DataAnnotation Attributes Not Working In MVC2?

Jul 9, 2010

I am having trouble with the with mvc2.

I am using the Entity Framework as my ORM. I have used the POCO Entity Generator to create POCO objects. I moved the generated objects to a separate project. I followed steps outlined here(Tutorial). This is my project structure

Sports.Data - Entity Frmework and Data Access

Sports.Entities - The poco objects generated and buddy classes

Sports.Web - The web application

In the Sports.Entities project I have created buddy classes for the generated pocos.

The problem I am having is that the attributes are being ignored by the mvc. The validation is not working and the correct label text is not being displayed. Instead of 'Shirt Size', 'ShirtSize' is displayed.

Here is the code.

<%: Html.LabelFor(m => m.Player.ShirtSize)%>
<div class="editor-field">


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MVC :: T DataAnnotation (Display Specifically) Code Is Not Working?

Apr 21, 2010

, what wrong with my code below, look:

In my model,[Code]....

and in my aspx, [Code]....

But does't work, why?

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Data Annotation Attributes Not Working Using Buddy Class Metadata In An MVC App?

Oct 7, 2010

I have found hints that MVC 2 recognises the 'buddy class' type of property metadata, where data annotation attributes are applied to a 'buddy' metadata class, and the MetadataType on the actual entity class points to that buddy class, as below. However, as below, it seems the only attribute that makes any difference to the rendered UI is DisplayName. Why are the other attributes like DataType, Required, and ReadOnly not working? I.e. why can I enter text in a read only field? Why do I not get an error when a required field is empty? Why does the DataType attribute have no apparent effect? Why does EditorForModel not include validation messages?

public partial class Customer
public class CustomerMetadata
public object CustomerId { get; set; }
[Required(AllowEmptyStrings = false, ErrorMessage = "Customer No. is required.")]
public object CustomerNo { get; set; }

I find behaviour the same whether I use an explicit LabelFor and TextBoxFor for each model property, or a single EditorForModel for the whole model.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Change First Row Attributes Not Working?

Nov 19, 2010

I have a gridview, and I want to change the backcolor of any row that has the column checkedin = false.

I have this working fine, except that it will not change the backcolor of the first row and only the first row. Matter a fact if I sort the columns by clicking on the header rows the order changes and the backcolor highlights the row that was the first row before it was sorted so long as it is not the first row. I actually removed all formatting from my gridview and still the same issue.

here is my code


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C# - How To Dynamically Retrieve All The Possible Attributes (variable Attributes) Values Of One Of The Xml Node

Aug 10, 2010

I am using the following XML structure

<SERVER NAME="A3" ID="3" Parent="XYZ"></SERVER>
<SERVER NAME="A5" Parent="abc" value="10"></SERVER>

I am accessing this xml file by using LINQ to XML in by using C#. I am able to access all the attributes of an XML node by explicitly specifying the name of the attribute. I want to write query on this xml file which reads all the attribute values of the xml node (In our example the node is SERVER) dynamically means I want to write the query which can read the read the value of the attribute Name & ID from first node, only name from second row, Name, ID & Parent from the third row , Name & ID from the fourth row, Name, Parent & Value from the fifth row & only Name from the sixth row without modifying the existing code every time. Once I add one of the attribute ( for example if I add the attribute ID in the sixth row ) in the above xml file then I dont need to modify my LINQ to XML query. My query should dynamically fetch the total number of attributes & display their values. Is their any way to do this ?

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MVC :: Dataannotation When Should We Not Use It?

Sep 13, 2010

the use of data annotations. when should we not use . or how should i use it when there are two or more tables on the form?

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MVC :: Use ADO.NET With DataAnnotation In Webforms?

Nov 2, 2010

I am developing a simple application. I have completed.

1 - Using Respositary Pattern

2 - using DataAnnotation for validation.

3 - Selecting, Creating, Updating and Deleting.

My Questions.1 - I have extra BL validation. Should I create Service layer or use that in Partial Class where my DataAnnotation is?
I dont want to use DataAnnotations in one class and other BL validation in another class. Is there a way to combine both or Should I use those separately. Confused here? Any examples to implement BL.

2 - I have lots of Calculations to run once record is reterived and insterted. Where I put these calculations? Should I make extensions and call in controller or Methods in separate file. Any clean approach.

3 - Can I use Repositary Pattern and Service model in ASP.NET webforms with ADO.NET, Entity Framework and Linq to sql?

4 - I don't know id this is stupid question. Can we use ADO.NET with DataAnnotation somehow in Webforms and with mvc?.

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MVC :: DataAnnotation Validation Order?

