.net - Setting Text After A Bind Radtextbox?

Nov 16, 2010

<telerik:RadTextBox ID="txtRedemptionBeforeMessage" Text='<%#Bind("RedemptionBeforeMessage") %>' runat="server" />
protected void RadGrid1_ItemCreated(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item is GridEditFormItem && e.Item.IsInEditMode)
if (e.Item.OwnerTableView.IsItemInserted)

how to I get a default message to work - I suspect I need to look at an event after the bind.The Bind is in there because the same form code is used to edit.

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.net - TextBoxSetting Validation Not Working With <Telerik:RadTextBox> ?

Jul 7, 2010

There are reports of this kind of problem in their own forum Telerik, and some comment saying it is not possible. That only works with InputManager components. But in my case, I need to have both features, I need to use components from Telerik () with validations. Whether using Ajax or some other technology or method?

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Create Text Boxes Dynamically Want To Bind Autosuggest With The New Created Text Boxes?

Feb 3, 2011

i can use auto-suggest with the text box txtCode like this...

as_jsonReportingTo = new bsn.AutoSuggest('<%= txtCode.ClientID %>', optionsRe);

Now I will create text boxes dynamically, i want to bind autosuggest with the new created text boxes. What should I do?

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Setting The Focus At End Of Text In A Textbox-element?

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Setting Label Text In DataBinding In A GridView?

Oct 11, 2010

I need to perform some string manipulation to a columns contents in a GridView, and I'm using the DataBinding event for the template field for this. I'm converting all Environment.NewLine's to 's for outputting.

Here is the code:


It writes the correct, newly modified, string at the top - but why isn't it feeding back to the grid view?

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Setting Label Text Value On Calendarselect Event

Jan 5, 2010

I have a calendar on my page, i need to display certain information on the page once a date is selected. I have a procedure in SQl that returns 1 row with 3 columns. I need to display that data within my page in the labels.

Here is my code to return the values based on the selected date:


I tried this within my selectionchanged event for the calendar, but get error:


This is the error i get:

Compiler Error Message: CS1955: Non-invocable member 'System.Data.DataTable.Columns' cannot be used like a method.Source Error:


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C# - Setting A Textbox Text In Usercontrol From Page?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a usercontrol which contains a textbox. I now want to add variable to that user control, lets call it Text, which will populate the textbox with the value passed in. I thought this could be done in the "set" of the variable in the code behind of the user control.

public string Text
get {}
txtBox.Text = value;

txtBox is the ID of the textbox within the usercontrol. Does anyone know how this can be done?

Edit The problem I suspect is that I am setting the text value in the Page_Load of the page hosting the user control. Where should I be setting this value?

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Web Forms :: Setting The Text Control Dynamically?

Feb 18, 2011

I have an aspx page which has 5 text controls as follow:

<asp:TextBox id="txtStudent1" runat="server" textmode="SingleLine"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox id="txtStudent2" runat="server" textmode="SingleLine"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox id="txtStudent3" runat="server" textmode="SingleLine"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox id="txtStudent4" runat="server" textmode="SingleLine"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox id="txtStudent5" runat="server" textmode="SingleLine"></asp:TextBox>

How can i set new text to each of these controls dynamically in .cs

WITHOUT explicitly doing something like this:

txtStudent1.text = "freshment";
txtStudent2.text = "Sophomore";
txtStudent3.text = "junior";
txtStudent4.text = "senior";
txtStudent5.text = "grad";

Can I use the for loop and increment the digit in the text control when setting its text?


For (int i=0; i<5; i++)
"txtStudent" + i .....

View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: Setting All Text Box On A Form To Empty?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a C# 2008 asp.net form, and I need to call a function that will clear all text boxes on the page.

How can I go about doing that (the code for looping thru the textboxes on the webpage, and setting them to empty) ?

