ADO.NET :: Partial Declarations Of 'Shirt' Must Not Specify Different Base Classes?

Dec 15, 2010

I am trying to setup a base product class that will be inherited by a more specific class later. Here is my scenario. I have a table called ProductBase, it contains three fields, BaseProductId(PK), CatalogNum, and ListPrice. Every product in the system will share these attributes. Next, I have a table called Shirt, with three fields BaseProductId(PK, FK), Color, and Size.

I then setup an Entity Data Model that pulled in both of these tables, and created to classes BaseProduct and Shirt.

So, in my model, I want to do something like this:


The problem I have with this approach, is that I cannot force the properties for the Shirt. What if I make a change to the BaseProduct? What happens when I have multiple product types, will I have to repeat this code?

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C# - Class Structure With LINQ, Partial Classes, And Abstract Classes

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I am following the Nerd Dinner tutorial as I'm learning ASP.NET MVC, and I am currently on Step 3: Building the Model. One part of this section discusses how to integrate validation and business rule logic with the model classes. All this makes perfect sense. However, in the case of this source code, the author only validates one class: Dinner.

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This doesn't "feel" right, but I wanted to check with SO to get opinions of individuals smarter than me on this. I also tested it out, and it seems that the partial keyword on the OnValidate method is causing problems (understandably so). This doesn't seem possible to fix (but I could very well be wrong).

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Missing partial modifier on declaration of type 'WFPKenya2.WFPKenya2'; another partial declaration of this type exists"

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Architecture :: Two Different Base Classes Sharing Some Of The Same Code?

Mar 21, 2011

I got loads of website, that share one of two baseclasses. I need the two baseclasses to be able to share part of the same code. I dont want to have to duplicate the shared code per baseclass.

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it Public PageDetails AS CoreDomainSetupBO.GetStartUpDetails = {database method}

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I hope that makes sense, I need to sub base class to be able to use a property that is defined at baseclass level.

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Web Forms :: VB.NET - Import Statements And Base Classes?

Aug 19, 2010

I have a BasePage class that all of my content pages inherit from. In my BasePage, I have many Import Statements. It seems as though they carry over into the derived class as one would expect. However, if you were to try and access code in the client aspx design page, as you would in the code-behind, you run into problems.

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This works great in any page that inherits the BasePage class. This falters when that very same logic is used in the design page like:


Now, it works if you fully qualify both sides of the condition, but that's not my question. My question is: why isn't the Imported NameSpace in the BasePage recognized in the client-side server tag, as one would think it would be, according to how it IS recognized in the server-side code-behind?

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Nov 19, 2010

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public abstract class Entity
public virtual Guid ID {get; set;}
public virtual string Name {get;set;}
public virtual User OwnerUser {get; set;}

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public virtual string UserName {get; set;}

I have a base abstract class for all of my database objects. I am mapping these classes with the Entity class as the abstract mapping class and the User as a union-subclass. When creating the configuration object, no errors are thrown and the Schema exports just fine. However, the field to the OwnerUser just won't show up in the database for all of the concrete classes. Here is an example of how the mapping looks

<class entity-name="Entity" name="Entity" abstract="true">
<id name="ID" type="guid">
<generator class="guid.comb"/>
<property name="Name" />
<many-to-one name="OwnerUser" column="ID" entity-name="User" />........

I am also using an Oracle XE instance as the database backend. If this isn't enough information to properly answer the question, let me know and I will add what I can.

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C# - Using Partial Classes For Validation?

Feb 3, 2011

I'm using Entity Framework to create my data objects. Here's what my designer.cs file looks like:


But my validations aren't loaded. If I try to submit the form with no value for Name, I get an error message saying The value '' is invalid. instead of my error message.

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.NET Partial Classes And Attach To Process Method?

Jan 10, 2011

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I have a virtual directory called "MySite.web", and a folder inside this directory called "Sell" where I have my webform Create.aspx and several user controls like CreateAd_CarsAndTrucks.ascx and CreateAd_Motorcycles.ascx.When I try to compile, I get several errors in Create.aspx stating that public partial class Sell_CreateAd_CarsAndTruck, Sell_CreateAd_Motorcycles are not recognized. I am looking at both classes right now (they're in the same folder), so I have no idea why the compiler's not finding them.One odd thing is that, for a moment, it did find one of them (Sell_CreateAd_CarsAndTruck), but from an assembly in either folder "Temporary ASP.Net" under c:Windows or the one in c:usersusername. So I closed my IDE, and deleted both folders. When I open the solution once again, it recreates "Temporary ASP.Net" under c:usersusername and then creates a "App_Web_createad_carsandtrucks.ascx.5a5f4927.ebg000r0.dll" that it uses as definition for the class. But it never uses the actual class as a definition. Basically, when I right-click on the class instance to view its definition, it takes me to metadata.