Aug 11, 2010

PropertiesMustMatch fails because for some reason it's hit PRIOR to "Required" property. How come??

how do you set the order or validation so that Required is hit prior to any custom validation?

I have a class like so:

[Validation.PropertiesMustMatch("Password", "ConfirmPassword", ErrorMessage = "'Password' and 'Confirm password' do not match.")]
[Validation.ValidateMemberUsername("Username", "Oldusername")]
public class Member

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JQuery Support For DataAnnotation?

Nov 2, 2010

Is there any support from JQuery for DataAnnotations?Found this but not sure if its supporting.

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MVC :: DataAnnotation Attribute For Integers?

Jan 11, 2011

Is there an out-of-the-box DataAnnotation attribute that checks if an integer is greater than a certain value?

public Model
public int MyVal{get;set;}


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MVC :: DataAnnotation With .edmx Complex Type?

Oct 21, 2010

n edmx Contact entity PersonalInfo complex type is defined with property FullName and Title.In view the code is


Got buddy class like


When I submit form get an error of mapping but if I take FullName out of complex type than form is working fine.How I validate FullName if it is in Complex type?

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.net Mvc 3 Dataannotation Can Use In Different Class Scenario For Edit And Add Elegantly

Mar 14, 2011


How can I maintain using data annotation attributes for validations in mvc3 different requirement for edit and create in an elegant manner. I have an different edit and create requirement.

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MVC :: Using DataAnnotation Validation On A View With Multiple Forms?

May 10, 2010

I've got a view with 2 forms on it - one to login and the other to register. My problem is that the client-side validation from MicrosoftMvcValidation is firing regardless of which form I submit - because my forms are rendering the inputs with the same id e.g.

<input id="User_Email"
name="User.Email" type="text"
value="" />

How can I change the generated forms to create different id's for the inputs in such a way that the validation works?

I'm using a strongly-typed view with a model with this property:

Model property:

[Required(ErrorMessage = "Please enter an email address")]
public string Email { get; set; }

First form:

<% using (Html.BeginForm("LogOn", "Account")) { %>
<%= Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.User.Email) %>
<%= Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.User.Email) %><% } %>

Second form:

<% using (Html.BeginForm("Register", "Account")) { %>
<%= Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.User.Email) %>
<%= Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.User.Email) %><% } %>

My second form produces id's identical to the first form which is causing the problem.

Is it possible to specify the difference in the Html helper on the view or do I need to provide 2 seperate models somehow? I'm a bit in the dark.

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MVC :: DataAnnotation On Multiple User Controls Displaying On Wrong Control?

Sep 27, 2010

I have a table that displays a user control on each row. The user controls are strongly typed to a viewmodel which contains DataAnnotation style validation. If one of the rows has invalid data entered (lets say the 3rd row) the data annotation validates display agains the first row/user control.How do I get the data annotation to show against the relevant user control?

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Moving The Javascript Code To Design View Is Not Working. Only Code-behind Attributes.Add ("onclick" Works. Puzzled

Jul 15, 2010

I wanted to disable a button after it is clicked and at the same time fire the post back event to generate a report. My first set of code did not work because soon after the button is disabled the page won't submit/post back. here's the first set of code which was not implemented. the onclientclick calls a javascript function which has these lines


since it was not posting back,i tried the following on page_load code behind

btnGenerateReport.Attributes.Add("onclick", "this.disabled=true;" + ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnGenerateReport, ""))

that worked well. but I tried to copy the javascript that got generated and pasted directly on design view


its not working from client side alone after I disable the code behind attributes.add
but when I check the view source the 2 pages are the samewhy am I not able to move the code from code-behind to design view?

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How To Get The Column Titles From The Display(Name=) DataAnnotation For A Strongly Typed List Scaffold View At Runtime

Feb 9, 2011

how do i get the [Display(Name="Some Title")] DataAnnotations "Some Title" rendered in the List scaffold view's output?

I create a strongly typed list scaffold view for this class:

public class CompanyHoliday
[Key] [code]...

However i don't want "Date" and "Name" in the table header - i want "Datum" and "Feiertag Name" rendered there dynamically. The actual column header titles should come from the Display Dataannotation.

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C# Mvc2 Encode Url?

Oct 8, 2010

i'm trying to encode an url with the code below;

var encodedUrl = HttpUtility.UrlEncode("");
var decodedUrl = HttpUtility.UrlDecode("http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eexample%2Ecom%2F");

I'm working with the google webmaster tools api and this api expects an URL as shown in the decodedUrl variable above. Every single character is encoded there.

When i use the httputility encode function i get the following result;[[URL] How can i use the encoding variable in such a way that every character in the url is encoded?

