AJAX :: Keeping Session Alive Via Webservice?

May 21, 2010

if updating a session value from within a webmethod call made from jquery would be able to keep my session alive?


type: "POST",
url: "MyWebService.asmx/Keepalive",
async: true, [code]....

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C# - Keeping Alive PostedFile.InputStream ?

Jan 21, 2010

I was wondering wich's the best way to "keep alive" the InputStream of the FileUpload Control.I would give you one example. Let's assume you have the FileUpload control in one WebForm, and you want process it in the next WebForm (after Response.Redirect).It would be great (unless for the memory) to have something similar to:

Session["PostedFile"] = this.FileUpload.PostedFile.InputStream.
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I can do all of the above, except I don't know how to go about opening a 2nd IE window leaving the calling windows on the screen whilst passing parameters and retrieving the result.

My best guess would be:-

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This is quite straight forward. I'm calling a web-service (.asmx, with session enabled) from a c# application. I want each call to be with the same session key as the previous one (as opposed to creating a new session key each time).

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Web Forms :: Session Is Not Alive For Long Time

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State Management :: Session Key Gets Null While Object Alive

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I have a Authorizeclient.aspx.cs page where I set my session value.Authorizeclient.aspx is a blank page. HttpContext.Current.Session["nodeID"]="0". This session value changes from 0 or non zero which depends on the value returned by Database. If no value is returned I assign HttpContext.Current.Session["nodeID"]="0" as the default state else I assign HttpContext.Current.Session["nodeID"]=resolve(nodeID).ToString()

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Keeping A Large Volume Of Data In Session?

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I'm developing a web app for which the client wants us to query their data as little as possible. The data will be coming from a Microsoft CRM instance.

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Feb 1, 2011

I used Ajax collapsible extenders (1 to 9) with formviews in each of them on a web form.

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AJAX :: How To Refresh Parent Page Details By Keeping Child Window Open

Apr 28, 2010

I have a screen where on filter icon click on a column i need to show a popup screen or a div looks like popup and in which will have list of check boxes with distinct values of all rows of column one (i.e. the data of popup is like below). All these check boxes are dynamically generated controls.

checkboxcontrol Data1
checkboxcontrol Data2
checkboxcontrol Data3

When user click on any of the above check boxes the parent grid should get refreshed with the filtered data and popup or div tag looks like popup should stay and should not be closed. How do i do this?

The main screen has details like below

Data1 Column2Data Column3Data
Data2 123Data Column3Data
Data2 Column2Data Column3Data
Data3 Column2Data Column3Data

How to refresh my parent page details by keeping my child div tag open or child window open? What is better approach whether to create server side div tag or a modal popup window?


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Sharing Session Between Webservice And Application

Apr 23, 2010

I have an asp.net application and webservices (asmx) that reside in the same application but not in the same folder of the aspx files. I aslo have a winform application that uses the webservices. I have marked the webservice methods with [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] but I am not able to share the same session values that are on the application in the webservices. The winform application has access to the sessionID from the application and I am using the following code

Uri uri = new Uri(ServerServiceUrl);
_cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
_cookieContainer.Add(new Cookie("ASP.NET_SessionId", SessionID, "/", uri.Host));

My question is: Is there something that I am missing or doing wrong that I cannot access the application sessioin from the webservices?

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State Management :: Can't Read Session Value In Webservice In Wcf?

Jul 17, 2010

I am working with globalization project to convert website in spanish

In my global.asax.cs file I have declared

string CountryCode="US";
//this is for setting country
= CountryCode;

And I try to get current culture information through

System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString();and store it in string called sLocale

And in other file called search.cs there is function called fillproducts() as follow


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Call An Asmx Webservice Without Extending User Session?

Jan 25, 2011

In my ASP.net 3.5 application I'm calling an asmx webservice that is part of the application. Calling the webservice entends the user's session timeout, which is undesirable in this case.How can I call a webservice on my server without extending the session timeout? Is there a way in IIS to designate it as being outside of the session scope? (apologies if I'm using incorrect terminology) Can I designate a directory in the ASP.net web.config file as being outside the session?

