ADO.NET :: Generate Property As Same SqlMetal Or VS.Net?

Jan 3, 2011

I Need To Write a Function That I Can Convert SqlDbType To Types That Used In Linqtosql Class . But I Dont Want To Use Switch/Case Or If To Make This Function , I Know That VS.Net Can Make This Types With Reflection Or Other Functions And Propertys .

For Example : When I Have a Table That Have 1 TinyInt Field , SqlMetal Or Vs.Net Generate In DataClasses.dbml a System.Nullable<byte> Property But If This Field Are PrimaryKey Or Identity Generate only byte Property . I Can Make As Same With Switch/Case Or If By Check Dbtype And Other Propertys Of Column But I Need Do With Casting And Convert .

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Sep 16, 2010

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SqlMetal.exe /server:localhost /database:abc /code:..EntitiesCoreEntities.Generated.cs /namespace:abc.DAL /Context:abcDataContext /pluralize

Its working perfect but tables association are also generated , which I dont want in my code.

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[Association(Name="FK_Profile_LogonInfo1", Storage="_EXPRESS", ThisKey="EXPRESSEDTOUSERID", OtherKey="ID", IsForeignKey=true)]

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Mar 4, 2011

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private int _id;
public int Id
get { return _id; }
set { _id = value; }

versus an auto-property?

public int Id { get; set; }

The reason I'm asking is that when letting ReSharper convert a property into an auto property it seems to scan my entire solution, or at least all aspx-files.

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<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Login.aspx" timeout="2880"/>

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1, id.ToString(), DateTime.Now, expiryDate, true,
securityToken, FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath);

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Error - Property Access Must Assign To The Property Or Use Its Value

Sep 10, 2010

I have a masterpage that contains all the javascript and inside the content control, there is a link that calls a javascript function and I want to pass the id once it's rendered differently by the server.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtstart" runat="server" Width="20%"></asp:TextBox>
<a title="Pick Date from Calendar" onclick="calendarPicker('<% txtstart.ClientId %>');" href="javascript:void(0);">

However, I keep getting this error:

Property access must assign to the property or use its value.

How would I be able to accomplish this?

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public string Prop2 { get; set; }

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Apr 3, 2010

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would be in an sql query

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Apr 18, 2010

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Set The DataTextField To A Property Of A Navigation Property?

Jan 30, 2011

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var list = context.EntityA;

the EntityA is the main object (contains the primary key), but has a navigation property called "EntityALanguages", which contains language specific properties.

now i want to bind the list to a dropdownlist and need so set DataValueField and DataTextField properties from the dropdownlist.

how can i set the DataTextField to a property of a navigation property, something like:

this.ddl.DataValueField = "GUID";
this.ddl.DataTextField = "EntityALanguages.ShortDescription";

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Apr 1, 2011

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The application that I am currently modifying is using an xsd file and the stored procedure has parameters which are passed.

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C# - Assign EntityCollection Property To Another Property?

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derivedCustomer.Orders = customer.Orders

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DataSource Controls :: Is It Possible To Use A Property Of An Object Instance Property For Object Data Source

May 3, 2010

Traditionally with an Object Data Source, the wired up class will have its public properties available for binding (i.e. Gridview columns, etc.) which works well. But what if one of my wired up business objects has a property that is an object itself; can I drill down to a property on that object property and still use it?

So in additiona to the traditional:MyBusniessObject.OrderID...I want to use:MyBusniessObject.Customer.NameID
Your 1st response might be to just wire up the 'Customer' class, but I need properties both on 'MyBusinessObject'and 'Customer'. I do not think this can be done, as the ODS will not display properties on an object instance property. I have tried manually typing in the drilled down value as well, but that wasn't a success either.

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Jun 24, 2010

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Does The EntityDataSource Support "it.Property.Property" Syntax

Jun 9, 2010

I have an EntityDataSource where I'm trying to replace some previous code-behind work. My EntityDataSource looks like:

Where="it.UserName = @userName" />

When when I actually use it I get the error:

'Person' is not a member of type 'Transient.rowtype[(Id,Edm.Int32(Nullable=True,DefaultValue=))]' in the currently loaded schemas.

Does the EntityDataSource not support walking the relationships? How would you do this with the EntityDataSource?

Also the @userName parameter is being added in the code behind for now. Extra points for anyone who knows how to specify a username parameter directly in the WhereParameters collection.

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Jul 21, 2010

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here codes..


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How To Generate Code

Mar 23, 2010

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How To Generate A Diagram

Sep 20, 2010

I am working on a tool to construct a diagram in .The user is allowed to select the images from panel [generated dynamically based on user input in dropdown box] and its copy should be created on the diagram area, it should be draggable and should over lay with each other . So far I am able to create the diagram objects dynamically and on click on each object its copy will be created on the diagram area [I am passing the instance from user control to main page] . I have used Drag Drop Extender to apply Drag behavior. Now my problem is which I create more objects the position of already created objects is not retained in the page. I have js code to retain the position for static controls, but don’t know how to apply for dynamic controls.


Am I complicating the whole process ,is there any easy way? .

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