AJAX :: Page State Lost During Postbacks With Updatepanel

Jan 14, 2010

1. I have couple of checkboxes and some text fields outside the updatepanel.

2. Based on the checkbox selection, I will be hiding/showing the fields to user using javscript.

3. I have a upload control in the same page which is placed under the updatepanel. When I upload the file, I will be reading the content of the file and I'm trying to load it into the controls which are outside the updatepanel. As I know the controls won't updated until unless it has been added under the updatepanel.

4. I moved all the controls outside the udpatepanel (checkboxes and textboxes) and placed it inside the updatepanel so that when the file is uploaded I can read the file and assign to the controls.

After this, I was able to assign the values to the control. However, the problem is, the state of the page (javascript hide and show) has not been retained during the postback. For example, if i have 2 checkboxes and 2 textboxes, if i click firstone, it should show the first checkbox. If I click the second checkbox, it will show the second textbox. By default, when the fresh load happens, first textbox will be shown. When I click the second checkbox (its showing the second textbox) and do the postback by uploading the file, the state gets lost and when the page load completes, it's showing the first textbox instead of showing the second textbox.

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Jun 1, 2010

I have marquee control inside a Master page.I used timer control to refresh marquee for every 5 mins.And it is placed in update panel for implementing partial postback.

Now the problem is that,when ever timer_tick event raised it's postbacking the content pages as well.I need a solution to partial refresh of only master page.

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AJAX :: Lost Information In UpdatePanel?

May 21, 2010

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My problem is that when I select an item in a drop down list and then click "Add drop down list", the page does not "remember" the selection of the first drop down list! How could I retrieve that selected item?

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How To Maintain Button State In On_Load On AJAX Timer Postbacks

Nov 14, 2010

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AJAX :: Textbox In Headertemplate Gridview Lost Text In Updatepanel?

Sep 6, 2010

I write code in asp.net I always solve issues by finding solutions with other members who have the problem before me. But this time I don't know how to do...

This is my problem :

I have a gridview inside an updatepanel and i modified some headers in order to filter the collection. This worked but when my updatepanel is updating, my textbox for the filter clear the value (the text) and lost focus.

This is my code :



The function FilterText(this) only set a timeout before fire postback.

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State Management :: Persisting DropDown List Attributes Across Page Postbacks?

Oct 12, 2010

how can DropDownList attributes be persisted accross page Postbacks?


DropdownList1.AutoPostBack = True

On Postback the attribute is no longer available (ie. attributes.count=0).

I tried persisting using the code below, but was unsuccessful:

Before PostBack: ViewState.Add("DDL","DropdownList1")
On PostBack: DropdownList1 = ViewState("DDL")

This generated the error: DropDownlist is not marked as serializable.

I than tried:

Before PostBack: Session.Add("DDL","DropdownList1")
On PostBack: DropdownList1 = Session("DDL")

This did not err but attributes were still not available.

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Session State Lost Between Ajax Posts?

Jul 16, 2010

I have an asp.net login page, which when initialized sets some session variables. When the user clicks login, an AJAX request is made which validates the user and sets additional session variables and returns a result to the client. The client is then redirected based on the login result. In the redirected page, I can access the session variables set when the login page was initialized (i.e. before the login) but none are present for those set during the login validation (part of an ajax call).

is this expected behaviour? Why would an ajax call generate a new session and thus cause the data to be lost?

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State Management :: Viewstate And Dropdownlist / Initial Selection Is Lost Each Time The Page Refreshes

Jan 13, 2011

I have a simple search page with a drop down list that I would like the value to persist on refresh..basically the user will select their location from the dropdownlist and this will be used to populate a gridview. After this the page is set to refresh at a set interval and use the same location data initially selected by the user. However the initial selection is lost each time the page refreshes.

p.s system is to old for ajax!

