Use A Class Created In An .asp File In A C# File?

Nov 9, 2010

In my company one of the applications is a classic asp based application.In this application one the .asp has a Class Definition and a function associated with the class.I want to use this class an aspx.cs page.Is it possible to do this and how

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Web Forms :: Converting .cs Class File To .vb Class File?

Jan 16, 2010

i have code in .cs class file

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but i feel its not proper as i am not able to reference it in my page

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Save A Dynamically Created .CSV File To The Server?

Mar 7, 2010

I was wondering does anyone know how to save a file to the sever without using a fileupload? What I have is a file that is dynamically created as a .CSV file. Here's that part of the code:


How can I save that to the server instead of poping up a Save/Open dialog box?

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Localization :: Reading A CSV File Created By Excel?

May 27, 2010

I am reading a CSV file created by Excel. the string I am reading needs to be encoded (it shows small boxes instead of hebrew characters) so I wrote a lil routine to convert the string -

Function encodeName(ByVal name As String) As String
Dim src As Encoding = Encoding.UTF8
Dim dest As Encoding = Encoding.Default
Dim srcBytes() As Byte
srcBytes = src.GetBytes(name)
Dim asciiBytes() As Byte = Encoding.Convert(src, dest, srcBytes)
Dim mychars(dest.GetCharCount(asciiBytes) - 1) As Char
dest.GetChars(asciiBytes, 0, asciiBytes.Length, mychars, 0)
Dim asciiString As New String(mychars)
End Function

From what I read FileStream.ReadLine reads the text with encoding UTF8 so I try to convert from UTF8 to Encoding.Default buy instead of little boxes I get question marks.

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VS 2010 Opening File In Application That Created It?

Feb 20, 2012

I am working on a web application project to be deployed on an intranet. I need to provide users with the ability to allocate documents to projects so that I can show them a page that lists the documents for a project. When they click on the document I need it to open in the application that created it. Generally, just Word and Excel documents.

So, I've done all the 'Add a Document' stuff and I have a Gridview on the screen that displays the document name (test.doc) and the path (C:UsersFredTest.doc).

I have tried passing the Document Name and Document Path to this function:

protected void ShowFile(string DocumentName, string DocumentPath)
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename="" + DocumentName + """);

and, for example, for my Word document it opens - but not before a 'Do you want to Open or Save this file dialog is presented' (unwanted, but not the end of the world) but, when the file opens you can't save it. (Even on my development box).

Is there a simple way of simply opening an Office document from within a .net web application project that just actually opens the document - so it can be edited and saved etc.

Edit: When the word file opens - if I click to save it it shows this as the path to the file:

C:UsersFredAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE57T5D07IATest[4].doc

So, it's not opening the original file at all - it's creating a copy of it. I want users to simply be able to click on a file and open it. If I use 'C:UsersFredTest.doc' as a desktop shortcut - click on it and the file opens - the actual file - you can edit and save it. Why is it so hard to get a Word document to open from within a .net Web Application?

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Granting Write Access To Text File Created In .net

Jul 1, 2010

I have created a .txt file from .net using File.WriteAllText which works fine. Problem is, after being written, I want to grant the file write access so it can be overwritten at some point down the line.

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Web Forms :: Downloading A File From Dynamically Created ImageButtons?

Sep 1, 2010


best practices on that? Downloading a file from dynamically created ImageButtons?

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Web Forms :: Get Date Created Info For File Before Uploading?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a FileUpload control on my page. I would like to get hold of the "date created" information of the file
before it is uploaded. (Obviously, when you upload the file, the uploaded/copied version has a new "date created", set to the time of when you actually uploaded the file.

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Forms Data Controls :: Downloading A CSV File Created From A Gridview?

Jan 26, 2011

I have code to actually create a CSV file from a Gridview control. What I am trying to figure out is how I can set the default 'Save As File name when the Save As dialog comes up that gets generated from the Response.AppendHeader in the content-disposition ?