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MVC :: MVC3 Beta Razor Views - Not Partial Classes?

Oct 12, 2010

Why are Razor views not generated as partial classes? Making them partial classes gives us the option to have a code behind where we can do some of the stuff we're forced to do in the template itself in the code behind file.

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I'd like to see Razor views generated as partial classes.

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Nov 12, 2010

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Partial class 1 : my main aspx page
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page

i could not able to access meth method in partial class 2

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MVC :: How To Inject Auto-generated Code Into Views Via Partial Classes

Sep 16, 2010

I have written a t4 template that basically replaces the work done by StronglyTypedResourceBuilder to give design time access to string resources as properties of classes, one class per resource file. Why? Well I needed to add some customer code that handles string token substitution and a few other customizations. Anyway, the template is working out really well and I may blog on it soon.

In the mean time though, following a common pattern, I have one .resx file for each view, master page, controller, etc. I would really like my t4 template to add a property to each such entity that gives quick access the custom resource class associated with it. For controllers this is easy. T4MVC is ensuring that they are a all declared partial. All I need to do is create the appropriate partial class in my output that declares a readonly property that returns an instance of the appropriate generated resource class.

The Problem:

I would like to do the same thing, inject generated code, into my views. Were this traditional ASP.Net, each .aspx page would have a .aspx.cs page and possibly an .aspx.designer.cs page that are all partial classes extending in the aspx page's class definition. There is no such thing by default in MVC and for good reason. However, I think for my purposes, if there is a way to do this, it would be the way to go.

I could subclass ViewPage and add a generic type parameter and a property that returns the class of that type but that has certain complications. I think adding auto generated code to each view via partial class (that is what partials are for after all) is the way to go.

I have made a basic attempt. I have created a .aspx.cs file for a view and placed a code behind attribute in the page declaration but the class generated from the view seems to reside in a different assembly any my "partial class" ends up as its own class in the same assembly as all my other code.

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C# - Page To Design A Football Shirt (eg With CSS Colors)?

Sep 24, 2010

I am trying to work out the best way to have end users design thier own "avatar" football shirt.

For example:

They select type of shirt eg stripes, hoops etc

Then the colors eg black and white etc

Submit these details to a database

Then it generates the image on the fly from the database which stores "stripes" & "black,white"

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List All Classes In Application (Including Class In App_Code And Partial Class(aspx Pages And Asmx User Controls)?

Nov 15, 2010

Is there any way to list all the class in my ASP.Net application(Including class in App_Code and Partial Class(aspx pages and asmx user controls)

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Visual Studio :: Where Are Control Declarations In 2008

Oct 25, 2010

I'm migrating from Visual Studio 2005 to 2008 and noticed a bit of a difference in how ASP creates the control code definitions. In Visual Studio 2005 the object declaration could be seen in the code behind but in 2008 I can not find these declarations (I assume its done at runtime?) Does anyone have any links to documentation on how the new architecture is creating these control declarations?

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Call Always Base Class Method Like Base.OnInit()?

Jun 29, 2010

I am new in asp .net.I am not able to undestand why we call base class method when we
override methods/events.Like automatically visual studio will put base.OnInit() if you are overriding OnInit.

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

same is the case of Finalize. In derived we call base.Finalize() Is there any need of calling these base class methods ?

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C# - How To Implement User Base Security Not Role Base

Apr 26, 2010

I have to implement User base security in my Web project using .Net3.5. Followings are some we need:

Roles can be Admin, Manage, Editor, Member etc User can have multiple roles Every roles has its own dynamic menus and restrictions/resources All menus and interface will populate dynamically from Database

I heard some where this kind of i.e user base security can be implemented using HashTable but I dont know how is it?

Today I came to know that for this kind of work Java people use Interceptor Design patterns. So, how could I do the same in C#?

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Visual Studio :: What Is The Difference Between Designer Classes And T4 Template Generated Classes

Jan 11, 2010

I am new to LINQ. when we drag tables we get a dbml file and designer file.

For example DataClasses1.dbml and DataClasses1.designer.cs.

Once we have them then we can start using our LINQ Queries.

In my company project I do not see this designer files and instead there are .tt files which were used as templates to greate ABC.generated.cs files. Is this same as designer class?

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Web Forms :: Using C# Classes Vb Classes Together In VS2008 / 3.5 Project

Mar 24, 2010

Can I use VB and C# classes together in the same 3.5 project?

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