AJAX :: How To Show Smart Tag Is Disabled
Sep 16, 2010
I installed VS 08. and then installed Ajax extensions 1.0. I also downloaded ajax control toolkit and added to my toolbox. And I placed scriptmanager on the designer. Now when I am trying to add functionality to standard button via smart tag option. I see this option disabled. how can I enable it and have extenders in play.
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Feb 18, 2010
I am running vs2010, added the ajax toolkit. I can get form control to drag onto forms and run (ie the editor) but cannot get calender extender to work. I manually added it to the code. set the target id. No calender when ran. But the smarttag will appear on the textbox with the only option of remove extender. Why are the smart tags not working. The show smart tag option is disabled on the right click context menu of the textbox.
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Sep 15, 2010
I have a user control (ascx) vs 2010 that contains a modalpopup extender thats popup control is an asp:panel. In that Panel I have an update panel and a contenttemplate inside the upd panel. It is a pretty simple example of its use, in that I have list box allowing the users to create a new row in a table.
However, when I click targetcontrol, the background changes to the expended modal background, but instead of being able to use the listbox, everything in the content panel is the same as the background and none of the controls on the panel are enabled. In other words, the entire page is loaded dimgray, including the updatearea.
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Jun 11, 2010
I need a develop a smart dropdown list for an inhouse application
Let assume, i have a dropdownlist with the following values:
Now when the user types A in the drpdownlist (we can type anything onthe dropdownlist, but we can superimpose a textbox on it), the dropdwn list should sort itself and show only ABC and A123.
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Jan 23, 2011
I just downloaded AjaxControlToolkit and followed [URL] to install it. Then I tried to follow [URL] to learn how to use the toolkit. But no matter what I do I'm stuck at adding an Extender. I added a ScriptManager and a button to the page as instructed but when I click on the button, there is no smart tag ("Show Smart Tag" is disabled"). I thought it might be the button so I tried Calendar and all I get is the "Auto Format" smart tag.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Version 9.0.30729.4462 QFE
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 3.5 SP1
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Feb 8, 2010
I have quite a few web applications using Ajax that have been working for a while. I migrated from a machine running Vista to a new machine running Windows 7 64 bit. I reinstalled VS2008 and also installed
ASP.NET Ajax Library 0911 Beta. The old controls using Ajax extenders are still working fine and their smart tags show up with the option of "Remove Extender..." . However, when I add new controls, their smart tags are disabled (grayed). If I remove the extender from an old control, its smart tag will disappear.
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Feb 14, 2011
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Jan 9, 2010
I am just about out of my mind on this due to spending way to much time trying to find an answer with no results. I am using vwd2008. The website is in 2.0 due to the hosting company not supporting 3.5 yet. I was using the ajax toolkit without any issues. Now all of a sudden the script manager is greyed out as are the tools. If I open a new site they are enabled. It's only on the two sites I have built in 2.0.
I went back to vwd2005 for this web and here the tools are visible and enabled but scriptmanager is greyed out. I tried tricking the site by building a page in a new web in vwd2008 and importing in the pages but when I try to load them I get an error related to scriptmanager. I've read many posts related to wireless devices causing issues but I have none attached. I've uninstalled and reinstalled both applications but nothing changes. I updated my web.config file to contain the following code:
Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>add
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Jul 28, 2010
I have an accordion and a nested accordion as a menu ba on left. thepanes contain various controls mainly dropdownlists. I disable the accordion after a user has enetered some values and clicked the search button. However in IE7 the accordion is disabld and all the contained controls are too. But in IE6 the dropdownlists aren't disabled whats the reason behind this and whats the solution?
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Feb 24, 2010
I tried this in many scenarios and everytime the ViewState is disabled page-wide, NoBot raises an internal NullReferenceException and always returns InvalidBadSession. I suspect that you are referencing the ViewState and it returns a null value which is then used. It's probably a good idea to think about a way that avoids using ViewState.
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Oct 31, 2010
I just upgraded from 3.5 to 4.0 and downloaded and installed the AJAX toolkit to my toolbox. However, all the controls in the AJAX list (and other "non-standard" lists also, such as Silverlight and Form controls) are disabled.
