.net Calling Sp And Performance Strategy?

Apr 5, 2010

I find my self in a situation where I have to choose between either creating a new sp in database and create the middle layer code. so loose some precious development time. also the procedure is likely to contain some joins.Or use two already existing sp(s), the problem of this approach is that I am doing two round trips to database. which can be poor performance especially if I have database in another server.

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AJAX :: Calling Resource Files Many Times - Slow Performance

Mar 2, 2010

Whenever I use ASP.NET AJAX it's calling Resource.asx files many times and it's affecting site performance. How can we avoid that?

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Configuration :: .Net Website Performance Of 2 Sites - Rectify The DB Performance While Insertion?

Sep 20, 2010

I have developed a website in asp.net framework 2 . This website is being hosted in two different servers without any change in code. My issue is about the performance of these 2 sites. One website is taking much time for inserting datas to the DB (SQL server 2005). 2 websites are having different DB server.

I think the issue is for the DB server. How can we rectify the DB performance while insertion and Is there any other cause for this permance issue?

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DataSource Controls :: LINQ Performance Application Performance Is Not Up To Par?

Apr 29, 2010

I am not sure if this is the right forum. I can not find a forum for LINQ.

I am working on an application using LINQ. Application performance is not up to par and my tests show that it is LINQ queries that are slow. I was wondering if anybody can recommend where I can find an article about optimizing LINQ performance maybe by compilation or other methods.

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C# Vs VB And Generally Code Strategy?

Apr 5, 2010

web design has been hobby of mine for many years now but I am new to ASP.NET. My program language of choice is C# even though Im not very skilled in it.Even though I wish to use C# it seems to me that maybe VB would be of better choice because most of the videos from asp.net use VB primarily even though C# code is availible. So really, would it be better to start with VB even though deep down (I dont know why) I wish to learn C#? Also, I'm struggling with how best to learn it. I get confused when watching the videos (even in the fundamentals section) when it comes to code behind writting.

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WCF / ASMX :: Wcf Performance Vs Page Events Performance?

Mar 20, 2011

I am creating a service oriented application where trying to have everything using services....however there is something I am not sure of , I am having a page that calls the database at the page load...so what would be better and faster?? to call database in pageload , or to call wcf service from javascript during javascript load ??btw , I am using a repeater in the page , but I have created somekind of an engine to create the suitable html so...I'll be creating the repeaters html using the wcf and resend it back to the page If I am using a wcf service at the start.

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Website Build And Release Strategy?

Mar 10, 2010

We have an ASP.Net MVC solution built in VS2008 and TFS2008. We use TFS Build and use Continuous Integration.We have a deployment pipeline that enables us to progress a build, eventually, to our live site...

Internal Dev (immediate deployment following a build)
External Dev (used by internal testers to make sure it works on the production server)
External Test (used by our client to test themselves)
Live (self explanatory).

I have 2 questions relating to thisWhich ones of these should be built in Debug and which in Release?How should I write my TFSBuild.proj files to cope with this strategy?

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Strategy For Sharing Project Dependencies / Resources?

Sep 20, 2010

I work in a small developing team with 3 developers and none of us are really 'uber elite programmers' but we get by pretty well for our company. One thing that has been constantly recurring is we keep using the same resources in multiple projects. One example being the fckeditor control, however it stinks to constantly add this folder to every project (I've got the control set-up in my toolbox, but it won't be able to find the code unless you have the folder in there). This also applies with constantly recurring master pages and controls. Now we have made some steps for improving this, including making a 'back end' project where we put our shared functions, and made a CDN for images and scripts. But I still run into issues. For instance all developers must make sure they have the latest version of the back end project checked out, and built. Also when you add a reference to that .dll, the paths have to be the same between developers, otherwise it breaks the reference.

Now I just found out you can add a project reference, which will make the back end project build anytime I build the front-end project, but again you still have to make sure you have the latest version checked out. But I wonder what else I could do? Things I find annoying are making sure the relative locations of the back end project to the front end project has to be the same, and making sure they have the latest version of the back end checked out. Are there better ways to do this?Also the back-end project is a class library, but how can I share resources like a user control? I tried putting a user control in a normal project, and then adding that project as a reference, but it doesn't give you access to the control in the file list like I am used to for dragging into a page.

