Web Forms :: Inserting To Database On Submit The Page Goes Blank?

Sep 1, 2010

I'm trying to insert few values to a table, when i press the submit button the aspx page goes blank and i don't get any error message. I'm not able to find where the error is.

The code:

Protected Sub AddMInfo_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddMInfo.Click

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Inserting Blank Into Smalldatetime Field?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a field of type smalldatetime in a sql table. through a webform, i am trying to insert a blank value(i.e. through A blank text box) but its showing an error that the" value can not be recognized as valid date time". I am using a textbox to insert value to this field. but that text box can also be blank sometimes. plz help.

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Web Forms :: Page Refresh Not Working After Inserting Records Into Database

Oct 28, 2012

I've a function named fillgrid() which fills the grid with data.This function works correctly on pageload,but after inserting into database i've called this function again, which is not getting executed.This issue happens only in real time server not in my local system,I'm not getting any error and i cannot recognize why fillgrid() function is not getting called??I've used update panel.This is the code for insert function which inserts over 500records.

DataTable dtMob = new DataTable();
dtMob = dtMobilizn.Copy();
DataSet dsMobilizn=new DataSet("dsMobilization");


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No Match (between Users' Value And Database) The Page Become Blank

Feb 20, 2010

Formview1 is databound to SQLSource that has a while condition. this while condition has a term which is a control in my page set by user. The problem is when there is no match (between users' value and database) the page *becomes blank*

i want the controls of my formview and rest of the page to still be available

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DataSource Controls :: Inserting A Blank DataRow Into A DataTable?

May 21, 2010

I have a DataTable that's populated with Data. I'm looping through it and checking to see what the contents of the first cell of the first column are. If they have the same value on the current iteration as the previous, I want to insert a blank row into my DataTable. The problem is that the new row is being added to the end of the DataTable instead of between the two rows. How can I get it not to append the row to the end. This is what I'm doing:


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Inserting Text On Submit Button

Oct 28, 2010

We are having a problem with the educators clicking the wrong submit button. On one of the buttons we wanted to underline and set the font to bold on the words "Do Not". This is the code I have so far.

<%MsgButton = "Click here if you "%>
<% MsgButton = MsgButton & " Do Not "%> ' I am sure the problem is on this line, but I do not know the syntax
<% MsgButton = MsgButton & "Attend Anthony or Canutillo High School!"%>
<Input Type="Submit" Name="BV1" Value="<%=MsgButton%>"

The words Do Not are not underlined or shown as Bold. Is this possible to do?

View 2 Replies

C# - Inserting Data From A Page To Sqlserver Database?

Sep 29, 2010

there are two tables in database. one is 'books' with 4 columns pkid,title,price,writer(int) and other is 'persons' with columns pkid, name,value(int). one asp.net page is there with text boxes named title,price,writer and a submit button. i want that on filling that writer txtbox with some name which is available in 'persons' table and clicking that submit button it will store integer 'value' in 'books' writer column.

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WebMatrix :: Pulling HTML From A Database And Inserting It In To A Page?

Jul 27, 2010

I have searched endlessly for an answer but found nothing useful! I'm writing a simple blog application using Web Matrix and its going pretty well, but I have run in to a problem. I am storing the content of each blog post in a ntext field in a table with the intention of entering HTML in to the database and then have my application pull it out and insert it in to a few different view pages. The problem is that all of the '<' and '>' characters are getting converted in to '<' and '>' when my application pulls the HTML from the database and displays it. I understand that this is for security (preventing code injection?), but only trusted users will ever be able to write posts using my application. Here is a screen shot of what gets displayed by my application:

Is there a way to disable this behaviour or work around it somehow?