View 9 Replies

How To Bind Data To Text Box

May 4, 2010

I have no idea about how to bind data to text box.I have a user details aspx form and i wnt to display the data entered by the user before to be displayed in the text box when user clicking the Edit profile button.i.e the values from sql database should be bounded with the text boxes. There are more than 27 text boxes in the user profile form.

View 8 Replies

Web Forms :: Setting Body Text For Email Message?

Nov 18, 2010

what can I use on a form that will hold images and text and can be sent as the body in an Email? For example, can I use a panel and add a table inside it and then organize text and images in the table and then use the panel as the body in the email?

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AJAX :: Update Panels And Setting The Text Of A Label?

Jul 16, 2010

I have 3 updatepanels on my page and I want 2 of them to update when an event is fired. In one of the update panels I have an asp ReoderList.




I've stepped through the code and I can't figure out why it isn't working.



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Setting Label Text To Number Of Rows With JQuery?

Feb 18, 2011

This is my code but nothing happens.

$(document).ready(function() {
var totalRows = $("#<%=GridView3.ClientID %> tr").length;
document.getElementById('Label6').InnerHTML = totalRows;

this is what i ended up using

var rqnum = $("#<%=GridView3.ClientID %> tr").length - 1;
document.getElementById('rqnum').innerHTML = rqnum;
var oknum = $("#<%=GridView4.ClientID %> tr").length - 1;
document.getElementById('oknum').innerHTML = oknum;
var xlnum = $("#<%=GridView5.ClientID %> tr").length - 1;
document.getElementById('xlnum').innerHTML = xlnum;
var dynum = $("#<%=datalist1.ClientID %> tr").length / 3;
document.getElementById('dynum').innerHTML = dynum;

this way it subtracts the header, however, how can i make it so if it is 0 dont subtract the -1 because i dont want negatives

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Security :: Setting SMTP Failure Text For PasswordRecovery?

Jul 20, 2010

Is there any easy way of setting a failure text within the PasswordRecovery control?

I want to be able to notify users that there was a problem with sending an email. Is there a failure - counterpart to the SuccessTemplate i can use or is there any other template/control within the passwordRecovery control whose value can be set in a handler to the onsendmailerror event?

(Please don't send MSDN links to PasswordRecovery or onsendmailerror, i've read them)

View 4 Replies

ADO.NET :: Bind To Navigation Properties To Text

Aug 5, 2010

I warking with EF 4 in vs 2010 with asp.net application. In my page I put detailsview which connet to objectdatasource. I want to bind navigate property to text in murkup like this:

Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"legal_status_codes.Term")
according to
this article (from o'reilly book)

Using the Entity Framework in n-Tier ASP.NET Applications which write by julie lerman in section "Example 21.10. A TemplateField, which can be used for navigation properties". When I run the application I get a exception "The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection" someone can tell me what its not working?

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Setting Focus On Text Field On Initial Load Of Form

Apr 15, 2010

I want the cursor to appear on the first text box in my screen when user goes to the site I have coded this but no cursor is placed in textbox

<form id="Form1" defaultfocus="TextboxTelephone" method="post" runat="server">

I have to tab to get cursor in first textbox telephone.

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Setting Particular Part Of The Tool Tip Text To Be Bold With Different Font Color?

Jul 5, 2010

i have tool tip for an image in asn asp.net & c#.net and i want to set particular part of the tool tip text to be bold with different font color,how can that be done?

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Bind A Text Box To A Field Selected By SQLDataSource (VB.NET)

Feb 8, 2011

I'm looking for the easiest way to bind data from a SqlDataSource to textboxes dropped in Visual Studio 2008.

For example, I have 4 textboxes currently that have Address, City, State, Zip. I also have a SqlDataSource on the page fetching the ID of the record and selecting those 4 fields based on ID.

How am I able to quickly bind each box to those particular fields selected? I would think this would be really straight forward - but seems it's not. Seems like the answer is funneled towards having to create a GridView or some type of control.