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Strategy For Handling Variable Time Queries?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a typical scenario that I'm struggling with from a performance standpoint. The user selects a value from a dropdown and clicks a button. A stored procedure takes that value as an input parameter, executes, and returns the results to a grid. For just one of the values ('All'), the query runs for roughly 2.5 minutes. For the rest of the values the query runs less than 1ms.

Obviously, having the user wait for 2.5 minutes just isn't going to fly. So, what are some typical strategies to handle this? Some of my own thoughts:New table that stores the information for the 'All' value and is generated nightlyCache the data on the caching server

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WCF / ASMX :: Strategy Required : Different Binding For Different Contracts?

Dec 23, 2010

I am developing a clickonce application that talks to the server via WCF. So far it works fine with a WCF service that uses wsHttpBinding to talk to the server.Here's what works so far: -

1. I have a WCF web site named "TotemWCF" that runs on an SBS 2003 server (=IIS V6).

2. The service.svc for this is

<%@ ServiceHost Language="VB" Debug="true" Service="Service" CodeBehind="~/App_Code/Service.vb" %>

3. There is a contract: IService.vb, containing several contracts like

<OperationContract()> _
Function NTVSearch() As totem.NTViewDataTable[code]......

In initial testing I used this for ALL communication, but it seems to me that it's a bad idea to use streaming for simple "Get a value from the database" communication and it seems to be introducing errors into my program. So my question is: - "What is the best way of managing this, so that Function1 goes via one binding, and Function 2 goes via another binding. Do I create separate services at the level of the web site, the contract, the service, or the function?

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Manipulating HTTP Response - Strategy According To Parameters Feasibility

Jan 5, 2011

my current question is tightly related to this one, but is far more specific. We have to plan a design strategy for the objective described in that question. We want to do this by rewriting HTML on ASP.NET web forms. My question is: which strategy is the best according to parameters of feasibility, performance impact and implementation effort on legacy applications.

what I have to do is to basically get the HTML output of a Web Form, parse it, and replace certain URLs according to user-defined rules. In that example, I would rewrite all static content to CDN URLs, but it can be easily extended to URL rewriting techniques. I found lots (and I really mean lots) of articles about URL rewriting from the perspective of having URLs like [URL]interpreted as [URL] but I found none showing me how to smartly format old-style URLs to shorter format right from inside HTML (so the page will render the short-form URL directly) [edit] without deep code intervention.

Strategy 1

Like suggested in an answer of the above question, write an HTTP Module that intercepts the HTML and rewrites it. Actually, I looked around and saw I can set a Response.Filter stream object that performs the HTML filtering.

I can inject the HTTP Module on a legacy application, configure rewriting rules via XML and have the oldest CRM/ecommerce application load static content from a CDN without touching its code at all.

I suspected that (and a comment here confirms my suspects) having to reimplement a Stream's Write method, which operates on a partial buffer in the general case, can result in bad replacements. Suppose the Write method is first called with a chunk like [URL] (where I assume <img src="h was already written before) and later ge.png" /> (so guess the final URL :-P) with a rewrite rule that regexes [URL][^"]* into [URL] the substitution is not done. To workaround that, I could use a MemoryStream or something like that to buffer the complete set of data and then perform the substitutions, but it could cause troubles on highly loaded servers

Strategy 2

Overriding Page's Render method in a way such as described here

doesn't suffer the chunking problem

requires defining a base class for all pages. Feasible on new applications, not sure for maintaining legacy applications. Seems has a problem as you cannot instantiate HttpTextWriter directly Obviously, for the new webapps we'll have to develop, I would adopt strategy 2, but I really like using dynamic components a lot, as they can be plugged with ease when application requires them (so if our new app will be installed without a CDN the feature is turned off).

Briefly, my questions are How would you fix both strategies' cons (particularly 1st)? And, of course, do you have other strategies to suggest to achieve this objective?

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Strategy For Making A Mobile Version Of A EPiServer Site?

Feb 16, 2011

I am about to a client develop a mobile version of their EPiServer site. The mobile version should have different functionality than the regular but some content might be shared so that it won't have be maintained twice.

I'm thinking about using jQuery Mobile as the user interface system to reach as many users as possible with the same solution and possibly 51degrees.mobi for best detection of mobile devices.

Does anyone have any experience in how to do this with EPiServer? How to structure? I'm thinking of using a sub-node (/mobile) that gets hidden on the regular site but I'm not sure it's the best solution.