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ADO.NET :: How To Display Auto - Incrementing Value From Database In The Same Page Where Inserting Value

Feb 8, 2011

in my aspx page user is creating a request and when the request is created a request_id is generated automatically in databse..i want to retreive tht particular request_id and display it on the same web page.

here is my code-

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
String selection = DropDownList1.Text.ToString();
String status = "inactive";
ConnectionStringSettings set = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["WATERMARKING"];
String cns = set.ConnectionString;
SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(cns);
String query = "Insert into REQUESTS (USERNAME,REQUEST_TYPE,STATUS) values ('" + uName + "','" + selection + "','" + status + "')";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, cnn);
//Response.Write("Request created Successfully ");
//MessageBox.Show("request created successfully");
Label4.Text="request created successfully";
Label5.Text = "Your Request ID is";
Label6.Text = "ID required to Check the Request Status";
catch (Exception err)
//Response.Write("error generated while raising request"+err);
Label4.Text = "request creation error"+err;

here wen a value is getting inserted in REQUESTS table a column named REQUEST_ID gets populated and i want to display that value on the web page

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: Insert NULL Value In Database When TextBox Is Blank

Mar 12, 2014

below is House_info table in database

Id Behtop Service1 Service2

1 1111 Estate Null
2 2222 Home Home1

and I have 2 Textbox in page that users can enter text on them and update House_info tables column service1 and service2

below is SP:

@Service1 nvarchar(20)=NULL,
@Service2 nvarchar(20)=NULL
update House_info set

and behind code

_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Service1", TxtMT1.Text);
_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Service2", TxtMT2.Text);

problem is that if users enter text in TB and click on button it update columns data but if they don't enter any thing in textbox it enter space in Table like:

Id Behtop Service1 Service2

1 1111 Estate
2 2222 Home Home1

I want if users don't enter any thing in text box it insert in table "NULL".How I can do it?

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Web Forms :: Insert NULL Value For Date Column In Database If TextBox Is Blank

Jun 16, 2015

How should i insert null values into a database. I have textbox1 and the textbox2 will convert the value out of textbox1, when i the time i click save and the textbox1 is empty i got an error, "Conversion from string "" to type 'Date' is not valid." i just want to insert null value if the textbox is empty.

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Web Forms :: Redirect After Submit To Sql Database?

Apr 19, 2010

I am trying to redirect the user to another page after they submit a form which posts to a sql 2005 database. I found the response.redirect but I can't get it to work.

Here is my code behind:

Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Sub FormView1_PageIndexChanging(ByVal
sender As
ByVal e
As System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewPageEventArgs)
Handles FormView1.PageIndexChangingEnd
Sub SqlDataSource1_Selecting(ByVal
sender As
ByVal e
As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs)
Handles SqlDataSource1.SelectingEnd
Sub Page_Load(ByVal
sender As
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: Inserting Data To Database?

Jun 30, 2010

bjdtrw["companyname"] = name1;
bjdtrw["address1"] = ad1;
bjdtrw["address2"] = ad2;


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Web Forms :: Inserting Multiple Checkboxes Into A Database

Jun 14, 2010

I needed to redesign the input page. I have in place individual checkboxes to represent fferent selections. For the database, the result for these checkboxes are in a seperate table. The insert only works for the first table which are textboxes. The information is not getting stored for the checkboxes. I have it separately eventually the checkboxes will be used for a search feature. For example, the information of the company, phone, address are getting inserted into the database but the checkboxes refering to the business is not being stored. What am I doing wrong with my code? Am I missing "true" for the checkboxes? The following is my code:


View 16 Replies

Web Forms :: Inserting Multiple Records In Database

Apr 5, 2010

I am having 3 textboxes where I am inserting 3 employee names.I want to insert these details into database as 3 different records.Pls respond me ASAP

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Web Forms :: Inserting Data Into Database From Code Behind?

May 7, 2010

i need to insert 160 parameters to my database table through Stored procedure. is there any good and best way of inserting values into Table rather than crating 160 parameters on stored procedure and assigning values to the parameters in the c# code? please help me to achieve my need.Note : I have 160 columns in my table . Also what is the way to avoid creating 160 params in the stored procedure.i have all the 160 values in 160 properties of class file.

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Web Forms :: How To Open In Blank Page

Sep 8, 2010

I have created master page in my application using site map and have some web forms. When I click a link from site map I would like to open in blank page like popup window. How can I do that ?

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Web Forms :: Convert Date To Mmddyy Format Before Submit To Database?

Sep 8, 2010

how to convert date in textbox which is in format(dd/mm/yy) to mmddyy before submit to database.

