add these to web.config or your preferred location
var consumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"];
var consumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"];
//If User is not valid user
if (Request.QueryString["oauth_token"] == null)
//Step 1: Get Request Token
OAuthTokenResponse RequestToken = OAuthUtility.GetRequestToken(consumerKey,consumerSecret);
//Step 2: Redirect User to Requested Token
Response.Redirect(""+ RequestToken.Token);
//For Valid User
string Oauth_Token = Request.QueryString["oauth_token"].ToString();
var accessToken = OAuthUtility.GetAccessToken(consumerKey, consumerSecret, Oauth_Token, txtPIN.Text.Trim());
lblMessage.Text = "<b>Hello " + accessToken.ScreenName + ", Welcome to my Twitter App<b>";
lblMessage.Text += "<br/> Token: " + accessToken.Token;
lblMessage.Text += "<br/> TokenSecret: " + accessToken.TokenSecret;
lblMessage.Text += "<br/> UserId: " + accessToken.UserId;
lblMessage.Text += "<br/> VerificationString: " + accessToken.VerificationString;
protected void btnTweet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// add these to web.config or your preferred location
var consumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"];
var consumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"];
OAuthTokens accessToken = new OAuthTokens();
accessToken.AccessToken = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
accessToken.AccessTokenSecret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
accessToken.ConsumerKey = consumerKey;
accessToken.ConsumerSecret = consumerSecret;
TwitterStatus TweetStatus = new TwitterStatus();
TweetStatus.Update(accessTokens, txtTweet.Text);

I dont know how to get the AccessToken & AccessTokenSecret.

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Hidden Variable Getting Blank When Sending From One Page To Another?

Nov 9, 2010

There are two frames. In ASP page 1 that is being displayed in frame 1, we have a form with hidden variables. On some action this from is submitted to frame 2 with action as ASP page 2 (target = frame2, action = 'ASP Page 2') using POST method. But on ASP page 2 when we try to get Form's hidden variable via Request object, sometimes we get them correctly but sometimes they are blank. Generally, first or second time, they show some values but after that they go blank. This problem is seen in IE 7 only and has not been observed in any other version of IE or other browsers.

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