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Implement The Locking And Unlocking Strategy In Login Page?

Apr 30, 2010

I want to make a User login Form, in which account get lock if number of attempts gets exceed by three.

How can i implement the locking and unlocking strategy in login page?

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Security :: Strategy For Multiple People To Edit Different Records On One Page?

Feb 24, 2010

I've been developing a database system that stores test results from two different machines. (It's a foundry, each machine tests for the amounts of a collection of elements in a piece of metal. One machine does the tests on iron, the second on aluminium. Both produce the same list, but each machine will have much more of some elements than others.)

I used folder security to limit who has access to what folders, so there is a general page for anyone to view results from any machine in the root, one folder has a page to allow people in a particular group to edit/correct the iron results, and a second folder has a page to allow another group of people to edit/correct the aluminium results. Now, we've picked up a third machine which tests aluminium samples too, and it belongs to a third group of people. What is the best or recommended method to allow this third group to edit samples from the third machine only?

1) Should I have a third folder, and copy in the page from the other aluminium folder, and tweak it so it only shows and allows edits to results from this new machine? This seems like the quickest, easiest method, but a waste of effort as it's mostly duplication of existing work.

2) The other option I see is to keep one aluminium editing page, but to limit the results that are shown to the ones that the current user should be allowed to see. (One page which shows one group of people one half of the results, and shows a second group of people the other half of the results). Is there a way to achieve this that is almost as easy as using folder-based permissions?

3) Is there another way that I'm missing?

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Configuration :: Error Handling Strategy For Exceptions Causing Page Request Fail?

Nov 1, 2010

I have been tasked with implementing a strategy to catch all errors in an ASP.net application which cause a user request or interaction to crash and then e-mailk this exception to a support team in advance of a user calling about the error.Some errors however are not causing the page to crash or be redirected to the custom error page but these are being emailed to the support team instead of simply being loggedMy requirement is to seperate what exception types will cause a page fail and which will not.Example I am currently receiving a System.Web.HttpUnHandledException which is not causing any page to fall over and therefore is not of relevance to the support team. this can be logged but does not require emailing.

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Data Access Strategy For Single Stored Procedure Retuning Multiple Recordsets In Webpage?

Sep 18, 2010

what is the recommended data access strategy for the following environment: single stored procedure, many parameters, asp.net 4.0, sql server 2008, and the stored proc returns 11 different recordsets, all of which get displayed in various different elements too complex and specific to be handled by server controls.

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Web Forms :: Calling A Page And Getting The Result In The Calling Page?

Jan 3, 2011

I've a question I don't know if this is possible or not. I've tried a lot of things till now but could not accomplish on what I wanted to do.

What I want to do is call a web page from another page and some how execute either the page load event or page init event and get the result of the page in the first page.

Page A calls page B. Page B has static text and a label which is being set in page load event.

Page B - Code behind


Page B -- HTML code


Till now what I've tried is using the code below from page A. But this code just returns the Html code and nothing else.


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C# - ASP.NET Performance Issue

May 20, 2010

I am working on an ASP.NET 3.5, C#, ASP.NET AJAX, JQUERY web application which currently is having some performance issues. I have a screen with the forms view control and when I edit the form and save it for the first time the POST takes 4.89 seconds and when I perform the same operation again for the second time the POST only takes 1.09 seconds. What could be the reason for this strange behavior?

Note: I am using firebug and I am disregarding the page resources (like js, images) load time.

EDIT: I am using the Web Deployment Project to precompile the application.

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ADO.NET :: Performance Advantage To Using EF?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm now getting into EF and from what I'm seeing so far, I wouldn't have to worry about writing stored procedures any more. Looks like EF takes care of all of that -- including INSERT's that store data in multiple tables. One of the things they taught us when learning stored procedures was that they're compiled which has performance benefits. How does EF 4 fare against using stored procedures?

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Performance: Using LoadControl In For-each?

Oct 12, 2010

I'm trying to make a decision about how to display my data. What I have now is a list of products displayed in a repeater. But for code-maintenance I've put my product items in a seperate usercontrol and loading them in a loop with db results using LoadControl.The product control itself is very simple, just a few public properties like title, url, rating but I'm not sure if this will affect my performance. I did some reading here and on forums and some people say it's not the best practice especially if you have more then 20 or 30 of these controls. So, is it really a performance hit using this method or does it stay ok with around 10.000 hits a day.

