VS 2010 Gridview - Blank Row To Allow Users To Add A New Record

Jan 18, 2012

Have a gridview witha column that is read-only:

<asp:BoundField HeaderText="QTY" ReadOnly="True" DataField="qty">
<ItemStyle Width="150px" BackColor="LightGray" />

at the bottom of the grid I'm going to have a blank row to allow users to add a new record.

drow = dt.NewRow()

How do I make the new row column a dropdownlist?

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Forms Data Controls :: Want Users To Select A Record In The GridView And Then Have That Record Open Up In The Detailsview?

Oct 6, 2010

I want users to select a record in the GridView and then have that record open up in the Detailsview. How would I go about getting these two tools to communicate?

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VS 2010 Gridview Will Only Select 1st Record?

Nov 13, 2010

I have a gridview which is bound to a sqldtatasource. The gridview has 3 columns and a select button. The data in the gridview pulls up just fine when I run the application and the first record is selected.

However when I select one of the other records, the gridview will not select it. The postback occurs and it remains on the first record. Here is code for my gridview and the sqldatasource:



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No Match (between Users' Value And Database) The Page Become Blank

Feb 20, 2010

Formview1 is databound to SQLSource that has a while condition. this while condition has a term which is a control in my page set by user. The problem is when there is no match (between users' value and database) the page *becomes blank*

i want the controls of my formview and rest of the page to still be available

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Produce A Blank Record In A Dropdownbox Control

Mar 30, 2011

I have a dropdown box control, populated by an Access data source, and linked to a form control which renders an appropriate record detail when a selection is made. All works as intended. My issue is that each rendering of the page shows the dropdown box carrying the link to the first record, with the detail portion of the page already complete with the information for that record.

I'd much prefer that the dropdown box would carry some text, like "Click to select..." leaving the detail part of the page empty at the first iteration of the page, allowing the user to pick the first record. I can't seem to find any way around this problem with the control or the data, unless I add a record at the top of the file that carries the text.

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VS 2010 - Blank Row In Editable Datagrid

Feb 14, 2013

I am currently working on a new data application that is a vb.net web based application using visual studio. I have a form with a datagrid view that I have customized to have all rows editable at all times. I need to get this form to show a blank row for inserting data if there is no data returned from the sql server table. I also need to get this form to prompt you to save your changes when you navigate away from the screen by any method. My asp and vb.net code is shown below.

<%@ Page Title="frmPublication" Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" CodeBehind="frmPublication.aspx.vb" Inherits="MCRN.frmPublication" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent" runat="server">
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">

[Code] .....

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Access :: Insert A Record The Filing Date And Report Time Fields Are Always Blank In The Database?

Sep 2, 2010

When I try to insert a record the Filing Date and Report Time fields are always blank in the database.

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Users Cannot Update Record Through The Browser?

Jul 15, 2010

We have a simple SQL Server database with an ASP.NET front end.

I can easily update a record from my browser.

Another person cannot: he edits the field and hits the "update" button, but the change is not propagated to the database. The old value remains. He is using Internet Explorer. I checked the database, and his change is not propagated. There is no error thrown.

He WAS able to edit in May. Today he can't. but I can.

I can even update it with the Google Chrome browser.

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting First Record In Nextpage And Last Record Of Previous Page Of Gridview?

Nov 16, 2010

I am using paging to my gridview (pagesize=4) . now i am in (X) page and i want to get (X+1) page top record or (X-1)page bottom record , how i can get .

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Forms Data Controls :: Selecting A Specific Record From Gridview And Displaying The Selected Record In Detailview

Aug 13, 2010

i have design a web application having suppliers table using SqlDatasource..

i have a master page in my design and other form are bound to a context menu..

Now i have displayed the records in the gridview..all i wanted is after i select a record in the gridview it will display the selected record in detailview from another aspx form..

i was able to create the link to another aspx form but the data that it display is the first data from the gridview not the data that i select.