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MVC :: Can't Set Html Attributes

Dec 21, 2010

I have a create view that I cannot set HTML attributes on. I have tried various ways but still cant set an attribute. Currently I'm trying this

<%: Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.itinerary, new { size = 60})%>

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LoadControl - How To Add Attributes

Jun 30, 2011

I have a usercontrol that I load dynamically:

Sub PageLoadEvent()
Dim ctlIntrotext As Control = LoadControl("tryktabKapacitet.ascx")
End Sub

and then adds the sub to the Page_load, that works fine.However:

1) How do I call subs from the usercontrol?
2) How do I add the OnClick-events which I normally have in the webform source, see example...

<uc9:TryktabKapacitet ID="TryktabKapacitet1" OnBtnNulstilClick="TryktabKapacitet1_BtnNulstilClick" OnSetAllModulesK="TryktabOptimering1_SetAllModules"
OnBtnClick="TryktabOptimering1_BtnClick" runat="server"></uc9:TryktabKapacitet>

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Update A ViewModel In MVC2?

Mar 2, 2010

public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection fc)
Movie movie =
from m in _ctx.Movie.Include("MovieActors")
where m.MovieID == id select m
MovieActorViewModel movieActor = new MovieActorViewModel(movie);
if (TryUpdateModel(movieActor))
return View(movieActor);

However, I am not sure how to test this, and in general would much rather have the method take a typed model like:[HttpPost] public ActionResult Edit(MovieActorViewModel movieActor) Is this possible? What changes to my MovieActorViewModel class do I need to make in order to enable this? That class looks like this:

public class MovieActorViewModel
public Movie Movie { get; set; }
public Actor Actor { get; set; }
public PublisherDealViewModel(Movie movie)
this.Movie = movie;
this.Actor =
from a in this.Movie.Actors
where a.ActorID == 1 select a

The view is typed (inherits ViewPage) simple:

<% using (Html.BeginForm()) {%>
Movie Title: <%= Html.TextBoxFor(model=>model.Movie.Title) %><br/>
Actor Name: <%= Html.TextBoxFor(model=>model.Actor.Name) %>
<% } %>

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Possible Update To MVC3 From MVC2 Web App

Feb 8, 2011

I tried upgrading the solution to MVC3 in VS2010 by using an upgrader tool I don't know what it does exactly but it didn't work. My "System.Web.Mvc" is not being recognized in my project. Is there anything specific I should be doing with my web.config? I don't quite understand the underlying details about all the places I should be referencing dll's or what "binding" even means and when I should use it inside the web.config So I have to ask, what is the best method for upgrading to MVC3 and what have you done that works?

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Using MVC2 EditorTemplate For DropDownList?

Apr 29, 2010

I've spent the majority of the past week knee deep in the new templating functionality baked into MVC2. I had a hard time trying to get a DropDownList template working. The biggest problem I've been working to solve is how to get the source data for the drop down list to the template. I saw a lot of examples where you can put the source data in the ViewData dictionary (ViewData["DropDownSourceValuesKey"]) then retrieve them in the template itself (var sourceValues = ViewData["DropDownSourceValuesKey"];) This works, but I did not like having a silly string as the lynch pin for making this work.


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How To Use And/or Localize DisplayAttribute With .NET MVC2

Mar 25, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to get the DisplayAttribute in my MVC 2 ViewModel to work with the Html.LabelFor() helper.


public class TestModel
[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Localization.Labels))][code]...seem to work. Localizing the Required Attribute works as expected:

[Required(ErrorMessageResourceName = "Test", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Localization.Labels))]

I am using VS2010 RC. Has anybody got that running?

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Connectionstring Encryption In MVC2 4.0 App?

Nov 16, 2010

I have an MVC2 .NET 4.0 app, hosted on TFS 2008 (soon to be TFS 2010) that uses connection strings in web.config to connect to a database on another server. I need to encrypt these connection strings.

As I understand it, I can use aspnet_regiis.exe to encrypt the connectionstring portion of the web.config file, but I have to do it on the deployment machine because the encryption uses the machine name to generate the encryption key.

Now, it seems to me that this represents a problem - every time I deploy my code to the dev server won't it overwrite the web.config file, and need to be re-encrypted? This sort of manual process seems kludgy.

Is my understanding about needing to re-encrypt after deployment correct? If so, is there some way to automate this process? I don't want to forget this or get a new team member who doesn't know the process and have the connectionstring exposed to the world.

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C# - MVC2 : Is It Possible To Make Own Model, Without

Jun 28, 2010

For my project, i need to connect to a database who don't support by using NHibernate

So, is it possible to make my own model who can be usable by the auto-creation of views of visual studio 2010 ?

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