Override Resource String In Compiled Assembly?

Feb 24, 2010

Is there any way for me to override the values that are stored in a third party assembly in an embedded resource file?

Using Red Gate's .Net reflector, I can see there are 6 resource items, but I only want to change to of them when using it in my web application.

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Similar Messages:

Edit Resource File Which Is Compiled Into A Dll?

Jun 29, 2010

my asp.net site uses resource files for a referenced project with the user controls in it.

so i have one website project, and one dll project with usercontrols + the resource files.

The website references the dll project.

So far so good.

When i publish, the dll with the usercontrols gets compiled in a dll (what else) but the resource files also get compiled (a separate dll for every language)

Is there a way to edit the resource strings in the dll once deployed?

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MVC - Local Resource / Attempting To Override The DisplayNameAttribute?

Jan 17, 2010

I am having an issue when attempting to override the DisplayNameAttribute in ASP.NET MVC to provide a localized string. The code itself is straightforward and similar to that in another Stackoverflow post link text

The code works for global resources but not so well for local resources. I have a registration screen and used the Visual Studio "Generate Local Resource" command to create my local resource file. The generated file is named Registration.aspx.resx and the App_LocalResources folder is created relative to the actual Registration.aspx page - as one would expect.

However, when I attempt to get the localized string using:


I receive the following error message.

Could not find any resources
appropriate for the specified culture
or the neutral culture. Make sure
was correctly embedded or linked into
assembly "FullAssemblyName" at compile
time, or that all the satellite
assemblies required are loadable and
fully signed.

Using reflector, I can see that the file is actually Registration.aspx.resources and not Registration_aspx.resources - the underscore/period being the subtle difference


I have toyed with the code quite a bit but no matter what I do, the file being requested is always different than that copiled in the assembly. For instance, if i rename Registration_aspx (in the generated Registration.aspx.designer.cs class i get the same error but this time the path is "...App_LocalResources.Registrationaspx.resources"

Has anyone run into this? Is there any way I can ensure that the resource found in my assembly has this underscore?

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How To Specify An Assembly File Name For A Compiled Application

May 24, 2010

I have read under: Compiling Web Application Projects [URL]

... this compilation model creates a single assembly, you can specify attributes, such as assembly name and version.

You can supply a PATH (directory name only) in the Visual Studio "Build Options".

But where can the file name for the assembly be specified?

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C# - Override Stylesheets Embedded In Telerik Assembly?

Oct 29, 2010

Embedding RadEditor in my page but Master page's CSS is screwing it up ..like Editor's content area is inheriting background-image property of the body tag when I want it to be white..drop down lists inside of Editor too are not displaying correctly..I don't wanna create whole new custom skin

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Web Forms :: Error In Web Form / Using A Custom User Control Which Is Compiled Into A Single Assembly

Apr 23, 2010

I am having a very hard time in consuming a very simple web user control that I have built using a Web Application project in VS 2010. The user control works fine as long as the consuming aspx page is in the same project. But after deploying the project using Web Deployment Project into a single assembly I am not able to use it correctly from another aspx page which is in a stand-alone project. The error I see is a null reference exception. Here are the steps that I am following:

1 Create a web user control named WebUserControl_Label using a web application project. This control works fine when used in an webform in the same project.

This is the ASCX of my user control :

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebUserControl_Label.ascx.cs" Inherits="TestWebAppWithCustomControl.WebUserControl_Label" ClassName="TestWebAppWithCustomControl.Controls" %>
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" ></asp:Label>

This is the code behind:

namespace TestWebAppWithCustomControl
public partial class WebUserControl_Label : System.Web.UI.UserControl
private string _labelText;
public string LabelText
Label1.Text = value;
return Label1.Text;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

2. Create a single assembly for the user control above using a Web Deployment project. The name of the assemby is TestWebAppWithCustomControl.

3. Create a webform in another web application project to use WebUserControl_Label user control. This project has TestWebAppWithCustomControl.dll added as a referemce.

This is how I am using the custom control above in an aspx page:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="ConsumeTestWebAppUserControl._Default" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="TestWebAppWithCustomControl" Namespace="TestWebAppWithCustomControl" TagPrefix="GBS" %>
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<GBS:WebUserControl_Label Id="label1" runat="server" LabelText="This is custom label" />

The problem is that .NET throws a Null Reference Exception when its trying to set the label text via the LabelText property. It looks like that the label control that lives inside the WebUserControl_Label user control is not getting instantiated and is always null.

I have found a few articles online that talk about creating such distributable user controls using ASP.NET website projects. But if possible I would like to stick with the web application project because of the benefits it brings.

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Unable To Find Web Resource From Assembly

May 19, 2010

I'm trying to load web resources from a linked assembly. Whatever I try, I get the exception:

Web resource 'MyNameSpace.scripts.jquery-min.js' was not found.

