Ajax Control Toolkit - TabContainer Always Hidden?

Mar 28, 2011

I used the following code to add TabContainer to page

<asp:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server">

<asp:TabPanel runat="server" HeaderText="tab one" ID="TabPanel0">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

<asp:TabPanel runat="server" HeaderText="tab two" ID="TabPanel1">
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />


but when the page is rendered TabPanel is always Hidden,I wateched the html code by Firebug and found visibility is hidden... what is the problem? http://i.imgur.com/m1eSW.jpg

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Similar Messages:

AJAX Control Toolkit Tabcontainer Is Not Working?

Mar 8, 2010

I am using Tabcontainer of AJAX Control Toolkit . The problem is that, i have 10 tabpanels. I want to show this tabs in two lines, first 5 in one line, second 5 tabs in another line.

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AJAX :: TabContainer Body Border Doesn't Work For Hidden Div Inside Tabcontainer

Dec 17, 2010

I use a border for the TabContainer body which works fine.


also I use three hidden divs and one visible div inside a main div which works as body of Tabcontainer

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit + Tabcontainer: How To Set Values In Controls Using Javascripts

Dec 31, 2010

am trying put values using javascript function but for some reason that is not working and the values are lost :(what i am trying do?, from the tabchanged event I ask if the user want return to the last loaded tab and go to the functionNavigateToLastLoadedTab


after to run this method i don't know how the browser is cleaning the values from the control :(.

var tabs = $find('<%=Tabs.ClientID%>');

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AJAX :: How To Lazy Loading Using Ajax Toolkit TabContainer Control

Jul 22, 2010

At present we are using <ajax:TabContainer> to load tabs. I have 5 user controls inside <ajax:TabPanel>.

The problem is that all the data on these 5 pages gets loaded at once and increases the loading time as well as it is very hard to debug. Can we do lazy loading uisng TabContainer control? so that only the data of the current tab is loaded and when we click on the other tab then that's control data gets loaded.

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit Is Hidden From The Toolbox?

Mar 1, 2011

I downloaded and installed AJAX Control Toolkit, following this link


The tab doesn't show on the Toolbox. I right clicked at the Toolbox and select Show All. The tab and the controls shows up but all controls are gray out, look like disable. How can I make enable?

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C# - TabContainer In The AJAX Toolkit

Sep 20, 2010

Having a strange issue with the TabContainer in the AJAX Toolkit. We have several views into a customer record system that we have built as ASP.net controls. These controls use UpdatePanels to load data asynchronously. We use jQuery and jquery.ui to place these controls in separate tabs on a single page. Which all works swimmingly. Lately, I've gotten a little tired of the jQuery tab hackish approach and decided to port everything to use the TabContainer. I want to be able to control the tabs as objects.

At first glance, everything works perfectly. I just slapped the controls into tabs in a TabContainer and everything looked great. However, for some reason, databound controls are losing their data. For instance, grid views vanish when I switch pages. A drop down control with an OnTextChanged event, loses its databound list of values upon post back. Something about the TabContainer -> Custom Control -> UpdatePanel -> Control that uses data binding heirarchy is throwing it out of whack and the debugger isn't shedding any light. It seems like control state isn't being stored. I don't really know enough about control state to know what to look for. Here is the markup for the TabContainer:

<asp:TabContainer ID="tcBanner" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" Width="100%"
EnableViewState="False" ScrollBars="Vertical">
<asp:TabPanel runat="server" HeaderText="Comments" ID="tbComments">
<luBannerControl:Comments ID="commentsTabContent" runat="server" />
<asp:TabPanel runat="server" HeaderText="General" ID="tbContact">
<luBannerControl:Contact ID="contactTabContent" runat="server" />
Here is the markup for one of the controls:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="pnlComments" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server">
<asp:GridView ID="CommentsGridView" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="20" DataSourceID="BannerSqlDataSource" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" GridLines="None" CssClass="CommentGrid" HeaderStyle-CssClass="CommentGridHeader" RowStyle-CssClass="CommentRowsEven" AlternatingRowStyle-CssClass="CommentRowsOdd">
<asp:BoundField DataField="SPRCMNT_TEXT" HeaderText="Comment" SortExpression="SPRCMNT_TEXT" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="SPRCMNT_DATE" HeaderText="Created" SortExpression="SPRCMNT_DATE" DataFormatString="{0:M/dd/yyyy}" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="SPRCMNT_CMTT_CODE" HeaderText="Type" SortExpression="SPRCMNT_CMTT_CODE" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="SPRCMNT_CTYP_CODE" HeaderText="Source" SortExpression="SPRCMNT_CTYP_CODE" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="sprcmnt_user_id" HeaderText="User" SortExpression="sprcmnt_user_id" />
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="txtSearch" EventName="TextChanged" />
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="btnClearFilter" EventName="Click" />

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AJAX :: Set A TabContainer To Hidden / Visible

Feb 10, 2011

how to set a TabContainer to hidden/visible. I have tried placing it in a div and in a panel, but when I hide these (style="visibility: hidden;"), the Tabcontainer stays visible! Setting the style of the TabContainer itself doesn't work.

