No Match (between Users' Value And Database) The Page Become Blank

Feb 20, 2010

Formview1 is databound to SQLSource that has a while condition. this while condition has a term which is a control in my page set by user. The problem is when there is no match (between users' value and database) the page *becomes blank*

i want the controls of my formview and rest of the page to still be available

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Web Forms :: Inserting To Database On Submit The Page Goes Blank?

Sep 1, 2010

I'm trying to insert few values to a table, when i press the submit button the aspx page goes blank and i don't get any error message. I'm not able to find where the error is.

The code:

Protected Sub AddMInfo_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddMInfo.Click

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VS 2010 Gridview - Blank Row To Allow Users To Add A New Record

Jan 18, 2012

Have a gridview witha column that is read-only:

<asp:BoundField HeaderText="QTY" ReadOnly="True" DataField="qty">
<ItemStyle Width="150px" BackColor="LightGray" />

at the bottom of the grid I'm going to have a blank row to allow users to add a new record.

drow = dt.NewRow()

How do I make the new row column a dropdownlist?

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Security :: FormsAuthentication.Authenticate(Username,Password) Match With Database?

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How do I use the FormsAuthentication.Authenticate(Username,Password) method to match against the generated Database?..since as far as I have read, it matches the values against the Web.config.

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Security :: How To Get Profle Email Address Based On Database Match

Feb 5, 2010

I am unsure how to go about my task. I need to get the email property from's profile class.

I am loading a formview based on username stored in an sql table. I want to get the email address from the users profile based on the matching username fields

In pseudo code:

Get profile.emailaddress where username.text = profile.username

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Data Controls :: Unable To Match Persian Characters From DropDownList In SQL Server Database

May 26, 2013

I have 2 table in database 1-State  2-City and bind DropDownList  1-ddlstate   2-ddlCity from these table and when I select item from ddlsate , according to my selected item from ddlState , ddlcity's Item  change I used OnSelectedIndexChanged for ddlstate

problem is: I enter some data in tables with persian Alphabet now when I select some Item from ddlstate that contain these alphabet in persian  "ی ،پ،... " it didn't show any Item in ddlcity but when I select item that didn't contain above  alphabet it show item in ddlcity correctly why this happen?

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Forms Data Controls :: Check Box In Gridview - Checkbox Are Checkd If Database Values Are Match

May 15, 2010

i got my checkbox control in each row.actually my problem is i bound checkbox in a gridviw and i need those checkbox are checkd if database values are match.i do it like below


but problem is only one checkbox is page_Load i bind gridviw in ROwDatabound event i check Duecode in another i need only matching checkbox should be checked.

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Web Forms :: Getting Pagelength To Match The Content Of The Page?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a web page consisting of a banner header, a left column, a right column with an image as background and a bottom banner. The height of the page could vary depending on what is entered into the columns.

I want the height of the pagebody div to be as high as necessary to create a white background behind the left and main columns and to force the bottom banner beneath them.

Is there a height command I can use to achieve this. I have tried min-height, inherit and auto with no success. If I know the height of the page I can set min-height and this works OK. But I'd like it to 'grow' if more text is entered into the main column

My code looks like this (I have put the styles into the div statements -

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Web Forms :: Insert NULL Value In Database When TextBox Is Blank

Mar 12, 2014

below is House_info table in database

Id Behtop Service1 Service2

1 1111 Estate Null
2 2222 Home Home1

and I have 2 Textbox in page that users can enter text on them and update House_info tables column service1 and service2

below is SP:

@Service1 nvarchar(20)=NULL,
@Service2 nvarchar(20)=NULL
update House_info set

and behind code

_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Service1", TxtMT1.Text);
_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Service2", TxtMT2.Text);

problem is that if users enter text in TB and click on button it update columns data but if they don't enter any thing in textbox it enter space in Table like:

Id Behtop Service1 Service2

1 1111 Estate
2 2222 Home Home1

I want if users don't enter any thing in text box it insert in table "NULL".How I can do it?