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How To Improve Performance Of A Gridview

Feb 16, 2011

I have developed a gridview which has displays 8,000 records. However, the user is compaining that it is too slow. A major function of this gridview is to filter on two of the columns. It seems to me that if the records were stored in memory it would be much faster. This is caching, I think. Is that the case? Since filtering is being done I don't think custom paging will help much. When they submit a filter, with custom paging wouldn't the entire table be read again? So I was thinking of trying caching which is available on SQL Server. Am I on the right track? Can you cache with an Access database? Can you think of any other ways to improve performance of a gridview?

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Looking For Data Layer To Use For Performance?

Jul 29, 2010

I did not post this in database forum because the data will run on an asp.net site.I have 3 solution in my mind and i would like some opinions.What i want to do is create a parent-child relationship on 2 controls.A listbox and a textbox.I will populate the listbox with data(this is taken care of so ignore) and what i want to do is when i click on an item in the listbox then the textbox to show it's joined related item(one item only).This is not a problem in windows forms app but in asp, since i'm new i don't know what would be better for a faster retrieval on the page.So the 3 options i have in mind are:

1)DAL.The standard create a query and let one @parameter wait for the id.

2)ADO.NET with possibly an sqldatasource.In standard forms i would have chosen simple ado.net but in asp?So either constantly open,close the db and retrieve the item or use an sqldatasource and chance the parameter.

3)Asynchronous handler page.Bind the textbox to an asynchronous page that contains the connection and expect the @id parameter.

I admit that i'm not fond of DAL but if it will boost speed then i will use it.But i have a though that says that simple ADO will be faster.

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Performance - Application Slow But CPU Is At 40% Max?

Nov 19, 2010

I have a strange situation on a production server. Connection for asp.net get queued but the CPU is only at 40%. Also the database runs fine at 30% CPU.

Some more history as requested in the comments:

In the peak hours the sites gets around 20,000 visitors an hour.
The site is an asp.net webforms application with a lot of AJAX/POSTs
The site uses a lot of User generated content
We measure the performance of the site with a testpage which does hit the database and the webservices used by the site. This page get served within a second on normal load. Whe define the application as slow when the request takes more than 4 seconds.
From the measurements we can see that the connectiontime is fast, but the processing time is large.
We can't pinpoint the slowresponse the a single request, the site runs fine during normal hours but gets slow during peak hours
We had a problem that the site was CPU bound (aka running at 100%), we fixed that
We also had problems with exceptions maken the appdomain restart, we fixed that do
During peak hours I take a look at the asp.net performance counters. We can see behaviour that we have 600 current connections with 500 queued connections.
At peak times the CPU is around 40% (which makes me the think that it is not CPU bound)
Physical memory is around 60% used
At peak times the DatabaseServer CPU is around 30% (which makes me think it is not Database bound)

My conclusion is that something else is stopping the server from handling the requests faster. Possible suspects:

Deadlocks (!syncblk only gives one lock)
Disk I/O (checked via sysinternals procesexplorer: 3.5 mB/s)
Garbage collection (10~15% during peaks)
Network I/O (connect time still low)

To find out what the proces is doing I created to minidumps.

I managed to create two MemoryDumps 20 seconds apart. This is the output of the first:

CPU utilization 6%
Worker Thread: Total: 95 Running: 72 Idle: 23 MaxLimit: 200 MinLimit: 100
Work Request in Queue: 1
Number of Timers: 64

and the output of the second:

CPU utilization 9%
Worker Thread: Total: 111 Running: 111 Idle: 0 MaxLimit: 200 MinLimit: 100
Work Request in Queue: 1589

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How To Performance Test An Application

Nov 12, 2010

Performance testing best practices for an ap .net application

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Trying To Add Some Performance Counters To Website?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm trying to add some performance counters to my asp.net website. Now, I know how to increment/decrement some custom counter I make .. but my problem is that if I get my ASP.NET website to create these counters, if they do not exist (eg. i do this check in the global.asax App start method) then add/create them.

But, it doesn't work - access to the registry is denied/forbidden.

I'm assuming this is because the asp.net process is so stripped down (for security) that u can't touch that type of thing. Therefore, i'm wondering if the only other solution is to make a quick console or winform app which does one thing -> add's the perf counters. running this as my normal logged in user would me i have admin rights, so it will work. or is there something else i can do?

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