Forms Data Controls :: Show GridView Designer For Composite Control?
Apr 29, 2010
I'm working on building a an ASP.NET composite control that is a wrapper for a GridView object. I have been able to figure out how compose the control in order for the markup to appear correctly when added to an ASPX page. Now the issue I'm having is that when I drop an instance of the control on a form from the toolbox, I can't interact with the control using the functionality exposed by a GridView (e.g. columns editor, data source selector, etc.), and I don't see any design-time rendering of the child GridView control. What I would like to do is to basically forward the designer behavior of my composite control down to its child GridView control. I have experimented with implementing a custom designer class that inherits from GridViewDesigner that simply initializes itself using the GridView child of my composite control. However, this doesn't seem to work, as I encounter an "object reference not set to an instance of object" error at design time; I'm wondering if this is even the appropriate strategy to achieve what I'm looking for. how to enable GridView-like design time behavior in composite controls. I have scoured the Web looking for articles on how this is accomplished, but I've surprisingly found virtually no resources on the topic.
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ID CityName CityCode
1 Chennai CH01
2 Mumbai MU01
3 Delhi DE01
4 Columbo CO01
5 Gandi GA01
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Cannot create an object of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormView' from its string representation 'FormView1' for the 'HeaderControlName' property. However, if i don't assign FormView1 in design screen and manually (through coding) assign FormView1 to the custom control on init, it works as expected.
custom control
public class CmdTest : CompositeControl
public virtual FormView HeaderControlName
object oObject = ViewState["HeaderControlName"];
return (oObject == null) ? null : (FormView)oObject;
ViewState["HeaderControlName"] = value;
protected override void CreateChildControls(
Button xx = new Button();
webpage.aspx (assign FormView1 in design time, it will generate error)
<Utils:CmdTest ID="CmdTest1" runat="server" HeaderControlName="FormView1" />
webpage.aspx (didn't assign FormView1 in ASPX, but assign it on Init Code, it works)
<Utils:CmdTest ID="CmdTest1" runat="server" oninit="CmdTest1_Init" />
protected void BsCmdTest1_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
CmdTest1.HeaderControlName = FormView1;
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Jan 16, 2010
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Label text | textbox | imagebutton used for triggering an event
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When i have my textbox on a form an click a button to validate my textbox validation takes place correctly.
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Jan 12, 2011
I would like to ask you what is the best practice for developing composite user web control with multiple controls inside from the stand point of dealing with properieties. In my situation I would like to use header menu bar with logos, buttons, java baset visible/hidden menus itc as web control. I was successfull in implementing new control in my project.
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Nov 3, 2010
How to set default Height/Width property value of Composite control
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Jan 21, 2011
I have a composite user control consisting of three standard table cells (a legend, an image with a tool tip, and a text field control). If I add these to a TableRow in my aspx page it works fine and produces legal HTML in my source. The below works fine ...
However when I try to do the same programmatically (C#) the TableRow won't accept anything in its Controls collection that isn't a TableCell. I could make my control a nested table in its own right but I lose the alignment of my form items on the page with multiple controls, as each table aligns itself according to its contents. Is there anyway I can make the TableRow accept my control as collection of cells or do I need to do some casting or making my user control inherit some kind of TableCell attributes? I can also dynamically add my controls to a TableCell item which actually displays OK in IE but creates illegal HTML (<td><td></td><td> ... </td></td> - I assume this is illegal) in my resulting source. The code below DOES NOT work ...
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