Web Forms :: Add Or Delete User Roles From Web Config File Programmatically Using C#?

May 7, 2015

I am using this article [URL]...

And I want to add Role/s dynamically and also delete role/s in web config.

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Similar Messages:

User Controls :: Programmatically Add Update Dynamic Roles In Location Tag Of Web Config

May 7, 2015

I want to add a new rule in my web.config file programmatically,

ex: I have a textbox to add location path I have a combobox (with items admin and user) to add roles. ex: user input location path = textbox roles = combobox (items admin and user) the save button, when click the save button the results go to the web config :

<location path="Report/ManageReport.aspx">
<allow roles="ADMIN" />
<deny users="*" />

So far my code as below: but I was confused to apply its

protected void AddRoleRule(string location, string selectedrole)
Configuration config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(Server.MapPath("~/Web.config"));
XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument();
//if the rule exists update the rule

[Code] .....

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Data Controls :: How To Delete Location Tag (Node) Programmatically In Web Config File Using C#

May 7, 2015

I want to delete location path using parameter textbox .. example : I enter name of location path in the texbox when i click button delete then location path in web config will be remove..

<location path="page1">
<allow users="ADMIN" />
<deny users="*" />

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Data Controls :: How To Delete Location Tag (Node) Programmatically Using Its Path In Web Config File

May 7, 2015

I want to delete location path using parameter textbox and allow user ..

example  :

location path = textbox1
allow user = textbox2

explanation : i enter name of location path in the texbox1 and allow user  in the texbox2,  when i click button delete then location path based on parameter textbox1 and textbox2 in web config will be remove..

this below my web config

<location path="3pm.aspx">
<allow users="testing1,testing2,tunggal ,usertest" />

[Code] ...

So far this is my code for deleting location path using parameter name of path , yet to parameter allow user ..

protected void DeleteLocationPath(object sender, EventArgs e)
string path = Server.MapPath("~/Web.Config");
XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument();

[Code] .....

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Web Forms :: Programmatically Adding The WCF Section In Web.config File?

Jan 20, 2010

i want Programmatically add the WCF section <system.serviceModel> to web.config file using C# and .aspx control.

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Configuration :: Select Web.Config File Programmatically?

May 2, 2010

I have 1 web application, 2 databases (same design, with different data), and 2 web.config files (web1.config. web2.config) ;

What I do need is a way to change the web.config file name programaticcaly on code behind.

So, this way I can select on runtime accoerding to the current theme the web.config currently being used.

Ofcourse that if I could do inheritnce of the web.config files it would be te best approaach, but only one web.config file is allowed per directory.

deploy this configuration to achieve a multiple websites to one web project.

View 10 Replies

How To Retrieve Configuration Settings From The Web.config File Programmatically

Jun 17, 2010

I have this portion of my web.config file;


I need to be able to retrieve the value of "from" in my application. How do I read this value into my code?

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Configuration :: Programmatically Read Entry From Xml Config File

Jan 2, 2011

i have a xml configuration file like below format.


i would like to programmatically read entry from xml config file which is same as asp.net webconfig file reading.

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Delete An Unrequired User Profile Property From Web.config And The Database?

Oct 30, 2010

I use the default ASP.NET Profile Provider which lets me define user properties in web.config.

I now no longer want to use one of these user properties. I want to delete all traces of it.

I can remove the property from the list of properties in web.config however, I suspect, the stored values for this property will still be held in the aspnet_Profile table for each user.

Is there an easy way to clean out all traces of the data for a property that's no longer used from the aspnet_Profile table?

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Configuration :: Unable To Programmatically Update Web.Config File Withing Website

Mar 24, 2010

I have a few app settings I want to update from within my web site and to do this I use this code:


This works fine in my development enviroment but when using IIS7 I get an exception while saving these settings:Access to the path 'C:InetpubwwwrootNSiteCOMweb.config' is denied.How can I configure IIS7 to allow my application to update web.config?

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How To Make All Of The Roles Defined In RoleGroup> Required? (i.e. User Must Meet All Roles)

Feb 24, 2011

Let's say I have a rolegroup as follows:

<asp:LoginView ID="lvDoSomeStuff" runat="server">
<asp:RoleGroup Roles="RoleOne,RoleTwo">

Is there a way I can make it so that a user must meet RoleOne and RoleTwo to satisfy the RoleGroup? By default, if a user is in either of the two roles, they will be granted access. I know I can do this via the code-behind, but I'd prefer to be able to wrap some content template with this markup instead of having to wrap it in a panel and hide the panel programmatically.

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Web Forms :: Web.config SessionState Other Than Off Ignores Roles In Web.sitemap

Feb 23, 2011

I changed my application to use "InProc" sessionState instead of "Off" because I need to preserve user selected language from page to page doing localization.n web.sitemap I have this line:

<siteMapNode url="Admin.aspx" title="Administrator" description="Site administration" roles="Administrator" />

which before I changed sessionState to "InProc" worked as supposed to: menu item "Administrator" appeared as a menu choice only when user had logged in with admin rights. Now this menu choice is present for every user.

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Security :: Allow User To Delete An Uploaded File?

Mar 16, 2011

When the user chooses to remove a photo from his online posting, he checks a checkbox when in turn exutes the following:

File.Delete(Server.MapPath( "~/Images/"
) & zfilen)

Is this considered secure?