I'm using the following code to load it:

ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptResource(this, typeof(MyNameSpace.SomeClass), "MyNameSpace.scripts.jquery-min.js");

What am I missing / doing wrong here, causing that exception?

My observations so far:

In the Reflector these resource is visible, and named as MyNameSpace.scripts.jquery-min.js In the AssemblyInfo.cs file of the project, the file is registered as:

[assembly: WebResource("scripts/jquery-min.js", "text/javascript")]
The file lives in the 'scripts' directory

On a sidenote, I've tried using Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl() but this generates an URL without checking if the resource exists. It also seems WebResource.axd is not mapped in Web.config at all.

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Crystal Reports :: Want To Override Connection String?

Sep 16, 2010

emp database(connection string vsspl-005sqlexpress)employee database(connection string vsspl-002sqlexpress)

runtime employee database when i give print button emp database

the above 4 fig display the problem.. since i'm trying from last 4 days

i've one crystal report which is connected to the database using database expert and connection string is

vsspl-005sqlexpress and i want to override the connection string to vsspl-002sqlexpress..

i've writen the connection string in webconfig file it is working well..

for example. the report is connected to the emp database using database experts..

and the overriding string is connected to the employee database in webconfig file..

when i run it is displaying correct employee database..

but when i give print it is diaplaying the logon prompt with server name same vsspl-005 emp database.

and in the pdf it is printing the eml database. i want the employee database in the pdf and print..

i want to override the connection string both the time while its running and when i give print command in pdf also..

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Web Forms :: Override Connection String On TableAdapaters?

Sep 14, 2010

Using TableAdapters I wanted to find an way to get the connection string out of the web.config in production, and override the. . . .


In order to pull a connection string from (a method, a web service, or what ever) just not the web.config.To return a connection string not from the web.config?

I know we can make the connection string of a table adapter public and change it when we access the table. I want one place (the ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings) change to pull the connection string from another method, just not the web.config. I do not keep connection strings in the web.config and would like to override this method.

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C# - Override The Listbox Control To Return A Concatenated String Value?

Nov 22, 2010

I have to redefine the ListBox class to make sure that it returns a csv string of all the selected items and also should take in a csv string and populate the listbox when needed. Lets say I have this code. What are the functions that I have to override and how do I do it?

using System;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.ComponentModel;[code]....

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C# - Concatenating String And A Resource Value?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm having a strange behavior in my .aspx page. I'm internationalizing some pages, but as I want to keep only entities or value object in my resource I want to have a key-value like:

CITY - Cidade
STATE - Estado

But when I list the entities, I want to put the " : " at end. Like:

<asp:Label ID="LabelCity" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:Localizacao, CITY %>:"></asp:Label>

But, if I put the " : " after the resource in text property, the page only shows " : ".

My simple solution is put after all definition of label, but I think this too wrong:

<asp:Label ID="LabelCity" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:Localizacao, CITY %>"></asp:Label>:

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How To Pass A Value To A String From A Local Resource

Feb 11, 2010

I have created a webpage called server.aspx and the related local resource file called server.aspx.resx. In the resourcefile I defined the message "{0} is required." with the key Error.

In my .aspx page I access the string:

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ControlToValidate="textboxName" runat="server" ErrorMessage="<%$ Resources:Error %> ID="validatorName">

Now I want to pass a value, for example the name of the textbox 'Name' to the resource string, so that the errormessage is "Name is required."

Is there any possibility to pass a value to the string?

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Recompile The Assembly To Use The New Mono Assembly Versions The Assembly Is Closed Source?

Feb 18, 2010

I have recently discovered that I am affected by this bug http://www.mail-archive.com/mono-bugs@lists.ximian.com/msg71515.html

Well,at http://www.mail-archive.com/mono-bugs@lists.ximian.com/msg71529.html they say the work around is to create a global policy assembly and redirect the assemblies that way since it is not read from the web.config.

How do you actually do what they describe there? There is a huge documentation gap in that area with Mono.Also,I can't just recompile the assembly to use the new Mono assembly versions because the assembly is closed source.(but it does work with Mono.)

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Localization :: Recursive Resource String Handling?

Mar 23, 2010

When developing a rather complex web application that has to be localizable, it can be quite a dawnting task to make even the smallest change like changing a name for an abstract object type.To illustrate the problem, let's assume the user can create objects through our web application called a "FooBar". The web application most probably have numerous resource strings making reference to the object type "FooBar", for example, "Click here to create a new FooBar", or "Delete all the selected FooBars".During or even after the development life cycle of the web application, the owners decide that "FooBar" is not an appropriate name, and would like it to be renamed to "Thingamajic". In the web application there are thousands of references to "FooBar". Now one has to find all and replace them.

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C# - LoadControl (string) In Different Assembly?

Mar 31, 2011

I'm developing a stand-alone ASP .NET component for dropping in to various sites we create.