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AJAX :: Can't Select Different Tabs On Toolkit's TabContainer

Oct 1, 2010

I've been searching the net for the past 3 days looking for solutions for this... but apparently it is only happening to me... As far as I've seen (even in this video: [URL], TabContainer/TabPanel is pretty much drag & drop. But for some so far unknown reason, I can't click on the tabs to change them, and I can't see the selected tab(there is no difference in the rendering of the tabs to show selected tab).

Is there any javascript function that I have to add to my page by default to make it work?

This is the way the tabContainer is being rendered:

As you can see, even though we know tab 1 is selected, the 3 buttons look the same. And when you try to click "Tab Two" or "Tab Three", it is as if the tabs were read-only...

My code is as follows... The optional properties that I setted, such as Enabled="true" on the tabpanels, are the tries I've done these past 3 days to fix the problem... And I made all TagPrefix="asp" just to make matters simple!


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AJAX :: Modal Popup Hidden Behind Tabcontainer Controls On The Tab Stay Active?

Feb 22, 2010

I wrote a page using a tabcontainer to display different functionality. On the main page I have a modal popup used for login. In ie8 everything works fine, but in IE7 the modal popup is hidden behind the tabcontainer and the controls on the tab stay active.

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AJAX :: Chrome Update - Toolkit TabContainer Disappears On Button Click.

Sep 10, 2010

Yesterday (Thursday Sep 10th 2010) I was happy to have a TabContainer working fine on a simple page as im learning to use it.

On the page was:

1) Ajax Script manger.
2) 1 command button (it would make label1.text = "hello world"
3) A Ajax TabContainer with 2 tabs...
4) Label1

That was it and it was working fine in Chrom and IE Woohoo.. I go home...

This morning I load it up to keep working way and doing more with it.... Chrome is my default browser, it loads and I click tab2 then tab 1 all is well.... I click Butto1 and the hole TabContainer disapears..

After much dinging I find it still works in IE but that my Chrome has updated (on its own): (I notice only one ICON in Chrome in the uper right corner by the addres bar... Only the Wrench ICON, No more Page ICON.. So I check and sure enough Chrome did a push to V 6.0.472.55.. Anyhow thats the difference and now TabContainer goes poof/disappears when clicking a button that refeshes the page.

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Ajax Toolkit Combobox Doesn't Work In Hidden Div?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a combobox inside a hidden div which I use css display = none to make it invisible, but when I make the div visible by setting display = block, the combobox just show the input and its button and ul list all have css as display = 'none', visibility ='hidden'.

I can tell it is done by combobox inbuild javascript because I tried to use javascript to set the css manually with no luck. It is a bug of combobox. I spent a week to solve this, and our team put a lot trust on the toolkit.

Below is the code to reproduce the bug. When you run it, you can't see the dropdown:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1._Default" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="asp" %>
<asp:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" runat="server">
<div id="d" style="display:none">
<asp:ComboBox ID="ComboBox1" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<div ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="show();">click me</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function show() {
var d = $get('d');
d.style.display = 'block';

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AJAX :: Control ToolKit / Error Using The Numeric UpDown Control From Ajax Control Toolkit?

Dec 8, 2010

I am Getting the following error using the Numeric UpDown Control from Ajax Control Toolkit.
Assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit, Version=3.0.30512.20315, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=28f01b0e84b6d53e' contains a Web resource with name 'AjaxControlToolkit.NumericUpDown.NumericUpDownBehavior.debug.js', but does not contain an embedded resource with name 'AjaxControlToolkit.NumericUpDown.NumericUpDownBehavior.debug.js'.

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AJAX :: Use Tab Control / Learn About TabContainer For 3.5?

Jan 20, 2010

First time ever I am using a ajax tapcontainer control. To learn some info I went to look for the video hosted by asp.net about how to use tab control.

The one I am using it seems different. I am using AjaxToolkit 3.5 in VS 2008.

So is there any place I can learn about tabContainer for 3.5.

