Forms Data Controls :: Need The Complete Code For Storing The Entered Data In Both The Views Of The Multiview Control After Hitting The Submit Button?
Feb 3, 2010
I have webpage containing 3 views of multiview control. In the first view there are 3 fields Name Age Surname
which will be captured in the textbox for the respective fields.In the second view i have three more fields
which will be entered in the respective textboxes and a submit button to store the data in both the views in the sql server database. I have all the fields in the sql server table which are mentioned in the webpage.I need the complete code for storing the entered data in both the views of the multiview control after hitting the submit button.
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Is there a easy to do it?
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Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim dv As DataList
dv = SqlDataSource3.[Select](DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)
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Aug 3, 2010
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I've a form and user enters some data in the text boxes provided. Whenever user submits the form, browser will save that form data. I don't want this form data to be saved in browser. How can I restrict the browser saving this form data without touching the browser settings?
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Mar 15, 2014
I'm Using VS2010 c#.
I'm using Multiview control in my web page, and I'm using 3 view blocks inside the Multiview. In each view I have some text boxes with validation controls. In my 3rd view I have a submit button. If I press the submit button without enter any values in text boxes, it accept the empty value the Required validator control didn't work.
I use Only one Submit button for a all 3 views....
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Dec 13, 2010
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I am learning MultiView control.Here are question:I added 5 views in the MultiView but all views are tight together. I can not drag and drop another control such as text boxes or labels into view area.
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Jul 24, 2010
I have a databound Gridview (with a LINQ datasource). The gridview displays questions from the SQL DB to the user. I've inserted a radio button list into the gridview with 3 horizontal radio buttons with fixed values of 1,2,3 for the user to select. I have a question ID, a tempuserID, and AnswerValue columns set up in the database. It all works nicely.
After the user selects radio buttons, I would like for them to push a button to submit the QuestionID, the associated Radio Button Value (AnswerValue) and their tempUserID into the DB. How do I do this? I'm not sure what to do next and what VB/LINQ code to put in the code behind file in the button click event handler. I'm also not sure on what to use for the tempUserID, can I use the sessionID? I'm using VB and here's my code:
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Oct 19, 2010
So i am hosting a project and am having troubles getting part of it to work. To give a brief explanation i have a page to add new items to a database, these items can be one of 3 times, pin, code , misc. I am having problems due to the fact that on a Multi add of items i cannot auto generate the key information field for a pin type item and it has to be manually inputted (barcode, misc both generate a random number and use that as its key info) so on the insertion of multiple pin items i prompt the user each time using a form i created from the following tutorial. [URL]
This process works fine when i am using the localhost and just testing my program from my own system. But when i host this off my server and go to it i get the following error when i hit submit and should queue up the loop of the form asking for pins. Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display a notification from a service application.
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Mar 25, 2011
I have 2 pages. However, now I realized that I should had placed the content of the two pages in a
MultiView control with 2 tabs (each one getting the content of the pages that I had developed).
How can I do that? Should I place the hole content of the page in a View control inside the MultiView Control? this would be a lot of work =/
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Jan 11, 2011
i created a "create" view for creating a new record of my used model. The View includes partial views with the editor-fields. But the "Create" submit button doesn't work. When i copy the editor-fields to the create view without using partial views the submit button works. Here is my code: Create.cshtml
View 5 Replies
Sep 20, 2010
i have a grid view with radio button...schedule/approve/ defualt schedule radio button is selected....but when i chage radio button selection option to anyth other than schedule it still store only schedule in DB.wats the pblm?
when i click submit button i got this error
Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using <pages enableEventValidation="true"/> in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them. If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation.
so i set the enableeventvalidation=false
now i dint receive any error but when i set breakpoint on the funtion which called on buton clik it still got the value as scheduled for the radio button..spent almost half day for this.. all this while this was workin after i add the moralpopupextender am facing this i tried removin that extender but still pblm exist.
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Nov 19, 2010
i am using the multiview control inside a page and i am trying to find a control using the javascript function document.getElementById. My Problem is that the function returns null cause it cannot find the control. When i open the code of the page from the browser the active view is not rendered so I think thats the reason why I am getting a null value from the function.
On the HTML code is rendered only the first view or the view that is activated on page load.
Is there any way to find a control inside the view using javascript? or I am doing something wrong?
