Want The Script To Automatically Recognize The Numbers?

Mar 29, 2010

What I basically need is a Auto Sum script in Visual Basic for Excel. (Dynamically)

Instead, of having to manually insert the auto sum formula() every time I insert a new number in a new column. I want the script to automatically recognize the numbers, and either subtract, add, multiply, or divide. To get the number to get the value of the column.

I tried something like this -


MyTotal = Application.Sum(Range("A1:A100"))
' returns the total of the values in A1:A100 in the active worksheet.
[image redacted due to potential privacy concerns]

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Imports Utilities
End Function

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guide_controls_display_Office o = (guide_controls_display_Office)LoadControl("Office.ascx");

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<%@ Register TagName="office" TagPrefix="uc" Src="Office.ascx" %>

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Error: "The TargetControlID of 'mpueResend' is not valid. A control with ID 'btnResend' could not be found."

AlternatingRowStyle-BackColor="#EDF3F7" HeaderStyle-CssClass="gridbgheading"
Width="100%" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" >

BackgroundCssClass="modalBackGround" DropShadow="true" CancelControlID="btnCancelR" >

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Security :: Recognize User By Windows Login

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How To Get MVC Application To Recognize The Stylesheet On The Live Server

Jun 1, 2010

I've been building my sample asp.net application using VWD2008 and the development virtual server that comes with that. I got to the point that I want to make sure that the application behaves correctly on the live server, so I went ahead and published it. Everything seems to working great accept for the stylesheets. None of the styles are being applied to the page. I double checked the link to the stylesheet and I double checked the server location. Everything seemed fine and it was identical to the version on my virtual server.


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I've looked at the WebConfigManager but I believe that just opens the config and returns a configuration object. It doesn't really load the web.config in the current context.

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.net - Forms Authentication Fails To Recognize As Logged In Under IE?

Jun 29, 2010

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<authentication mode="Forms" >
<forms cookieless="UseCookies" />

where I would look to begin debugging this issue?

Edit: I have been forced to fix this issue now, since my webserver is not working well with URL authentication.I have used fiddler and figured out that IIS7 is not sending any cookies to me when I am in IE. No cookies are in the headers. The cookies are correctly in the headers when serving the site to Mozilla and Chrome browsers though. I am at a loss as to why.....

Edit2: As a side note, when I log into the web server directly, if I go to Http://localhost/ IIS sends IE the cookies fine, but if I go to http://qa_build/ (that's the computer name for the server) IIS won't send the cookies to IE.

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Code Behind Doesn't Recognize Control ID's On HTML Page

Feb 9, 2010

I had a website with a few asp.net controls with id like:

btnSave and tbAmount

I renamed one of my controls and when I tried to use it in the code behind I get the following error.

Error 5 Name 'tbAmount' is not declared.

I was messing around trying to add new controlls rather than rename, but nothing seems to work.

And now, none of my controlls that were added to the page are recognized in the code behind. They all have the error:

Error 5 Name 'tbAmount' is not declared.


Error 3 Name 'hfNoteId' is either not declared or not in the current

scope. E:NoteTenderNoteTenderMembersManageNote.aspx.vb 33 71 NoteTender

Even my button click event handler gives me the following error:

Error 2 Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types. E:NoteTenderNoteTenderMembersManageNote.aspx.vb 27 91 NoteTender

I have verified that my inherits is using the correct namespace and class name.

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Adding Javascript So It Would Recognize The Button And Allow Users To Hit Enter

Mar 1, 2010

I am having trouble with something, my client wants to be able to hit <enter> as well as click the button on this page:-


If you look at the Blue "Postcode search" and try searching for a nursery byb clicking the button you will see how it works. However then try doing the same but hitting <enter> and see what happens..

The front end html is as follows:-

PHP Code:


I tried adding javascript so it would recognize the button and allow users to hit enter but this did not work.

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Get Code - Behind File To Recognize Type Of A User Control?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a custom control in my mater page that represents a menu, let's call it CustomMenu. The control code files are located in a non special directory. I want to give each page that uses that master page the ability to access the control and, using a public property, tell the control whether or not it should render itself. I have a public property on the control to do that, and I know I can get the control by referencing Page.Master.FindControl('IdOfControlIwant');

The problem I'm having is that I can't seem to get the control Type recognized by the compiler, so when I do find the menu control, I can't actually work with it. The only way I can get the code behind to recognize the type is to register it in the ascx file, and then add at least one control to the page, which is undesirable.

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Application Does Not Recognize Class File In App_Code VS 2010

Jan 23, 2011

Since App_Code doenst exist as an ASP.NET Folder, I manually added App_Code as a regular folder, then within that I placed technologydescriptor.cs. Although it now has the appearance of an ASP.NET Folder.But for some reason my code doesnt recognize this class if its w/in the App_Code folder. This is picked up if it is not within that folder- why?Error: "The type or namespace name could not be found, are you missing a using directive or assembly reference"


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MVC 3 HtmlHelper Exception Does Not Recognize ModelMetadata On Inherited Interface

Jan 15, 2011

After upgrading to MVC 3 RTM I get an exception where it previously worked.

Here is the scenario. I have several objects that use the same underlying interfaces IActivity and IOwned.

IActivity implements IOwned (another interface)


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AJAX :: Server Did Not Recognize The Value Of HTTP Header SOAPAction?

Mar 3, 2010

I got the error when I called a webservice

---- Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction: http://tempuri.org/GetBestBidOfferData.

The odd thing is that I have several methods in this webservice, and only two of them got me the error message. It used to work, but then gave me the error message after i added some other methods to the asmx file.

The namespace should be the same for all the methods. One more thing to note is: these two methods had return data type DataTable before, and I changed it to DataSet. It should not affect anything, I assume.

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Can Add BehaviorID Attribute For .net Textbox And Use It To Be Recognize By Java Script

Mar 15, 2010

can I add BehaviorID attribute for asp.net textbox and use it to be recognize by java script??On other word, I want to to apply some java script function on asp.net text box and I want to let the java script find the asp.net text box by the BehaviorID.

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel Trigger Doesn't Recognize Control?

Jan 1, 2011

I have a UpdatePanel with trigger like this:


The ListView will always return one result.

When I load the page I get: A control with ID 'btn' could not be found for the trigger in UpdatePanel 'upPanel'.

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