ADO.NET :: Bind To Navigation Properties To Text

Aug 5, 2010

I warking with EF 4 in vs 2010 with application. In my page I put detailsview which connet to objectdatasource. I want to bind navigate property to text in murkup like this:

Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"legal_status_codes.Term")
according to
this article (from o'reilly book)

Using the Entity Framework in n-Tier ASP.NET Applications which write by julie lerman in section "Example 21.10. A TemplateField, which can be used for navigation properties". When I run the application I get a exception "The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection" someone can tell me what its not working?

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ADO.NET :: Bind To Navigation Properties?

Aug 5, 2010

I warking with EF 4 in vs 2010 with application.

In my page I put detailsview which connet to objectdatasource.

I want to bind navigate property to text in murkup like this:

Text='<%# Databinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"legal_status_codes.Term")

according to this article (from o'reilly book)

Using the Entity Framework in n-Tier ASP.NET Applications which write by julie lerman in section "Example 21.10. A TemplateField, which can be used for navigation properties".

When I run the application I get a Compilation Error "The name 'Databinder' does not exist in the current context" someone can tell me what my mistake?

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EF1 Navigation Properties Not Working?

Nov 17, 2010

My entity model was generated from the existing database. There is a many-to-many junction table picked up and hidden by EF.

The relationship is definitely working because this query returns 2 users as expected.

public IQueryable<User> FindUsersByGroupID(int group_id)
return db.Users.Where(u => u.Groups.Any(g => g.Group_ID == group_id));

But when locating a user that is part of the above result set the Groups navigation property count is 0. I shouldn't have to explicitly join.. right?

public User FindUserByID(int id)
return db.Users.First(u => u.User_ID == id);

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C# - Get ADO.NET Entity To Generate 1:1 Navigation Properties?

Jan 29, 2010

Is there a way to get ADO.NET Entity to generate 1:1 navigation properties? If I do foreign keys I always get 1:N navigation properties.

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Implementing Navigation Properties In Entity Framework?

Oct 1, 2010

I've been learning MVC 2 and I have pretty much everything understood except for the model part of things, I understand what the model is but actually implementing it has me confused.

Here's my situation, I have my DB which has 3 tables;

Ideas - table of ideas
Tags - table of tags
IdeaTag - link table connecting the above 2 tables via FKs

So when using the Entity Framework (.edmx) designer in VS2010 I get 2 classes created in the Designer, which obviously map to my DB tables and Navigation Properties in Idea for Tags & Idea for Tag.

So this is all fine until I actually try to add tags to an idea, what's the best practise for dealing with Navigation Properties? I wanted to add a Textbox which will then map to the Tags property in the Idea class but I'm unsure how I'd go about this.

Most of the MVC tutorials which discuss EF or Linq to SQL are quite basic.

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Displaying Navigation Properties On A GridView Using EntityDataSource?

Apr 4, 2011

I have an EntityDataSource I've mapped to the entity Resident which includes two navigation properties (Building1, Room1). I've set my GridView to use this EntityDataSource and set the EntityDataSource Include property to Building1, Room1 so it includes these navigation properties and have added these columns to the GridView. When I run the application instead of displaying the associated navigation property it shows this: webHousingAdmin.BuildingHow can I get it to display the actual value? Code looks like this for GridView:

<asp:Label ID="lbl1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Building1") %>' />

I've gotten it to display the actual value by using the following code:

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Building">
<asp:Label ID="lblBuilding" Text='<%# Bind("Building1.building_name") %>' runat="server" />

But is there a simpler way to do this? This only displays the text, doesn't let me edit it...if I can do it as a boundfield that would be ideal.

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Bind Object To The Controller, To Show Some Properties Value?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm a junior ASP.NET developer comes from Java background, so may be my question is strange.

I want to build an ascx (asp control) which accept an object as parameter for example :

1- we have a class called Device ( Contains some properties name, color , Specification (another object))

2- we have a control DeviceItem ( Contains Table to view some of the Device properties value ) and contains a property called Device

if the devices object retrieved from the Database and we have an object called device1 from Type Device

is there a direct way to pass the Device object (device1) to the DeviceItem control, some thing like :

<uc1:DeviceItem ID="DeviceItem1" runat="server" Device="THE_DEVICE_OBJECT"/>

and then bind this object to the controller, to show some properties value?

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C# - Bind That Information Accordingly To The Actual PageCount And PageSize Properties?

Mar 4, 2010

Is it possible to insert information into the gridview's pager, like "Showing 10 of 55 items (You are on page 3)" and bind that information accordingly to the actual PageCount and PageSize properties?

I can only think of doing it outside the pager, even outside the GridView.

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Web Forms :: Navigation Menu Horizontal - Align Text?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a navigation menu down the left hand side of my page and I want to align the text horizontally to the left.

There doesnt seem to be any property for doing this or perhaps there is and im being a bit thick.

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Visual Studio :: Label Name Or Label Text In The Properties Window, It Look Like Its Updating The Text Before You Actually Are Finish?

Jul 14, 2010

Anyone have this problem. When you write a ex. label name or label text in the properties window, it look like its updating the text before you actually are finish. This make you type over what you allready wrote. Its not a big problem,

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Can The Value And Text Properties Of A Dropdown List Be Used Independently

Mar 8, 2011

Can these two properties of a dropdown list in ASP.NET be used independently?

I wanted to retrieve a null value when the user selects some text; I couldn't as it retrieves the Text property whenever the Value is null. Eg:

l1 = new ListItem("Cat", null);

The output is


In another situation, when both the properties have different strings, I get the string in the Value property when I use the Text property. Eg:

l2 = new ListItem("Cat", "Mouse");
DropDownList ddl = new DropDownList();
ddl.SelectedIndex = 0;

The output is



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Web Forms :: Get Values For 'Text' And 'Value' Properties Of A RadioButtonList.SelectedItem?

