Use A Parameters Value As The Property To Be Selected In A LINQ Query ?
Aug 23, 2010
I am using LINQ-to-Entities and here is my query
public void SomeFunction(string searchField)
var data = from a in dx.SomeTable where [code]...
Now if I had to use the value of the parameter "searchField" as the property to be selected in the where clause then how do I do it ?
i.e I want to assign the value of the parameter "searchField" to the property I am checking in the where clause.
So ... the value of "SomeProperty" in a.SomeProperty must be the value of "searchField". How to do this ?
PS : I dont want a.SomeProperty=searchField. What I want is "SomeProperty" itself to be replaced by the value of "searchField" and then , this has to be checked to see if its equal to 270.
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var result =>x);
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Public Property Prop1 as string
Public Property Prop2 as integer
Public Property Prop3 as Boolean
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MsSQL_ExecuteNonQuery("StoredProc_AddNewMyObject", ________________?)
End Sub
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'Some Code here.
End Function
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<asp:linqdatasource id="GridDataSource" runat="server" enabledelete="true" Where="Type == @Type">
<asp:dynamiccontrolparameter controlid="FilterRepeater" />
<asp:QueryStringParameter QueryStringField="Type" Name="Type" ConvertEmptyStringToNull="false" />
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SELECT p.Profile_Id
FROM Profile p
WHERE (p_Gender = p.gender_id)
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SELECT p.Profile_Id
FROM Profile p
WHERE ('M' = p.gender_id)
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Aug 19, 2010
I am new to MDX and Sql Server Analysis Service and I've searched this high and low and read a lot of articles, but cannot figure out how.I know this is tough after reading so many articles online, and thus I am only trying my slim chance of getting something helpful from here. I need to create a sales report and want to parameterize the region, so, I'd like to have something likeSELECT blah blahFROM [MySsasWarehouse]WHERE @regionThe @region may take values such as [USA].[Northeast].[New Hampshire], for example.How do I make this happen with MDX? I learned that I can doSELECT blah blahFROM [MySsasWarehouse]WHERE STRTOMEMBER('[USA].[Northeast].[New Hampshire]')But, I have no idea how to have something like STRTOMEMBER(@region)and to be able to pass values to that @region variable.
In the end I would like to create a SSRS report using this MDX query and pass different values to @region. Do NOT point me to articles about how to pass parameters to SSRS, because I know how to do it through the URL query string.My question is How to create parameters for MDX query per se, and I haven't been successful in attempting to do so.
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Mar 21, 2011
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