View 21 Replies

Web Forms :: Why Doesn't Inserting Records In Newsletter Database Not Succeeding

Mar 8, 2010

i'm making a application for a newslettersystem. The only thing i want yet is to subscribe to a elecronic newsletter, but the record to subscribe isn't inserting. What do i do wrong?


and the vb code

Protected Sub btn_verwerken(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim strConnectie As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/nieuwsbrief.mdb")
Dim Connectie As New OleDbConnection(strConnectie)
Dim strSQL As String = "INSERT INTO TBL_Subscribers(Email, SubscribeDate, ActivateDate, UnsubscribeDate) VALUES (@Email, @SubscribeDate, @ActivateDate, @UnsubscribeDate)"
Dim command As New OleDbCommand(strSQL, Connectie)
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Email", Emailadres.Text)
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SubscribeDate", DateTime.Now)
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message.ToString, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "BCT")
End Try
End Sub

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Inserting/updating To Database Via Checkboxlist?

Jun 16, 2010

I've the user creation form where a user will be created by entering username. Below that is checkboxlist for UserGroup which is binded with the dataset with the all the usergroup. Hence up on entering the username and checkbox selected(as the user can belong to multiple UserGroups).At database end, there are basically 3 tables-


So when i click create new user, the UserId along with GroupID(whichever checked) is saved into UserToGroup table.Im relative to this kind of process and hence facing setbacks. Can somebody help in end to end process. From front to DB SP.

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Web Forms :: Stored Procedure - Inserting And Retrieving Data From Database

Jul 4, 2012

I have used in line queries for inserting and retrieving data from database. How should i use stored proceduress

Insertion code

string strSQL1 = "select * from cust_details";
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SqlConnection m_conn;
SqlDataAdapter m_dataAdapter;
m_conn = new SqlConnection(conn);

[Code] ....

Retrieval code

try {
SqlConnection conn3 = new SqlConnection(conn);
String q1;
//string ddl = DropDownList1.SelectedItem.ToString();
q1 = "select * from Product where ID ='" + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(q1, conn3);

[Code] .....

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Web Forms :: View State Truncated And A Blank Web Page?

May 19, 2010

Recently I had migrated my ASP.net 1.1 based application from a IIS5.1 based platform to a IIS 6.0 based Platform.The new platform has 4 nodes with a load balancer.

One of the page of my application, which is perhaps the heaviest one in terms of form components like textboxes, dropdown is not behaving properly.Some times the users only get a "Blank White Screen" and some time they get a "Invalid ViewState" , Invalid length for a Base-64 char array.

Based on the KB
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/831150 I understand that the view state is getting truncated.

I had been facing this issue since we migrated to the new platform and the application was working perfectly fine on the old platform.

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Web Forms :: Get A Blank Screen When Opening Any Page In Browser?

Feb 7, 2011

any page that I open in my browser comes up blank.

I don't get any errors, it just comes up blank.

I also noticed that it seems to bypass forms authentication. For example, even though the page I open is blank, it is the actual page name that shows up in the browzer instead of the page that it usually redirects to for the forms authentication.

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Web Forms :: Open Link In New Tab Is Opening Blank Page

May 7, 2015

I have designed menu using <ul> and <li> tags and handled onserverclick event, where redirection code is written. This code works fine for normal click. But when I right click on the link and select "Open link in new tab", it opens blank page. So how can I handle this scenario.

 Following is the sample code,

<ul class="rounded-corners "> <li name="menuSample"><a onserverclick="lnk_clicked" runat="server" href="~/Sample.aspx" title="Sample">Sample</a></li>
Server side code:

protected void lnk_clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
strPage = (sender as System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlAnchor).Title.ToString();
Response.Redirect((sender as System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlAnchor).HRef);

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Web Forms :: Gridview Print Page Coming Blank

Feb 14, 2012

Gridview Print PAge coming blank 

for below code 

but if I  comment 

GRDV.AllowPaging = False
GRDV .DataBind()  this code then it page is not blank 

I want to print complete Gridview

Code  is : 

Protected Sub PrintAllPages()
GRDV.AllowPaging = False
GRDV .DataBind()


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