AJAX :: Setting The ContextKey Value With A Hiddenfield Value?

Aug 27, 2010

I need to set the ContextKey value of an autocomplete control with the value of a hiddenfield in client side.I did try with

ContextKey = "hdnLoggedUserID.value" UseContextKey="true">

How can I get the value of the hiddenfield and set it to the ContextKey atribute ?

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Similar Messages:

AJAX :: ContextKey In AutoCompleteExtender?

Aug 24, 2010

How can I use the contextKey of an AutoCompleteExtender ? When I had a search, I got to know that using javascript we can fire the contextkey to the webservice writing this script and how to use it in webservice ????

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AJAX :: AutoComplete - Set ContextKey From Textbox

Mar 30, 2010

I need to have the contextKey determined by a TextBox. I am trying the approach by kirtid in

Both autoComplete and autoComplete2 are null.

What am I doing wrong?

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AJAX :: ContextKey Parameter Not Getting Passed To Web Service?

Jul 1, 2010

I am trying to use the Slideshowexternder control with a contextKey that I've set from a query string. I set the contextKey in the default.aspx.vb Page_Load as I've read in other posts, but I am still getting an error:

The server method 'GetSlides' failed with the following error: System.InvalidOperationException -- Invalid webservice call, missing vaule for parameter: 'ContextKey'


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AJAX :: Update SlideShowExtender's ContextKey Without Postback?

Mar 28, 2010

I have been struggled for a day without success. Also I am not sure is this possible, since I am not too familiar with Javascript. let me know is there a way to fix my problem. Here is my problem:

What I have is a datalist and at each row it contain an UpdatePanel and inside the UpdatePanel there are a button, a slideShowExtender with related controls and a hiddenField. The hiddenField stored a second contextKey value. At page load time the default contextkey already assigned to the slideShowExtender. What I want to achieve is when user clicked the button the slideShowExtender will switch the Contextkey with the hiddenField value so that the SlideShowExtender will display a new set of images.

So far I can make everything work as I want with server side function, which executed when the button onclick. However this will generate a whole page post back, which I want to avoid. So I was thinking of using client side Javascript to do the contextkey assign and then update the updatePanel, but I am not too familiar with Javascript so I can't get it working :(

Here is my current code:


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AJAX :: Update ContextKey Of AutoCompleteExtender That Is In A Gridview?

Jan 20, 2010

I need to know how to get a hidden field on my asp.net webpage into the ContextKey of a Ajax AutoCompleteExtender that is in a gridview

I guess i need to do something like:- (This does not work, but it will give you the idea)

if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
if (e.Row.RowState == DataControlRowState.Edit)
AutoCompleteExtender ace = (AutoCompleteExtender)e.Row.FindControl("AutoCompleteExtender1");
ace.ContextKey = "Test";
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("col_ItemDescription") %>'></asp:TextBox>
<cc1:AutoCompleteExtender ID="AutoCompleteExtender1" runat="server" CompletionInterval="500"
MinimumPrefixLength="1" ServiceMethod="GetCompletionList" TargetControlID="TextBox3"

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AJAX :: How To Pass Two Textbox Value To Contextkey In Autocomplete Extender

Nov 12, 2010

i am using autocomplete extender for three textbox.i want to pass the first two textbox value as a parameter to the webservice.How to do it using javascript?

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AJAX :: Refresh Slideshow Extender With New Contextkey Without Postback

Apr 8, 2010

I have a slideshow extender, I will change the slideshow extender's contextkey value by a button click event. So that after button click the slideshow will display different set of image. Originally with postback everything work fine, but I don't want the whole page to refresh.

So I put the slideshow extender inside an updatepanel with triggers target the button click event. Now the whole page didn't refresh and the slideshow extender's contextkey value did change (same code as before) after button click event. However the image set on the slideshow didn't change.

I think I am missing some sort of slideshow extender reload or refresh call but I am not sure how to do this? I didn't see any related property with slideshow extender...

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AJAX :: Cascading Drop Downs - Pre-Select Items (contextkey)

Jul 14, 2010

I have a problem with 3 cascading drop downs. They are on a content page, so I have a Master Page as well. They work just fine but once the user saves the data and then comes back to the same page, I would like to show them what was previously saved. How can I pre-select items in the drop downs that I get from my SQL server db? I tried jquery, javascript, vb code behind and no luck so far. I'm sure i'm doing something wrong. Here is my code:

I've been trying to send my webservice a contextkey for the first drop down. When I debug the webservice, and I manually enter a context key, i get the correct values back with the value that equals my context key having <isDefaultValue>True</isDefaultValue>.

Aspx page:


WebService (part of it that gets data for my first drop down):



Javascript (tried to set the context key here)[Code]....


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Not Able To Retain HiddenField Values When Using AJAX Updates In .Net

Aug 20, 2010

I have a hidden field which is used to count the number of times "Load Grid" button is clicked. Load Grid button and the grid view are in update panel as shown below.


Code behind:
public partial class ajaxGridSort : System.Web.UI.Page
public string sortOrder
get [code]....
Each time user clicks on load grid or try to sort in the grid, I am loosing the hidden field values. Can you please help me understand why am I loosing hidden field data on AJAX postback and please provide the solution for this issue?

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AJAX :: Reset HiddenField If AutoCompleteExtender Returns No Results?

