DataSource Controls :: Difference Between Dbo.Property And Property?

Apr 3, 2010

I wondered what the difference between

'dbo.Property' and 'Property'

would be in an sql query

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C# - Difference Between Timeout Property Specified In Web.Config And ExpiryDate Property Of FormsAuthenticationTicket?

Jul 3, 2010

In the Web.Config we have a timeout property. Ex:

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Login.aspx" timeout="2880"/>

When loggin in, we can specify a ticket expiry date. Ex:

FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(
1, id.ToString(), DateTime.Now, expiryDate, true,
securityToken, FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath);

Why there's two places where I can set expiration info about forms-authentication? What's the difference between them? What has more relevance?

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DataSource Controls :: Is It Possible To Use A Property Of An Object Instance Property For Object Data Source

May 3, 2010

Traditionally with an Object Data Source, the wired up class will have its public properties available for binding (i.e. Gridview columns, etc.) which works well. But what if one of my wired up business objects has a property that is an object itself; can I drill down to a property on that object property and still use it?

So in additiona to the traditional:MyBusniessObject.OrderID...I want to use:MyBusniessObject.Customer.NameID
Your 1st response might be to just wire up the 'Customer' class, but I need properties both on 'MyBusinessObject'and 'Customer'. I do not think this can be done, as the ODS will not display properties on an object instance property. I have tried manually typing in the drilled down value as well, but that wasn't a success either.

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Custom Server Controls :: Binding UserControl Property To Page Property?

Sep 15, 2010

So what I'm trying to accomplish is this


The user control has public properties named accordingly and the page has protected properties accordingly which I've verified have the desired values.

For some reason the values are always empty strings or 0s in the usercontrol, no matter what the page property is.

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DataSource Controls :: Access Property Of Object As Session Variable As Declarative Datasource Parameter Value

Oct 27, 2010

I am storing a custom "Organisation" object as a session variable. One of the properties of the Organisation object is "OrganisationID" (integer). I have a DataSource that requires a parameter value to run, and I want to use a SessionParameter to populate this. In a previous version, I stored the OrganisationID directly as a session variable. In that case, I could easily access it like this:


However, how do I now access the OrganisationID property of an "Organisation" type session variable (called "Organisation")? I have tried this, which does not seem to work: <asp:SessionParameter Name="OrganisationID" SessionField="Organisation.OrganisationID" Type="Int32" />

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DataSource Controls :: How To Get Datarowview Property

Apr 16, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to find whether a column exists in a dataset, and if not, remove certain controls on the page (otherwise it will error out with: DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'my column')


I have a gridview that has xml data loaded dynamically by drop down list selections.
The xml elements vary depending on the file.

One XML file may look like this:


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Web Forms :: Creating A Nested Property In UserControl Or Multiple Child Properties In Parent Property?

Aug 2, 2010

Can anyone add a complete input about how to create Parent Property with multiple child properties or in short nested properties.

Example: Style tag: which has properties like font, color, display... etc? which accept objects and its value.


As soon as Rainbow property is typed, user should get intellisense for list of number of colors. Then accordingly user can select list of those colors and assign a value to them.

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C# - Why Does ReSharper Need To Scan All Files When Converting A Property To An Auto Property

Mar 4, 2011

Is there any difference between accessing a property that has a backing field

private int _id;
public int Id
get { return _id; }
set { _id = value; }

versus an auto-property?

public int Id { get; set; }

The reason I'm asking is that when letting ReSharper convert a property into an auto property it seems to scan my entire solution, or at least all aspx-files.

I can't see any reason why there should be any difference between the two from outside the class. Is there?

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DataSource Controls :: The ConnectionString Property Has Not Been Initialized?

