AJAX :: Set Properties After Page.LoadTemplate

Jul 16, 2010

In my Application, I am creating Tabpanel Dynamically in TabContainer. After Creating Tabpanel I put UserControl in to the TabPanel. here is code...

AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel newTab = new AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel();
newTab.HeaderText = "Header1";
newTab.ContentTemplate = Page.LoadTemplate("~/UC/MyUC.ascx")

This is working fine with me. Now I want set few properties of UserControl which I loaded into Tabpanel. How do I get the Object of User Control from the Tab panel ContentTemplate to set properties.

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User Control Properties That Located In Master Page From A Child Page?

Jan 11, 2010

I have user control that is part of a panel that located in my master page in every page i need different setting for that user control.

for example in page 1 i need to set the AutoPostBack property to true but in page 2 i need it to be false.

so my question is how can i user control properties that located in master page from a child page?

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Web Forms :: Can Modify The Properties Of A Content Page Control From An Event Fired From The Master Page?

Feb 25, 2011

Can I modify the properties of a content page control from an event fired from the master page?create a delegate and event on master page wire up the master page in the content page create the event handler (function) on the content page modify for example:

contents of the Text property of a textbox render a control visible (or hidden) etc...

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Best Way To Set Master Page Properties In Content Page?

Sep 1, 2010

There are different ways to set the title for content pages from Master page

by findcontrol by creating property in master page and setting the value in content page

As both method requires an object creation of master page which will be little heavy
myMasterPage myMaster = (myMasterPage)this.Master;

so I have tried it by creating a class and it worked -

public class clsmaster
public static clsmaster objmaster = new clsmaster();
public strtitle {get;set;}

Now I just need to access this static object and set the property in the content page and in the master page I just need the controls to take the value from this class (clsmaster).

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Web Forms :: Properties Folder / Properties Changed No Settings Tab?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a new VS2010 .NET 4.0 Web project and the Properties Folder has gone wierd on me. It has lost teh "Open" under the right click. There is no way to get a Settings file created now.

I am unable to get to the Settings grid and no Settings file is created. I tried the help and it has the normal trip of select Properties, Open (right click), Settings Tab, etc. etc.

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VS 2005 Properties Of Ajax AutoCompleteExtender?

Jan 25, 2010

Is it possible to set the font size of the drop down text. Also is there a way to limit number of dropdown lines and have a scroll control.

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AJAX :: How To Use DropShadow Extender Properties

Jul 27, 2010

I want to validate username and password using the extender properties but i don't know where to put code performing validation on it:-

i have tried putting code in Authenticate Event, LoggedIn Event,LoggingIn event.

I just want to know exactly what to do.

using it's id property- Login.Username=StrUsername,

Login.Password=strPassword where Login is the extender.

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AJAX :: Using ModalPopupExtender And Dynamic Properties?

Jan 23, 2010

I get a javascript error that says the "element is null". But I don't understand why. I'm new with this control and calling a web service with the mpe. Can you see my error?I suspect my error is in how I have the dynamic properities set and not with the webservice itself but I don't see it.




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Web Services - AJAX: How To Access Object Properties

Dec 15, 2010

My web method returns object 'User' that has a lot of properties.

In my 'OnComplete' function I am receiving those object.


Question: How can I get values of object properties?

The code above provides me with '[object Object]' text instead of real object value.

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AJAX :: Generate CollapsiblePanelExtender Properties Using An Expression?

Mar 26, 2010

The CollapsiblePanelExtender looks like this:

CollapsedImage=" [path to image] "

I do not know how to do it this way:

CollapsedImage=" [method call] "

I have tried this:

CollapsedImage="<%# Eval( Namespace.Class.GetHelpImage() ) %>"

That DataBinding does not return the path to the image using a method call so I test the GetHelpImage() method call and learn it does not return the path as text.

I know the path to the image is correct because I can paste the text into the CollapsiblePanelExtender CollapsedImage property and the control will find and display the collapsed image.

