.NET/IIS6 - Disable Chunked Encoding When Using Dynamically Compressed Content?
Oct 7, 2010
I'm running ASP.NET on an IIS6 server. Right now the server is set up to compress dynamically generated content, mainly to reduce the page size of ASPX files that are being retrieved.
Once of the ASPX files has the following bit of code, used to fetch a file from the database and send it to the user:
Response.Buffer = true;
Response.ContentType = Document.MimeType;[code]....
The download itself works perfectly. However, the person downloading the file doesn't get a progress bar, which is incredibly annoying.
From what research I've been doing, it seems that when IIS sets the transfer-encoding to chunked when compressing dynamic content, which removes the content-length header as it violates the HTTP1.1 standard when doing that.
What's the best way to get around this without turning dynamic compression off at the server level? Is there a way through ASP.NET to programatically turn off compression for this response? Is there a better way to go about doing things?
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public void Init( HttpApplication context )
context.BeginRequest += OnBeginRequest;[code]....
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Mar 25, 2011
I have an HttpModule which is used to dynamically compress content from an ASP.NET (MVC3) web application. The approach is very similar to the CompressionModule in this article (where the module applies a GZip filter to the HttpResponse and sets the correct Content-encoding header).For one reason and another, this needs to run in classic mode, not integrated pipeline mode.
The problem I've got, is that on some servers that have IIS compression enabled, IIS compresses the content and then my module compresses that. The upshot is that I get content compressed twice, with an encoding:
Content-encoding: gzip,gzip
one from IIS, and one from this line in my code:
httpResponse.AppendHeader("Content-encoding", "gzip");
Does anyone know a way, in classic mode, that I can check to see if the content is already compressed, or if compression is enabled on the server, in order to bypass my own compression?In pipeline mode, this check is as simple as
if (httpResponse.Headers["Content-encoding"]!= null)
i.e. check if anything has already set a content-encoding and if so, do nothing.However, I'm stumped in classic mode. Unfortunately, accessing HttpResponse.Headers is not allowed in classic mode, so I can't do my barrier check.
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this.Attributes["onclick"] = string.Format("javascript:alert('{0}')", base.NavigateUrl);
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Jan 20, 2011
i have a ASP.NET 4.0 based CMS, where i use the TinyMCE (3.4) via jQuery to edit one Textbox.In addition to this i have several other textboxes. There is also another DropDown List on the Page, which controls the Contenttype.This Control has AutoPostback enabled and sets the visibility on the textboxes regarding the selectes item.As i want to keep the Postback Validation on i have configured the TinyXML to use xml for the content serialisation (encoding: "xml").Now i have the problem, when a postback from e.g. the DropDown List occures, the re-encodes the content.
Init: "Hallo"
1st Postback: "<p>Hallo</p>"
2nd Postback: "<p><p>Hallo</p></p>"
i have enabled the original textarea via css and this seems to be a problem of the TinyMCS's Save method.
Does anybody have a solution, how to fix this issue maybe with a custom save_callback on the TinyMCE?
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1) Added machine keys to web.config files - we have 2 web servers load balanced by Windows load balancer
2) We confirmed that the user are routed to the same server - because the sessions are sticky
3) Increased the session timeout to 60 minutes in IIS 6.0
4) Increased the Idle timeout for connection pool to 60 minutes
5) Changed Form authentication ticket timeout to 60 minutes
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Jan 5, 2010
Im pulling out a text field from the database which has and 's in it for line breaks. Which I have left there for pupose of being able to edit the fields later on.
So when i try to display the text I need to replace them which I have done with:
Simple enough. Only when I run the page the source code I get for it is:
<br />
So it seems its not encoding the < as a encode but into the form <
Does anyone know how to stop this happen. Or a method around it?
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Dec 10, 2010
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Sep 30, 2010
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This question really could apply to regular asp.net as well.
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Is it true that it has been originated that the fact I created a simple web project instead of a ajax control toolkit project?
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Jul 27, 2010
I want to disable default submit behaviour of Ente button in my category.aspx page
and my page contains mayny no of textboxes
i wan to implement this javascript at one time at form tag but my page is inside master page
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Jun 13, 2010
I'm trying to have a checkbox disable and enable a textbox, within a strongly typed viewmodel.
I couldn't find any way to make a checking the nine2five checkbox to disable the startTime and endTime textboxes (and set values to 9 and 5 appropriately).
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May 10, 2010
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I want to be able to change the fields to readonly if a field in the database for the user says they should have readonly access. I can't seem to find the level to go to in order to loop through the controls of the page to set their access to readonly.
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Feb 24, 2010
I'm fairly new to jQuery and I've been looking for a decent free datepicker for a while now. I am quite satisfied with jQuery UI's datepicker but I've hit a snag. The project where I'm using this requires that I have an icon beside the textbox. While this is fairly easy, I don't know how to dynamically disable the icon. There are two things I'm interested in knowing:
How can I dynamically change the disabled status of the datepicker from code-behind so that it triggers on postback? Is it possible to make it's disabled status dependent on the textbox that it is attached to? (i.e. if
<asp:TextBox Id="txtMyTextBox" Enabled="false">
then datepicker gets disabled as well.
This is the code I've been using for the datepicker.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
showOn: 'button',
buttonImage: '/images/icon-calendar.gif',
buttonImageOnly: true
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Mar 25, 2011
I have an application that is supposed to accept checks. The user has 2 radio buttons. The first radio button has a drop down list associated with it which contains the masked numbers of their previously used checking accounts.
The second radio button has three text boxes and an image of a check associated with it.
When a user hits this page, the three text boxes and the check image associated with the second radio button are disabled. Then, if the user decides he/she wants to use a new checking account, they can click the second radio button and that fires the Javascript that enables the three check boxes and the image of the check associated with that second radio button. If they click on the first radio button, it will re-disable the text boxes and hide the check image associated with the second radio button.
The problem happens when I do my server side validation. After validating all text fields, if there is a problem, I just fall out of the bottom of the code, the page posts back and the labels above the offending text fields show an error message.
One caveat: The Javascript that is supposed to fire on the OnClick event for the first radio button fires and the text fields for the second radio button are disabled. The user can click on the second radio button and the fields will enable, but this is very clunky.
Here's the enable code where I am injecting the Javascript:
Private Sub JavascriptInject()
Dim sEnableControls As String
Dim sDisableControls As String
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Nov 26, 2010
Is it possible to make some of the AccordionPanes disabled dynamically from server side ? So that the header not clickable and the accordion content is not visible?
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Mar 14, 2011
Is there any way to saw saturday and sunday red or any way to disable any day of week dynamically from code in Ajax Calender Control.
For ex. i am making payroll system so if you are going to apply for leave at week off days so at that time you are not able to select week off days.
i want to set week off days dynamically as per employee.it may be possible that week off is monday,tuesday,wednesday etc.
View 4 Replies
Jul 16, 2010
I am working with a few .Net 4.0 webforms controls such as the Menu control and while I think it's great that I can now declare the way in which controls are rendered (i.e. as either tables or divs), I can't switch off the automagically-included javascript that manages the hover events for those controls, for example:new Sys.WebForms.Menu({ element: 'NavigationMenu', disappearAfter: 500, orientation: 'horizontal', tabIndex: 0, disabled: false }This appears at the bottom of every page that owns such a control.
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