Using Calender Control - Change Visibility On Button Click Event

Sep 4, 2010

I am using calender control I want to change it's visibility on button click event. This is my form design:

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:Calendar ID="Calendar1" runat="server" Visible="False"></asp:Calendar>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Show" />

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AJAX :: Set The Visibility My UpdatePanel To True Upon A Button Click Event

Mar 1, 2010

I'm attempting to set the visibility my UpdatePanel to true upon a button click event (as shown below). It should be rather straightforward but unfortunately it's not working at all. Any idea why it's going wrong?

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanelSearchSubject" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always" Visible="false">
<asp:TextBox ID="findSubject" runat="server" Width="248px"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RadioButton ID="peopleSearch" runat="server" Checked="True"
Text="People" GroupName="searchSubject" />
<asp:RadioButton ID="groupSearch" runat="server" Text="Group"
GroupName="searchSubject" />
<br />
<asp:Button ID="btnGetGroups" runat="server" Text="Search"
OnClick="btnGetGroups_Click" BackColor="#CCFFCC" />
<br />
<br />
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="btnSearchSubject" />
//code behind
protected void btnSearchSubject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
UpdatePanelSearchSubject.Visible = true;

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Web Forms :: Text Change Event Eats Up Button Click Event?

Feb 18, 2011

I have a textbox with autopostback=true and a button to save the data in the form. Functionality works fine when entering a value in the textbox, tabbing out of the textbox and clicking on the save button. But issue comes up when entering a value in the textbox and directly clicking on the save button without tabbing out of the text box. In the second scenario, only textchanged event fires and save click event dosen't fire. What I was expecting was after exection of textchanged event, save click event should also fire. But this is not happening.

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Dropdown Selected Change Event Fire On Button Click Event?

Sep 24, 2010

I have write the code in .Net. When I click the Buttun then fired below event.

protected void ddldesignation_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

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C# - How To Change The Listview Template On A Button Click Event

Mar 29, 2011

I would like to change the listview template on a button click event. for example if your in edittemplate i would like to switch to ItemTemplate.i am trying to do this because im writing my own custom update function for the list view. so after i successfully update the row, it doesn't switch back to the default view.

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AJAX :: Increase The Size Of Calender After Image Button Click?

Jan 19, 2011

I am using ajax calender control in my project, its working fine.But when i click the image button to show the calender there i am facing the problen..after image click it is showing calender like this

jan feb mar
may jun jul
sep oct nov

so 4 8 12 months are not displaying whey are going outside of displaying range..

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MVC :: Change Properties Of Control On Button Click?

Feb 16, 2011

I am a ASP.Net Web Forms developer and new in MVC. I observed that MVC reccommend not to have code behind file. In Web Forms, we handle events in code behind then change properties of various controls there. How to do the same in MVC? For example, if I have to change back color of a label on click of a button then how to do this in MVC?

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Cannot Change Control's Visibility On C# Code

Oct 5, 2010

I want to change controls visibility on c#, but nothing happens. The controls are in an AspxPopupControl and 3 of them are hidden in design time, 1 of them is visible. I use this code to visible them

if (paramType == "Grup")
gv_Answers.Visible = false;
trlGroup.Visible = true;
chkShowItems.Visible = true;
gv_Answers.Visible = true;
trlGroup.Visible = false;
chkShowItems.Visible = false;

This code is in a CustomCallBack event of a gridview. So i don't know what to do from this point. It's an easy task but i couldn't handle it.

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AJAX :: Two Update Panels Interfacing With External Button - How To Control Button Visibility

Jun 15, 2010

I have a page with 2 update panels

UpdatePanel1 contains a gridview1 and a standard panel, pnlForms. gridview1 has a linkbutton which is processed in the gridview1_rowcommand

UpdatePanel2 has gridview2.

There is also a Submit button that isn't in either UpdatePanel but may be a candidate to go into its own UpdatePanel. The Submit button is a trigger for both update panels

The behavior I would like is:

1-Initially, all visible except pnlForms and Submit button 2- When linkbutton in UpdatePanel1 gridview1 is clicked, pnlForms and Submit button become visible. 3. When Submit button is clicked, both gridviews should be refreshed, and PnlForms and the Submit button should both become not visible. I believe I may have to put the Submit button in its own UpdatePanel3 but am not sure how to proceed.

In my present code, everything works as desired except Submit button (not presently in any Update panel) is always visible. Assuming Submit button is initialized to not visible, how do I get it to appear when I click the link button in gridview1 and to disappear when it is clicked?

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Web Forms :: How To Change The Color In Calender Control's Cell

Jun 29, 2010

How to change the color in calender control's cell(After saving Data in DB...). I need different color in particular cell(Saved Date)..

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change The Visibility For Update And Edit Button With This Details View

Apr 4, 2010

I have a details view with buttons in the footer. When the user clicks the edit button the calls the ChangeEditMode() method. I want to change the mode of the details view to edit mode which seems to work fine. It goes into edit mode with a text box. I also want it to set the visible property of the edit button to false and set the visible property of the update button to true. Then while still in edit mode the user can click the update button that will call the appropriate method to persist the changes.

I got the changemode() to change to edit but can't change the visible property of the buttons correctly. This is what I have so far. Can some one please tell me what I'm doing wrong?



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C# - Click Event Of A Button To Fire Fileupload Control

Jan 12, 2011

I have a fileupload Control and I made this as invisible. I want to fire browse button of that fileupload control when I clicked a nother button.How can I do?