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C# - MVC - Blank Model Not Returning Blank Data

Jun 2, 2010

I have a form which a user can fill in x times with the data they want too. The form is posted to the following Action.

public ActionResult Manage(ProductOptionModel DataToAdd)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(DataToAdd);
var ProdServ = new ProductService();
if (DataToAdd.ID != 0)
//Edit Mode.
DataToAdd = ProdServ.EditProductOption(DataToAdd);
ViewData["Message"] = "Option Changes Made";
DataToAdd = ProdServ.AddProductOption(DataToAdd);
ViewData["Message"] = "New Option Added";
var RetModel = new ProductOptionModel() {ProductID = DataToAdd.ProductID};
return View(RetModel);

So at the bottom I blank the model (Leaving just the required field) and then return to the view. However the view holds the data from the previously submitted form. I have debugged the code and checked that the RetModel variable is empty.

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Web Forms :: Insert NULL Value For Date Column In Database If TextBox Is Blank

Jun 16, 2015

How should i insert null values into a database. I have textbox1 and the textbox2 will convert the value out of textbox1, when i the time i click save and the textbox1 is empty i got an error, "Conversion from string "" to type 'Date' is not valid." i just want to insert null value if the textbox is empty.

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C# - Outputting Data With An Access Database But Users Stored In An SQL Database?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm creating an ecommerce site using and a Access Datasource, I have used the pre-defined logging in and registering controls provided by Visual Studio 2010 which stores the user data in a SQL server.

For my site the content of the shopping cart is uploaded to a table in the access database, I need to however save the contents of the cart to a specific user ID. For example if User number 1 orders book id's 4,7,2 this needs to be saved, but if user number 2 comes along and orders 4,1,7 this needs to be saved for them as well.

So a user can have many carts, this is sorted in access but with the user ID being saved to a different database is there anyway I can link the two databases so I can say

"Save bookid's 1,2,3 in tblcart where userID is the same as the logged in user"

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Access :: Insert A Record The Filing Date And Report Time Fields Are Always Blank In The Database?

Sep 2, 2010

When I try to insert a record the Filing Date and Report Time fields are always blank in the database.

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Configuration :: Sometimes Appear Blank Page?

Aug 31, 2010

I have a project which is developed by using VS 2003 with Framework 1.0.My project works very well while I am testing it on localhost.But 'sometimes' my application will appear blank page after click a save button in the production side(using IE 7).I set 'Try catch' into server codes to detect any error caused after users click save button. And they never see any error description page but 'sometimes' blank page.So I assume my server codes are safe.

View 7 Replies

Just Want A Blank Aspx Page?

Mar 2, 2011

I would like to create a completely blank aspx page, but I can't figure out how. When I open up Visual Web Developer 2010 Express, and I go to File -> New Web Site, I have a few options. When I choose the ASP.NET Empty Web Site, it does not give me any tools in the Toolbox on the left, so this is no good. But when I choose ASP.NET Web Site, it gives me this template and all of this other stuff. I dont need this 'Welcome to ASP.NET!' template. I'm thinking that I need to choose the Empty Web Site and then Add New Item, but what item? I'm lost!

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Web Forms :: How To Open In Blank Page

Sep 8, 2010

I have created master page in my application using site map and have some web forms. When I click a link from site map I would like to open in blank page like popup window. How can I do that ?

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Using WebParts Results In Blank Page?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm developing an ASP.NET (C#) application using EPiServer CMS 5. On the startpage we have four WebPart-zones and everything works great running it through Visual Studio. When publishing it to the production-server (IIS 7) the startpage shows as a blank page, no error what so ever...

When we remove these lines of code it works, so it has something to do with the WebParts.

<WebParts:ExtendedWebPartManager ID="WebPartsManager" runat="server"></WebParts:ExtendedWebPartManager>
<WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone WebPartProperty="WebPartZone1" runat="server" ID="WebPartZone1" PartChromeType="None" AllowLayoutChange="false" Padding="0" PartChromePadding="0" Width="100%"></WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone>
<WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone WebPartProperty="WebPartZone2" runat="server" ID="WebPartZone2" PartChromeType="None" AllowLayoutChange="false" Padding="0" PartChromePadding="0" Width="100%"></WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone>
<WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone WebPartProperty="WebPartZone3" runat="server" ID="WebPartZone3" PartChromeType="None" AllowLayoutChange="false" Padding="0" PartChromePadding="0" Width="100%"></WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone>
<WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone WebPartProperty="WebPartZone4" runat="server" ID="WebPartZone4" PartChromeType="None" AllowLayoutChange="false" Padding="0" PartChromePadding="0" Width="100%"></WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone>

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Hidden Variable Getting Blank When Sending From One Page To Another?