Oct 20, 2010

i need to be able to reset a HiddenField's value if my AutoCompleteExtender returns no results (specifically, if the user searches for something that's not in the list/database). I have this JS code now:


How would I modify this to check if the list is null? Currently it seems to just leave the value as it was previously.

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AJAX :: Add ModalPopupExtender On A Web Page - Webmethod "contextKey" Is Getting Passed As Null?

Jun 6, 2010

I have added aiax ModalPopupExtender on a web page


to fetch data to popup control dynamically I used webservice [WebMethod]public string getIssueDetails(string contextKey){ } But before that I set ModalPopupExtender1.DynamicContextKey = "1_1_60"; in code behind.But problem is in webmethod "contextKey" is getting passed as null.

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Forms Data Controls :: Update The AutoCompleteExtender ContextKey In A Gridview?

Jan 20, 2010

I need to know how to get a hidden field on my asp.net webpage into the ContextKey of a gridview AutoCompleteExtenderI guess i need to do something like:- (This does not work, but it will give you the idea)

if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
if (e.Row.RowState == DataControlRowState.Edit)


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Use Different Name In Asp : Hiddenfield?

Jan 7, 2011

I have a for which is built within an ASP.net usercontrol. This form is then used within a CMS as part of integration with a merchant gateway. The gateway requires that a number of hiddenfields be passed in which is fine in the main however one of these needs to be called Profile. The CMS I am using also defines a global variable called Profile and as such when I try and add a hidden field with this ID I get errors.

Is there a way of setting the 'name' property to Profile, and the ID to something different?

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AJAX :: Setting Focus On 2.psotback With Ajax And Usercontrols?

Aug 13, 2010

I have a problem setting focus on a usercontrol in asp.

I have a masterpage with a script manager and a few contentpages. On two of the contentpages I have a usercontrol. Inside this control I have a updatepanel that has another usercontrol that has a asp:textbox, aka TheTextBox. I need those pages to set the focus to TheTextBox.

The innermost usercontrol sets focus in page_prerender: ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Page).SetFocus(TheTextBox);

Now this works on the first pageload, and the second. But not on the third load! And i cant really understad why, but I'm guessing that its because the 2nd postback is renderd inside an updatepanel and somehow that cause the setfocus to not trigger propperly after the 2nd postback.

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Javascript - HiddenField Value Changes Via Client?

Mar 16, 2011

I'm using HiddenField in my Asp.net Page and store some value in it. but user can changes it's value via firefox Firebug in client side and enter an invalid value in it. so when user presses the submit button in the web page,invalid data will recieve in server side and invalid data will store in my database.

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C# - Add Session Value To HiddenField Placed In Web Control?

Jul 15, 2010

<asp:HiddenField ID="mypostID" runat="server" Value=""/>

I wanted to ask if I could do something like:

<asp:HiddenField ID="mypostID" runat="server" Value="<% Response.Write(Session["ïd"])%>"/>

I cannot access the session from the user control code behind but if I put a Respose.Write on the page itself it shows the session value.

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MVC :: How To Access Data In HiddenField

Mar 2, 2011

i have this line of code

<%= Html.Hidden("ContentItem.ContentType.ContentTypeId", item.ContentType.ContentTypeId)%>

How do i get that value or access its data in my controller?

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How To Save Asp:HiddenField Value Across Postback

Oct 18, 2010

How can I save asp:HiddenField value across postback?

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C# - How To Save Object To HiddenField In .NET

Dec 12, 2010

I have updatePanel and hiddenField in it. I need to save object to hiddenField without full pastback (only updatePanel updating).ViewState can't help, because it works only with full postback.

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JQuery :: Get The GridView HiddenField Value?

Dec 28, 2010

I'm making a GridView with like 12 fields and about 8 of them are hidden. I want to display those 8 as details of each row when I select the row with a button. I already have the jQuery function that someone in this forum gave me a couple weeks ago, it is working perfectly fine. The problem I have is that I don't get the value of the BoundField that is visible =False I just get the closest BoundField value of the index that I request (the next of the hidden one). I have used a TemplateField with a HiddenField and I have the same problem. There is some way to get those HiddenField? This is the code that I'm using:


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State Management :: How To Use HiddenField To Keep TabID

Jul 13, 2010

I have the following code. I can't use updatepanels to keep the tabs, so I want to use a hiddenfield to keep the ID and on the code behind tab it on the page load. How do I use a hiddenfield in the following code to keep the tabID?

General Site Layout Marketing Payments Channels

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C# - Calling Event With HiddenField In .NET Without Scripts?

Jul 8, 2010

Looks like the "asp:HiddenField" doesn't have an "AutoPostBack" property, and I'm having problems with the "OnValueChanged" event... I need to call a function (C#) when I populate the hidden field, but in my case nothing happens. And I cannot use any scripts.

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What Is The Use Of The Visible Property In The Case Of A HiddenField

Dec 18, 2010

The Visible property, as I understand it, helps to enable or disable the visibility of a control.

But what is its use in the case of the HiddenField control in ASP.NET?

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Web Forms :: Asp Hiddenfield Values To Other Pages?

Jun 15, 2010

I want to send some data to other pages using asp hiddenfields.Page1.aspx:

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="txt" runat="server">


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