C# - .resx Serialization / List Of All Valid Keys For A Given *.resx File

May 14, 2010

I'm contributing on an I18N project and there's a call to serialize our *.resx files as JSON objects (for whatever reason).

What I'm wondering is:

Is there a way to get a list of all of the valid keys for a given *.resx file so that we could use HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject to grab the tokens?
If that won't work, has anyone come up with a clever solution that does?

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ASPX: <asp:Literal ID="l1" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:GalleryServerPro, Admin_Tab_Hdr %>" />
Code-behind: string msg = Resources.GalleryServerPro.Successfully_Restored_Msg;

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public Object MyGetGlobalResourceObject(string classKey, string resourceKey)
if (GetGlobalResourceObject(classKey, resourceKey) == null)

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internal class MyResource {
internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager {...}

I need all those internal to be public all the time.

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Jun 18, 2010

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Let's say I have a simple ASP.NET webpage composed of (1) a label whose text is an important keyword (2) an input with required field validation and (3) a button that causes validation to occur:


Now, inside the resource file for this page, we want to localize the strings for the page's controls. However, for our error message, we want to use the literal name of the input's label. This is were my question is.

PSEUDOCODE: myPage.resx

(1) lblMyInput.Text = "Name"
(2) rfvMyInput.ErrorMessage = "The " + lblMyInput.Text + " field may not be left blank."
(3) btnSubmit.Text = "Submit/Validate"

Is there any way to pull off this type of concatenation of one resource file's string into another string within the same file?

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Jul 7, 2010

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Sep 28, 2010

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<%= Resources.IndexView.MyKey %>

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<%= Resources.IndexView[keyRoot + Model.BlahBlah] %>

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<value>A payment authorization for {0:C} has been received.</value>

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Localization :: Load Data From Resx To Ddl?

Jan 18, 2011

I am having difficulties loading the data from resx file to ddl control.

Inside the resx file the format is:

Name: CData


<c text="Canada" value="1"/>
<c text="USA" value="2"/>
<c text="Africa" value="3"/>

cs file:

ddl.DataSource = this.GetLocalResourceObject("CData");
ddl.DataTextField = "text";
ddl.DataValueField = "value";

At debug mode, I checked that the data is been capture from resource file as shown above (xml format) But it fails at DataBind(), showing that the text is not found...

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.net - Mvc 2, Resx Files And Page Translation?

Apr 2, 2011

I've used a very interesting article (which i recommend, you can see it here :http://adamyan.blogspot.com/), and i've started to localize my asp net mvc2 site.However, i've come to a point where i don't know if it would be possible to do something else, or if i just have to do it this way The thing is, most of the pages are text and links and stuff. In general, all of the links i have them using some markup and calling the Html.ActionLink (for example). So, if i'm translating a page that has 20 links, i would have to split all of those texts into 20 entries in the resx file (and the Html.ActionLink text would have to have its own resx entry, of course). I find this a little bit unpractical. Is there a way to just copy the whole contents, and make some intermediary parse the tags in the resx file and call the appropriate code?

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Apr 17, 2010

How to read strings from the MyResource.resx file from c#. I am not calling this from the asp.net page, rather i am calling from my bussiness logic.

Assembly assembly =
ResourceManager resourceManager = new

here i am getting exception,

Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "MessagesResource.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "App_Web_eerdggo8" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.

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Jul 20, 2010

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C# - Resourcemanager To Read Local .resx?

Aug 4, 2010

For my translations I'm making use of embedded .resx files. Some of these translations I wish to override with another .resx file, which is not embedded (ex. ~/App_Localresources/translations.en-US.resx).

The purpose of this is that after the application is compiled and deployed, a user could change the .resx file manually to override some of the embedded translations.

Is there a way to use the normal ResourceManager for this? (in .NET 4)

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