ADO.NET :: Use One Database Data To Other Database?

Mar 11, 2011

I used user name in o database1,it need for database2 how do tranfer first database1 to database2.

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Mar 2, 2010

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to transfer records from SQL central database (who has a public IP address) into SQL local database (who doesn't have a public IP)?

or if it's not possible can I use a centralized website instead to pass some data into the local website? (but i'm not sure if it will have some security concerns)..

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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Generate A Grid View From Database, In One Of My Database Columns The Values Are 'y' And 'N'?

Jan 8, 2010

I am trying to generate a Grid view from database, in one of my database columns the values are 'y' and 'N'. and i need to show this values in a check box .I tried to keep a check box in item template and tried to bind it, but could get much success.


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C# - Outputting Data With An Access Database But Users Stored In An SQL Database?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm creating an ecommerce site using and a Access Datasource, I have used the pre-defined logging in and registering controls provided by Visual Studio 2010 which stores the user data in a SQL server.

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Configuration :: Building DataBase & All DataBase Object With Sample Data?

Jun 28, 2010

Recent we are deploy(Setup and Deploy) our Product which is develop in ASp.Net(C#) using SqlServer Here We Face one Problem i.e.

When we install the porduct there is no issue if we manually run the sqlScript file in sql server(manully we create the DataBase and All DataBase Object i.e. Table,StoreProcedure,Function,Views....& We are enter the Sample Data) But We know that is not the Right Approch.

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Web Forms :: Transferring Data Between Access Database And Sql Database

Apr 14, 2010

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This is the code i use in a b button method for transfer data for 1 tab



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SQL Server :: Migrate Data Form One Database To Another Database?

Dec 2, 2010

m stuck at one place...i want to tranfer data from one database-1 to another database-2...both databases are for different web application.

Currently i am doing the same using dataset..but the problem is that when Large amount of data is coming in dataset so during the tranfer of data server gives me a Time out Error.

And another thing i am not want to utillise a server memory because there is Lacs of data into the Database for migrate.

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Security :: Member / Role / Profile Database Schema Port To IBM Informix (IDS 11.x) Database?

Jun 14, 2010

I was just wondering if anyone has ever had to port the schema across? Are there any experts that could pitch their opinions on the achievability of this (mad) idea? I'm using the IBM Migration Toolkit and as expected its throwing a bunch of translation errors some of which were relatively easy to solve (vendor specific function calls for example) and some will take quite a while to pin down and work round.... however this is not my main concern.

If completed I expect I am going to have to basically rework all the System.Web.Profile/Roles/Membership namespace classes etc to work round the SQL limitations of informix (i.e. IDS11.x SQL server doesnt have a DEFAULT (newguid()) so that would have to be put into the calling method) (and any MVP comments really as I can slap my boss round with the weight after he ludicrously agreed to this project for a client without doing any research...)

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Jul 29, 2010

you could create your own custom Profile provider that operates against existing database tables .i want u to help me out if u have an idea where i can get steps by steps to carry out the above operation.i know there are various options in creating profile , particularlly the use of web. configuration, the default ASPNETDB, and XML files, BUT i wish to use an existing database which i prefer.

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Textbox On Defocus Validate From Database And Show Message Is Exists In Database?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a aspxtextbox and its validated from database.If text exists in database then it shows message Username exist.Now this is all happens on click of a aspxbutton after typing some text into aspxtextbox.I just want that when user defocus the textbox then it will automatically check from database and shows the message if exists.

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SQL Server :: DataBase Error When Attach An Auto-named Database For File?

Oct 6, 2010

I m trying to save files like pdf, word, excel etc... into sql express, but m getting this error in my web page:An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:Usersmalek.safaDocuments est vbSavingFileInDBSavingFileInDBApp_Dataaspnetdb.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
m not getting errors inside my code, just this one appearing on the web page.

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Web Forms ::store Youtube Or Any Other Video URL Or Link In Database And Retrieve From Database??

Nov 6, 2010

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SQL Server :: Database Diagram Support Objects Cannot Be Installed Because Database Doesn't Have A Valid Owner

Aug 4, 2010

when make buakup to my data base and open the database digram this error appear : Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects.

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Code Versus Database - Sequence Of Steps, Call Database Or Check Session Object?

Aug 3, 2010

I have several web sequential pages which will modify a record and its child records in the database, called a "project". Such a project is currently passed between pages using its database ID in the URL parameters.

A project has some information specific to itself, and also consists of one or more Tasks, which each have information specific to itself.

Is it faster (alternatively, more maintainable or more easily understood) to hit the database each time I need to query the same project (and its tasks), or should I query the database once (either once for each page or once for all pages and save to Session) and check the saved object rather than the database?

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DataSource Controls :: Tried To Update My Current Database With The Triggers To Input The Schema Into The Already Existing Database Can't Get That To Work?