Nov 9, 2010

There are two frames. In ASP page 1 that is being displayed in frame 1, we have a form with hidden variables. On some action this from is submitted to frame 2 with action as ASP page 2 (target = frame2, action = 'ASP Page 2') using POST method. But on ASP page 2 when we try to get Form's hidden variable via Request object, sometimes we get them correctly but sometimes they are blank. Generally, first or second time, they show some values but after that they go blank. This problem is seen in IE 7 only and has not been observed in any other version of IE or other browsers.

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WCF / ASMX :: Service Returning A Blank Page?

Mar 2, 2011

Ok so I am trying to setup a WCF web service. I thought I had my .svc and webConfig ready to go, but when I hit this service all I get is a blank page.


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Configuration :: Getting Blank Page On BlogEngine Deployment?

May 28, 2010

I am getting blank page after deploying the blog engine on Main Production server.

Same application is running smooth on my local system

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SQL Reporting :: Blank Report Page Showing?

Feb 11, 2011

I am calling a report from my ASP web app and was working perfectly, but now for some reason the report is coming up as blank and only shows the header section where it shows export, page numbers etc...The report works 100% direclty from reports and reportsmanager but not from my application - there are no errors to even guide me to solving it.At first i had reporting services 2005 and was having this problem and then i installed Reporting services 2008 and hosted the report on there but i am still getting the same problem.....very frustrating!!Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this??

This might be a clue: this app is on my clients pc and i installed VS2010 on the pc so i can try troubleshoot this but when i open the app VS2010 tells me it is setup to use framework 2.0, strange cause before this problem i opened it in vs2010 and was in framwework 4.0 - but now ifi go to the build dropdown it does not give me the option to select framework 4.0 - just goes up to 3.5??the app was originally created in VS2005 then I upgraded it to could be possible that there is aconflict with the report viewer on the webpage conflicting somewhere???the app still works 100%(except for reporting) on IIS using framework 4.0 so it is still on the PC..please help - my client is unable to use the app without the printing and i am getting desperate!!Here are the hardware and software details:

-Windows 7 Pro
-IIS 7
-framework 2, 3.5 and 4 4 Web app developed in VS2010
-DB on SQL 2005 exp adv
-also have SQL2008 exp adv installed

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Get A Blank Page Appearing With No Content Using Chrome, Safari

Jul 5, 2010

I'm having problems using an IHttpHandler on PDF files.

I'm redirecting "*.pdf" in <httpHandlers> of web.config to a IHttpHandler class that blocks access unless the user is authenticated.


<add verb="*" path="*.pdf" type="Handler.Class, Handler.Dll.Name" />

I have no problems accessing any PDF file from firefox while authenticated, but when accessing using any other browser (chrome/safari/opera) I only get a blank page appearing with no content. Accessing the PDF files from other computers gets the same result (blank page) including firefox on other computers.

Contents of the IHttpHandler:

C# Code:


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Web Forms :: View State Truncated And A Blank Web Page?

May 19, 2010

Recently I had migrated my 1.1 based application from a IIS5.1 based platform to a IIS 6.0 based Platform.The new platform has 4 nodes with a load balancer.

One of the page of my application, which is perhaps the heaviest one in terms of form components like textboxes, dropdown is not behaving properly.Some times the users only get a "Blank White Screen" and some time they get a "Invalid ViewState" , Invalid length for a Base-64 char array.

Based on the KB I understand that the view state is getting truncated.

I had been facing this issue since we migrated to the new platform and the application was working perfectly fine on the old platform.

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Best Practice - How To Insert New Or Hog BLANK Row On Page Load And UPDATE

Jan 10, 2011

I have been building web apps for a while now and still do not know the answer to this.

I have just built a web app (using webforms) which has a page for inserting a new budget request and a page to edit and manage this budget request.

What is a pain is if I have to make changes to the business logic then I need to edit same / similar code in two places.

What I am thinking of doing is creating one page to handle this with only UPDATE logic and if the URL on page load has no ID parameter then create a blank row in table and use this new ID and then UPDATE.

Is this bad practice? I obv know I need to clear out old blank rows at some point.

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HTML - Why Page Is Blank When Include Mootools In MVC 2 Masterpage

Mar 23, 2011

I included mootools le this

<script language="javascript" src='<%# ResolveClientUrl("~/Scripts/mootools-core-1.3.1-full-compat.js")%>' type="text/javascript"/>

It compiles but when running it's blank page. If I remove page shows up again.

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