Disable HTML Encoding On HyperLink Attributes?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a HyperLink on my usercontrol in which I set onlick event dynamically on the server side like this:

this.Attributes["onclick"] = string.Format("javascript:alert('{0}')", base.NavigateUrl);

The problem is that when Asp.net renders the page, it ends up with something like this

<a href='...' onclick="javascript:alert('TEST')>LINK</a>

which obviously is not valid Javascript. Using " instead of ' wouldn't help neither, the generated HTML is alert("TEST")

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Seo - Disable URL Encoding On HyperLink Control In Header Tag?

Mar 26, 2011

I am attempting to dynamically add a element to the html head tag in ASP.Net.

Here is my code in the master page:


How do I disable the Url Encoding? Or is this valid? I'm trying to do this for SEO purposes.

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Forms Data Controls :: Disable Encoding Of NavigateUrl On Hyperlink Control?

Aug 2, 2010

I have discovered that the NavigateUrl is encoding the URL when it render it. It is a bit of a problem for me in Denmark because we have domianname with special charters. ex. [URL] the hyperlink control render it like [URL]

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Web Forms :: .Net 4.0 Attributes.Add Encoding Bug?

May 4, 2010

.Net 4.0 is encoding values when using Attributes.Add. In previous versions it didn't. With the new behaviour it is no longer possible to write attributes containing single quotes.Here's an example.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtTest" runat="server" />
txtTest.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", "keyuphandler('hello')");

With the application pool framework version set to 2.0 it produces the desired result:

<input name="txtTest"
type="text" id="txtTest"
onkeyup="keyuphandler('hello')" />

With it set to 4.0 it produces an undesirable result:

<input name="txtTest"
type="text" id="txtTest"
onkeyup="keyuphandler('hello')" />

.Net 4.0 needs to be fixed to allow the developer to write attribute values containing single quotes.

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.NET/IIS6 - Disable Chunked Encoding When Using Dynamically Compressed Content?

Oct 7, 2010

I'm running ASP.NET on an IIS6 server. Right now the server is set up to compress dynamically generated content, mainly to reduce the page size of ASPX files that are being retrieved.

Once of the ASPX files has the following bit of code, used to fetch a file from the database and send it to the user:

Response.Buffer = true;
Response.ContentType = Document.MimeType;[code]....

The download itself works perfectly. However, the person downloading the file doesn't get a progress bar, which is incredibly annoying.

From what research I've been doing, it seems that when IIS sets the transfer-encoding to chunked when compressing dynamic content, which removes the content-length header as it violates the HTTP1.1 standard when doing that.

What's the best way to get around this without turning dynamic compression off at the server level? Is there a way through ASP.NET to programatically turn off compression for this response? Is there a better way to go about doing things?

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Using Html.ActionLink But Not Html Encoding?

Oct 19, 2010

I wish to return the following output

<a href="#"><img src="/images/icons/tick.png" alt="" />More info</a>

If i do the following the content is html encoded.
<%= Html.ActionLink("<img src='/images/icons/tick.png' />More info", "OrderRegion", "Campaign", new {id = Model.Campaign.Id}, null) %>

How can i disable the html encoding?

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Convert Plain Hyperlink In Html Hyperlink?

Jun 28, 2010

how to "discover" hyperlink in some text and convert that hyperlink in html hyperlink with asp.net (or javascript). For example, if a user enter this text:

You found it at [URL]

How can i found and convert in html like :

You found it at <a href='http://www.foo.com'>http....</a>

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Encoding HTML In Repeater?

Dec 22, 2010

I have an ASP.NET repeater pulling comment data from a database. In my ItemTemplate I placed some Label server controls bound to the fields (username of poster, date, and post text), but apparently Label does not run the data through HtmlEncode before displaying it. Is there another control I should use? How should I display HTML-encoded data from a repeater?

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GridView And Html Encoding?

Feb 22, 2011

I've recently upgraded a client's web site to .NET 4 and we've found out during the process that now GridView column values are automatically HTML encoded.

They have wide use of HTML strings in their code so we must turn that off. I know one solution would go over each column and add HtmlEncode="false". My question is - is there a way to set this to be the default for all GridView columns in this application?

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WebMatrix :: Encoding En Decoding HTML?

Aug 18, 2010

I stored in a database a ntext "<b>Hello</b>";

But when I read it from the database I see <b>Hello</b> instead of Hello.

In the html source I see this: <b>Hello</b>]

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Ajax ToolKit HTML Editor Text Encoding?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm using the lovely Html Editor control of AjaxToolkit packet and faced to the following problem:- when a French text is typed like this:"En dépit de la détection d'une possible nouvelle fuite, le responsable des opérations de lutte contre la marée noire a autorisé la compagnie BP à poursuivre pendant 24 heures les tests qu'elle effectue sur le puits endommagé."in code behind from the Editor's property Content I retrieve the text like this:

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Encoding Special Characters For Outlook HTML Email?

Mar 24, 2010

I have an asp.net / C# page which takes a comment, and then emails that comment. Sometimes when the user enters "&" in the comment, the comment is being truncated. So for example if the comment is "test & test" the email only sends out "test ".

I have tried HttpUtility.HtmlEncode - but it looks like the issue is on the outlook side and not on the C# side.