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AJAX :: Dynamically Built Accordion Controls / Keeping Only The Basic Empty Structure, And Re-build It All In A Single Post To The Server?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a dialogue window that contains an Accordion Control that is dynamically built. The only thing that appears on my source page is the opening and closing tags for the control. The panes and the controls that appear on the panes are all added dynamically based on records in a database.

Now here is my situation, if a certian action is performed on one of the controls then I want to save that controls data and make it no longer available for use, this was easily accomplished by having the control hide itself. An issue arises though when I have hidden all of the controls on a certain pane, the header for the pane still exists and this is not the desired result.

What I would like is to be able to dynamically remove the entire contents of the control and then re-build it. Due to the timing of the events in the page post back sequence, a simple call to the method that builds the control will not work and if an explanation is required I will provide one. Also, looping through all of the panes and the controls on each pane will not work since after the first pass through the loop the panes collection is mutated, the enum table for the control is no longer correct since the initial pane has been removed, as a result the for loop throws an error.

Can any one come up with a way that I can clear out the control, keeping only the basic empty structure, and re-build it all in a single post to the server?

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How To Keep Connection Alive When Using Webrequest

Mar 8, 2011

string strURL = (Request.IsSecureConnection ? [URL] : [URL]


I get an error on da line objPost.Close();.....the unusual error is that when I debug this code line by line slowly using F10 in visual studio 2010...the code works..but when I just run the program or even debug the program fast...it throws an error at that line.. it gives an error that the connection which was expected to be open was closed by the server..

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VS 2005 Automatically Redirect To Alive URL

Apr 21, 2010

I have a web application running from 2 servers. I'm using 2 servers, because if 1 is not responding for any failure user can access the application from other server URL. Now I want to do the redirection automatically. That means, user will enter the URL of the primary server if it is not responding then it will automatically redirect to the other server URL. How can I do that using ASP.NET and C#?

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C# - TCPClient Seems To Not Maintain A Keep-alive Connection?

Jul 5, 2010

I have the following code using the TcpClient

byte[] encbuff = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("username" + ":" + "password");
string follow = "track=soccer,twitter";
byte[] encode_follow = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(follow);


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WCF / ASMX :: Keep Object Alive On Server In Service

Nov 19, 2010

I have to keep a datacontext alive in a WCF service. This object is created on every call to the service, by the way decreasing performance. How could I keep this object alive with WCF.

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C# - Disable Keep - Alive On Web Service Client Requests?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a few web servers behind an Amazon EC2 load balancer. I'm using TCP balancing on port 80 (rather than HTTP balancing). I have a client polling a Web Service (running on all web servers) for new items every few seconds. However, the client seems to stay connected to one server and polls that same server each time. I've tried using ServicePointManager to disable KeepAlive, but that didn't change anything. The outgoing connection still had its "connection: keep-alive" HTTP header, and the server kept the TCP connection open. I've also tried adding an override of GetWebRequest to the proxy class created by VS, which inherits from SoapHttpClientProtocol, but I still see the keep-alive header.

If I kill the client's process and restart, it'll connect to a new server via the load balancer, but it'll continue polling that new server forever. Is there a way to force it to connect to a random server each time? I want the load from the one client to be spread across all of the web servers. The client is written in C# (as is the server) and uses a Web Reference (not a Service Reference), which points to the load balancer.

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AJAX :: Cascading Dropdownlists / Tried A Session Variable But It Comes Up With Session Is Null?

Jul 29, 2010

I have some cascading dropdownlists using the ajax toolkit I have a set up datatables in an xsd file. Then use these in a webservice to populate all the fields ... this all works great but now i need to pass an additional paramter to the first dropdownlist ( a date) but don't know how to do this? The method is below...


The other code is:


The first change would be to the tableadapter to add a param to the code i.e

AuditWebDS.TeamsDataTable teams = teamsAdapter.GetTeams(calldate);

but how do i get the calldate param to the webservice method... i tried a session variable but it comes up with session is null ? Is there another better way?

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