// this method call does not return the text for a path
// so I am not even doing this correctly either.
public static string GetHelpImage()
return "[known path to image]";
// Image to test getting text from GetHelpImage() method call
<asp:Label ID="TestGetImagePathLabel" runat="server"
Text="<%# Eval( GetHelpImage() ) %>"/>

I'm doing this all wrong. Where's a blogged example of how to populate the control using an expression?

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AJAX :: Find Properties Of The Accordion Control?

Apr 26, 2010

I'm using vb.net/asp.net 2005 with Ajax Accordion control.

I am trying to find out the Javascript properties of the Accordion control, how do i do this?

when I try this:


I am getting an error:


Object doesn't support this property or method


If I can get a list of supported Javascript properties of the Ajax Accordion control

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AJAX :: Accessing CollapsiblePanelExtender Properties In Javascript?

Feb 22, 2010

I have implemented a CollapsiblePanelExtender with a button that collapses/expands a panel. I also have a javascript function that can collapse the expanded panel when a certain condition exists somewhere else on the page.

The problem I am having is when I programatically collapse the panel, the extender is not aware, so the Collapsed property remains false and the CollapsedImage and CollapsedText are not updated. The next time I click the button, the extender is updated to a collapsed state, but nothing happens on the page because the panel was already collapsed. It is just resynchronizing the Collapsed, CollapsedImage, and CollapsedText properties to match the panel's already collapsed state.

Is there a way I can update the Collapsed, CollapsedImage, and CollapsedText properties in javascript to match the actual state of the panel?

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Web Forms :: Setting Page Properties From Itself?

Oct 8, 2010

Is there any easy way to set properties of a Page (or UserControl for that matter) from *within itself*?As an example, I have several .aspx pages which inherit from exactly the same code-behind class, but I need to be able to pass different properties to the class to make them do the correct thing for the specific .aspx.
The only way I've found to do this is to create the following - which works fine, but doesn't feel right....

<script runat="server">
Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init
Me.MyProperty = True
End Sub

It would be a much nicer, simplier and easier solution to be able to be able to set MyProperty = True somewhere... is this possible?The option of hard-coding properties within the class for the "parent" page is not going to work for my situation.

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State Management :: Master Page's Treeview Selected Node / Setting The Properties In Master Page?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a master page containing a tree and 3 dropdown lists. I am populating a context menu on right click of each node, and when clicked on any item of the context menu, it navigates to required pages.

My problem is after navigating to the required page, the selected values from the drop down lists and the selected node from the tree are getting cleared.

I can set the selected values for the dropdown lists by making some properties in master page.
But how do i maintain the selected node?

In my content page, i have got the valuepath of the right clicked node.

Or is there any other way than setting the properties in master page?

View 6 Replies

AJAX :: Unable To Access Control Properties Using JavaScript

Mar 9, 2010

I'm able to change the mask value and mask type for ajax MaskedEditExtender using java script in run time but when I try to change the ValidationExpression and TooltipMessage for ajax MaskedEditValidator.

simply my code will call ChangeMask() function to do these changes when the check box change.

when you run my code the mask will work ok but not for MaskedEditValidator.

Here is my refrence for this code:


here is my code:


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AJAX :: How To Assign Value To Gridview Extender Properties In Aspx.cs

Jan 27, 2011

How can i assign value to an gridview extender control properties during runtime in aspx.cs page ???

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AJAX :: Get AccordionBehavior And Its Properties In Client Side Javascript?

Jan 25, 2011

Recently I met a problem when I try to use 'behavior' things with an Ajax Control.

I try to use an accordion's accordionbehavior on client side.But whenever I tryied

alert($find('myaccordionId').AccrodionBehavior.AutoSize) // prompt me: AccordionBehavior is null


alert($find('myaccordionId').AutoSize) //prompt me: 'AutoSize' is null or not an object

Although I can get

alert(AjaxControToolkit.AccordionBehavior) //prompt: is an object

I am using AjaxControlToolkit.dll(1.0.20229) and .Net framework(2.0.50727), I really wondered why I always get null for those object instead of proper value like what Ajax ControlTookkit Accordion Reference said to be [URL] am I missing something.

