Keeping A Large Volume Of Data In Session?

Mar 23, 2010

I'm developing a web app for which the client wants us to query their data as little as possible. The data will be coming from a Microsoft CRM instance.

So we've agreed that data will only be queried as and when it is needed, therefore if a web user wants to see a list of contacts (for example) that list is fetched into a local DataTable. Then if a new contact is created on the website the new contact is sent to CRM and added to the local DataTable at the same time. Likewise for edits.

If the user then looks at their contacts again the data will just come from the local DataTable.

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How To Page Through Large Volume Of Data

Nov 19, 2010

I'm creating a web page that will show a form that allows a user to query a database and then page backwards and forwards through the data. In other words one record of the returned data will be displayed on the form and the user can move forward to display the next record or back to display the previous one.

My problem is that a large volume of data may be returned and I'm wondering the best way to keep this data between postbacks. I would think there would be too much data to use viewstate.

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How To Handle Large Volume Of Data In Gridview

Mar 19, 2010

I have large volume of records in my database(70k).How do i handle with this kind of volume data in gridview. Is there any samples provided for this?

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SQL Server :: Query Slow On Large Volume Of Data?

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In my database when I fire query it takes 40 secs on 1 crore data, similar when I use join with other table then it take more time. I have taken care non cluster index such thing. But still I want to optimize my query, what other thing I need to take like buffer, disk size etc. I am not sure on this area.

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How Does IIS Handle Large Volume Of Requests

Jul 26, 2010

I have a standard ASMX web service which uses a lock object to process the first request it receives and reject other requests that come in before processing completes. The web service is hosted on a Windows Server 2003 box with a single-core processor. To test whether this works as expected, I wrote a client that spawns 100 threads. Each thread makes an asynchronous POST call to the web server (i.e., HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse()). From my own logging, what I'm seeing on IIS is that two threads are spawned. Let's say thread IDs 1 and 7. Thread 1 is assigned a small number of requests. It accepts and processes them, one after another. Thread 7 is assigned a large number of requests. It rejects them. Does anyone have theories on the following: Why are two threads spawned? And not four or a hundred? Why does there seem to be thread discrimination? Thread 1 looks like it has control of the lock object at all times.

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C# - Sending Large Volume Of Emails Using C#?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm having an issue sending large volumes of emails out from an ASP.Net application. I won't post the code, but instead explain what's going on. The code should send emails to 4000 recipients but seems to stall at 385/387.

The code creates the content for the email in a string.

It then selects a list of email address to send to.

Looping through the data via a datareader it picks out the email address and sends an email.

The email sending is done by a separate method which can handle failures and returns it's outcome.

As each record is sent I produce an XML node in an XML document to log each specific attempt to send.

The loop seems to end prematurely and the XML document is saved to disk.

Now I know the code works. I have run it locally using the same SMTP machine and it worked fine with 500 records. Granted there was less content, but I can't see how that would make any difference.

I don't think the page itself times out, but even if it did, I was sure .Net would continue processing the page, even if the user saw a page time out error.

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Configuration :: How Does IIS Handle A Large Volume Of Requests

Jul 26, 2010

How Does IIS Handle a Large Volume of Requests

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Storing Large Amounts Of Session Data?

Feb 16, 2010

Im in the process of developing a web application, and I wish to store a reasonable amount of data for each user.

This data will be accessed each time the page is refreshed.

The only 2 options that I have come up with is:

* Session Data
* Storing the information in a text file with random file names for each person
* Database

The first one I do not really want to use as it would bog down the server - the second one is cumbersome

Is there any other options?

If possible i was thinking using the database, but am hesitant because of the amount of times the accessing of the database would need (every refresh for every user)

I dont want to store the information inside the viewstate (i dont know what MS was thinking when they thought of viewstate)

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AJAX :: Keeping Session Alive Via Webservice?

May 21, 2010

if updating a session value from within a webmethod call made from jquery would be able to keep my session alive?


type: "POST",
url: "MyWebService.asmx/Keepalive",
async: true, [code]....

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Web Forms :: Store Large Data Using DataTables In Session Variables?

Apr 30, 2013

if i want to get multiple values from database and pass this dataset to another page can we use session to store the dataset values..i knw we can..but some one says that its not a gud approach..this will cause server process it true?if it so then wat are all the other ways to do that?

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Sep 29, 2010

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Sep 13, 2010

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State Management :: Storing Large Data In Session State?

Sep 18, 2010

We have a scenario where we need to store large tables of data on Session in page. on a highlevel we have to store following data

1> A table (table 1) with 1000 rows and 8 to 10 columns.

2> A table(table 2) with 500 rows and 8 to 10 columns (actually user can add the data from table 1 to table 2, so as user keeps on adding from table 1 we remove the data and put it in table 2)

3> Another table(table 3) with 1000-1200 rows each having 3 columns.

We are having a webfarm, so we need to store it in either SateServer of Oracle DB,What would be the performance implications of storing such huge data on the server.

One more thing is at any point of time max of 70 -80 people will be accessing our website, so will this cause any performance degradation?

View 7 Replies

Large Number Of Session_Start With Same Session Id?

Feb 9, 2010

I'm running a ASP.NET website on my development box (.NET 2.0 on Vista/IIS7).

The Session_Start method in global.asax.cs logs every call to a file (log4net).

The Session_End method also logs every call.

I'm using InProc session state, and set the session timeout to 5 mins (to avoid waiting for 20 mins).

