How To Maintain Button State In On_Load On AJAX Timer Postbacks

Nov 14, 2010

I am developing a web part that uses AJAX Timer and Update Panel to perform some data check. There are two buttons outside the Update Panel on the web part that I also want to maintain during the Timer postback. I cannot put these two buttons in any UpdatePanel because they need to call Response.Write() to display some Excel data to users in their On_Click event. My current solution is using ViewState to maintain these two button in On_Load event. However, I am not sure if this is a correct solution (haven't tested it). Does any one know that during a Timer postback, if I disable/enable these two buttons using ViewState in On_Load, will it update the page properly with the two buttons disabled/enabled? Or will it ignore any control that are not in the UpdatePanel regardless where you maintain it? If my solution is not a good practice, can someone suggest other alternatives?

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AJAX :: How To Maintain Focus When Timer Tick Event Is Fired

Dec 11, 2010

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my code is below


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AJAX :: Page State Lost During Postbacks With Updatepanel

Jan 14, 2010

1. I have couple of checkboxes and some text fields outside the updatepanel.

2. Based on the checkbox selection, I will be hiding/showing the fields to user using javscript.

3. I have a upload control in the same page which is placed under the updatepanel. When I upload the file, I will be reading the content of the file and I'm trying to load it into the controls which are outside the updatepanel. As I know the controls won't updated until unless it has been added under the updatepanel.

4. I moved all the controls outside the udpatepanel (checkboxes and textboxes) and placed it inside the updatepanel so that when the file is uploaded I can read the file and assign to the controls.

After this, I was able to assign the values to the control. However, the problem is, the state of the page (javascript hide and show) has not been retained during the postback. For example, if i have 2 checkboxes and 2 textboxes, if i click firstone, it should show the first checkbox. If I click the second checkbox, it will show the second textbox. By default, when the fresh load happens, first textbox will be shown. When I click the second checkbox (its showing the second textbox) and do the postback by uploading the file, the state gets lost and when the page load completes, it's showing the first textbox instead of showing the second textbox.

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C# - Maintain Generic List Between Postbacks?

Sep 14, 2010

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List<Event> events = new List<Event>();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void AddEvent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Event ev = new Event();
ev.Name = txtName.Text;

I want to add an item to the list every time the Add button is clicked, but the list is reset after every postback. How can I keep the data in the list between postbacks?

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State Management :: Serializing To File System To Maintain State?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a system that has several large objects that need to be built and populated each and every time, and these objects may be accessed quite often as well. As a strategy, caching would not be that good for me because there are potentially thousands of these objects which are fairly large. So I propose to serialize the objects to the file system and then deserialize it when I need those objects again. I have several classes that need this serialization functionality.

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My question is what is the best way to do this, since I have several classes ..

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Dec 16, 2010

I have a bit of a strange problem and wondering if anyone can help.I have an update panel that has a timer set as the AsyncPostBackTrigger.
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AJAX - Client Timer Synchronous With Server Timer?

Apr 23, 2010

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I hope somebody got an example for me, the button part is really important because by pressing that button the delay comes.

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State Management :: How To Maintain User Log State

Mar 10, 2011

I have one web application. In that, I have two pages. One is view/edit page and another one is login page. The view/edit page contains one edit button and one login button.

First I execute view/edit page, at that time I dont want to show edit button. When user clicks login button, the page will be redirected to login page, where the user has to enter username and password. If user enters both correct, again the page will be redirected back to view/edit page. This time, the edit button has to be shown to make some modifications, since the user is authenticated.

I tried this thing by using session with cookieless. It works perfectly but some times it shows web page not available. I made session timeout 120 minutes and cookieless is true. In URL session ID also available.

So, whats the alternate way to maintain user log state or whats wrong in web.config file.

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AJAX :: How To Maintain Textbox Values Which Is Place Inside Updatepanel After Browser Back Button Clicked

Sep 8, 2010

i am using vs2008. 1/ i am placed a datagrid control, a textbox and a server side button are inside the CollapsiblePanelExtender.

2/ The collapsible panel Extender placed inside the updatepanel.

3/ outside of updatepanel i have another button("next page") to redirect to next page.

When the page is loading, i am displaying all the records in datagrid. For an example 100 rocords. if i entered some values in textbox and click the button it fetches searching result based on inputs and displaying it in datagrid (for example searched result 20).

