AJAX :: Fetch Complete Record Details When ID Is Entered And Tab Key Pressed
Nov 27, 2012
i want to fetch data from Oracle Data base using Tab key , like when user enter ID in one text box and press Tab key it should fetch data in other text boxes , i am using web form.
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Sep 17, 2010
i would like fetch data from db and bring it on to the text box using auto complete extender i have 2 column--- Emp_name and Emp_id in db. i want to see the name of employee when i type in the letters but when i select it from the selection of names, i would like emp_code to fill in the textbox
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Jun 10, 2010
The Problem:The user entered value is missing in the .Text attribute of the AjaxControlToolkit ComboBox when the enter key pressed. Also the "on change" events events are not called but I am not using postbacks anyway so I do not care.
Example: private void BuildFileListDetails(NHibernateDataProvider _providerM)
int resultsPage = Convert.ToInt32(ddlNavPageNumber.Text);[code].....
My Solution:I needed to access the AjaxToolkit "ComboBox" imbedded TextBox control's .Text to access the value entered by user.
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Feb 26, 2011
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does insert, update & delete to SQL express using the details view. But to complete my project, I need to add a button that will create an event to restore the very last record inserted in SQL and display it back into the details view for minor modification
and nserted again as the newest record with the mod. I'm doing this so user, doesn't need to re-key-in redundant information, like names, original date & time etc, and just make modification on the description of the last record.....
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Jul 6, 2010
i have one parent grid on which if user clicks a record ,the child details should get displayed on same page.
for example :
There is one department details table and employees table:
if user selects a record in department details grid,then employees in the selected department should get displayed in the next grid in the same page
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Feb 9, 2010
I'm using a details view and a sqldatasource control to populate it. Every once in a while i get an error message because more than one row is returned. How can I have the data display in a gridview instead if more than one row is returned?
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Jun 3, 2010
First of all, when using the GridView control with Delete enabled, when I delete a record is the event handler in the code behind file handled before the record is deleted or after? I need to obtain a counter value that I have set up in the record before it is deleted so that I can decrement all of the counter values that followed it. Is the best way to do this to open a connection in the Delete even handler and take care of it by code, or is there another way to access a column value from the GridView control that would simplify the process?
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Feb 17, 2011
how to fetch the details of SPace allocated to Database by query. I.e. i want to fetch the details of Space allocation (Total space allocated, used space and free space) via query.
Is their any solution to it? currently i have to manually go to the specific database's taskpad to read the values and write it in my report.
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May 7, 2015
I am using gridview with some columns few are :
<asp:templatefield headertext="Title Description" sortexpression="Description">
<asp:Label id="Description" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Description")%>'></asp:Label>
<asp:textbox id="Description" runat="server" CssClass="form-control" text='<%# Bind("Description") %>' />
[Code] ....
Now this AddGridAddBTN Temporarily adds a data row to a grid but won't submit that data to database, however AddGridSubmitBTN Submits the data to DB through foreach loop .
Now my query is i want to provide user a functionality that when he gets focus on Abbreviation Text Box OR Description Box and he after typing some data Press ENTER KEY , This ENTER KEY would provide funcionality as a AddGridAddBTN Button , and when he presses SHIFT + ENTER , It works like AddGridSubmitBTN Button , also i want to make Abbreviation and Description Field to be filled must !
Moral is that :
ENTER KEY WOULD DO : Generate a temporary row with holding previous values as it is actually doing on AddGridAddBTN Button.
SHIFT + ENTER WOULD DO : Enter the whole grid data thorugh foreach loop as it is actually doing on AddGridSubmitBTN Button.
I don't want to refresh my page on enter or shift enter pressing . This grid is binded through SQL DATA SOURCE ...
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Mar 17, 2010
I'm using an access database that has an AutoNumber field as the primary key. After adding a record I'd like to retrieve the ID for the record that was just entered, however, I'm not able to figure out how to do this in ASP.NET using standard AccesDataSource and FormView functionality. My goal is to retrieve the ID so that I can then use it to add an additional record in a child / sub table.
I could do it strictly using vb.net and forget about using the InsertCommand for the AccessDataSource and it's built in functionality. However, that would require a complete rewrite of some other items, accomplish this using the standard AccesDataSource functionality.
Below is a sample of something I've tried to do using "Direction='Output'" on one of the ID field for one of Insert paramaters (source: http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/050207-1.aspx). The plan was to then caputre that "output" using the my "_OnInserted" sub procedue. However, apparantly I'm not able to use this with AccessDataSource. Did some research and saw that I'd have to switch to SqlDataSource which I'd rather not do cause all other pages use AccessDataSource and I'm having problems defining my connection string with it.
<form runat="server" id="Form1" method="post" encType="multipart/form-data">
<asp:FormView runat="server"
View 4 Replies
Feb 3, 2010
I have webpage containing 3 views of multiview control. In the first view there are 3 fields Name Age Surname
which will be captured in the textbox for the respective fields.In the second view i have three more fields
which will be entered in the respective textboxes and a submit button to store the data in both the views in the sql server database. I have all the fields in the sql server table which are mentioned in the webpage.I need the complete code for storing the entered data in both the views of the multiview control after hitting the submit button.