Jan 22, 2010

Creating a system with web front end and SQL backend (microsoft obviously). I have tried using the asp.netsqlprovider but i can;t as i am only allowed one database on the server, so i then tried to update my current database with the triggers to input the schema into the already existing database.Next step i create my own table with two simple fields of username and password and try and authenticate that way, i can't get that to work either.

I ahve limited permissions on the network as i am a University Student. I really don't know what to do. Never had to create a log on system before and i thought it would be far simpler than this. I ahve used Microsoft's sqlprovider schema before and it worked fine. I have also authenticated via IIS and AD too before. I can't do any of those two in this instance it seems.I need an alternative for logging in users, if needs be in can be crude. I also still need to have some kind of two different views too for logged in users and not logged in users, but that can change if needs must.Don't let me down people, haha. Think this posts in the correct place, i could not find another one i thought could be more relevant.

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SQL Server :: Windows Shared Hosting Error: Create Database Permission Denied In Database 'master'?

Mar 1, 2011

how I can correct an error. I've built the MVCMusicStore tutorial here:

The first time I visit the site and attempt a database connection I get this error:

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'.

But when I refresh, it all works fine. I'm at a bit of a loss. I don't believe I'm attempting to create a database, but I realise that the error may not really have anything to do with that. This is hosted at GoDaddy shared hosting. The database was created and I used an SQL script to create the tables initially and populate the data. My connection string works as I can pull data from the database, but I do have
a feeling it will be a web.config setting that will correct this.

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How To Point The Login Control To A Different Database Based On The Database Selection

Feb 23, 2010

For the login control that I am using, there is a connectionstring which is automatically created in the web.config file.I ran an .exe file which populated the specified database with all the asp login related tables and stored procedures...

<remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=localmachineName;Initial Catalog=DBName;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=DBUserName;Password=password" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
How can I point the login control to a different Database based on the database selection by a user i.e. the user can change the name of the database and so the login should point to that database.

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SQL Server :: Unable To Restore Database Backup File In Database ?

Aug 31, 2010

i am trying to restore database.bak in sql server 2005 (i know the database.bak was also generated in sql 2005 server)

i am trying to restore back up database .bak into the new database i just created in sql server 2005i have saved my database .bak into c drive and when i select database .bak "From Device", it doesn't get populated in the list below and i see nothing and it keeps on prompting a message"You must select a restore source"

Here's the screen shot: (i tried restoring database in sql server 2008 and it was sucessful but i am facing this problem in sql server 2005 only)

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DataSource Controls :: How To Transfer Database From Mysql To Sql Server Database

May 10, 2010

I have some data which is in mySQL, i am not familier with mySQL, i would like to transfer all the data from MySQL to SQL Server database,

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If The User Click On Button Then The Database Table Is Created In The Database?

Mar 24, 2011

then the database table is created in database(that is SQL express),how can do that.Please sir help me in that problem.I try that thing and debug the code and there is no error in the code but when I click the button in run time ,no table is created in the database(which is placed in sql express 2005).So my problem is that why the table is not created in the database.

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If The User Click On Button Then The Database Table Is Created In Database Through C#?

Mar 20, 2011

My question is that if the user click on button (which is place in default.aspx, for example) then the database table is created in database (SQL express), how can do that? I have tried but errors are occuring during debugging, errors are:the best overloaded method match for ' command.odbc command(string, connection)'has some invalid arguments.
Argument'2':cannot convert from '' to ' connection'.
The code written in c# behind the button (button is placed in default.aspx, for example) is:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

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Web Configure Can Work With Oracle 9i Database / Database Stored Procedures

Jun 20, 2010

We are building an ASP.NET application with language and Oracle 9i database. Here we installed Oracle 9i client software on our PCs.We never worked on Oracle 9i database. It's the first time.We are planning to build stored procedures in Oracle database and call them from our ASP.NET application. Does working with Oracle stored procedures and ASP.NET is similar to that of working with MS SQL Server stored procedures and ASP.NET?

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Security :: Membership And Roles SQLExpress Database For Application Database?

Jul 11, 2010

I would like to use the Role Membership and User Security database as my application database too. That is, just add the tables and relationships required by my application's data access layer to the Membership and Roles Database to save on hosting fees, (I have to pay extra for having two databases instead of one). Of course, the connection string would have to be adjusted, but I don't see a downside considering the application's database is actually an Access database. What can I say, it was a requirement at the time.

Basically, I would like to do the opposite of this:

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Architecture :: Binding Of Gridview With Database Versus XML Layer / Database

Apr 13, 2010

I am having serious performances issues with gridview + tabs. Its very slow.. I was thinking to create a XML based logical layer between my database and UI.

1) Will it be useful if i use webservice to get data from database to poppulate gridview?

2) or Use xml + some service (need advice on it)

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