AJAX :: Sys.Application.add_init - Explore Two Functions?

Mar 31, 2011

i seen fucntion for javasctipt several times like Sys.Application.add_init,Sys.Webform.PagerequestManager etc. i alredy understandind that two functions.but i like to explore more functions like that. is that Jquery functions or some thing else?can some one send me list of functions?

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AJAX :: RegisterScriptDescriptors Creating Two Add_init Calls?

Mar 21, 2011

When I view the source of the generated HTML page I see two add_init call being generated by the RegisterScriptDescriptors call in my custom AJAX control. When I removed the register line it doesn't generate any add_init method calls. Here are the PreRender and Render methods since they seem to be the one's driving the creation.


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C# - Controlling Browser Forward / Back Functions In Web Application?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm writing a web-based application for internal use within the business where I work. It's a fairly complex application, with a lot of forms that will allow the user to view and enter data, which once saved will be stored in a database.

One thing I'm anxious to avoid is allowing a situation to exist where a user might enter large amounts of data in the browser, and then (either deliberately or inadvertently) navigate off the page without saving the changes. To this end, I have already implemented an entry page which opens up a new browser window in which there are no navigation controls at all; only what is provided on the web pages themselves.

However, there are two potential ways in which a user could still lose data:

The browser Close button is still enabled, and a user could potentially lose work by clicking it inadvertently. I can probably live with this, as it falls at the extreme end of helping the user not to shoot himself in the foot. In Internet Explorer (and, apparently, in Firefox) the Backspace button works like a Back button. I only discovered this accidentally, and have as yet been unable to find a simple way of stopping this behaviour. This is potentially a problem, as an inadvertent use of the Delete key (e.g. having positioned the cursor in a read-only textbox, or when the cursor isn't on any particular field in the page) will navigate off the page.

What I would like to do, as a minimum, is prevent Backspace from navigating off a page if that page has any user-writable fields on it and any of those fields have been changed by the user since the form was loaded. Ideally, I would like to disable this particular use of the Backspace key completely, while the user is logged into this web application. The two possible ways that I can think of, for achieving this, are: (1) clear the browser's history as each page is loaded, or (2) trap the Backspace key and only allow it to work if the cursor is positioned within a field whose text can be changed (e.g. a textbox).

how I could achieve either of these things? The solution needs to be programmatic, rather than something that has to be manually configured on every browser in the company.

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Internet Explore Is Unresponsive While Loading A Large Page?

Apr 23, 2010

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AJAX :: AsyncFileUpload OnClient Functions

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<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
<asp:AsyncFileUpload ID="AsyncFileUpload1" runat="server" [code]....

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Ajax Event Bind To Two Functions

Apr 12, 2010

I wanted to know if there's a way I can bind an Asp.net Ajax event to two different JS functions ?


var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
if (!prm.get_isInAsyncPostBack())
function InitalizeRequest() { ... }
function InitalizeRequest2() { ... }

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AJAX :: AsyncFileUpload Javascript Functions Not Working?

Oct 31, 2010


What's wrong with it?

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Visual Studio :: .aspx Page When Browsed With Chrome Browser Works Fine But With IE8 It Displays "Internet Explore?

Sep 5, 2010

I have VS 2008 installed and have IE8 browser as well as google chrome browser.However wheneever i try to run a .aspx page in solution explorer of VS with the browse with.. options,the page runs fine with chrome browser but not with IE8.The IE browser shows the error "Ineternet explorer cannot display the page".I have set the IE as the default browser in the browse with ... option of the VS 2008.

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C# - How To Fetch Return Values Between Jquery Functions And Post Ajax Jquery Request To Webservice

Aug 26, 2010

I have the following code where the function codeaddress geocodes the text feild value and returns geocoded value , geocoded value is stored in variable example ,how will i return the variable v2 to the function call and post to asmx webservice.


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Feb 10, 2010

I have a VS2K8 solution with a web app and a WCF Service App. In my web app I've added the service reference and can get to the service in the service app from code behind:

WebTest.ServiceReference1.Service1Client prox = new
fromStandAlone.InnerHtml = prox.GetData(9);

how to add an AJAX Enabled WCF service to the service app and how to access it from the web app?

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MVC :: Have 2 Functions One For Post One For Get?

Dec 23, 2010

it is possible to make 2 functions with the same name (and the same overload.. lets say both doesnt get anything in and return an action result)in the same controllerone for t
ne for get

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Web Forms :: Looking For Common Functions?

Dec 20, 2010

is there any websites that holds common functions such as Check the input is string or not, convert date in different format etc.,?

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Calling JavaScript Functions?