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Aug 26, 2010
I have a control which inherits from LinkButton and I'm trying to make sure that the user cannot cause mayhem by performing multiple postbacks. That seemed an easy enough challenge, so I have this code [snippet] on the client:
The alert is of course only there for debugging. If the DisableOnClick value is false, then I see the "Posting Back" alert and, when I click ok, the postback occurs - all good.
If the DisableOnClick value is true, then the "button" gets disabled and the cursor turns into an hourglass - again good. But the postback doesn't happen - not good. I assume that the ASP client code is trying to preventing the postback when it sees that the link is disabled.
So, how can I either:
Persuade the LinkButton to postback even though it has just been disabled; or[probably better] Get my client code to execute immediately after the postback code rather than before.
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Jan 6, 2011
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Jun 5, 2010
I am using VS 2010, just downloaded the Ajax Control Toolkit Binaries, have got not wireless mouse (even I tried to unplug my mouse - no success -) and I have tried deleting the .tbd files as mentioned
here; but still the Ajax control toolkit controls are grayed out and disabled!
I have tried the following also:
1. creating a new webite.
2. changing the target .NET framework from 4.0 to 3.5 and vice versa.
3. Restarting VS and Windows.
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Mar 8, 2010
I've got a bit of a problem UpdatePanelAnimationExtenders. Here's an example of the code structure I have:
Now here's my problem. When dd1 triggers the postback both dd1 and dd2 get disabled (instead of just dd1) and after the request is complete only dd1 gets enabled back. The behaviour is also true the other way around (if dd2 triggers the postback both dropdowns get disabled but only dd2 gets enabled back). I'm not really sure what to make of this.
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Feb 28, 2011
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As you can see in the OnPreRender event, the Save button gets enabled or disabled depending on whether the datagrid is in edit mode or not. When I step in the code, it operates correctly in the code, but it does not get reflected correctly on the screen. That is, even when btnSave.Enabled set to true in the code, the browser displays the disabled button. Any idea why this might be happening?
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Jan 9, 2010
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Apr 29, 2010
I have been trying to solve this issue for a while, but no solution till now.
I try to reinstall it but still , the smart tag are not showing up and when I right click it, it is grayed out.
Anyone, with a solution to solve this issue. I am using asp.net 3.5, visual studio 2008
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Apr 23, 2010
so theoretically, i have multiple companies using my application, and each company has multiple users. Now data is stored in a sql database and certain parts of it are changed enough whereby it has to be "reselected" by every user after a specific amount of time. ill call this the "highly dynamic data." (I already sorted out the 'users by company' effeciently with a cluster index in the companyID column for the tables)
lets say that each session will "check" if it has to be updated every 15 seconds. How will it check? If someone submitted a change to the "highly dynamic data" in the sql database then they will also submit the "time of change" to an .xml database. Moreover, each session has a "last updated" session variable. The session that submitted the change will update his "last updated" session variable at the time of the sql update. However, all other sessions will have out dated "last updated" session variables. and every 15 seconds each session checks the xml database to see if their "last update" is current. If it is not current then it does the sql database update, else, it does nothing..is this a good mechanism for efficient updating? The goal is to keep the sql database as free as possible and reduce strain on the server?
edit: oh yeah, how would i implement the timing factor here? firstly, i assume the 15 second counter shouldnt be concurrent with all other users, otherwise the server would be a cluster-f*** every 15 seconds so how would i incorporate some randomness for each session?
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Oct 31, 2010
I am trying to search inside a database in a column named 'Title'.
I tried the fulltext searching but this is just not good enough.
How can I do a smart search for non-english languages inside one column?
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Apr 15, 2010
Im seriously looking into obfuscation for my ASP.net.Is there anyone here that obfuscates their code? if so what do you use? Im looking at 2 finalists in my research - SmartAssembly and Dotfuscator
So far all I have found is bad points about Dotfuscator - is there anyone here that can save this company's rep?So far they have been rude, their product is hard to use, the documentation is bad, and the support is poor not to mention that they are expensive!Is there anyone that can raise a voice to say "hey they arnt all that bad"?has anyone used Smart Assembly? they seem to be the way to go - but i dont know if its just advertising hype...
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Nov 2, 2011
Using VB 2008 and AjaxControlToolkit, when right clicking a control, the smart tag option is always greyed out.
Is this a bug in 2008 or something related to using the Ajax controls?
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Oct 8, 2010
I am working on a smart device project and want to run on emulator.i have completed the application.but now i want to run it on Emulator in vs2008.
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