<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="300" />
<script runat="server">
Dim connectionString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("****").ConnectionString
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If Not IsPostBack Then
Dim conn As SqlConnection
conn = New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim Locationcommandtext As String
Locationcommandtext = "SELECT * FROM [Location] ORDER BY [Location]"
Dim loccomm As SqlCommand
loccomm = New SqlCommand(Locationcommandtext, conn)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader
reader = loccomm.ExecuteReader()
Locations.DataSource = reader
Locations.DataValueField = "LocationID"
Locations.DataTextField = "Location"
Catch ex As SqlException
Response.Write("SQL Error:
" & ex.ToString())
End Try
'"Viewstate should kick in here"
End If
End Sub

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ImageButton Postbacks Even When Not Inside UpdatePanel

Nov 19, 2010

I am having a custom ASPX page with following structure. Its having 2 update panel and I have a ImageButton outside them. The two UpdatPanel are triggered by this ImageButton.The Problem is whenever user clicks the Imagebutton, the image in the ImageButton is getting reloaded...it disappears and the reappears. I am not able to figure out why the postback is happening when the imagebutton is place outside UpdatePanel. Is it because I am using this Imagebutton for triggering AsyncPostBack in UpdatePanel?


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State Management :: SQL Session State Lost After Close Browser?

May 3, 2010

I'm not sure if this is an error or is the right work mode for sql sessions.

I'm working now with Windows 2008 R2 Web Ed. and SQL Server 2008 Web Ed.

When I close my browse and open again a new browser window I need to login again in asp.net application and a new session is created in the sessions table in sql server.

It's this normal? I remember that with Windows 2003 and SQL 2005 this doesn't happend. When I closed my browser and open inmediately a new browser window my session was retained and I could continue working without relogin.

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State Management :: Session State Variables Getting Lost?

Jun 28, 2010

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Does anyone know the reason why session state loses information occasionally and possibly how to eliminate the problem?

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I use the Inproc session provider and Asp.net 2.0. Which of these are true:

The antivirus software disturbs the session. IIS recycles the app pool every 2 hours and it does not retain the sessions during a recycle. Index server disturbs the session. Anything else that can have disturbed the session?

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AJAX :: Save State Of Dropdown And Gridview In Updatepanel?

Feb 21, 2011

I would like to find a solution to my problem. In these senario I've got two pages.

First page:

5 dropdowns in updatepanel and a gridview in updatepanel

Second page:

Displays info of the selected row


So if a user makes a selections on all dropdownselection and selectes to view a row, wich in this case goes to page2 for more info.

But when the user returns to page1 all the selections and gridview has the "default" values so to speak, and not what the user has selected.

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Newbie PostBacks And State Of Controls?

May 4, 2010

In the Page_Load() event handler for one of my pages I use the new statement about 100 times equating to memory allocation for about 100 objects. As follows:

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
Table mytable1 = new Table();
TableRow [] myrows = new TableRow[5];
TableCell [] mycells = new TableCell[100];
int i;
for(i=0; i<5; i++) myrows[i] = new TableRow();
for(i=0; i<100; i++) mycells[i] = new TableCell();

My question is, should all of these new statements be enclosed like so:

if(IsPostBack==false) {
// Initialize all controls for page just once during the session

Or should the Controls be freshly allocated, initialized, and added to the page each time the Page_Load event handler is called? I personally don't think its efficient to create mytable from scratch every Page_Load since all I really ever change is the contents of the table and not the table itself.

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AJAX :: Javascript Change-state Toggle Button Inside An Updatepanel?

Oct 7, 2010

I've got a rather difficult one here. I have a JavaScript jquery toggle button inside an update panel. Right now i'm using <form body="onload"> to recall this javascript to re-apply the button state after each partial postback. It works, but it requires two clicks sometimes.

The problem is... after a few clicks, it is significantly slowing down the PC, and I can see the clicks trailing half a second to nearly a second. If I have a group of buttons, all those click events are just catching up to my clicks. It is rather amusing but I suppose it has to do with the fact that the postback is calling the <body onload=" event> each time after the button is clicked.

so how can I then, make this performance faster?

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GridView Doesn't Remember State Between Postbacks?

May 13, 2010

I have a simple ASP page with databound grid (bound to an object source). The grid is within the page of a wizard and has a 'select' checkbox for each row.