May 26, 2010

i am trying to call a SP from SQL Server in app, but it keep crashing every time it hit

'cmd.Connection.Open();' ,,, it give me this message

"The ConnectionString property has not been initialized "



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DataSource Controls :: How To Use A Property Of An Object In Asp:SessionParameter

Jul 20, 2010

I am trying to get an asp:SessionParameter of a SelectParameters, to use a property of an object in session
instead of having a string in the session like Session["CustomerID"]

Something like Session["Customer"] where the property is ((Customer) Session["Customer"]).CustomerID)

My code:

<asp:sqldatasource id="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" connectionstring="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DBConnectionString %>" xmlns:asp="#unknown"> SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM getStoreCustomers (@customerID,@week,@day)"
<asp:sessionparameter name="customerID" sessionfield="Customer" /> ?????? (what is the syntax to pass the property here?)
<asp:controlparameter controlid="ddWeek" defaultvalue="-1" name="week" propertyname="SelectedValue" /> <asp:controlparameter controlid="ddDay" defaultvalue="-1" name="day" propertyname="SelectedValue" /> </selectparameters>

The class I use is like any other class (but serializable)

public class Customer
public int CustomerID

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Implement Datasource Property On Custom Controls?

May 26, 2010

I m working in 2.0 with C#.... I have a custom control and i have to use 'Datasource' property which is exactly like a repeater having.

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Using Type.InvokeMember To Invoke A Property Of A Property Of A Class

May 21, 2010

Is it possible to use InvokeMember() of Type class to call a property of a property of a class?


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Web Forms :: Setting 'Style' Property Value To Code-Behind Property?

Jan 5, 2011

I need to set a style property of an element to the value returned from a code-behind property. I have done this in the past, but it now seems everything I try fails. I get an error telling me that the literal is not formed correctly.These are some of the arrangements I have tried:


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Write Property In A Property IN The Page Load Event?

Sep 21, 2010

Can we write property in property?IN the page load event we have page property and we can find another page property in that page property.Pls let me know how this is happening

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DataSource Controls :: Mapping Sql Server Date Into And Out Of C# Property?

Mar 6, 2010

Sql Server 2008 introduced a number of new data types. One of those types is Date. I have been trying to find the C# equivalent of the Date data type. Before I start using the Date data type I have a few questions. Am I correct that I still need to use the DateTime Data type in C# when mapping data to and from Sql Server? I am using Linq to Sql. Are there any conversion issues that I need to be aware of when mapping the Sql Server Date into and out of a C# DateTime property?

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DataSource Controls :: Create Property To Fill The Data

May 11, 2010

I have a a page where i am geting data in Dataset, Which I need to fill the data in text boxes.. For that i have created a property class. How can we connect to dataset to class.

DataSet ds = serviceCommonClient.GetDataSet(Session["ConnectionString"].ToString(), "sp_LoadBrokers", spParameter);

txtBrokerName.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tbr_Broker_Name"].ToString();
txtAddress.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tbr_BrokerAddress"].ToString();
txtZipCode.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tbr_Broker_Zip_Code"].ToString();
txtCity.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tbr_Broker_City"].ToString();

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DataSource Controls :: Passing NULL Dates Through A Property?

Jan 11, 2011

Where do I validate my date values prior to passing them as insert programs ?

I am trying to pass some Null dates.

In my property ?




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Forms Data Controls :: WebUserControl - Add DataSource Property

Jan 8, 2010

I am creating a WebUserControl in ASP.Net 2.0 C#. I want to add a DataSource property that will have that useful DropDownList of data sources when I add the control at design time. Here's a fragment of the property in the WebUsercontrol:


Is there an attribute for that?

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DataSource Controls :: Property Evaluation Failed - SQL Update

Oct 30, 2010

I have a code block that contains around 320 lines of code. Everything runs fine when i debug it until i reach the section that updates a sql datasource. I am using:

sqlDScc.UpdateParameters("friendlyName").DefaultValue = friendlyName

I have 38 lines of update parameters before i call the sqldscc.Update When i put a break point before the update parameters all the values are correct at the break point at the end all the values are "Property Valuation Failed"?. I'm not using any response.end, response.redirect or server.transfer


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DataSource Controls :: Assign A ParameterPrefix Property To A GridView?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a GridView that displays records based on a SQLDataSource, which gets it's data from a very simple stored procedure. I want to use stored procedures to update & delete records in the GridView, which I have done in the past.

Our organization requires that the names of the parameters within our stored procedure start with "@p" to differentiate between passed parameters and internal variables. This is causing me my issue. If I change the stored procedure code to reference the fields without the "p", everything works properly. This is because the SQLDataSource parameters use the default ParameterPrefix of "@" and correctly references the stored procedure parameters. Here is the relevant code:


I found a MS article describing how to override the default ParameterPrefix, but I am unable to implement it. I can add their example code, but how do I "assign" this property to my GridView?