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Forms Data Controls :: Create A Lookup Data Source Based On A Union Query With The Actual Data And A Blank Record?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm new to ASP.net 3.5 and trying to create a test site so I can figure out how to use it in the real world. I have created a FormView (Formview1) based on a Client table using Linq Data Sources. The page includes a DropDownList to lookup Clients. I have added a list option (<asp:ListOption value="" Text="(Select Client)" and set AppendDataBoundItems=true so my added option is displayed. I decided to try to use Formview with only the Edit and Insert Modes, and I have set the Default Mode = Insert. When you open the page, a blank Client record is displayed.

The Client record contains serveral lookup fields and they have drop down lists for each. When I select a client from the Client DropDownList, is get the following message 'ddlClientType' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items I had this problem before and decided the best way to handle this (in the interim) was to turn off foreign key constraints for each of the lookup fields (e.g. ClientType) in SQL Server. That worked for 2-3 days. Now the problem has started again.

When I develop in other applications, I would simply create a lookup data source based on a Union Query with the actual data and a blank record. How can you do this using Linq DataSources. Can you get access and modify the queries?

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Using Details View If 1 Record Is Returned And Gridview If More Than One Record?

Feb 9, 2010

I'm using a details view and a sqldatasource control to populate it. Every once in a while i get an error message because more than one row is returned. How can I have the data display in a gridview instead if more than one row is returned?

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Web Forms :: Way To Upload Control To Allow Users To Basically Create An Avatar For A Record

Nov 10, 2010

I would like to use the image (file) upload control to allow users to basically create an avatar for a record they manage.I would like to enforce the following:1) Type (PNG only)2) Dimensions (X pixles by X pixels)3) Size (less than XYZ kilobytes) 4) Rename the file to something organized (for my sake)5) Not open some gaping hole in my file system (security)Some of these are pretty easy to do it seems.

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SQL Reporting :: Reportviewer 2010 Is Coming With Blank Screen / Data Exists On The Page But Not Showing On The Screen

Mar 24, 2011

I have upgraded web application from VS.2008 to vs 2010. I was using previously ReportViewer 2008 control in a page and replaced with 2010 ReportViewer Control.

I have installed the ReportViewer Redistributable also in my local pc as well as in the server. Also as per the new requirement I have placed the Scriptmanager in the web page where the reportviewer control located.

While running the page, the reportviewer run the report and is not showing the data on the screen. It shows the blank screen. But If I export the data to execl or world it is showing the data. Also the page numbers in the reportviewer showing the total pages available in the navigation bar. I am sure the report is running and bringing the data to the screen but not showing it.

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VS 2010 - Determine If A Record Is Inserted In Database

Jun 11, 2012

I am trying to insert a record into a MySQL Table. I thought that the Insert methods returned the number of records that were successfully inserted. But that is not what I found. My code:

dim n as integer
n = taProject.InsertProject(pname, descr, idManager, startdate, tenddate, client, disable)

I get n = 0 even though the record is installed. How can I determine if the insert was successful or not?

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VS 2010 - Failure To Insert Record In MySQL But No Error

Jun 11, 2012

I am trying to insert a record into a MySQL table, but the operation fails without generating any error. Here is what I have:

n = taProject.InsertNewProject(pname, descr, idManager, startdate, tenddate, client, disable)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try


I am not passing idProject, which is the primary key, and set to autoIncrement..How can I get any diagnostic output from the insert attempt to indicate what the error is?

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Convert String 10/29/2010 According To Users Culture?

Nov 10, 2010

How can I convert the english date 10/29/2010 or any language date to user culture date format

I am using the following code

CultureInfo cultureInfo = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
string lng = cultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName;
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Parse("10/29/2010", cultureInfo);

but it throws error when I try to parse it.

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VS 2010 - Selecting Multiple Users To Email

Apr 3, 2012

I have set up an email function where a user of my website is able to send an email from the webpage including subject field and email body this allows the user that is logged in to select an email address from a drop down menu, once the email send button is clicked this will send an email to whatever email address in the dropdown menu has been selected. I want to be able to incorporate the option to send to multiple contacts such as a class list. I have set up a grid view that pulls information from the database this shows the contacts name, email address and also has a check box column.

