Setting The Content-length Based On The Size Of The HTML String?
Nov 3, 2010
I am exporting a HTML table to excel by sending the data as a HTML Table string and setting the content headers:
Is there a simple way of setting the content-length based on the size of the HTML string? Or should I just leave it blank anyway...would be nice to have the content-length ideally...
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Oct 14, 2010
I know the content palcehlder does not have a size ,I have a masterpage and content page, the master page has a table with a header, content area, and footer, header and footer are fixed size, content area is 100%. As the user sizes the browser the content area grows and shrinks and the footer stays at the
bottom of the browser window - perfect!
Problem: The contentpalceholder does not grow to fill the available content area. Now, the contentplaceholder gets its size from its contents, which in this case is a div holding a silverlight object.I was thinking I could hook the master or child page's re-size event and somehow pass that info onto the SL object, but as it turns out (and I'm surprised I never knew this) there is no page re-size event! (really?, wow.)
So is there a way to get a SL object hosted on a master page to size itself based on the size of the browser window?Or more generally, a way to size the contents (like a div or panel) of a contentplaceholder based on the browser? on a standard aspx page (not a master page) I CAN get the SL object to size itself based on the broswer, the problem seems to come from the fact that I'm hosting the SL object in a content placeholder.
I guess I could 'unroll' the master page into several standalone pages and have it work, but the menu is on the master page and I'm used to using them, plus it's already done...<sigh>
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Dec 14, 2010
I have a datagrid and I set up the paging based on how many rows there are like this
With dgBookings
.AllowPaging = True
.PagerStyle.Mode = PagerMode.NumericPages
.PagerStyle.PageButtonCount = 5
.PageSize = 5
End With
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.PagerStyle.HorizontalAlign = Right
and I get this errorArgument not specified for parameter 'Length' of 'Public Function Right(str As String, Length As Integer) As String'.
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I am getting the error maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data.
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WCF web.config
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Mar 29, 2011
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Is what I'm trying possible? Is there a better way to do it?
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Mar 24, 2010
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Everything works fine until I try to include too many records in my results..
Once the results I am trying to return hit about 70K, the pagemethod times out even though it is taking about 1 second to process the results.
Is there a buffer limit or limit on the size or results returned from a pagemethod and if so, where can this be set or changed?
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Aug 31, 2010
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<div id="GridScroll" class="grid_scroll">
<asp:GridView ID="GridView2" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" BorderStyle="None"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" Height="308px" Width="1174px" ShowHeader="False">
<asp:TemplateField SortExpression="NewsText" ShowHeader="False">.......
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Nov 24, 2010
I have a 15 digit string to encrypt.
I have tried using .NET's various encryption functions but all my encrypted strings are at least 24, 28 or 32 in length.
I have heard of CipherMode.CTS with Padding = None that produces the same length output as the input length but I can't seem to get the same result. I have toyed with the block-size, key-size and salt size.
I don't mind adding a digit to my input string to make it 16 in length.
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Jan 22, 2010
I store my setting in a string, the parse the string out to load into the forms controls..
The string looks like this..
100,34#101,54#102,Smith#103,12/12/2009# etc
This string can be 1000 characters long..
Question : No matter the string length can I test the string to see if its exactly the same as another like
Dim Str1 as string
Dim Str2 as string
string.equals(Str1,Str2) = true
Will this still work ok, no matter then size/length of the string...
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Jul 23, 2010
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Is there any way to validate within the same regex to catch an empty textbox?
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Feb 4, 2010
I have an web page to serve large file downloads to users.
The page is hosted on IIS7, Windows Server 2008.
The strange thing is that users can download at good speeds (2MB/s) when I don't add a content-length response header but as soon as I add this header, download speed drops to somewhere around 35kbps/s.
This is the code:
Of course I can leave the content-length out but the user will not know how big the file is and how long the download will take...which is annoying.
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Jul 26, 2010
i am uploading a file through file upload control , file size has greater then 4 MB, I have to give the proper alert msg to the user that file size exceeding the to do it , because at server side it is crashed on the IIS and not return to the server to check the file size validation.that how it is possible to validate the file size and give the proper alert messege
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Dec 14, 2010
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Aug 20, 2010
I have repeator control that is bind to a datareader.
Now here the Aritcle field contain text that include the html tags as well.
What i want is to display 100 characters from it, along with more href link at the end.
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Jan 8, 2013
we have added Twitter Share button in our one of website
if you see this page
when we click on twitter share button length issue come
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Mar 26, 2011
can you set the the image size of this control with css?
<img style="border-width: 0px;" alt="Test image" src="userdata/1/uploadedimage/database%20entry.jpg">
Not sure if theres a way I can assign a certain size to this either by css or by Jquery? Or if I can do it directly in my C# code using something like img.Style?
Just to clarify my css is like so:
div .test
border-top: thin solid #736F6E;
So how would I use the below answers in this combination
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Feb 25, 2011
I m binding a checkboxlist after that i get this error startIndex cannot be larger than length of string.
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Jul 29, 2010
Passing onto a stored procedure a value from a GridView. The particular fields are a date type, and numeric type. Problem is, its plausible and conceivable in this case one or both could be null or empty.
Through searching I've seen suggested such ideas as Convert.ToDate(value), CDate(value), and so on.
None of these work. You cannot convert an empty string or null value to a date. I don't know about the numeric value.
So, barring any non-working examples already given. What is standard. Its not like I've stumbled across some never afore seen problem.
Here is my code, but its quite typical.
Dim txtctlHireDate As TextBox = CType(gvEvaluatees.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("txtHireDate"), TextBox)
Dim txtctlGradYear As TextBox = CType(gvEvaluatees.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("txtGradYear"), TextBox)
Dim txtctlBU As TextBox = CType(gvEvaluatees.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("txtBU"), TextBox)
Dim ddlctlEvalGroups As DropDownList = CType(gvEvaluatees.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("ddlEvalGroupSelection"), DropDownList)
Dim chkctlActive As CheckBox = CType(gvEvaluatees.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("chkActive"), CheckBox)
UpdateEvaluatees.MGEvalUpdateEvaluatee(gvEvaluatees.DataKeys(0).Value, txtctlHireDate.Text,
txtctlGradYear.Text, txtctlBU.Text,ddlctlEvalGroups.SelectedValue, chkctlActive.Checked)
gvEvaluatees.EditIndex = -1
gvEvaluatees.DataSource = EvaluateesForDataGrid.GetData
I've bolded the parameters in question. A date value and numeric value are expected.
View 8 Replies
Sep 20, 2010
I want to modify my userAvailabilityCheck code and want to add the code that this userAvailabilityCheck function does not fire If the textbox is null or having character less than 6 but display related error message.
Below is my code-
As you can see in the above code, I have added if else code in my working code but after the addition of these checkers my code stops working.
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