I hit the website, wait for 5 minutes unit I see the Session_End logging. Then I F5 the website. The browsers still has the session cookie and sends it to the server. Session_Start is called and a new session is created using the same session id (btw: I need this to be the same session id, because it is used to store data in database).


Every time I hit F5 on a previously ended session, the Session_Start method is called.

When I open a different browser, the Session_Start method is called just once. Then after 5 minutes the Session_End each F5 causes the Session_Start method to execute.


After the Session timeout, all subsequent requests have a session start & session end. So in the end my question is: why are the sessions on these subsequent request closed immediatly?


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State Management :: Large Session Object Losing Value?

May 10, 2010

I have a application where I am saving off into session the user privilege information. From a grid I am bring up a new window by using the It seems that it is whiping out the values in session. A temporary bandaid I have placed on it is to recall the database if the value is nothing to reset the user object. I have found all over the internet that this is an issue with the in IE 7 and IE 8. Has anyone else run into this and able to actually fix it?

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C# - Alternate Way To Store Large Dynamic Objects Instead Of Session?

Mar 29, 2011

I have a web application developed in .net 2.0 I am storing large business objects in session, which change frequently.

Some times I observe server error. Is this causing the error?

Is there any alternative way to store these objects?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist In Gridview Not Keeping Data Value?

Nov 4, 2010

I've got a gridview which contains a dropdownlist. I've got it binding to display the correct name, but when I go to update it (and it could be the dropdownlist field or any other the other fields), I get an error stating it can't update the row because
addr_cnt doesn't allow null fields. I've tried just about everything I can find to get it to keep the addr_cnt value, but nothing seems to be working. My code is below:

<asp:GridView id="gvLeader" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" datakeynames="ldr_id" DataSourceID="dsLeaders" GridLines="Vertical">


View 7 Replies

Control The System Volume Using Javascript?

Mar 9, 2010

I am using media player to play audio and video. I am creating own button to increase and decrease the volume of the media player. working fine too.


Even after reaches 0% volume its audible. If the player volume increase the system volume also be increased. Is it possible. How to achieve this task.


<object id="mediaPlayer" classid="clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95"
height="1" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..."
type="application/x-oleobject" width="1">


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Web Forms :: Keeping Form Data Between Postbacks And Redirect?

Mar 28, 2011

I have a situation where I send data to different domain and return back to my domain. At this point I'm losing my form data. I know that we can use sessions, cookies or query strings. But i have large data in the form. So I can't use those. Can anyone best way to save form data between postbacks and redirect.

This is code which I'm using to redirect to different domain and come back to my domain:


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Forms Data Controls :: Keeping The Last Selected Value In A Dropdown List?

Dec 30, 2010

I have a small problem with drop down list. I have a aspx page which shows the information of a customer and there is an Edit button, which will take the customer to the edit information page. On the edit information page, I have drop down lists and I want the selected value in the drop down list to have the current value of the current customer on Page Load event.

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Web Forms :: Control The System Volume Using Javascript / Jquery?

Mar 8, 2010

I am using media player to play audio and video. I am creating own button to increase and decrease the volume of the media player. working fine too.


Even after reaches 0% volume its audible. If the player volume increase the system volume also be increased. Is it possible. How to achieve this task.


<object id="mediaPlayer" classid="clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95" codebase=",1,52,701" height="1" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject" width="1"> <param name="fileName" value="" /> <param name="animationatStart" value="true" /> <param name="transparentatStart" value="true" /> <param name="autoStart" value="true" /> <param name="showControls" value="true" /> <param name="volume" value="70" /></object>


function decAudio() { if (document.mediaPlayer.Volume >= -1000) { var newVolume = document.mediaPlayer.Volume - 100; if (newVolume >= -1000) { document.mediaPlayer.Volume = document.mediaPlayer.Volume - 100; } else { document.mediaPlayer.Volume = -1000; } } }

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Forms Data Controls :: Keeping A Running Total Of Entries In Gridview?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a bulk editable gridview. I want to find a way of keeping a running total up to 100 in each row when the user is entering values into the editable columns. I then want to save this data.

The running total column (Total) is a bound column and not editable by the user.

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Forms Data Controls :: Keeping Track Of Edited Fields In DetailsView?

Dec 1, 2010

When you click the edit button in detailsview I want it to store some values in "PreviousAddress" and "PreviousVehicle" to show what the data used to be before it was edited... Just wondering what would be the best way of doing this?

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Configuration :: The File Name, Directory Name Or Volume Label Syntax Is Incorrect - How To Fix It

Jan 15, 2011

My application stop due to this error: the filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect.

Before all was working well. i made one small change and update the project in live server and this error started.

i tried the below solution but still same.


When i rollback and run the old working project same error continue...

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SQL Server :: Unexpected Error Message When The User Volume Is High?

Nov 25, 2010

I built an application using web developer express 2008 and sql express2008. The live version hosted on Godaddy, for the most part is working well. However, occasionally the users are reporting an error when the user volume is high.

Here is part of my web.config code:

<customErrors defaultRedirect="/Error/error.htm" mode="On">
<error statusCode="400" redirect="/Error/BadRequest.htm"/>
<error statusCode="404" redirect="/Error/NotFound.htm"/>
<error statusCode="408" redirect="/Error/TimeOut.htm"/>

I have seen the other error pages work correctly and the error I am referring to above is the default error.It is possible that up to 10 users opening the same database table at the same time might be the problem? Would this be a potential cause of my unknown error? And if so what can I do about it?

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