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DataSource Controls :: Match Address Of Same Property Between Two Tables?

Feb 12, 2010

I have two tables, both contains same properties. The problem is the address spellings MAY vary between table 1 and table 2 but they are actualy same properties. In my sql statement it list out the property that has exactly the same spellling. How do I match the two tables addresses? I heard about fuzzy algorithm but how do I apply it here. I know it wont be perfect but it will be close (check my sql below) I use sql server 05.


Table 1
- 123 greenwood hwy
- 123 halo street
Table 2
- 123 greenwood highway
- 123 halo street
SELECT table1.address,table2.street_address
able2 ON table1.address = table2.street_address

My Output returns only one property that has same exact address spellings

- 123 halo street | 123 halo street

View 7 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Unable To Alter Connection Timout Property?

Feb 22, 2010

Im using two stored procedures to write and update values in a SQL DB. Im using the SQLDatasource update method. When I run the webpage on my development server everything runs fine. When I try and run the web page on my Live server I get the following error :System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding This always takes 30 seconds to fail - and looking at google it seems that this is a connection timeout error.In my web.config file I have updated the connectionstring line to include a timeout setting :

connectionString="Data Source=myserver;Initial Catalog=ReportServer;Integrated Security=True;Connect

But this hasn't helped at all.

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DataSource Controls :: The Type Specified In The TypeName Property Of ObjectDataSource Not Found

Jun 26, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2010 for the first time. I program in MS Access for a long time at decide to move to the ASP world. My problem is that I design my first web .aspx default page with a simple data grid. I decided to connect the data via the business object data adapter. I use the Dataset designer to great the dataset. All looks well and works fine on my PC. But when moved to the server I get the Terror "The type specified in the TypeName property of ObjectDataSource not found".

From my reading for the past two days, it seems that something need to be define (a class of some sort) to let ASP know where to find the data adapter. If this is the case, then why did not Visual Studio 2010 did not automatically build the class in the appropriate BIN/ APP_CODE or Global directory and more importantly, why would it work fine on the PC , but not on the server. I am totally blind-sided by Visual Studio 2010 allowing me to design and test on PC but throws me a curl ball with moving to a server. Am I assuming to much from Visual Studio 2010???

What is the solution.. What I am looking for is to know where exactly where and how to write this class. I am so new to ASP, all of my reading just confusing me more and more by reading so many post on this error. I know it is probably a simple class to write somewhere, but why did not Visual Studio 2010 write it accordingly.

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DataSource Controls :: DataSet TableAdapter Sometimes Not Generating Transaction Property?

Apr 21, 2010

I've got an odd problem and can't figure out what's causing it. We've got 2 different DataSets in the same project and I'm seeing different generated code from the MSDataSetGenerator. Both projects are .NET Framework 4.

In one DataSet, I can open the .Designer.cs file and there's a line like:


This essentially exposes a Transaction property to any partial class I create so I can do with it what I want (by setting it to something).

In the other DataSet no matter what I try to do, this Transaction property never gets generated. I've right-clicked on both DataSets and chose "Run Custom Tool" to get them to regenerate (I've even tried deleting the .Designer.cs file before doing this) and they both get generated the same.

I tried to make sure all the properties of the DataSets were the same. Both are using .NET Framework 4.0 and VS2010.

The file that does not generate the Transaction was from a .NET 1.0 web site that has continually been upgraded through different .NET versions. Right now it's at 4.0 but I don't know if that would have anything to do with it.

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Error - Property Access Must Assign To The Property Or Use Its Value

Sep 10, 2010

I have a masterpage that contains all the javascript and inside the content control, there is a link that calls a javascript function and I want to pass the id once it's rendered differently by the server.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtstart" runat="server" Width="20%"></asp:TextBox>
<a title="Pick Date from Calendar" onclick="calendarPicker('<% txtstart.ClientId %>');" href="javascript:void(0);">

However, I keep getting this error:

Property access must assign to the property or use its value.

How would I be able to accomplish this?

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