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How To Get The Values Of All Localizable Properties That Appear On A Page Object

Jan 28, 2011

I'm working on an application that uses an approach to localization where they just call a translate function for every piece of text on a page. It leads to a lot of redundant code that looks like this (psuedocode):

function page_load():

translateControlText(control1, language);
translateControlText(control2, language);
translateControlText(control3, language);
translateControlText(control4, language);
translateControlText(control5, language);
translateControlText(control6, language);
translateImageAlt(image1, language);
100 more lines of this on a single page

The application is massive, so I don't have the opportunity to rewrite the translation logic. However, I think I could just loop through all of the controls on a page, check their type, and translate the appropriate property. At least then I would just have to call 1 function per page, and then throw it in a base page or master. However, I probably wouldn't want to translate certain things, such as table cells. Regardless, there is an attribute called Localizable that is on many properties such as Control.Text and Image.Alt. I'd like to be able to get a list of every string on the Page that is stored in a Property marked Localizable. Is this possible? Is this possible without reflection?

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How To Set Values For Model Properties On .aspx Page In MVC 2

Dec 3, 2010

I have a strongly typed view. I get model passed into the view and then i assign model values to labels etc.
I would then also like to set Model values programmatically on .aspx page, like:

<%= Model.someValue = "foo"; %>

and then pass that model back to controller action and than access those values. I know that I can apply values to model like these:

<%= Html.TextBoxFor(n => n.someValue) %>

but in these case, this is not an option for me.

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C# - Access Properties From Page In ContentPlaceholder In MasterPage?

Feb 10, 2011

I have following environment:

masterpage with a contentPlacholder multiple pages which use this masterpage and implement a base-class (fooPage) fooPage has a certain property (fooProperty)


Obviously this is not going to work - but how can I achieve this?

I know the alternative: call a method from the masterPage in the contentPage with fooProperty as a parameter - but i would like to rather have a pull-system in this case...

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Access Static Class Properties From Aspx Page?

Jan 28, 2010

I am on .aspx page and i want to take the width and height of a control from a static class
where i have defined them as constans.

Is there any way to access that class directly from the aspx page?

I know that i can make a method like:

width="<%= getWidthSize() %>"

and inside the aspx.cs to define this method to take the size from that static class.

But i am asking if this could be directly managed from the web aspx page...?

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Disabling Internet Explorer Properties In An Aspx Page?

Jun 24, 2010

Can I disable all properties of an Internet Explorer when it opens a particular page called "help.aspx".I want that no option should be displayed on that page,just the content of the page which include the image of a person.

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Web Forms :: Master Page Properties Not Working Correctly?

Feb 3, 2010

In my default.aspx I have;

<%@ Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/masterpage.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" AspCompat="true" %>
<% @ MasterType VirtualPath ="~/masterpage.master" %>

I have setup properties, for example;

Private _theskin As String
Public Property theskin() As String
Return _theskin
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_theskin = String.Empty
End Set
End Property

I was then expecting to be able to access these properties from the default.aspx.vb page in this way;

If Master.theskin = foo Then
do things
End if

In the default.aspx.vb the code is highlighted with blue underline and says;

theskin is not a member of system.Web.Ui.Masterpage

Am I making an error somewhere along the line? Do I need to do more to be able to expose the properties to default.aspx.vb?

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.net - Create A Usercontrol With Properties Set From Page When That Property Is A List?

Aug 10, 2010

I am building a usercontrol which can display data with many flags. I would like to be able to able to declare it this way, or something similar to that from the asp.net page

<ctl:DisplayItem runat="server" id="ctlTest">
<flagIsAvailable />


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Web Forms :: Pass The View State Properties From One Page To Another?

Feb 11, 2010

How can we pass the View State properties from one ASP.NET page to another in ASP.NET?

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