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Forms Data Controls :: Programmatically Setting Detailsview Label Text

Jan 20, 2011

I am trying to programmatically set some lables inside a DetailsView that is populated by an ObjectDataSource. The detailsview is handled in an unusual way with one TemplateField that has one ItemTemplate that has one table that has two rows of significance and a boatload of bound items. I'll be working on the EditTemplate next. But now I need to set the top row lable values programmatically baised on the type of data that comes-up. I have scoured the Internet looking for ideas and found two possible approaches - neither worked. I get the error about something not being set to an instance of the object - or something like that.

Here is the ObjectDataSource:


Here is the DetailsView:


My first approach was to set the OnSelected property to the following code in the code behind, which executes:


My second approach was to delete that OnSelected property and try the following code in the code behind:


View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Setting GridView Header Text When Page Changes?

Feb 6, 2010

I have a GridView (inside an update panel) that has header text that changes based on some user profile information. I set the header text in the Page_Load function of the page - that works fine. The problem is that when I change to the page number of the GridView, the header text is not redrawn. I am handling the OnPageChanging event to try to update the header text but nothing is happening. I've attached the relevant code.



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Setting Request.ContentEncoding / The Text Gets All Messed Up When The User Enters Data?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a page that supports multiple languages (the user can change the language at any time).I update the thread's culture based on the user selection in the Initialize Culture method.

I also update the response object based on the code page for the selected country and set its charset to the WebName of the encoding used (if i don't update the response object based on the code page, then the data bound to controls gets garbled). the resource files are also localized based on the code page.

After doing the above changes, the page is getting displayed correctly in the browser.

However, when the user enters data in one of the Asian languages, the text gets all messed up. The drop down list actually throws the invalid callback or postback argument exception.

On checking the request.contentEncoding i found that it was still UTF-8 (set in web.config).

If I change the request.ContentEncoding during BeginRequest event, the input comes in correctly. But I am not sure of the user selected language this early in the page cycle.

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Web Forms :: Bind Hyperlink URL And Text In DataList Control

Jul 19, 2012

I have 1datalist in my page that i define link button on it 

This is my House_p table

Image Description Behcode name Id

1.jpg 11test 4444 iron 1
2.jpg 11test 3333 sofa 2
3.jpg 11test 2222 laundry 3

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Cant Input Text To TextBox While Setting Focus In Defult Button Click Event

Feb 23, 2010

In set the Send button as default button in my page. In the button click event I try to set the focus to the TextBox. When clicking the button the event work fine but While clicking the enter button I cant input text to TextBox.

View 10 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Setting Text Programmatically In ItemTemplate Of Gridview Does Not Show

Mar 7, 2010

The problem is this: I am writing a system to show helptexts on certain labels. So in the PageLoad I recursively iterate all controls and save those with a certain tag. So far so good.

On the PreRenderComplete I iterate the controls and set their text property. The strange this is that the labels in ItemTemplate don't get the new text. The PreRenderComplete fires after the DataBound event of the gridview, the label gets found perfectly, in the end it has the new text, but in the page it's still the old text.

I hope I don't need the Row_Databinding event of the gridview, since I want to put all the functionality in an extender class with as little custom work as possible.



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DataSource Controls :: Bind Text Containing HTML And Tags From Database

Oct 29, 2010

I have to show dynamic charts to clients. I created table: ChartCodes

ChartCodeID Code 1

<asp:SqlDataSource ID='SqlDataSource_Chart1' runat='server' ConnectionString='<%&#36; ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>' SelectCommand='Usp_GetTotalEmissions_Org_chart' SelectCommandType='StoredProcedure'><SelectParameters>< . . ..
. . . .

I wrote code of chart with sqldatasource in database column. My problem is I could not able bind. I used DataList Control with a template and literal. Bind literal with <%# Eval("Code") %> But In sql I have ASP.NET tags <%&nbsp; %>. and when processing process %>, it assumes asp.net ends and wrote other text as it is in out put. how to bind this text. Or any other Idea to display graphs from database as per user selection.

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