In one stage of the wizard, I bind the GridView:

protected void Wizard1_NextButtonClick(object sender, WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
// Bind and display matches
GridViewMatches.EnableViewState = true;
GridViewMatches.DataSource = getEmailRecipients();

And when the finish button is clicked, I iterate through the rows and check what's selected:

protected void Wizard1_FinishButtonClick(object sender, WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
// Set the selected values, depending on the checkboxes on the grid.
foreach (GridViewRow gr in GridViewMatches.Rows)
Int32 personID = Convert.ToInt32(gr.Cells[0].Text);
CheckBox selected = (CheckBox) gr.Cells[1].FindControl("CheckBoxSelectedToSend");

But at this stage GridViewMatches.Rows.Count = 0! I don't re-bind the grid, I shouldn't need to, right? I expect the view-state to maintain the state. (Also, if I do rebind the grid, my selection checkboxes will be cleared)

NB: This page also dynamically adds user controls in OnInit method. I have heard that it might mess with the view state, but as far as I can tell, I am doing it correctly and the viewstate for those added controls seems to work (values are persisted between postbacks)

UPDATE: Could this be to do with the fact I am setting the datasource programatically? I wondered if the asp engine was databinding the grid during the page lifecycle to a datasource that was not yet defined. (In a test page, the GridView is 'automatically' databound'. I don't want the grid to re-bound I just want the values from the viewstate from the previous post!

Also, I have this in the asp header: ViewStateEncryptionMode="Never" - this was to resolve an occasional 'Invalid Viewstate Validation MAC' message

For reference, my GridView is defined as follows:


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MVC :: How To Persist The State Of Html.RadioButton() Through Postbacks

Jul 20, 2010

how to make radiobuttons created using Html.RadioButton("id","value") maintain its checked state through postbacks?

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JQuery - How To Maintain The State Of Hidden UI Elements Across Postbacks

Jan 17, 2011

I'm working on a webform with various controls. Depending on user-input I show/hide (using JQuery's show()/hide() functions) bits of the GUI. However if the form is posted-back and fails validation, I want the GUI to remain in the same state it was pre-postback rather than returning to the first-load state. Obviously the ASP.Net controls retain state, but I have HTML containers that are pure client-side objects.

In attempting to design a solution I find myself heading towards the murky (and tricky-to-debug) realms of hidden form fields - more reminiscent of my pre-JQuery work than anything 21st Century :-(

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AJAX History Points Lost When Returning To Previous Page?

Jan 14, 2010

I am attempting to retrofit a web application that had a rudimentary, yet mostly effective navigation infrastructure that, when properly utilized, allowed navigating forward and backward through AJAX states and other pages through the use of additional <asp:Button> objects labeled "Back" to perform special code for restoring previous states. There was an elaborate stack push and pop algorithm for this. The effect was very similar to what is described in Diagram 1 (AStatex refers to an AJAX related state of the page). The reason for this is so that it takes away the reliance on the contrived Back button and so that accidentally hitting the browser's back button or hitting the Backspace key won't cause a loss of state.

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Persisting Checkbox State If Browser Back Is Clicked After Postbacks?

Feb 9, 2010

I've a checkbox with autopostback=true. If i check the checkbox the postback occurs and changes a label text. But if i click back in the browser the checkbox is not returning to its previous unchecked state. How can i bring back its state?

Can i write some JavaScript to persist the state of a control?

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State Management :: Viewstate Not Being Persisted Across Postbacks On Web User Control?

Mar 5, 2010

1) I found that my viewstate was not being persisted across postbacks for web user controls. I ensured that the Enable Viewstate property was set to true (of the page)

2) The Viewstate isnt being persisted on the 1st postback.

3) However, it is being persisted from the 2nd postback onwards.

I stepped through the code to ensure that the Viewstate had the 2 keys that I was adding on page load. However, on the 1st postback, the viewstate is empty. Everything is ok from the 2nd postback onwards.


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State Management :: Webcontrol Loosing Viewstate Information During Postbacks?

Feb 5, 2011

I am having tough time finding out this reason. I have a web control where i add some variable in viewstate. like viewstate["test"] = "1".

when i post back this viewstate no more exists in collection.


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Web Forms : File Upload Control State Can Be Maintained During Postbacks?

Jul 14, 2010

I have a requirement where i need to add file upload contorls dynamically.Intially i have a upload control in my page and button named 'Add fileupload' and another button named 'Upload'.the fileupload control is added dynamically when 'Add fileupload' button is clicked andUpload button is used to upload the files.when i click on 'Add fileupload' button after browsing the file to fileupload control, the new fileuplaod contorl has been adding successfully but the first fileupload control is empty.Can any one please help me how the state of fileuplaod control is maintained.Here is the code


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