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Jan 12, 2011
My Database field :
ID Name Age
1 Sumit 23
2 Manish 25
3 John 22
i have two textboxes and 1 button and label1 in my asp.net webform. when i enter Sumit in textbox1 and 23 in textbox2 then it validates the database to check whether then value entered in textbox1 is present in Name column of database and 23 is present in Age column of database....then it redirect to ~.Default2.aspx else shows error message in label.
View 3 Replies
Oct 20, 2010
In my aspx page, I have a formview and a gridview. I am using the insert template of the form to insert an application number and applicant name both of which the user will enter.
I have a insert stored procedure that checks if that same number exist, it won't enter one, if not it will. ID of that table is autoincrement.
If a new number entered, it should show in the gridview as in my query I am asking to show the max ID. The applicatin number in the grid is a hyperlink which allows the user to go to a details page.
My problem: Whenever I click the save button in the formview, the grid becomes visible with the last created number. It is ok if the system allow to enter a new record. But if the number is a duplicate and the system does not enter a new number, still the grid shows with the last created number.
How can I implement what I want to do.
The stored procedure is:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertNewChurchApp]nvarchar(6),
@Applicant nvarchar(80),
@PK_ApplNo nvarchar(19),
View 3 Replies
Dec 13, 2010
In oracle we can do this by using rowid.
select * from tableName where rowid = (select max(rowid) from tableName);
but i don't know equivalent of rowid in sql server.
View 8 Replies
Jan 22, 2011
I m working on LINQ, using LINQ i m getting data in one to many environment, means
(1)table1 (master table)
(2)table1.table2 (here table2 is child table)
I m able to get data of table1 and table2 based on condition. and i storing in var variable.
but my problem is that i want to get data using SQL query and i want to assign fecthed data to class CLStable1(calss for table1) and class CLStable2(calss for table2).
View 2 Replies
Jul 2, 2012
I am trying to handle the unhandled exceptions in my project.I tried with this following code in my web.config filebut it is not at all redirecting to an error page which i have created instead of that it is throwing an exception in my code itselef. How to print the error description over therein my custom error page.
<sys.web>......<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Error.aspx"></customErrors>...</sys.web>
And even i tried in Global.asax page in Application_Error() method like below
Exception ex = Server.GetLastError();Response.Redirect("~/Error.aspx?errmsg="+ex.message);Server.ClearError();
And in my Error.aspx.cs page i have placed a label and i have written code like this
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
But it is not getting redirected my error page and not displaying anything on it.
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Jun 8, 2010
I have a small viewmodel problem.i created a viewmodel to display details of a particular record. I then created an .ascx control in order fro me to format the look and feel of the output of the viewmodel..
the details.aspx page code is below;
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Oct 29, 2010
I have requirement like to display the Master details records in the page, without clicking the parent record (for getting ID to retrieve the detail record) i need to display all the child records in between the Master records while page loads.
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Sep 7, 2010
Over the last couple of weeks, i've been playing around with expression web to try and update our current company website: [URL]
Basically, our site is quite simple. We have individual product categories that are displayed and then the user can click through to view the individual product specification and pictures of said product.
I've created the category pages and inserted hyperlink fields to link to the individual product pages which works fine.
The problem i'm having is getting the specification and pictures to display on the product pages.
I'm literally tearing my hair out as i'm quite new to this.
The access database i'm using has the following fields, ProductID, CategoryID, Description, Comments (This is the Specification field) and then Image1, Image2, Image3 etc all the way up to image 10.
What i've been trying to do is to use an imagefield within a gridview to pull the Image name from the image fields and then display said images from the images folder. I have got this to work of a fashion, yet all the images are displaying instead of the particular product images only. I believe i need to add a query string to do this yet i'm totally at a loss as to how to set this up...
I'm also having the same problem with the specification (comments field) as i can't figure out how to only display the individual product spec..
View 4 Replies
Dec 22, 2010
I have a datalist which when a record is clicked you get taken to a details page .../details.aspx?ID=12And that record is displayed in a details view. All this works fine. My question is how can I add the next and previous buttons on the detailsview so they work? If the details view is on the same page as the datalist works no porblem but on a seperate page I get no next and previous records
View 4 Replies
Feb 18, 2010
I have a series of record IDs in an array that I pass to a DataGrid for Data Binding I want to show the details of each record ID in every row of the datagrid, for example I can put a detailsview in the itemtemplate of the datagrid and use an objectdatasource's select method for retrieving the information for a specific record ID but how to pass these record IDs to objectdatasource? is this a correct example and how can I implement this?
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Apr 12, 2010
I had another post about this issue, but decided to modify it to drill down and find the issue. I was doing a master/details, and that was not working, so I have changed it to just a single data source with a single details view created entirely via wizards. The issue is, when I click on the auto generated edit link, and change values in the fields, after clicking update the page refreshes without error but does not update the record. Here is the code:
View 6 Replies
Oct 26, 2012
How to display value in another textbox after selecting from dropdownlist menu..
For Example
If i select Ecode(Employee Code) from drop down list it should automatically diplay his Firstname/LastName/Age etc to the textbox specified.
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Feb 18, 2010
To write a join query with or condition. It means a query has two inner join, here it is possible to fetch the records, if one inner join is true and other is false. I got a record when only two join conditions are true.
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