Below is my code that I have.

void btnExportExcel_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e)
// CurrView is populated from a Session variable
string fname =
"e:\data\customapps\fieldsalesreports\mydata\" + CurrView +

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ADO.NET :: Adding A New Table (entity) To The Already Created Model (edmx) File?

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I am building an application using Asp.Net 4.0 and Entity framework 4.

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Now I am almost nearning the end of the application. I have realised I need to add one more table to my database.

How do I add the newly created table to the model class (edmx) file.

If I again regenerate the model class, similar to what I did the first time i.e using the Database-First approach, will my current application be affected.

Will the already in use data like tables, relationships and views be affected in anyway.

Do I have to follow this approach everytime I need to add a new table to the entity model class.

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Web Forms :: Send Dynamically Created File Upload Attachment Through Email

Sep 5, 2013

How can i send the fileupload attachment (dynamically created) through email after inserting it in database?

protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++)
HttpPostedFile PostedFile = Request.Files[i];
if (PostedFile.ContentLength > 0)
string FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(PostedFile.FileName);
Stream fs = PostedFile.InputStream;


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VS 2010 - User Will Browse A Text File And Upload It To Created Folder

Dec 19, 2011

Im with using What was supposed to happen is that upon page load, the system will automatically create a folder in C:. After that, the user will browse a text file and upload it to the created folder. But what happens is that both the folder and the text file is being uploaded inside C: where it should be the folder only and then the text file should be inside the folder.Here's my code.

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
End Sub
Private Sub DeleteFile(ByVal strFileName As String)


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Web Forms :: Automatic File Reading / Check For New File Everyday And If The New File Is In The Folder Read It

Sep 20, 2010

I would like ask you for some ideas how can I write mechanism that will be automatically read files from folder. I don't know how to schedule the write task. I want to check for new file everyday and if the new file is in the folder read it.

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AJAX :: Attach A File Using File Upload Control And Send It In Email Along With Already Attached File

Apr 27, 2016

I have an panel having various controls including gridview. I have converted this panel into pdf and attached it as an email attachment using memory stream. Everything is working fine. Now I have an File upload control outside panel through which I have to attach a file and send it in mail along with the already attached panel. But I am unable to figure out how to do it.

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Visual Studio :: Published Successful But No File Is Created (output Folder Is Emtpy) ?

Jan 4, 2011

This is the output message after publishing

------ Build started: Project: RevUtility, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------l
------ Build started: Project: RevTrackDAL, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------[code]....

Encounter once and that was an easy on to spot on as it happen after a new page is added into the project. But this time, nothing was added and only a few line of code is changed in 1 page.I tried excluded that page and publish, the result is the same.

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Web Forms :: Open An Excel File Created In The Root Folder In A Button Click?

Oct 6, 2010

I have an excel file created at this link:

<a href=""Exports/" & fileName & """></a>

how to open it in a button click, using / as codebehind.

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Web Forms :: Controlling File Name Of The File Opened Directly From File Download Dialog?

Jul 26, 2010

I am downloading file from database using the following code. This code downloads an excel file from the database which has a macro attached to it when it is opened. This macro reads file name of the excel file and uses it for its computation. Everthing works file if user saves the file on his harddisk and then open if but if he directly opens the file from the dialog(by hitting 'Open' button) then file name of the opened excel file comes out be the name of the webform that has the above code and this leads to error in the macro. Is there any option through which i can control the name of the file if user directly opens the file from dialog or the option to disable or remove 'Open' button form the dialog?


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Can't Use Class In .cs File Under App_code?

Apr 10, 2010

I've developed a class and it is put in a .cs file under the app_code folder. The class is a public one and there is no namespace specifically defined for this class in the file.of my webpages uses this class. It works ok on my local machine. However after I uploaded the page to the web server and then try to display the page through internet, the sever told me the class name can not be found.

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