Part of the application is a CompositeControl, which needs to load a UserControl.

However, CompositeControl has no LoadControl() method - in stead, I must (as far as I can see?) rely on Page.LoadControl() and this is a problem! How do I know the path to my control, when the page is not part of the assembly?

The page the CompositeControl is situated on resides outside the assembly I am writing the Page.LoadControl() code in, and thus cannot find my .ascx file.

I've tried LoadControl(type, object[]) but this doesn't load the "code infront" file, which I need.

So - how do I find the Path to some .ascx file inside some included assembly (name known, ofc) for my Page.LoadControl? Or, alternatively, is there some other way to load the control from inside the CompositeControl?

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Localization :: Access Resource String From Class In App_Code Folder?

Mar 8, 2011

Or any class that's not X.aspx.vb. I've imported the Globalization, Threading, Threading.Thread, and UI.Page namespaces. But it won't come up in Intellisense and it gives error lines in my code. Is there a way to access use the GetLocalResource("Y") method in other classes?

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How To Use An Image Or Icon Resource From Global Resource File

Jan 12, 2010

How can I use an image or icon resource from global resource file in an asp:Image control to set the ImageUrl attribute?

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How To Create A Custom Resource.xml Instead Of Using Resource .resx Implementation

Jun 2, 2010

I will be setting the current thread's culture at the beginning of the request lifecycle.

Does it make sense if I create my own resource.xml to store things like strings/labels/messages that will be used in the web application?

or are their drawbacks and its better if I just use the Global resources .resx files that are 'built-in' ?

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Localization :: How To Set One Default Resource File From Many Different Resource Files

Apr 7, 2010

In our web application we need to keep various company's settings. For eg "DiamondProdRefIDCaption","Shippingpickup","ZipCodeCaption","DefaultCountry","AllowToEditInvoice", etcThese settings are different for various companies and are placed in web.config as key-value pair.Initially, we have tried do simplify this process by adding a company_settings table in the DB so as to allow us to add companies on the fly. However, this method makes it very difficult to add a new setting


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Visual Studio :: Assembly Editor - Create A First Blank Page For An Assembly Project?

Oct 11, 2010

i was wondering if visual studio 2010 can be used as an assembly editor too????if yes where do i have to go to create a first blank page for an assembly project?

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Web Forms :: Referring An Assembly In Project / Without Adding Assembly Reference, It Still Accepting And Running Code?

Jul 5, 2010

Before using any class in your website project/page we have to add it's assembly reference to our project. Right?

Now, when I am using SmtpClient class from System.Net assembly after adding the System.Net.Mail namespace in namespace node of application's web.config file but without adding assembly reference to the project, it still accepting and running the code. Why?

I enquired the machine's web.config file located at C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727CONFIG but didnt find assembly reference for System.Net there also.

So bit confused how it is working and where the assembly reference has been added and how?

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Assembly Generation - Reference Assembly Targets Different Processor?

May 2, 2010

I'm getting following warning

Assembly generation -- Referenced assembly 'System.Web.dll' targets a different processor

What does this mean and how do I fix this?

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Create Shared Assembly And Use That Assembly In Web Application?

Jun 3, 2010

I just want to create Shared Assembly and use that assembly in our application.I am using VS 2005.

Step 1

I am trying to build a dll.

Create class library project <TestDllHell>.

Under that project add CalculationArea.cs file.


Then TestDllHell.dll add into GAC successfully.

Now I want to use it in my Website project so did the following steps but unable to view that dll in .Net Reference List Box.

•I go for Run regedit to edit the Windows Registry.

•Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoft.NETFrameworkAssemblyFolders key.

•Right click on the AssemblyFolders key, then select New > Key. Enter the name of your assembly (without the .dll extension).

•Double click on the key's (Default) value. The Edit String dialog will appear. Enter the full path of the folder where your assembly resides. Note that all assemblies in that folder will appear in the Visual Studio list.

•IMPORTANT! You must exit and restart Visual Studio to see your assembly in the Add Reference dialog.

My question is that

How can I get that dll in my add reference assembly List .Net section?

And if I modify that dll(TestDllHell.dll) then again register in GAC then version will be different,So how can I told my client application that which dll you choose?

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C# - Loading Resource File In Class Library And Which Resource File To Use?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a class library and was to add a resource file to it to support both English and Spanish. Any tips as how I can do this? The language will be dictated by the user visiting the site. Would like to have to only load each resource file once and cache or set in static variable and avoid any overheads.

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C# - Is It Possible To Override ResolveUrl

Dec 14, 2010

I use the following my .net applications to resolve the path to an image or css file or javascript file.



All my pages and controls inherit from a base page or base user control.

I have tried but didnt succeed in overriding the ResolveUrl method so that I could include some custom logic in the files path.

how I might override the ResolveUrl method? Alternative is to create my own custom method that does similar but would prefer to work with ResolveUrl.

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