View 3 Replies
Dec 21, 2010
I have three drop down lists that are all databound to a gridview. When the user selects 1. a school, 2. a house number, and 3. a street from seperate drop down lists, bus stops for that address are displayed in a gridview. Everything works fine. After the user selects a valid school/house number/street combination the gridview automatically displays. I would like to add a "Submit" button and not have the gridview display until this button is clicked.
View 6 Replies
Aug 14, 2013
in my web with access database. i have gridview. i had added a form with submit button to add the data in gridview.
i am using accessdatasource to bind the data to gridview.
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim connectString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:webauth.mdb"
Dim con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(connectString)
even after the data inserted message flshes the data inserted is not viewed in the gridview . when i press F% or refresh tha page the gets displayed in gridview. how can i solve the problem
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Dec 6, 2010
I am trying to edit data using checkbox value. Firstly, I created popup window which using querystring some data from main page. In popup window, I want to change the checkbox value. For example, I made setSpare column and given the value to show bit data type such as 0 or 1 using checkbox(false or true). If some data has non setSpare(means 0), it wil lbe come out uncheckbox. If I want to check it and clicking submit button, It was not change. I am going to show the code below.
public partial class AddSpare : BasePage
string ObjectId;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ObjectId = Request.QueryString["ObjectId"];
protected void displayComInfo(string ObjectId) // it informed relative data on web through using DB.
string query = "usp_ShowComputerList";
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SCSConnectionString2"].ConnectionString))
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn);
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter paramobjectId = cmd.Parameters.Add("@ObjectId", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
paramobjectId.Value = ObjectId;
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.Read())
ModelTxt.Text = dr["Model"].ToString();
ModelTxt.ReadOnly = true;
ComputerTxt.Text = dr["ComputerName"].ToString();
ComputerTxt.ReadOnly = true;
userTxt.Text = dr["UserName"].ToString();
userTxt.ReadOnly = true;
ntTxt.Text = dr["NtLogon"].ToString();
ntTxt.ReadOnly = true;
HDDTxt.Text = dr["HddSize"].ToString() + "GB";
HDDTxt.ReadOnly = true;
RAMTxt.Text = dr["MemorySize"].ToString() + "GB";
RAMTxt.ReadOnly = true;
SerialNoTxt.Text = dr["SerialNo"].ToString();
SerialNoTxt.ReadOnly = true;
TextBox1.Text = dr["Spare"].ToString();
inputChkSpare.Checked = (bool)dr["Spare"]; //(bool)dr["Spare"] display false or true.
catch (Exception ex)
MessagePanel1.Type = MessageType.Error;
MessagePanel1.Text = MessagePanel1.Text = "This is an error." + ex.Message;
protected void okBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string query = "usp_SetSpare";
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SCSConnectionString2"].ConnectionString))
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn);
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter paramobjectId = cmd.Parameters.Add("@objId", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
SqlParameter paramspare = cmd.Parameters.Add("@spare", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char);
paramobjectId.Value = ObjectId;
if (inputChkSpare.Checked == true) // if I change the check box, it does not bring the changed value. It will bring the above value(already displayed thing)
paramspare.Value = "1";
else {
paramspare.Value = "0";
cancelBtn.Value = "Close";
okBtn.Enabled = false;
MessagePanel1.Type = MessageType.Information;
MessagePanel1.Text = "This computer is spare from now.";
catch (Exception ex)
MessagePanel1.Type = MessageType.Error;
MessagePanel1.Text = MessagePanel1.Text = "This is an error." + ex.Message;
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Nov 12, 2010
I have a Drodownlist , hich is being filled with data from tables at Page Load with the check that Postback is false. Now I want to insert the selected value of dropdownlist to the table, but after pressing the Submit button, its numeric value is getting lost and is substituted with a "" (blank). How do i persist its value.
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Sep 23, 2010
I'm using objectdatasource to get my data. it works fine. Thecurrentway how it works. When the page opens it loads the gridview.but I don't want this.I would like to load the gridview after I press a submit button. so infact after postback...I tried to remove the select Method in aspx and set programmaticallyin the submit button eventhandler but then I get an error thatSelectmethod is not set.Can someone advice me how I can load the gridview usingobjectdatasource after pressing a submit button?
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Mar 29, 2011
I am using Visual Studio 2010 C# with SQL database. I have a web form that has Textbox, CheckBoxList, and FileUpload controls. When a user click on "Submit" Button, the data is sent to a table in the SQL database.What is the code behind the "Submit" button? And how can I do it?
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