I jast wants to access the ImageUrl value inside the Javascript's function OpenPopup() to open a new window to This URL. All Codes are residing in Same Page.
I cannot Pass the value from Display.aspx page to Display.aspx.cs thru '<%#FindAuditorById(Eval("FK_MM_AuditorsSysID") as int?) %>'.The secanrio: I have a DetailView[dtlviewAuditAssisgnment], with LinqDataSourceId[LinqDataSourceAssisgnment] and Binding the table called tblTT_Assisgnment. I have a column called FK_MM_AuditorsSysID which contains Id of a value.
.NET with VB I have a simple Gridview written with bound columns that gives a summary of all projects assigned to the user viewing the page.
I am struggling with passing the value of my project_ID column of a row that is clicked. I have looked around all day at different things, one involved using TemplateField with and ItemTemplate instead to fill my coloumns in stead of BoundField. This worked nicely to draw my Grid with the correct data from my datasource. I still struggled with two things.1. Selecting the row either button or ondoubleclick like event that runs VB code on my .aspx.vb page 2. Then the code to set a variable to the value for my project_ID columnThis is so frustrating, this was soooo simple in MS Access that was an on doubleclick event. That I simple set up set the project_ID.value = gblproject_ID and then called the new forum with the datasouce of that form filtered on the gblproject_ID. I am starting to think moving my MS Access DB online to .NET is far over my head.
I am maintaining a website that has .Aspx web pages with no code behind C# files. This has been a challenge for me, because I need to do the following:
1.) When the page first loads, display a Java Script popup message box.
So how can I do this if I don not have a code behind C# file where I can check for isPostback in the on page load method? Can the on page load method be placed inline in the .aspx code? Anyway I need to figure out how to answer my question 1 above.
we have an app built in Java and they use a button onclick of it will re-direct to IIS (to our screen)...what kind of authentication should I need to make sure whether user is coming from that Java screen...
From an ascx page, I click a link that opens a popup aspx page(child). That aspx page has a gridview with hyperklinks. When I click on one of the hyperlinks of my gridview, I want to pass the value in that cell to a textbox located on my ascx page(parent). I try using javascript , but I can't get it to work. here is my javascript code and the gridview code:
I have two files in my project. One is user control (popup) customerpicker.ascx and one is default.aspx page. In customerpicker I have dynamically generated gridview and 'select' column with SelectButton.
What I want is this: When I click on 'select' on random row in gridview, then I like to display value from selected row immediately (like ajax) to aspx.page. How it is possible?
howto pass value from one aspx page to other.In this on one page i have radgrid when i am click on button the how to select the value of selected grid item and then how to pass that value to other page.
I am trying to set up with a pay portal. The example they gave to add the "buy now" button was a standard form in HTML with inputs. I need to keep the form in .aspx because I have some of the values populating from another page. How can I pass the information in my .aspx page to their .cfm page?
I have the following requirement I need to fulfill using Asp.net and Java Script. Here is the requirement. I have two web forms. Web form A and Web form B. The second web form "B" will act as a popup web form. For web form "A" When web form "B" is closed, I need to pass back a text value to web form "A" Does anyone know how to do this in Java Script?, and Asp.net?
have a page called: TagUpdateReportPalletDeadSurplus1.aspx. On this page I have a link to a second page calledptPalletSurplusAndDeadDirectFromURL.aspx with a ms reportviewer report.I pass a parameter called ConfirmationID to the second page with a query string.Here is an example of the query string:http://localhost:4132/StateTag/rptPalletSurplusAndDeadDirectFromURL.aspx&rs:Command=Render&ConfirmationID=2010-02-08-12:27:37Do I have the correct syntax in the query string?How do I get the second page (rptPalletSurplusAndDeadDirectFromURL.aspx) to accept the parameter and pass it to the rdl report?
I have an ASPX page in my Application. ASPX pages from other applications in different domaincan call this page. But how do I return a value to the calling ASPX page in a different application?How an ASPX page can return a value to calling page in a different app?
how to pass value in GridView from Page1.aspx to Page2.aspx
In the GridView, I add one column that have CheckBox and the GridView have 5 rows then it will be 5 CheckBox.
What I would like to do is, when we checked 3 CheckBox from the GridView and click submit button, it will go to the Page2.aspx and display back the GridView but only display 3 rows that had been checked from the Page1.aspx I'm using VB
I am categorizing my website page to be defined as Secured & unsecured (ie few page on http & other on https) in Global.asax. Now, Product.aspx page has to be defined as unsecured. But I just couldn't make out how to define this since it is called with a querystring. If I simply define it as "Product.aspx", output is coming incorrect ie I need to define it as "Product.aspx?pid=123". But since there are lot many products, so I couldn't define it like this.
I would like to take your help for a small task of mine. I have dataset whose contents have been converted as xml, the contents of which needs to be sent to a stored procedure. How do i go about creating methods in the data layer and the stored procedure.What should be parameter type in the data layer's method and what should be the parameter type in the stored proc. I dont want to use a varchar at the stored proc level because it is limited to a length of only 8000 characters.