Now, I click the button "next page" it redirect to next page. if the user click the browser back button, i need to keep the datagrid to show only searched result. but Instead of that, it displaying all the records(100 records). how to resolve this?

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Newbie PostBacks And State Of Controls?

May 4, 2010

In the Page_Load() event handler for one of my pages I use the new statement about 100 times equating to memory allocation for about 100 objects. As follows:

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
Table mytable1 = new Table();
TableRow [] myrows = new TableRow[5];
TableCell [] mycells = new TableCell[100];
int i;
for(i=0; i<5; i++) myrows[i] = new TableRow();
for(i=0; i<100; i++) mycells[i] = new TableCell();

My question is, should all of these new statements be enclosed like so:

if(IsPostBack==false) {
// Initialize all controls for page just once during the session

Or should the Controls be freshly allocated, initialized, and added to the page each time the Page_Load event handler is called? I personally don't think its efficient to create mytable from scratch every Page_Load since all I really ever change is the contents of the table and not the table itself.

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GridView Doesn't Remember State Between Postbacks?

May 13, 2010

I have a simple ASP page with databound grid (bound to an object source). The grid is within the page of a wizard and has a 'select' checkbox for each row.

In one stage of the wizard, I bind the GridView:

protected void Wizard1_NextButtonClick(object sender, WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
// Bind and display matches
GridViewMatches.EnableViewState = true;
GridViewMatches.DataSource = getEmailRecipients();

And when the finish button is clicked, I iterate through the rows and check what's selected:

protected void Wizard1_FinishButtonClick(object sender, WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
// Set the selected values, depending on the checkboxes on the grid.
foreach (GridViewRow gr in GridViewMatches.Rows)
Int32 personID = Convert.ToInt32(gr.Cells[0].Text);
CheckBox selected = (CheckBox) gr.Cells[1].FindControl("CheckBoxSelectedToSend");

But at this stage GridViewMatches.Rows.Count = 0! I don't re-bind the grid, I shouldn't need to, right? I expect the view-state to maintain the state. (Also, if I do rebind the grid, my selection checkboxes will be cleared)

NB: This page also dynamically adds user controls in OnInit method. I have heard that it might mess with the view state, but as far as I can tell, I am doing it correctly and the viewstate for those added controls seems to work (values are persisted between postbacks)

UPDATE: Could this be to do with the fact I am setting the datasource programatically? I wondered if the asp engine was databinding the grid during the page lifecycle to a datasource that was not yet defined. (In a test page, the GridView is 'automatically' databound'. I don't want the grid to re-bound I just want the values from the viewstate from the previous post!

Also, I have this in the asp header: ViewStateEncryptionMode="Never" - this was to resolve an occasional 'Invalid Viewstate Validation MAC' message

For reference, my GridView is defined as follows:


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MVC :: How To Persist The State Of Html.RadioButton() Through Postbacks

Jul 20, 2010

how to make radiobuttons created using Html.RadioButton("id","value") maintain its checked state through postbacks?

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State Management :: Maintain Master Page Control State On Load Of Content Page?

Dec 30, 2010

I have created a matser page with a two radio buttons, text box and a button. Whenever user sets some values to these control and clicks the button, i will navigating him from one content page to another based on the data he has entered. The problem is after the content page load, the values selected/given in the controls(radio button, text box) are getting cleared.

Is there some way to maintain the values ?

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Persisting Checkbox State If Browser Back Is Clicked After Postbacks?

Feb 9, 2010

I've a checkbox with autopostback=true. If i check the checkbox the postback occurs and changes a label text. But if i click back in the browser the checkbox is not returning to its previous unchecked state. How can i bring back its state?

Can i write some JavaScript to persist the state of a control?

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State Management :: Viewstate Not Being Persisted Across Postbacks On Web User Control?

Mar 5, 2010

1) I found that my viewstate was not being persisted across postbacks for web user controls. I ensured that the Enable Viewstate property was set to true (of the page)

2) The Viewstate isnt being persisted on the 1st postback.

3) However, it is being persisted from the 2nd postback onwards.

I stepped through the code to ensure that the Viewstate had the 2 keys that I was adding on page load. However, on the 1st postback, the viewstate is empty. Everything is ok from the 2nd postback onwards.


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State Management :: Webcontrol Loosing Viewstate Information During Postbacks?

Feb 5, 2011

I am having tough time finding out this reason. I have a web control where i add some variable in viewstate. like viewstate["test"] = "1".

when i post back this viewstate no more exists in collection.


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