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Web Forms :: Get Html Encoding Working Without Having To Put The Pagevalidation To False?

Aug 19, 2010

wanting to add the freetextbox from freetextbox.com to it.But before i add that I want to get html encoding working with out having to put the pagevalidation to false.This is what I've been reading and trying to work. I have the encoding from the database to teh site working fine. Its the encoding to the database that is being a pain in my back.http://dotnetslackers.com/articles/aspn /Encode_and_Display_HTML_Securely_in_ASP_NET_2_0.aspxI've added the validaterequest to false and encoding my text by the following.

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Prevent HTML Encoding In Auto Generated GridView Columns?

Jan 30, 2010

I have a GridView bound to a DataTable that I construct. Most columns in the table contain the raw HTML for a hypelinklink, and I would like that HTML to render as a link in the browser, but the GridView is automatically encoding the HTML, so it renders as markup.

How can I avoid this without explicitly adding HyperLink, or any other, columns?

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WebMatrix :: Razor Needs Shorter Syntax To Prevent HTML Encoding?

Oct 27, 2010

It's great that Razor HTML encodes by default. However, many times I have HTML in a database and want to display it literally on a page. In WebForms 4, we can use <%= %> and <%: %> to choose between encoding options. Raven's syntax is currently @(new HtmlString(Model.Greeting)).

add a shorter syntax to Razor. Something like @=Model.Greeting or @@Model.Greeting, or something else.

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MVC :: Can't Set Html Attributes

Dec 21, 2010

I have a create view that I cannot set HTML attributes on. I have tried various ways but still cant set an attribute. Currently I'm trying this

<%: Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.itinerary, new { size = 60})%>

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C# - Disable A HyperLink From Code Behind?

Aug 5, 2010

In my project I need to disable a hyperlink based on some condition. So how can I do this from code behind using C#?

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Disable Hyperlink After Clicking On It?

Oct 15, 2010

I have a link

<asp:HyperLink ID="BtnPrint" runat="server"
NavigateUrl="~/CrystalReportViewer.aspx" Visible="false"
Target="_blank" ToolTip="Print pdf">Print</asp:HyperLink>

I want that when I click to show it should be visible.. that's working... but I want that when I click to this hyper link it should be invisible or not enabled...

or is it possible to show page in new tab or window by using asp button or asplinkbutton?

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Webmailer Encoding Characters / Set The Content Encoding Of The Whole Page?

Jan 4, 2010

I have written a web mailer that can send and receive emails and display them on a webpage.I have a problem displaying special characters though. Like Russian, and Greek and chinese.I am using openpop.net and I can get the encoding of the incoming email as one of my variables.Thing is, how do I display it? Do I set the content encoding of the whole page to what that specific email encoding is?I've got it UTF-8 at the moment and I get garbage.

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Web Forms :: Disable Hyperlink Once It Is Clicked?

Oct 15, 2010

I have 6 asp.net hyperlink control on my page and i want to disable all even if one is cclicked? Anyone does this before

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Use Same Form For Add And Edit When Specifying Html Attributes?

Dec 2, 2010

I wish to use the same form for adding and editing records within a database using a partial view. I understand that this is fine as the standard Html.BeginForm automatically output the correct html depending on the action that is being used (Add / Edit). However, I need to out said form with some extra HTML attributes. There does not appear to be an overload that allows this to happen without also specifying the ACTION and CONTROLLER names. If I hardcode these then surely I cant use the same form for edit and add automatically? Or am I missing something?

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How To Programatically Add Attributes To The HTML Tag In Page Object

Feb 28, 2011

I need to add some attributes [URL] to the tag in an ASP.NET Page object. Note: I cannot do this in a declarative manner and have to use the server side object model to do it.

To add some additional information:

I need to do this within the ASP.NET Page rendering life cycle.

I need to add the attribute to the root element in the page.

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Razor Syntax Within Html Attributes - Better Way To Write

Jan 23, 2011

Check out the following: <a href="/test?x=@if (Model.IsTest) { @(1) } else { @(4) }"></a> Is there a better way to write this instead of the @(1) and @(4)?

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MVC :: Access Html Helpers TextBox And Attributes?

Feb 5, 2010

i used Html Helpers TextBox like this

<%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Password)%>

now have can i access to attributes

i need to enable=false that control.

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Web Forms :: Attributes Of Selected Html Controls?

Mar 12, 2011

tried many approaches like below to determine which web page form buttons are checked and then get all the attributes for those checked buttons, getting nowhere fast, note on the sample code below, a button was checked but nothing was found with this code,
there's got to be a way to this, yes?

Dim MyControl As Control
Dim MyRadioButton As RadioButton
For Each MyControl In Page.Controls
If MyControl.GetType().FullName.ToString = "System.Web.UI.WebControls.radio" Then
MyRadioButton = MyControl
If MyRadioButton.Checked = True Then
foo = MyRadioButton.Attributes("name")
End If
End If

this is what the radio buttons are like they have unique id's and values, its the name attribute that groups them

<input id="class01" name="class01" runat="server" value="class01" type="radio"/>some text<br/>
<input id="class02" name="class01" runat="server" value="class02" type="radio"/>some text<br/>

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