Sep 28, 2010

I am trying to call some javascript functions which I ahve written in some file. Eg.

function OpenPopup() {
return false;

when I call this from button from OnClientClick = "OpenPopup()" it is not called but when I put this function on MasterPage it is able to call the function.I added this is the MasterPages's Head

<script src="Scripts/something.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

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Where To Define Common Functions

Jan 22, 2010

where should commonly used utility functions (to be used in multiple .aspx files) be coded? I currently have these common funcs in an .ascx user control that's referenced in each .aspx file.

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How To Merger Two Functions Into One Function

Jul 17, 2010

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Printing Document Functions?

Feb 4, 2010

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C# - Javascript Functions In .ascx?

Feb 3, 2011

I've looked at about 5 Questions here on SOF and haven't really found a useful answer for this. How am I supposed to invoke my javascript functions from client-side events in my .ascx controls? Here is my .ascx file.. what most the answers have led me to:

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="UIMenu.ascx.cs" Inherits="controls_UIMenu" %>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function insetItem(myMenu)
myMenu.setAttribute("class", "myClass");.......

I'm getting different errors when doing it this way. ".....ascx does not contain a definition for "insetItem"", and my other pages that use this file don't recognize it anymore. When I try to put the js on the actual .aspx pages that will be using it, I get the same no definition error.

I just started learning jscript, still pretty noob. I'm trying to make it so when the user down clicks a menu item, I want that item's borderstyle to change to "inset". I'm not sure how to change that attribute for the specific item that gets clicked either in javascript >_< but that's another question.

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.net - Most Commonly Used Extensions Functions In Asp C#?

Mar 3, 2010

I am an ASP.NET C# web developer.The architecture followed is 3 layer The layers used are

1. UI
2. BLL (Sometimes Communicating with BLL is done using WebServices)
3. DAL
Pretty basic stuff.

What I would really like to have is a BLL.Common class in the BusinessLogics.Here I would like to use some useful extensions and helper functions that we use in almost all applications.

An example will IsNullOrEmpty extension.

Which are the helper functions most commonly used by developers?It would be better if I could get a list.

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SQL Server :: Using Functions In A Query?

Feb 19, 2011

How we use a function in a sql query.me some example of using functions in query.Please donot provide me example for using inbuilt sql aggregate functions.Please give some userdefined sql functions example in a query.

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Architecture :: Adding My Own Functions To Web?

Dec 4, 2010

I am using silverlight, vs 2010, and need to write some basic functions.

Some of the functions are getting a string and find if it's odd or even, and some of them getting status from database.What is the best way doing so : Javascript, ASP.NET, AJAX?

Need an example of code, that also include some dlls/assemblies,

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Web Forms :: How To Call Sci Lab Functions

Apr 12, 2013

How to call Sci lab functions in Asp.Net. How to downlaod its API

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Which Functions Are Required To Connect To The Database?

Nov 1, 2010

I was assigned a task on creating a web application that connects and display database information on a grid view. My supervisor suggested me to download .NET pet shop 4.0 to serve as a template for my project.As I only have limited basic knowledge on C# and HTML codings, the .NET pet shop 4.0 is too difficult and complex for me to understand. So I have a few questions:

Which functions are required to connect to the database? Which functions display information of the database? How do I change the categories of the .NET pet shop 4.0? If I want to add a grid view to display the records instead of listing informations of the products, where should I add the code and how will it roughly look like?

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Calling Functions In A Master Page?

Jun 4, 2010

I have an .aspx.cs page in my solution and I'm trying to call a function which is located in a Master page.Would anyone be able to offer any pointers on how to achieve this as I cannot figure it out - thought it would have been fairly straight forward!

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Finding Meaning And Functions Of Codebehind?

Aug 11, 2010

I was asked by my office non Web Developers what is the meaning of CODEBEHIND and where about is it referring to.

Here are the 2 sets of sample coding:

Coding from HTML



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String Functions In IIS Url Rewrite Module

Jun 11, 2010

The IIS URL Rewrite Module ships with 3 built-in functions:

* ToLower - returns the input string converted to lower case.
* UrlEncode - returns the input string converted to URL-encoded format. This function can be used if the substitution URL in rewrite rule contains special characters (for example non-ASCII or URI-unsafe characters).
* UrlDecode - decodes the URL-encoded input string. This function can be used to decode a condition input before matching it against a pattern.

The functions can be invoked by using the following syntax:

The question is: can this list be extended by introducing a Replace function that's available for changing values within a rewrite rule action or condition?

Another way to frame the question: is there any way to do a global replace on a URL coming in using this module?

It seems that you're limited to using regular expressions and back-references to construct strings - i.e. there's no search/replace mechanism to replace every instance of X with Y in {REQUEST_URI}, without knowing how many instances there are.

I've had a quick glance at the extensibility introduced in the 2.0 RTW and don't see any 'light' means of introducing this.

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