ADO.NET :: What Is Best Data Access Method

Oct 3, 2010

I am going to making 4.0 for first time. I was making my all application in 2.0 where I was using DAL and BLL method. In that DAL I was making Table Adapter.

Now I am going to make application in 4.0 and I am thing that my application will become more complex and huge data. Can somebody guide me about stable and fast method for data manipulate like insert, update, and delete also complex query.

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Site.Master page:


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Method not allowed.

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I access querystring values in each content page's pageload method to get Username and Id. Is there a way I access the querysting values from Masterpage's pageload method and each content page goes to Masterpage to get those values without creating any other local variables in content pages? I know this can be done with Session's or view state but I was thinking to reduce redundancy of accessing query string in each content page.

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