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AJAX :: Removing Border For TabContainer Control?

Jan 6, 2010

i am developing an appilication using ASP.NET with C#. in my application i have used Tabcontainer control.

for that i have to remove the border.

so i had applied the style to the TabContainer control as

<style type="text/css">
.CustomTabStyle .ajax__tab_body{border:0;}</style><cc1:TabContainer ID="ItemTabContainer" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" CssClass="ajax__tab_inner"></cc1:TabContainer>

but when i use this, the border for header of the TabContainer also removed.as per my requirement i have to remove only the left,right and down border of the control and header will remain the same.

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AJAX :: How To Put Cursor When Change Tab Control In Tabcontainer

Feb 9, 2010

I am using TabContainer in my aspx page ,i am using 5 tabs and i want to put the cursor in every first textbox when i change tabs .

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AJAX :: Run Javascript Control Inside Tabcontainer?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm working on a web where i have a Tabcontainer in which I only use two tabs, and what i do there is that I added a control to show virtual keyboard (VK) for use with tablet PC or mouse, it will appear when a textbox is onFocus.

The problem is that when I add the control VK inside a Tabpanel, run the page, and when I focus the textbox inside the Tabpanel, it doesn't appear the VK, but i try using outside the tabpanel and it work. I also added an updatepanel inside the Tabpanel, and moved the textbox and VK control there, but is the same, it doesn't appear the VK.

i will show my web code and a link to the VK control web, cause I think it have to be a way to call the keyboard in client-side mode, but i tryed all i know and nope, isn't showing the VK.


The web VK control: [URL]

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AJAX :: How To Dynamically Add Tabs To TabContainer Control

May 7, 2015

Dynamically add Tab Pages to tab control in Web form using asp.net and c# ...

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AJAX :: TabContainer With User Control Inside Not Displaying?

Mar 5, 2011

I have an ajax tabcontainer on a master page that has a user control inside one of its tabs.The user control is just a gridview that gets a list populated from a DB table.The strange thing is that the gridview is displaying in VS, but when I build the site the tab is empty; no error message just nothing.Below is the code for the tab in my master page:



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AJAX :: Change Background Color Of Tab Of TabContainer Control

Jul 31, 2013

Tabs.Tabs.Item(1).Font.Italic = True
Tabs.Tabs.Item(1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red

i have the above code for changing the background color of a tab of tabcontainerbut the color doesnot change

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How To Remove The Space Inserted Automatically In Ajax Control Toolkit Tab Panel Control

Mar 29, 2010

The Ajax control toolkit tab panel automatically inserts a space by all four corners of the body. For example, go to http://www.asp.net/ajax/ajaxcontroltoolkit/Samples/Tabs/Tabs.aspx and look at the TabPanel on the page. The is a space before "Signature:" and "Bio:" labels. How can I set the space-width to 0px; in the tabPanel body?

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C# - Ajax Control Toolkit Modal Popup Extender Target Control Causes Postback

Jul 29, 2010

When I click the button to open the modal popup it shows the popup but then continues and forces a postback causing the page to reload and the modal popup to be hidden again.Here is the markup for the control:

<asp:Button id="LoginOpenButton" runat="server" Text="Login"/>

<asp:Panel ID="ContentPanel" runat="server" CssClass="modalPopup">
<fieldset> [code]....

My script manager has no properties other than the id and runat set.

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit 40412 / Trying To Use The Calendar Control In A Local Internet Enviroment?

Aug 9, 2010

I'm trying to use the Calendar control in a local intranet enviroment, so I need to put all the Javascript files locally, I've downloaded the Ajax Control Toolkit 40412 source code and extracted the Scripts from

"..AjaxControlToolkit_9c860ac12ae9SampleWebSitesAjaxClientWebSiteScripts",so I write the following code


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AJAX :: Control Validation In Page With Ajax Control Toolkit?

Nov 5, 2010

i have a page with some control like update panel and cascading dropdownlist. I have added some asp require validators but it does not working.

I have an asp image button with a postback url set. When i click on this button, the validations does not occurs and the application goes to the next page.

I am using the asp.net ajax validators too.

this is the event of the button:


this is the code of one of the DDL



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Error Using Editor Control From Ajax Control Toolkit / Value Cannot Be Null Or Empty

Mar 27, 2011

When trying to use the editor control i'm getting the following error:

Value cannot be null or empty.

Parameter name: elementID

Here's my HTML:


I'm using asp.net 4 with ajax control toolkit for version 4.

I believe the error is talking about the routing I have. Is there something special I have to do if I want to use the toolkit and custom routing?

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