I have set up a select all for the checkbox; I want to set up that if a checkbox is selected then the email will be sent to that person in question, so they could send an email to one, many or all users. Here is the vb code for on the email send button at the moment. I know that it has to do with the myMessage.To.Add(TxtBxEmail.Text). But instead of selecting TxtBxEmail.Text that contains the one email address from the drop down menu. I wish to be able to select any email addresses from the grid view that have been selected. This is in VS 2010 VB.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Web.Configuration
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting
Imports System.Net.Mail

[Code] ....

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VS 2010 - Gzip Compression Working / Database Record Not Populating

Jun 19, 2012

I have referred below mentioned links and successfully implemented Gzip, by compressing aspx pages. URL....My website is ajax enabled. One of page is having gridview. While debugging gridview rowCommand fires and records are displaying in debugging mode, but same records are not displaying on web page controls.

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VS 2010 Use Ajax CalendarExtender For The Users To Specify A Specific Date?

Jul 2, 2010

I am working on a .NET web application and I'm trying to use ajax CalendarExtender for the users to specify a specific date. For some reason, when I click the icon to display the calendar, the background seems to be transparent, shown below:

What could be the reason for this?

I've tried googling it but it seems nobody has worked it out yet.

I've also tried setting up it's z-index property to as high value as 5000000 but still doesn't work.

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C# - MVC - Blank Model Not Returning Blank Data

Jun 2, 2010

I have a form which a user can fill in x times with the data they want too. The form is posted to the following Action.

public ActionResult Manage(ProductOptionModel DataToAdd)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(DataToAdd);
var ProdServ = new ProductService();
if (DataToAdd.ID != 0)
//Edit Mode.
DataToAdd = ProdServ.EditProductOption(DataToAdd);
ViewData["Message"] = "Option Changes Made";
DataToAdd = ProdServ.AddProductOption(DataToAdd);
ViewData["Message"] = "New Option Added";
var RetModel = new ProductOptionModel() {ProductID = DataToAdd.ProductID};
return View(RetModel);

So at the bottom I blank the model (Leaving just the required field) and then return to the view. However the view holds the data from the previously submitted form. I have debugged the code and checked that the RetModel variable is empty.

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How To GridView Textbox Always Return Blank Value

May 14, 2010

I added some textboxes to gridview using following code

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="STD<br/>ID">
<ItemStyle BackColor="LightBlue" />
<div style="font-size:xx-small; overflow:hidden;">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtStandard" EnableViewState="true" Height="10" Font-Size="XX-Small" Width="50" Text='<%# bind("STANDARD_ID") %>' runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:AutoCompleteExtender ID="AutoCompleteExtenderDemo" runat="server"
TargetControlID="txtStandard" ServiceMethod="GetCompletionList"
MinimumPrefixLength="1" CompletionInterval="1000"
EnableCaching="true" CompletionSetCount="20">

I want to save updated values to database, But when I try to access values using string strs = ((TextBox)TwoHeadedGridView1.Rows[0].FindControl("txtStandard")).Text;

It always returns me the blank value for all the rows, Same thing happens for dropdown list it returns me originally selected value i.e. value selected at the time of writing dropdown box, there are no duplicate ids present on my asp form , This is my first interaction with customizing gridview, I want to somehow make it run,

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C# - Display A Gridview Blank Conlumns?

Jun 30, 2010

Using VS2005In my webpage am using gridview, In a Gridview values is displaying from the table, if there is no value in the table gridview is displaying only the header, it should display a blank columns I want to adjust the header font, content font....Expected OutputAdjust the Header font, content font of the Gridview
Gridview should display the blank column if there is no data

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VS 2010 - Reading Data From Excel 2010 To Gridview

Apr 4, 2012

It cant be more simple. However I have tried a lot of examples and none of them have been working.

I have a very simple Excel file. I want to post these data in a gridview, Column A, B and C all placed in the Sheet1 and the file name is Book1.xls.

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Web Forms :: CSV File Is Blank When Exporting GridView To CSV?

Apr 25, 2012

I used your  code over here [URL]

for creating a csv but the csv that gets created is blank. My gridview gets populated so I don't think any problem with that not getting data from Access database. I also tried the code sample you have on this website and checked my code against yours.

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