Vb.net - How To Make A Link Button Visible After Another Button Has Been Clicked In .net(vb) In Button_click()
May 14, 2010
How to make a link button visible after another button has been clicked in asp.net(vb) in button_click()
it says error as "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
i've done this in my code
Protected Sub InsertButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim receipt As LinkButton = FormView1.FindControl("LinkButton1") [code]....
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Mar 10, 2011
I was looking for some better way of coding to populate all text boxes and make them visible once a button is clicked, is there a better way of doing this than I describe below?
The scenario
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I seem to repeating lines of code but changing one thing each time
on page load
Dim Sname As String = Request.QueryString("Name")
lblStuName.Text = Sname
tbStuName.Text = Sname
Dim Saddress As String = Request.QueryString("Address")
lblAddress.Text = Saddress
tbAddress.Text = Saddress
tbAddress.visible = false
on edit button
tbAddress.visible = true
on the save button
sqlStatement = "UPDATE StuTable SET Name = '" & lblStuName.Text & "', Address = '" & lblAddress.Text
My code seems very repetitive in many parts, I was looking for a better coding style to do this can anyone suggest a better way to do it? Is my idea sound right way to do this or can anyone suggest a better way it can be implemented?
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Jan 25, 2010
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< asp:LinkButton ID="AddNewRunLinkButton" runat="server" CssClass="Navigationlocalnav"
OnClick="AddNewRunLinkButton_Click" >
< img id="Img1" src="../../Images/add_newIcon.gif" runat="server" alt="Add New Run" />
< asp:Label ID="addText" Text=" Add New Run" runat="server">
< /asp:LinkButton>
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function DisplayProgress()
timeid = setInterval("addBlock",100)
function Addblock()
// Display a progress bar as follows - Increase the width of a div tag at this interval
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<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkpackageinfo" CssClass="linkclass"
OnClientClick="lnkpackageinfo_Click()">Compare Packages</asp:LinkButton>
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protected void lnkpackageinfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
long MerchantID = CommonHelper.GetLoggedInMerchant();
string querystringpackageinfo = ApplicationData.URL_MERCHANT_COMPANY_PACKAGE + "?MerchantCompanyPayment";
Response.Redirect(querystringpackageinfo, false);
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teamLists.Visible = Page.User.IsInRole("Administrators", "Manager")
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Card type Textbox1.text
Card number Textbox2.Text
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DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList) sender;string
s = ddl.SelectedValue;) and pass the selectedrowIndex and value to another function
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Sep 10, 2010
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Here is my simple upload form page:
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Jul 29, 2010
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what event should I use? what is the code for that?
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