When Click The Edit Button The First Time Nothing Happens But Again Click Cause Change Of Editing Mode

May 18, 2010

I created a gridview and bound it to a datasource, I had some problems that do not relate to this post.

then I created another datasource programmatically and deleted the old one,

and I bound it using gridview.DataSource = source.

now when I click the edit button the first time nothing happens, when I click edit on another row, the previous row I clicked on changes to editing mode and shows update cancel links, then when I click a 3rd one, the 2nd one changes to editing mode etc...

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Mar 1, 2010

I have a page where I have a tab container and four tabs. the problem is on the first tab "manage quote request" I have a Gridview with the quote request general informatin listed and have a template field created with a link button to databind to the formview quote details. the porblem comes in when after I click on the select linkbutton. the Formview loads right. Then Whe I try to click on the edit linkbuttin in the form view I have to click it twice to change the mode to edit.

here is the page code:


Here is the Codebehind:


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Jun 15, 2010

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GridView1.EditIndex = 0;

has the issue that the button has to be clicked twice to the row to become editable.

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I am interested in ADO.NET method.

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FormView1.DefaultMode = FormViewMode.Edit

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Aug 2, 2010

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<asp:Menu ID="NavigationMenu" runat="server" CssClass="menu" EnableViewState="false" IncludeStyleBlock="false" Orientation="Horizontal">

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Jan 16, 2011

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Mar 8, 2010

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strhtml = strhtml.append(<button id=btnclick, runat='server',onclick=testfunction''></button>);

2) my function is on same page like


now i want to call this function on click of button

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Count Time Of Button Click In 1 Minute?

Nov 22, 2010

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I have a button and I want to count that, how many times was the button clicked in 1 minute.if the user clicked the button more than 5 times in 1 minute it will be deny for 5 minute.

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Apr 3, 2010

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protected void EnglishButton_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
string selectedLanguage = "en-US";
//Sets the cookie that is to be used by InitializeCulture() in content page
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("CultureInfo");
cookie.Value = selectedLanguage;

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Aug 18, 2010

How do I change these hyperlinks to say something other then Edit and Cancel?

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Jul 22, 2010

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Nov 15, 2012

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sending sms one time
under button click
try {
//for loop
for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
send("9786629228", "pwd", txtmessage.Text, txtnumber.Text);

[Code] .....

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Jan 3, 2011

I have created 3 tabs in first and second tab DIV I have Asp.net FormView, on Second tabs I have Asp.net GridView. On GridView we have edit link on each row of grid. Now issue is that when i click on edit link of grid Template of grid will change to edit template but tab automatically goes to first tab. I need it should remain on second tab where grid is there I try to use select on clientclick My code as followsThis is under document ready


This is under another script


This is grid in aspx page Where you can see on line 18,19,22 and 23 I am calling onclientclick select()


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When Click On Delete Or Update Button See No Change

Mar 20, 2010

My gridview works fine without the following code, but as soon as i add this, there is a probleme, when i click on delete or update button, i see no change, it's all the same.

Protected Sub GridView1_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs)

asp.net Code:
'If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
Dim A As Integer
A = e.Row.Cells(13).Text.Length
If A > 6 Then
e.Row.Cells(13).Text = e.Row.Cells(13).Text.Substring(0, 6)
End If
End If
End Sub

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Nov 2, 2010

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When using mozilla i see the source code for page i see code for latest CSS. But its not getting downloaded/ tried using the tamper data request to download CSS is not getting sent. When I inspect the elements style is still the old file

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MVC :: Change Properties Of Control On Button Click?

Feb 16, 2011

I am a ASP.Net Web Forms developer and new in MVC. I observed that MVC reccommend not to have code behind file. In Web Forms, we handle events in code behind then change properties of various controls there. How to do the same in MVC? For example, if I have to change back color of a label on click of a button then how to do this in MVC?

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Mar 17, 2011

Iam working on VWD express 2010, and things were going well, when the VWD crashed.I recovered my work and and realized that my controls stoped firing events.I removed and added button again, but in vain. I set "AutoEventWireup" and reset it also, but no use.I changed the code onto multiple systems. But the events wont fire. (I kept breakpoints also) My Web.config looks like this


And my page directive looks like this


And the non working code bit is this


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JQuery :: When User Click On The Button It Is Doing Some Process And Taking Some Time?

Aug 23, 2010

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