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User Control Button Click Event Not Raised?

Nov 4, 2010

I have a User Control that has been added to the page dynamically. When I click a button on that user control:

The button_click event is NOT being raised
The page posts back
The user control is removed from the page

Here's the button-click event on my User Control:

Protected Sub btnAddAttribute_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddAttribute.Click
Dim attrName As String = txtAddAttributeName.Text
Dim attrValue As String = txtAddAttributeValue.Text
putSQLData("INSERT INTO OD_Attribute_Values (AttributeName, AttributeValue) VALUES('" & attrValue & "', '" & attrName & "'")...........

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Nov 12, 2010

how reset the value of asp testbox and dropdown list on button click event by using j query.

The button code is


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Javascript - How To Fire Button Click Event From User Control

Nov 23, 2010

I have a time on user control, and button on the web page. On perticular time I want to fire button click event.

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C# - How To Handle The Click Event Of A Button In A Custom ITemplate Control

Feb 28, 2011

I've created a custom control in ASP.NET for showing a pop-up message box. In my MessageBox class, I have a Content property as ITemplate like the following:

public ITemplate Content { get; set; }

I used my custom control in my page like this:

<cc1:MessageBox ID="MessageBox1" runat="server">
<asp:Button Text="Save" runat="server" ID="B_Save" />

Even I set the the Content property's TemplateInstance to Single, I still can't have access to the Button control.

All I want to do is to handle the click event of the button. When I assign an event handler to the button control and run the project, it throws a NullReferenceException.

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Web Forms :: Click Event Not Fired Properly For Button Control In IE8?

Jun 30, 2010

a problem with firing click event when asp:button control is click on IE8. Its properly postedback but when i click button in IE8, it does'nt do any thing. After review on mouseover on button the the following type link showing on button pagename.aspx?vid=18 on next click it incremented pagename.aspx?vid=18&vid=18 and so on. How can i fix button problem in IE8.

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AJAX :: Button Control In AccordionPane Does Not Fire Click Event?

Nov 15, 2010

I am creating nested accordion using the object model and have created buttons in the inner accordion's accordion pane. The buttons look great but issue is that the buttons does not fire thier click event. They just do the postback of the page and ignore the event.

I want to show a pop-upextender on the pre_init event but all my panes are added dynamically so it does not give any rows.

My code


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Web Forms :: Get User Control To Do Stuff After Button Click Event Fired?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a user control that displays some database records when I first hit the page. When I click the submit button the page load event fires again, loading the user control again. Then the button click event fires inserting a new row in the database which is not shown on the page because the user control already did its stuff. If I could get the user control to do its stuff after the button click event I could then see the newly inserted row. I can do this by pulling the code out of the button click event and sticking it in the page load event. However, I think that would be bad code flow. How can I get the user control to do its stuff after the button click event has fired?

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Web Forms :: User Control Link Button Click Event Not Firing On First Try?

Jun 9, 2010

Here is what i am trying to do I have a multiview and two views in it so based on click event the link the views change


apparently they are not firing on first try. The reason i am doing this is the two views have tables with different images to be used in building my menu.

What am i doing wrong? or why is the click event firing on second try?

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AJAX :: Button Click Event Is Not Getting Fired From Inside Accordion Control

Jan 4, 2010

I am begier in AJAX.

I taken one Accordian Cotrol.

In side that I have taken Accordion Pen Control.

Inside that I taken a button.

But when I click the buton page is get post back but Button Click event is not getting called.

how should I do so the button click event is get called?

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Handle Button Click Event From User Control Loaded Dynamically

Jul 31, 2010

I have a blank user control (child) and during Page_Load i create some text boxes and a button. I also add an event to the button.

I then load that user control dynamically from a placeholder in another usercontrol (parent). Both controls are rendered correctly but when i click on the button, the event isnt fired. how to handle the event?

Child code:


If i use the child control directy (ie without the parent the control) the click event is raised and handled nicely. But when i use the parent control, the debugger wont even hit a breakpoint inside UpdateButton_Click().

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Javascript - Simulating An 'Insert' Button Click-event In Listview Control?

Feb 1, 2011

One of my webpages has an ListView control, with an insertitem template defined. I would like to allow the users of the page to enter data in a text field in the insertitem template, press the enter key, and trigger the insert event (which normally happens when you click the 'insert' button). I've tried simulating the button click event in javascript, but that doesn't seem to be working.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Created Button Control Click Event Not Firing First Time?

Sep 16, 2010

im creating a button control in page int and im assing a click event for the button control. here the click event is not firing for the first time. here is my code.


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Link Button Control Click Event?

Sep 28, 2010

I have Web page that uses LinkButton control inside Template Fields of Gridview.I am trying to work on LinkButton Click event and trying to preserve the Value of LinkButton that user click, and based on that value, i want to refresh tha page data.

I used CommandName and CommandArgument property of Linkbutton, but i can use that property only in GridView_RowCommand method by checking e.CommandName expression. But the problem with that Gridview_RowCommand event fire after all other page_load activity. So the value never used in the page_load event to refresh the data in all other control.I also tried to use OnClick Method, Session variable and Hidden variable. but when i run Response.Redirect method from Gridview_RowCommand, it clear all the Session and Hidden variable values. also tried (Response.Redirect(,false)) method but never got success.

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