View 5 Replies

MVC :: Specify Roles In Web.config

Nov 30, 2010

I want to be able to specify which roles having access to certain controllers in web.config and use it something like this:


..but the compiler says "Error 1 An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type...". How to accomplish this behavior?

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Web Forms :: How To Delete App_offline.html Programmatically In C#

Apr 9, 2010

i am trying to delete app_offline.htm programmatically but the code doesnot even get called as the app_offline does not other pages load. how should i delete the file after the updations have been done in the website. i know that i can delete the file manually but i dont want to do that.



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Security :: Web.config Roles / How Can Access

Jan 10, 2011

I have three roles:


How can i give acces so to:

1- All users in roles Admin and Editor
2- Specific users from role General

i tried this but with no luck:


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Membership Roles Web.config Settings

Nov 25, 2010

I can't seem to find this answer anywhere on google or stackoverflow, even though I'd thought it would've been an easy thing to do.

I want to understand how the system.web authorization tag on the web.config works, and what exactly each attribute and property does.

For instance, what does

<deny users="?"/>
<allow users="*"/>

Specifically what I want to do is to disallow access to most of the site for unauthenticated users, allow access to some of the site for authenticated users who belong to a certain role, and allow full access to users from a second role.

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Web Forms :: How To Programmatically Create / Update And Delete Site Map Nodes

Feb 2, 2010

How programmatically create, update and delete site-map nodes?

I use ASP.NET (VB.NET), Visual Studio 2010.

I try create own simple CMS for little site.

I need in admin area create, delete and update site-map nodes (and aspx pages with static text)

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Web Forms :: Add Update Delete SiteMap Role Attribute Programmatically Using C#

May 7, 2015

I am using this article for hide and show the menu in specific user only. My question is on how can I Add, Delete and View the Roles in specific menu.

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Security :: How To Limit User To Access Database And Web.config File

May 6, 2010

I know I can use [assembly: FileIOPermission(SecurityAction.RequestRefuse, Unrestricted = true)] to limit user to access disk files, now I hope to limit user to access database and web.config file, how can I do?

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Requiring Multiple Roles In Web.config Authorization?

Apr 29, 2010

Is it possible to specify that multiple roles are required inside the authorization element of the web.config file? I currently have this block in one web.config of my site for a specific directory:

<allow roles="Global, Region" />
<deny users="*" />

I've just identified a special case where a person with two lower-level permissions than Global and Region should also have access to this directory. Roughly, I want something like this:

<allow roles="GlobalManager, RegionManager, SiteManager && FooSite" />
<deny users="*" />

I realize I probably should have a new role for this scenario, but I'd like to avoid that.

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Error Trying To Read Roles Section From Web.Config

Feb 21, 2010

When executing this line:

Dim roleRedirectSection As LoginRedirectByRoleSection = DirectCast(ConfigurationManager.GetSection("loginRedirectByRole"), LoginRedirectByRoleSection)

...I get the following error:

Message: "An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for loginRedirectByRole: Could not load type 'sitename.LoginRedirectByRoleSection'. (W:Webs2010DEVsitenameASP 4.0web.config line 10)"

<section name="loginRedirectByRole" type="journeyeast.LoginRedirectByRoleSection" allowLocation="true" allowDefinition="Everywhere" />
<add role="Administrator" url="~/Account/Admin/Default.aspx" />
<add role="Employee" url="~/Account/Emp/Default.aspx" />
<add role="Teacher" url="~/Account/Teacher/Default.aspx" />
<add role="Student" url="~/Account/Student/Default.aspx" />
<add role="School" url="~/Account/School/Default.aspx" />

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Security :: Set Up Some Roles In Configuration Nothing Added To Web.config?

Feb 17, 2010

I quickly setup Roles to get my site up, but now I am going back and tightening them up. I have a custom SQL Server database Provider to hold users.I want 3 Roles, Admins, Progress and then a standard User.I have all the files only Admins to use are in a folder SecureAdminI have all the files only Progress to use are in a folder SecureProgress And all the files that everybody has access to are in the Secure Folder.As soon as I added the Custom XML Site provider, my Tree View disppeared. I would assume it's because my roles are not configured correct. I can use the ASP.NET configuration tool to see my roles and users, but any combination I try in there doesn't seemto do anything. I see most examples have some code like below.


But even when I set up some roles in the ASP.Net configuration, I never see anything like that added to my web.config? Is this because it is stored in the database? If not, what what I add to my web.config to make this work?

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Security :: Allow Or Deny Roles To Update / Insert And Delete Records?

Sep 1, 2010

I have two roles "Admin" and "Basic". I also have a listview on the web page.

My goal is that to make "Admin" role has the highest privilege to deal with records such as "insert", "update" and "delete".

For the role "Basic", it only can update the records.

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Configuration :: Forms Authentication - Unable To Save Web.config Programmatically

Feb 24, 2011

im using visual studio 2008. in my project im using forms authentication,my project structure is as follows

admin (folder)

root web.config is as follows


and inner web.config is


and my users are

Username Role
admin1 Admin
admin2 Admin
user1 User
user2 User

as you can see that in second web.config, i gave access to users with "Admin" role and "user1" user.

for giving access to "admin" folder, i wrote the following:


and saved the web.config as


this is working fine when i run it from visual studio development server, when i host it in IIS, im getting the following error


here the problem is, it is not able to save the web.config i got one solution, that is, i added


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