Feb 18, 2010

here is (part of, its 50 items long) the radiobuttonlist


and i use the value of the 'Value' attribute to make a selection


then I want the 'text' property of SelectedItem to be in the subject line of an email


but no matter what i do, it uses the 'Text' property of the first item in the list that has the same 'Value' as the one from the selection

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Render Text File And Change Object's Properties?

Feb 5, 2011

i want to generate the output of an page by reading a text file, get the controls out of the text, change te properties of these controls, render it and displaying it.

so for example, the text file may contain:

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<sys:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="empty1"></sys:Label>
<sys:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="empty2"></sys:Label>

after reading the text, i would like to change the properties of the sys:label controls. After that, the text will be rendered, and displayed.

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Create Text Boxes Dynamically Want To Bind Autosuggest With The New Created Text Boxes?

Feb 3, 2011

i can use auto-suggest with the text box txtCode like this...

as_jsonReportingTo = new bsn.AutoSuggest('<%= txtCode.ClientID %>', optionsRe);

Now I will create text boxes dynamically, i want to bind autosuggest with the new created text boxes. What should I do?

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C# - Data Type For Text Formated As.. Bold Italics Underline And Other Properties?

Oct 28, 2010

I want to save the contents from HtmlEditor(Ajax Control) into a database field.

If i try to save as VARCHAR than error comes as data too long.

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Web Forms :: How To Work With Navigation Menu And Assign Pages In Navigation Menu In Master Page

Aug 25, 2010

Iam using masterpage and i want to use navigation menu ,but i don't want to use sitemap concept

how to work with navigation menu and assign the pages in navigation menu in master page

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Forms Data Controls :: Put Multiple Fields Value Into The Text Properties Of A Link Button?

Mar 25, 2011

Can I put multiple fields value into the text properties of a link button? My below codes doesn't work. I would like to display "000001-1", "000001" being the job_id and "1" being the job_seq and separated by a dash.


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Forms Data Controls :: Access Textbox Text Properties When Gridview Edit Mode

Jun 16, 2010

Is it possible to access textbox text properties from codebehind when gridview is edit mode? for example I can access label's text properties on gridview row databound event.


So I do not like use Text='<%#Eval("ColumnName")%' this method. I want to manage textbox text properties dynamcily codebehind when click the edit button on gridview. When I clik the edit button these code blocks runs


but rowdatabound event fires again and couldn't find label control. It looks for textbox control to bind data but I can not manage this step.

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How To Bind Data To Text Box

May 4, 2010

I have no idea about how to bind data to text box.I have a user details aspx form and i wnt to display the data entered by the user before to be displayed in the text box when user clicking the Edit profile button.i.e the values from sql database should be bounded with the text boxes. There are more than 27 text boxes in the user profile form.

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.net - Setting Text After A Bind Radtextbox?

Nov 16, 2010

<telerik:RadTextBox ID="txtRedemptionBeforeMessage" Text='<%#Bind("RedemptionBeforeMessage") %>' runat="server" />
protected void RadGrid1_ItemCreated(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item is GridEditFormItem && e.Item.IsInEditMode)
if (e.Item.OwnerTableView.IsItemInserted)

how to I get a default message to work - I suspect I need to look at an event after the bind.The Bind is in there because the same form code is used to edit.

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Bind A Text Box To A Field Selected By SQLDataSource (VB.NET)

Feb 8, 2011

I'm looking for the easiest way to bind data from a SqlDataSource to textboxes dropped in Visual Studio 2008.

For example, I have 4 textboxes currently that have Address, City, State, Zip. I also have a SqlDataSource on the page fetching the ID of the record and selecting those 4 fields based on ID.

How am I able to quickly bind each box to those particular fields selected? I would think this would be really straight forward - but seems it's not. Seems like the answer is funneled towards having to create a GridView or some type of control.

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Web Forms :: Navigation Menu / Login And Add Some Buttons To Navigation Menu

May 19, 2010

I'm developing a Portal to a school

I need to login (ok)

I also need when the login is ok, to add some buttons to navigation menu, taht is created in the Master Page.

Is it possible?, how?

i already handle the page load on the default page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Change A Label's Text Property And Colour Properties Depending If An Event Occurs On The Page Behind File?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm trying to change a Label's text property and colour properties depending if an event occurs on the page behind file.

Does anyone have a similar issue?

if (((Label)FindControl("Label1")).Text != null) - //getting Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Label Labelmerchantid = (Label)FindControl("Label1");
Labelmerchantid.Visible = true;
Labelmerchantid.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

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Web Forms :: Bind Hyperlink URL And Text In DataList Control

Jul 19, 2012

I have 1datalist in my page that i define link button on it 

This is my House_p table

Image Description Behcode name Id

1.jpg 11test 4444 iron 1
2.jpg 11test 3333 sofa 2
3.jpg 11test 2222 laundry 3

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DataSource Controls :: Bind Text Containing HTML And Tags From Database

Oct 29, 2010

I have to show dynamic charts to clients. I created table: ChartCodes

ChartCodeID Code 1

<asp:SqlDataSource ID='SqlDataSource_Chart1' runat='server' ConnectionString='<%&#36; ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>' SelectCommand='Usp_GetTotalEmissions_Org_chart' SelectCommandType='StoredProcedure'><SelectParameters>< . . ..
. . . .

I wrote code of chart with sqldatasource in database column. My problem is I could not able bind. I used DataList Control with a template and literal. Bind literal with <%# Eval("Code") %> But In sql I have ASP.NET tags <%&nbsp; %>. and when processing process %>, it assumes ends and wrote other text as it is in out put. how to bind this text. Or any other Idea to display graphs from database as per user selection.

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